Trace accompanied me to parking lot (despite my protests), and I was grateful for his help. I was still a bit woozy and probably wouldn’t have made it out there successfully on my own. We just stood there quietly on the curb in front of the high school, waiting for my father to show up. I wasn’t sure why, but I felt shyer than usual at that moment. Maybe it was because Trace hadn’t cleared up that misunderstanding with the nurse earlier---or perhaps I was still shocked that he had “accidentally” felt me up. Overall, I was unsure of how I should act towards him…but I wasn’t in the greatest shape to analyze anything at the moment so I just kept quiet about the issues.
When my father finally pulled into the visitors parking lot, I broke the awkward silence between us. “Well, he’s here,” I said slowly.
“Yeah…” Trace mumbled, as he glanced over at me. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay? I can come over if you want?”
I grinned at his offer. “That’s very nice of you, but what could you possibly do to help me with this huge lump on my head?”
He shrugged and replied, “We could play a game or something?”
“I don’t think I’ll be up for any game playing tonight,” I responded with a laugh. “Besides, don’t you have that party to go to?”
Trace’s eyes darted to the ground before he said, “Oh, yeah…but I don’t have to go to that, Jade.”
I shook my head and replied, “Go, Trace. You want to go---so go.”
“I’d rather be with you tonight,” Trace said, as he grabbed hold of my hands.
I bit my lip and glanced over at my father, who was parked and waiting for me. “I don’t think my dad would be too thrilled about that idea, especially after I almost cracked my head open. He’ll most likely be hovering all night anyways.”
“Okay.” Trace nodded, and he let go of my hand gently. “I guess I’ll just talk to you later then?”
“Alright,” I replied softly. “Thank you for everything today, Trace. I really appreciate it.” After giving him a sweet smile, I began to walk away. It was when I moved halfway across the parking lot that I heard him running after me.
“Jade, wait!” He called out.
I froze and turned around, surprised by the frantic look in his eyes. “What’s wrong, Trace?” I asked him anxiously.
Dragging a hand through his brown hair, he replied, “Nothing. There’s just something I have to do first---before I can let you leave.”
“Huh---” I began to ask, but I was cut off as Trace pulled me into a tight embrace. I simply stood there, dumbfounded. I didn’t know what to do…but I was so happy! His arms circled me tightly and I couldn’t suppress the sigh that had formed in my throat. I laid my head comfortably against his chest and closed my eyes as I enjoyed the warmth of his hug. I could’ve remained in his arms forever.
Then, Trace let go of me and I was forced back to reality. His face was beat red as he said, “Your dad is waiting…”
“Right, yeah…I forgot about him,” I replied breathlessly. I gazed down at the concrete and prayed that my father wasn’t observing the two of us. If he was, I would never hear the end of it.
Trace slyl dipped his head down towards my ear and whispered, “You give nice hugs, Jade Cannon.”
Now it was my turn to flush red. “Thanks,” I replied. “So do you.”
He gave me his charming trademark grin and said, “I’ll call you later tonight.”
I nodded and watched as Trace headed towards the front entrance of the school. “Bye!” I yelled after him, absolutely overwhelmed by what had just happened between us. Could it be? Did he actually forgive me for acting so foolishly the other day? He must have; he wouldn’t have held me that way if he didn’t!
On the walk over to my father’s car, my mind suddenly wheeled with doubt. If only I knew for certain how he felt. Maybe if he told me that he didn’t want Gloria, I could finally get rid of all the fear and uncertainty I felt about our relationship. And Gloria---well, I could possibly ignore her if I knew that he wanted me instead. I would’ve loved to see the look on her face if she had witnessed the two of us clinging to each other. She would’ve been so pissed!
After I climbed into the passenger seat of my father’s car, he turned and glanced at me, and an odd expression was etched on his face. Oh dear, he’d seen us.
“I know what you’re going to say, Dad---but please don’t,” I told him swiftly, staring out the window. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Thank God,” he mumbled as he started up the car.
We pulled away from the school and drove home in silence---neither of us mentioning the scene between Trace and I. I was grateful to him for giving me some time to myself, because although I said I didn’t want to talk about it, I thought about Trace’s hug the entire ride home.
I GOT A CALL FROM HEIDI as soon as I got home. She sounded aggravated and upset, and I was sure she had heard about my accident at school. When I asked her about what was troubling her though, she told me it had to do with Jason (big surprise) but she wouldn’t go into detail. Typical Heidi. Had to lengthen the drama.
After a few minutes of listening to her grumble and curse nonsense, I finally asked, “So, what’d he do?”
“Everything!” Heidi screamed into the phone, causing my left ear to twitch.
“Okay…” I replied slowly. “But what exactly?”
Heidi gave me one of her big melodramatic sighs before she finally divulged everything. She told me that she saw Jason talking with Lana before gym today, jumping to conclusions before Jason had time to sort her out. Apparently, she’d gotten the wrong idea about why the two of them were hanging out together. Heidi then proceeded to tell me that Jason was going to Lana’s party later tonight, before she started whining that she hated Lana Mills. I prayed to God that I didn’t sound like her when I was complaining about Gloria, but I had a scary feeling that I did.
“So, you’re mad because he’s going without you?” I asked her hastily, when she’d paused to take a breath.
“What? No! I’m going with him!” She replied hotly. “Do you think I’d let him go alone, Jade? With that tramp there?”
I was confused about everything she’d just said; I didn’t understand why she was so upset if she was going with him to the party. I knew that Heidi wasn’t a big fan of Lana’s---I mean, neither was I---but to go all ballistic over nothing really wasn’t like her. Oh wait, yes it was.
“Can’t you see how terrible this is, Jade?” Heidi whined, and I rolled my eyes at her overly dramatic tone.
“Uh, sure,” I lied.
As I clicked my tongue against my cheek, I remembered that Trace said he was going to Lana’s party tonight too. My mind juggled with the idea of asking Heidi to play private eye, but I kind of felt guilty for even considering the idea---especially after how kind he’d acted earlier. I should just give Trace the benefit of the doubt and trust him. Besides, we weren’t a couple or anything; it wasn’t really any of my business to know what he did with his free time. But then Gloria’s wicked face popped into my head, and I came to the rational conclusion that it wouldn’t do Trace any harm if Heidi watched over him for me. It would only be for a little while anyways…
“Hey, Heidi,” I started off my request slowly, trying to ask her without sounding paranoid. “Could you do me a favor tonight?”
“Oh, don’t worry, Jade. I won’t be drinking,” she announced proudly.
I frowned at her remark and replied, “No, that’s not what I was going to ask you.”
“Then what is it?” She sounded curious.
After biting my lip shamefully, I forced myself to ask, “I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind checking up on Trace at the party tonight?”
There was silence on her end, and I thought maybe she hadn’t heard me.
“Heidi? You there?” I inquired nervously.
“Yeah, I’m here,” She said. “So, let me get this straight. You want me to spy on Trace?” Heidi aske
d me bluntly.
“No, Heidi!” I replied with a frown. “Not spy on him.”
She laughed at me and asked, “Okay? So what then?”
“Just watch out for him…and see that he doesn’t get into any trouble---”
“And make sure he stays away from Gloria Malone, right?” Heidi finished for me.
I wasn’t surprised that she figured out my agenda. “Yes, that too,” I replied with a sigh.
“Jade Cannon! I’m surprised at you!” Heidi said with a laugh. “I didn’t know you were this obsessed! Seriously though, you have nothing to worry about. Trace is crazy about you.”
“What? I am not obsessed, Heidi!” I denied hastily. “I just don’t trust Gloria where Trace is concerned. She’ll do anything to get her hooks into him! She’s a lying, two-faced---” I stopped myself from cursing and took a deep breath to steady my nerves. “Will you watch him for me or not?” I inquired irritably,
“Of course I will,” Heidi replied cheerfully. “Anything for you, best friend.”
“Thanks, Heidi,” I said, and exhaled deeply.
“No problem---but I need to get ready now. I’m going to wear that cute little black dress with the rhinestones. Jason is going to love it!” There was a long pause before she said, “Well, I’ll call you later tonight, Jade! Bye!”
“Okay. Bye,” I told her as I hung up the phone with a smile.
If Gloria tried to pull anything tonight I’d know about it, and I would be one step ahead of her. However, as I thought about it some more, I wondered what I would gain from hearing about her putting the moves on Trace. With a sigh, I lied down comfortably on my bed and wished I’d agreed to go to the party tonight. If I had been there with Trace I could’ve protected him from her guile; and I might have gone too, if I hadn’t ran into that damn door earlier! My head still sort of throbbed and I knew I was in no condition to party. Now I had no choice but to wait for Heidi’s call---and until I got that call I would worry all night.
IT WAS AROUND NINE O’FIVE WHEN HEIDI CALLED ME BACK, and I almost missed the call. I was in the bathroom drying off from the shower when I heard the loud ring of my cell vibrating along my bedroom walls. I rushed into my room frantically, my towel falling off my body as I grabbed the phone and screamed, “Hello?”
“Hey! Jade!” Heidi said happily over the line. I could hear loud music in the background mixed with the voices of other kids laughing and talking. For a second, I wished I could be there with her. I hadn’t been to a party in so long…not since eighth grade, I think. God, I was such a loser.
“What’s up?” I asked her eagerly; I couldn’t wait to hear all about Trace.
“This party is off the hook! You should’ve come, Jade!” She replied happily. “It is…so much fin!”
Raising my eyebrows at her comment, I asked, “Heidi, did you just say fin?”
“Huh? Fin who?” She mumbled, sounding sloshed.
I snickered and shook my head. And she said she wasn’t going to drink. “Never mind. How’s Trace?”
“Oh, he’s good.”
“Is he?” I inquired hopefully.
“Yep. He’s over by the kitchen, I think. Wait---no, he’s in the kitchen,” Heidi giggled suddenly. “The drinks are in the kitchen too, Jade. Jason made me this really nice pink drink. It’s really good!. He told me it’s a princess drink for me…cause I’m a princess!”
“That’s nice, Heidi,” I replied, biting my lip anxiously.
I felt a sudden rush of guilt for asking Heidi to spy on Trace, but the feeling passed when I realized I was doing it for his own good. He obviously couldn’t see Gloria for the conniving bitch she was. Somebody in this relationship had to be wise to her schemes.
I hoped I didn’t sound too demanding as I asked Heidi hastily, “Hey, could you go check on Trace for me? I just want to make sure he’s alright.”
“Yeah, sure. Hold on a second.” I heard scuffling on her end and a voice yell, “Watch out!” Then finally, Heidi came back on the line. “Okay, I found him for you, Jade.”
“And?” I pressed.
“He’s uh, here…in the kitchen.” Her voice sounded sort of grim, causing my heart to drop. A million scenarios ran through my mind, and I couldn’t help but worry.
“What is it, Heidi? What happened? Is Trace okay?” I asked her warily.
Heidi coughed and cleared her throat. “He’s fine, Jade. Just hanging out---”
“Oh? With who?” I interrupted her curiously.
“His friends,” she replied shortly. “You know, the people he usually hangs around with at school…the pops.”
The pops? Boy, was she really drunk. But, as intoxicated as she was, I was worried by Heidi’s behavior. She was being very elusive, which was like her but wasn’t. There was something happening that she didn’t want me to know about. It had to be something that was going to upset me.
“Heidi, what’s going on? Why are you acting so secretive?”
“I’m not, Jade,” she sighed. Then I heard rustling and a voice laugh---and I realized it sounded like Trace’s laugh! I was so close to him and yet so far.
I pressed my cell phone tightly to my ear, hoping to hear Trace’s voice again. “Heidi! Are you near Trace?” I asked her hastily.
“Yeah---hello? Jade, I’m not going to lie to you, okay?” She droned on, the loud sounds of the party vibrating against my ear. “I’ll just tell you the truth.”
“What’s happening?” I asked her nervously, afraid of what she was about to tell me.
I heard her take a deep breath. “Uh, well…I don’t know how to put this delicately so I’m going to just give it to you straight.”
“Okay?” I breathed, petrified.
“Jade, Trace is kind of with Gloria right now,” Heidi stated, and my heart dropped at the news. Of course he was with Gloria. How could I actually believe that I could keep the two of them apart?
Trying to keep my mind clear of any assumptions, I took a slow and much needed deep breath before I asked her, “What are they doing?”
“Just hanging out. That’s all.” She was having a hard time keeping her voice calm, and it was painfully obvious to me that she was lying. Heidi was a terrific actress and she could fool just about anyone---but not me. Ever since fifth grade, when she broke the arm off of one of my Barbie dolls and lied about it horribly, I knew when she was fibbing.
“Just tell me the truth!” I said fiercely, growing irritated with her.
“Okay, okay,” Heidi sighed. “There sitting really close to each other, and---” I heard her hiccup before she continued, “And Gloria is really working him, Jade. She has a hand on his shoulder and…she keeps leaning in towards his face. The girl moves fast.” She started to laugh and I was confused by her demeanor. Nothing that she had told me so far had been the least bit funny, but I realized it was probably the booze that was making her act this way.
“Heidi, is there anything else you want to tell me?” I asked her hastily. I was beyond furious and eager to end the call.
“No, nothing else. That’s all...”
I sighed, disappointed by the truth. “Okay, well I’m going to go now. Have fun.”
“I’m sorry, Jade,” Heidi stated quickly. “I didn’t want to tell you---but you asked.”
“I know, Heidi,” I whispered sadly, wishing that I hadn’t.
She hiccupped again. “But cheer up, Jade. It’ll be okay.”
I shook my head and replied angrily, “Gloria has devoted herself to destroying my life. She has Trace and I have nothing! It’s not going to be okay, Heidi.”
“Well, at least you have your health,” I heard her mumble before the line went dead. Glaring down at my cell phone as the screen blinked that the call had ended, I suppressed the urge to toss it at the wall. I fell down atop my bed, on the brink of screaming. I was fuming, stark raving mad! How could Trace do this to me? Especially after what he’d said earlier. This love-triangle between him, Gloria, and I, was ju
st insane. Our relationship---or whatever it was--- wasn’t doing me any good. Maybe I was right before, and I had to end it. For good this time.
AFTER PACING MY ROOM FOR ABOUT AN HOUR OR SO---terrible thoughts about Trace and Gloria racing through my mind---I decided to split and go take a walk. I figured it would help clear my head and give me some idea as to what I should do. As usual, I was in another tight spot. I knew that I had to take action soon, before I went into a downward spiral again. Who knew a guy could cause a girl so much stress?
But there was another reason as to why I wanted to get out of the house. My father had informed me earlier that Erika was coming over for a visit and he requested some alone time with her. Yuck. I guess he didn’t mind me wandering the darkened subdivision at night since his girlfriend was coming over to play. I didn’t mind leaving though; I definitely did not want to witness the two of them making out like they were two kids my age. I saw enough of that after the winter formal. With that gross information in hand, I hurried out of my house at full speed. I wasn’t sure where I was headed, but it didn’t matter to me so long as I was far away from my house. Seeing Erika would only worsen my mood anyways. She always knew how not to cheer me up.
I’d been walking for nearly ten minutes before I realized that someone was following close behind me. The streetlamps sent a large shadow alongside of mine, and my heart raced with fear. I dared not to turn around, but I hurried my pace and kicked my legs into high gear. After running for what seemed like an eternity, I ran out of breath and slowed down just as a playground came into view.
Without a moment’s hesitation, I ran over towards the slide and crawled up the ladder. Keeping my head low as I crouched down on the fort, I searched for my stalker in stealth. I peered around the street cautiously, but I found no one in sight. Whoever it was seemed to have left. After sighing with relief, I climbed down the ladder and landed on the ground carefully.
The Gossip Web Page 14