Gods From the Machine

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Gods From the Machine Page 28

by Andrew Ly

  “Fate has already proven that you two have come together against impossible circumstances before. Perhaps, now is the time to see if love can truly thrive against all odds. I’m not Peter, and I’m not going to tell you what to do because that’s for you to decide. However, I want you to think about what’s best for both of you.”

  “Where does he plan on sending me?” Nick said finally.

  “He wants you in Pailo. Sand country. Peter has a friend there who can help you with this. He’s pulled a lot of strings to get her to agree to do this personal favor,” Lucius said.

  “A friend?”

  “A former Garrison knight who became a demon sorceress, then reverted back to serving the side of justice. If anyone can help you control the demon within, it would be her,” Lucius said. “According to Peter, she’ll make you the best.”

  Nick took a breath. “So when would I get to come back?”

  “I’m not going to lie, but you know as well I that the world is a mess right now. With everyone exposed, there are a lot of fires we have to put out. Every Garrison has their hands full. If I were to estimate, I’d say completion of your training will take about three years, at the earliest. But that’s certainly a small price to pay when it will ensure that you will be in the best condition when you return.”

  “If we even have that luxury.”

  “I sense you disagree with this change in plans?” Lucius said.

  “What, do you honestly think Ozarael is going to sit there and wait to let me beat him? By the time I’m done, who knows how many lives will have paid for it! I don’t need more deaths on my conscience.”

  “Realize who you are talking to, Nick. I am an archangel and one of seven elite knights to hold that title in the world. As long as we stick by Peter’s plan, there’s no way it can fail. You’ll see. Three years will go by faster than you can imagine, and believe me, the demons will bide their time and the war will still be here when you return,” Lucius said.

  “I don’t have much choice then, do I?”

  “I’m afraid not. Now then, Peter has prepared your vehicle for travel as well as most of the supplies you’ll need along the way. You are expected to leave within the next few days after the lockdown ends. That should give you time to say your goodbyes before you go.”

  “Lucius, what if I can’t master Agrian?” Nick said.

  “You can do anything you put your mind to, Nick. If there is anyone with the will to do it, it would be you. Besides, think of what will be waiting for you when you come home,” Lucius said.

  Nick wandered out, walking aimlessly around their stronghold until he found himself back in the hospital wing of their Garrison. The full force of their conversation had hit him, and he was feeling less than enthused about what the future had in store. He needed someone to help take his mind off of this. He needed to talk to Matt.

  He went to look for his best friend in the infirmary wing. After talking to some of the medics, he was told that Matt had made a resounding recovery. He went to each one of their usual hangout spots until he eventually found him sitting with Joni and Daniel in the lounge among many other knights and soldiers. The soldiers around them were watching the screens that were covering the aftermath of the destruction in Hyperion.

  Matt looked up as he walked towards him, and his face lit with a grin. He stood and clapped. Everyone to turn their attention to Nick. Once all eyes were on him the entire room erupted in a resounding applause, with several people whooping and cheering his name. Receiving praise from his peers was unfamiliar territory for him, and Nick didn’t know how to react, except for smiling politely before taking his seat with his friends.

  “What’s going on?” he said.

  “Everyone knows you beat an Infernal. No other knight with such little experience could ever say that they accomplished what you did,” Matt said.

  “We’re just glad you’re safe, and you can leave all that behind you,” Joni said.

  “I have some other problems.”

  “Where is Alyssa?” Daniel asked.

  “That’s what I wanted to tell you guys. I’m getting transferred to Pailo as soon as they lift the lockdown,” Nick said.

  “They’re sending you away?” Daniel said.

  Nick nodded.

  “You saved millions from death. You’re a hero! They should be throwing you a damn parade!” Matt said.

  “Peter found out about me and Alyssa. I guess I should be glad he didn’t banish me.”

  “Nick, I’m so sorry. But you know Peter and how protective he is of Alyssa. How else did you think he would react?” Joni said.

  “Well, at least you’re not the only one getting transferred,” Daniel said. “After the Hyperion incident President Evans wanted Paul to go into hiding with him because of what’s currently happening. But you know how stubborn Paul is, and he refused, so Peter made an agreement to send him to the Coros Garrison.”

  “Why Coros of all places?” Nick said.

  “The Garrison there has seen the least action in recent years, so he’ll be taking part in the war, but not to the extent that the others will. Leave it to Peter to find a compromise that actually works,” Joni said.

  “He must be furious. Paul Evans, the archangel apprentice forced to turn tail before the war even officially begins,” Nick said.

  “No kidding. I was there when the call was made and even though I hate the guy I understand how he feels. His dad wants him to be safe, but it’s absolutely shameful to abandon Glenhaven because of this attack and Paul knows it,” Matt said.

  “Are the rest of you are staying here?” Nick said.

  “Of course. Glenhaven Garrison needs to stay united. As the center of the world, we have to remain the shining example of all Garrisons and that means that we cannot fall,” Joni said.

  “And I’m going wherever Joni goes,” Matt said.

  “We’ve discussed everything in the Grand Hall, and we know that the Crowned Princes have planned a five-pronged assault in each of the major countries that facilitate the largest Garrisons. From the looks of things, it appears as if they plan to divide the countries among themselves,” Daniel said.

  “Every demon wants a piece of this little pie we live in,” Matt said.

  Just then a guard wielding a spear came in and tapped Nick on the shoulder. “Supreme Commander requests your presence, Nick.”

  Nick followed the guard to the entrance of Peter’s office. He was ready to engage in the biggest screaming match of his life. He was prepared to tell the old man off for everything, and make him feel responsible for separating two people who were meant for each other. But when he opened the door and was ready to let his mouth run loose, he found that the old man wasn’t alone. Another knight was in the room. And she was sobbing hysterically.

  “There, there my dear,” Peter said.

  “Thank you, Supreme Commander.” She wiped her face with a sleeve. She walked past Nick and out the door with her head down and without making eye contact.

  “Nicholas, I thought you would have taken your time. I trust Lady Nancy’s breakdown will be kept to yourself?”

  “I hope everything is alright,” Nick said.

  “She was just expressing her thoughts about the incident in Hyperion. It was quite the terrible tragedy. Nancy had a younger brother who lived there, and he was killed by demons as he tried to flee during Astaroth’s raid. He worked under the president as a part of his staff and was the only one in their family tree to have had the privilege to live a civilian life,” Peter said.

  “Why are you telling me this?” Nick was feeling both sorry and angry. It was as if Peter was purposely divulging other people’s personal information in order to dissuade him or to soften the rage he had been feeling before his stumbled onto this scene.

  “I’m telling you this because, of all people, you have experienced the loss of someone significant. Just like you, a person she cared about no longer lives because their life was stripped away by a demon,” Pete
r said.

  “And I made that demon pay for what he did.”

  “Doctor Numerous is one demon among thousands. Now that you’ve made a name for yourself, there’s going to be backlash. Ozarael has issued a demand for Agrian’s capture. Dead or alive,” Peter said.

  “If you think waving around the fact that Ozarael wants retribution is going to scare me away then you’re wrong, Peter. I’m in love with Alyssa and she loves me and there’s nothing you and this Garrison can do to stop us from being together.”

  Peter slammed his fist on the desk. “You don’t get it do you? Casualties are building up behind us at every turn and all you can think about is yourself! I have nothing left in this world besides Alyssa, and I’ll be damned if I let any harm befall her just because you’ve fallen in love! You promised you’d stay away from her, Nicholas! You promised!”

  The old man rubbed his face and exhaled his frustration. “Nicholas, you’re like a son to me, but if anything ever happened to Alyssa, well, I wouldn’t want to stop looking at you that way. I can’t make the choice for you because I know you were meant for each other. It was naïve of me to believe that separating you two I could somehow prevent the inevitable, but the truth is fate can’t be tampered with by anyone. You found each other despite my best intentions and now it is too late.”

  Nick promised himself that he would be relentless in his stance, that nothing that came from Peter’s mouth could change his mind. However, he hadn’t anticipated this reaction. Watching the old man become such an emotional wreck for the sake of Alyssa was absolutely devastating. She was the only person left in his life who kept him going. If something ever happened to her, the weight of that loss would destroy him. Alyssa was to Peter was like Susan was to him, and going through a trauma like that was a pain he wouldn’t wish upon his most hated enemy.

  “It was fate that put us together, and I can wait forever to be with her. But Supreme Commander, there’s something I need to know. If it wasn’t for the fact that she was a demon target, would I have your blessing?”

  “I can’t think of another man more worthy,” Peter said.

  “Then I’ll do it your way,” Nick said, finally.

  “Thank you.”

  “Though, I don’t think she’s going to take the news very well.”

  “She’ll come around eventually,” Peter said.

  “I need to get a few things sorted and I’ll be ready for dispatch.”

  “First things first. Before you head to Pailo, we need to take the proper precautions. I’m sure Lucius has informed you about the corruption, has he not? The only way to make sure you don’t exert yourself too much and get out of control would be if I placed a Hand of Peace on you. Letting you run wild without a proper seal before was irresponsible on my part. I had assumed that controlling emotions would be very easy, but I never realized how difficult it could be until I heard the testimonies from your peers.”

  “What are you planning to do?” Nick said.

  “We are going to tattoo a holy inscription on your back. It is a temporary solution until you gain full control and can be taken off once you’ve finished your training. Now follow me.”

  They took to the Peace Unit wing of the Garrison, and found an empty room with only a single operating table and Joni waiting for them with needle in hand.

  Joni bowed. “Supreme Commander.”

  “At ease.” Peter turned to Nick. “Lie on the table so she can apply the seal.” He removed his shirt and did as told. Joni took a seat next to him, preparing the proper tools.

  “The Hand of Peace is a seal with Orichalon-based ink. It will keep Agrian at bay and prevent your rage from further corrupting you,” Peter said.

  Nick felt the sting of the needle in his back and the Hand of Justice being applied deep into his skin. If he hadn’t just barely survived death he might have screamed in pain, but the sensation of the tattoo being stitched to his body paled in comparison to the excruciating agony of walking through a Holy Shield.

  “We have recruited Garreth back as a whitesmith in our Wisdom Unit and he has already begun research on the sword of Sir Marcus. During the process we learned that the material isn’t merely a different type of Orichalon like we had originally assumed. It was formed from Sanctuary itself, an angelic weapon that survived natural destruction despite being broken for years. This is why it was able to hurt you in a ways you’ve never experienced before,” Peter said.

  “Was it passed along to him the same way Yuriel gave Alyssa his Morning Star?”

  “Yes, a fact that Sir Marcus failed to reveal. The broken blade is called Vigilance and once belonged to Zelios, the Herald of Bravery.”

  “That’s exactly what Bergice told me,” Nick said.

  “Keep your guard with you around him. Bergice may act noble, but a demon is still a demon, Nicholas. His only goal is to help Ozarael enslave humanity. Don’t forget that,” Peter said.

  “Got it. Though, he has been truthful with everything he’s told me so far. For what it’s worth he was the one who told me that Ozarael wanted the weapons from the Heralds, but I can’t see what good it would do.”

  “It wouldn’t do much good at all. Don’t worry about it too much, for now. Just focus on the mission at hand and we’ll let the Wisdom Unit draw conclusions,” Peter said.

  “Done,” Joni said. The whirring of her needle stopped and Nick slipped his shirt and jacket back on. The cotton blend shirt gave relief to his tender back, which was still slightly raw.

  “Joni, I need your assistance,” Peter said.

  “Yes, Supreme Commander?” Joni said.

  “I’m sending you to Pailo with Nicholas. During his training I need one of my best clerics there to monitor him, just in case anything should happen.”

  “Yes sir!”

  “Nicholas, there’s one last thing. Even though you will be training for a majority of the time, that doesn’t mean you won’t have the opportunity to put your skills into practice. A certain city in Pailo has become overrun by a rogue demon warlord who has designated himself their king. Dethrone him.”

  20. The Hardest Goodbye

  Nick was standing around in his empty room. In a few days he had packed everything except for the furnishings. It was funny how someone’s entire life could fit into a single suitcase. As he stared at the blank walls, they appeared much smaller than he remembered.

  The lockdown had been lifted and almost everyone had cleared out and gone to their stations in neighboring cities to provide aid and protection. There they would remain for as long as the war lasted. He wished that his friends could have been here to see him off, but perhaps this was for the best. It gutted him to think of how he’d feel saying goodbyes. Would he have broken down? How pathetic would it be to witness their supposed savior and hero bawling like a big baby? No, he would retain his stoic nature, but deep down he knew it would break his heart. For as much as he wanted to master Agrian, the most stinging pain was knowing he would be separated from Alyssa.

  Even worse was the fact that he hadn’t Alyssa about his relocation. He had come up with a hundred reasons for not telling her, but truthfully Nick just couldn’t bring himself to do it.

  As he grabbed his suitcase and left, a pang of sadness welled in his chest as the only place he’d ever known was no longer his home.

  He decided to take a walk around the Garrison, a final trip down memory lane. His first stop was the battle coliseum where he stood in the middle of the field. He walked to the wall he put Daniel into and touched the newly formed surface where there was once a giant gaping hole. Then he made his way to the strategy room, the library, the infirmary, and finally the lounge, where he had a drink to himself as he watched the news on one of the screens. Several familiar knights moved around carrying lumber or hammering the walls as they were doing their part to rebuild the damaged areas of Hyperion.

  The sounds of boots on the marble floor caused Nick to look up. Garreth stood before him in Garrison clothing with a d
rink in his hand. “I’m glad I found someone here who hasn’t been shipped off yet.” Garreth did a quick spin. “Not a sight for sore eyes, don’t you think?”

  Nick glanced at the gold patch on his arm. “Peter said you were back in the Wisdom Unit. I figured it was just a matter of time.”

  “I thought it would take some convincing, but he seemed to take my reenlistment pretty well. Things are still rocky, but we’re on good terms.” Garreth took a seat next to Nick. “Because of what we accomplished, I’m already back on active duty.”


  “What about you? I’m sure Peter has plans for our newest Garrison hero,” Garreth sipped his drink.

  “I’m going to Pailo.”

  Garreth nearly spit out his soda. “Pailo? Of all places, Peter’s sending you clear across the world?”

  “Things got complicated…and well, it’s already set in his mind.”

  It took a minute for Garreth to process, but then his face grew somber and he shared an empathetic look. “If it makes you feel any better, I know she’s the type of girl to wait for someone she cared about until the end of time itself. I wouldn’t be too worried about it. It’s not like any other guy stands a chance.”

  Nick nodded. “I appreciate hearing that Garreth, especially from you.”

  “No problem. Have you seen Daniel? I was supposed to meet him in the training field before we left, but I can’t seem to find him,” Garreth said.

  Nick shrugged. “I thought everyone had already left.”

  “Apparently not everyone,” Matt said.

  Nick turned to find his best friend standing there with his goofy grin on his face. “Surprised to see me?”

  “Matt, what are you doing here? I thought you’d be in Hyperion,” Nick said.

  Matt pulled up the chair next to Garreth and sat down. “That’s where they wanted to send me, but I figured, slag it. If you and Joni are going a mission, then I wanted in too. So I talked to Pete, and convinced him to let me go with you guys. It’s our little trio, just like old times.”


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