PAWN: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Elite Royal Academy Book 3)

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PAWN: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Elite Royal Academy Book 3) Page 11

by L. J. Woods

  “You’re unreal, Jo,” I groan, my cock throbbing inside her, balls heavy begging to burst.

  “Damien,” Jo pants before she gasps, her back arching against the glass. “King!” My tongue comes to her face and if I could climb inside her I would

  The way we’re moving with each other is new. It’s slower, like time stops. Our frantic motions get more measured and sedated. But Jo keeps her eyes on me and that makes me reach the edge, my abs twitching against her sweaty, smooth skin.

  Holding back, I’m not letting go until I see that face. The one where she’s forcing herself to keep those hazels locked on me while her mouth hangs open in ecstasy.

  “Fuck, don’t stop!” she screams, our car rocking from side to side. “Don’t—!” Her head falls back, her mouth open wide.

  That one.

  She comes hard, her legs clamping to my side, her nails sinking deeper in my skin. Her cries go hoarse, body shaking as I keep myself buried inside her, but she knows the rules. “I didn’t say you could.”

  She’s breathless when she smirks, her lids low. “What’re you gonna do about it?”

  “Punish you.” Looking beside her head, I see we’re a little too close to the end of this ride to go another round. But I’m not done with her yet. Not with my cock begging to explode inside her.“Get a room with me, Rowland.”

  Leaning up, she kisses me again, a smile spreading across her face. “As long as you’re in it.”

  * * *

  “So … why do you have that photo?”

  There she goes again. Straight to the punch.

  We’re in a creaky old hotel room back in the Port, sprawled on the floor, naked in front of the door. It’s as small as the motel in The Grove, but with brick walls and wooden beams in the ceiling. It’s kind of romantic with large windows and a wrought iron bed that we didn’t make it to. The minute we got in, I couldn’t wait to bury myself inside her again.

  She’s as impatient as I am, pouncing on me until we both tumbled to the floor.

  “Well?” She’s still impatient but her voice isn’t that demanding snip she usually gives. It’s soft and quiet. Like she’s afraid of my answer. Or I’ve fucked her into exhaustion.

  My hand starts to wonder, a lamp by the bed the only light in the room. Her head rests on my chest while my fingers walk down her ass. The room smells like wood, Jo and sex and I’d be happy if we never left. When I reach to my left, she hangs onto my chest.

  “Relax, Rowland, I’m not going anywhere,” I say, reaching to pull my wallet from my jacket. Opening it up, I grab the folded polaroid. “Found it in my dad’s office.” I’m trying to be real with her. That’s what love is, right? Besides, she can tell me more about this photo than I know. At least I hope.

  “Your dad had a photo of my dad?”

  That confirms it. “And your dad had his eyes on my mom.”

  She leans over on her side, her hair sliding off my chest as she takes the photo from between my fingers. Elbow on the floor, palm on her cheek, she studies it, her long lashes fluttering as if she’s thinking. “Did you know about this? About them?”

  “Not until he died.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”

  Sitting up, I push my back against the wall. “You put your folks on a pedestal. I see that photo you always have in your room.” I shrug. “Didn’t wanna fuck up your childhood any more than it already is.”

  Staring at the photo, a blur comes to her eye. “You didn’t do that, they did that.” Turning it over, she places the photo against my chest, sitting up against the wall with me. My eyes drop to her naked body, mesmerizing in the dim light. “Do you think my mom knew? And what the fuck does that make us?”

  Placing my palm on her cheek I can’t help but pull her close, my finger under her chin.


  “Fucked up,” I answer before kissing her again. “But as long as there’s an us, that’s all that matters.”

  She smiles against my face, her hand coming to my hair, raking her nails through it as her eyes search my face. “We still got a mystery to solve. Do you think Lea knows anything?”

  “If we get her to ask her folks she can find out more.”

  “You’re crazy.” Her hand falls, looking at me like an idiot. “She’s not going back there. I know she got her parents to call off the search but putting her back in that environment would be insane.”

  “Alright, chill.” My arm moves around her, pulling her close. “And I am crazy. About you.”

  She snorts. “That’s cheesy as fuck.” The smile on her face doesn’t last, the gears in her head turning again. “Besides our parents’ philandering. Do you think your dad killed them?

  “Because of the affair?” I thought about it and I’m not gonna lie. “There’s a chance. He did go to ERA but it was a long time ago.” My head hits the wall. “At least if we find out the truth, I won’t have to kill him.”

  “Like we killed your aunt?” She bites her lip when she says it. Still worried about the whole thing but I made sure there’s no trace. And for Baldy’s sake, there better not be. Jo’s my girl and it’s my job to make her feel like she has nothing to worry about.

  She squeals when I pull her on top of me, wrapping her legs around me and when I get up, she hangs on tight. “You have nothing to worry about, Jo,” I promise, pressing her against the brick wall. “You understand?”

  Her eyes drop from mine as I lead us over to the bed, sitting down so she straddles me. With my finger under her chin, I lift her eyes back to mine. She sounds like she’s been wearing a coat of guilt. Is that why she pulled away?

  “It was self-defense, you know that, right?” I ask. “You don’t have to feel guilty for protecting yourself or for protecting me.”

  “Why does it always feel like the worst happens when we’re together?” Her forehead touches mine and my body feels like it’s floating the way her eyes bore into me.

  “You want stability? I’ll give you that, Jo. At least, I’ll try.” Pulling her as close as I can, her chest presses into mine, hearts booming together. “But I couldn’t imagine anything worse than not being with you.”



  Being in love with Damien King feels better than any drug.

  Better than any high.

  I’m on cloud twelve. Over the fucking moon! Like I’m in a tampon commercial. And all it took was for both of us to be real with ourselves and drop the l-bomb.

  I love Damien King.

  And he loves me too.

  When I get back to the academy, I’m much more relaxed than I’ve ever been in these stuffy halls. Brain-busting sex isn’t the only thing I can credit it to.

  Allie and I are working on our relationship, and I’m actually getting along with Lea. Mostly. Who knew I could get this close with both of my bullies?

  With Lea and I at a cease-fire, the days go by in a breeze. I don’t have to worry about missing clothes during swim class and I can let my guard down without worry of walking right into another prank.

  That makes it easy for Willow to come around now that her sister isn’t a complete outcast. She hasn’t asked about Marion and I feel like she’s starting to get over it. With the new high I’m on, Marion’s death is finally starting to feel like a thing of the past.

  “Hey, Jo!” Pixie is by my locker when I get there on a Wednesday morning. A few of Lea’s minions stand behind her. They’re not in their usual headbands and sparkly belts. This time they’re all in leather jackets and combat boots.

  “Uh, hey?” I raise an eyebrow, scooting by her to unlock my combination. She stands there watching me bright-eyed with half of her head pinned back. An imitation side-shave. “What the fuck?” I mutter to myself, hiding my face with the wooden door. She doesn’t move. So I whip the door closed when I have my books in my hand. Pixie takes a step back when I finally ask, “Okay, what is it? I thought we were cool.”

  “Oh, we are!” she reassures before she holds
out her hands like she wants me to lay my books on them. “We’re here to escort you to class.”

  “What? Why?” Holding my books to my chest I look between the girls, all with eager smiles on their faces. What is happening? “Don’t you have to shine Lea’s shoes or something now that she’s back?”

  Lea hasn’t spoken to her parents since she’s come back but Damien worked his magic to get Lea in to finish her last semester with Allie. Luckily for Nate, he’s been too busy with Carlos and university tours to care.

  “No,” she scoffs. “Ever since she and Allie got together, all they do is each other.” She straightens her posture, black polish on her nails. They’re really going for this grunge thing. Wait, is that how I look? I eye her doubled knee-high socks. “So, we’ve come to you! It’s better since you’re the one who’s actually dating King and all. Is it true he said he loves you?” She flutters her lashes like she’s waiting for me to say something. Anything.

  “I … gotta go,” I say, shuffling around her.

  “See you after class!” she calls. “I’ll bring you a black coffee!”

  I’m halfway down the hall, dodging around a corner when I bump into something hard.

  “Jo Rowland?”

  I don’t even have time to wonder why Pixie knows how I like my coffee because who the fuck is this guy? He’s dressed in our uniform but he looks older with the broad body of a college quarterback.

  “Uh, no?” I finally answer.

  He flips out his phone, looking at it then flicking those dark eyes to me. “I’ll be escorting you to class from here on out as per request by Mister Damien King.”

  What? “Listen, I can take care of myself.”

  “I’m sure you can.” He checks the watch on his beige wrist. “Two minutes until Biology. I’ll be right behind you.” His smile flashes before it’s gone as quickly and when I start moving, he’s right on my ass.

  Damien gets a text from me right away.

  Jo: A bodyguard? Really?

  Does everyone here all of a sudden think I can’t take care of myself?

  He’s quick to fire back.

  Damien: Go to class, Rowland.

  I’m about to call Damien and ask him what the fuck he thinks he’s doing but the bell rings and I’m behind on my class as it is. I keep my head down all the way to the door, Bigs, that’s my name for him, following behind me.

  “You can’t even be here,” I whisper to him over my shoulder.

  “I’m authorized to be here,” he responds.

  Fucking Damien.

  A smile pulls at my lips when I remember our time in Montreal. The beautiful view from that Ferris wheel thing. The amazing sex in the sky.

  Those three words.

  We’re at my biology class before I realize, my head in the clouds like a basic bitch. “You’re not leaving, are you?”

  “See you after class, Miss Rowland.”

  Shaking my head, I head into Biology, the age-old question on my mind.

  What the fuck did I get myself into?

  * * *

  Sure enough, Bigs is still there after my final class of the day, waiting for me outside the swim building.

  So is Pixie, and she’s yelling at him in a pink spring jacket to no reaction.

  “Jo, hey!” Pixie says, a wide smile on her face when she sees me. She doesn’t reach much further than Bigs’ abs. “This man wouldn’t let me bring you a pre-warmed towel for after class.”

  I’m gonna need Lea to take back her minions. With Pixie waiting for me, I’m actually grateful Bigs is here.

  “You don’t have to do that,” I say to her when I get to where they stand, the final bell ringing for the day. “Actually, I don’t need you to do anything. You either, Bigs.”

  He points at his chest, raising a bushy eyebrow, unaware of the name I’ve given him.

  Pixie stalls out like I’ve broken a wire, her mouth opening and closing like a fish before she asks, “Wh-what do you mean?”

  “Jo!” I hear my name from my left and when I look to where it’s coming from, Isaac’s sauntering towards us.

  “Oh, hey Isaac!” Pixie greets with a wave big enough to see from space.

  “Vicky, hey,” he responds dryly before he turns to me. “Ready?”

  My brows furrow. “For what?”

  “See you tomorrow, Miss Rowland,” Bigs says, taking off towards the parking lot. Students move around him like he belongs here as Isaac wiggles his keys in my face.

  “I’m your ride,” he says. “Willow’s with Jordan.”

  “Where’s Damien?” I ask. Even though I much prefer Isaac’s escort to Bigs, I still don’t need one. “Why doesn’t he send a car?” God, I sound like one of them.

  “Don’t wanna hang with me, baby?” he asks, pushing his hands into his thick beige coat. “We are tied to the death of a loved one. Or should I say murder?”

  My eyes grow wide, looking around us. No one seems to hear but I lower my voice anyway. “What the fuck, Isaac?”

  He chuckles, walking towards the parking lot, calling behind his shoulder. “Damien had a meeting. Come on.”

  Rolling my eyes, I follow him. Not because Damien wants me to but because I should check on how Isaac is doing anyway. He’s right, a death connects us, one that could change our whole lives. Especially if someone found out.

  Once we’re in Isaac’s Rover, he’s quick to whip out of the lot, Vicky waving as we go. He’s quiet once we’re on the road, turning on some trippy jazz. He reaches an arm into the dip in his dash, tapping around for the metal case inside before he pulls out a joint.

  Taking it from him, I slip it behind my ear, though I’m tempted to light it after the weird day I’ve had. “It’s best you save this for after you drop me off.”

  Isaac’s lips tighten before he taps the screen on his dash, the song changing to another one of his French melodies. The accent in the singing woman’s voice matches Marion’s and it makes my jaw clench. The longer it plays, the more the images of Marion in the air flash in my head.

  The thud.

  Allie’s scream.


  He turns up the volume instead of answering, being a real brat about me taking away his joint.

  “Isaac,” I say again, testing the assumption that he knows what this is doing to me.

  And of course, he turns it up even louder, accordion on blast.

  “Isaac! Can you—” I reach for the screen but he pushes my hand.

  “What? Too much for you, Jo?”

  “What the fuck is your problem?” My hand braces the dash. “You were joking about her two minutes ago and now you’re being a dick.”

  “You killed Marion!” He slams on the break and my head whips forward, stopping in the middle of the road.


  A car swerves around us.

  “Jesus, Isaac!” My hands are in fists. Damien’s friends are just like him. Jerks. “Are you trying to get us fucking killed?”

  “Why the fuck not? Isn’t that what you do? Kill people?”

  “Fuck you!” I open the car door in the middle of the street. I’m not dealing with this shit.

  Another thing I’ve learned in Eden? Rides from other students are unreliable.

  “Jo!” Isaac calls, the music cutting from his car. “Fuck, Jo! Wait!”

  I’m on the other side of the street before I hear another honk, when I turn around, Isaac’s dodging a car, chasing after me. His Rover sits in the middle of the road, both doors open. “I’m sorry! Hey! Hold on!” He catches up to me, pulling on my hand, turning me around. “I’m sorry. I really am! C’mon, get back in the car. Please.”

  With an arm around me, he pulls me back to the car but I’m cautious climbing in. I know how Damien is. How he used to be. Hot and cold when he wants to be and if Isaac’s as emotional as he looks, I’m hanging on for another mood swing. When he’s in he pulls off, no music.

  After a moment of silence, Isaac speaks, his eyes on the r
oad. “I didn’t mean that.”

  “She tried to kill us,” I say, my elbow on the passenger door as I stare out the windshield. “She wanted to kill Damien. Hell, she would’ve killed me if we didn’t—”

  “Kill her?” He keeps his eyes on the road. “And King covered it up. I guess she’s lucky she doesn’t have any family.”

  “She kidnapped my sister and her own nephew.” I don’t know if I’m trying to rationalize what we did to him or myself but I keep going. “When I got up on that roof, Damien was on that ledge. She tried to kill him too. All for fucking money and if that’s not psychotic I don’t know what it is.” That’s probably not going to get him to chill out. “I know you don’t want to see it but Marion did this to herself.” My gut wrenches when I allow that night to come to the forefront of my mind again.

  He turns down a road and I can see his eyes getting glossy from where I’m sitting. That makes my eyes blur too and I’m gripping to the door handle for stability, trying to slow my racing heartbeat.

  We’re pulling into Damien’s driveway before he turns off his car. With a sigh, his back hits his seat before he asks, “You wanna get fucked up?”

  After this conversation? “You fucking bet.”



  You’re a kid, kid.

  The CEO’s voice replays in my head.

  The fuck does he know?

  Sitting behind my driver, my meeting with Victor Shay sits at the front of my mind. Jo’s an inspiration but the new direction I’m taking King Financial isn’t easy.

  My elbow on the window, my fist sits under my jaw. My dad never let Mom in on his business but I’m an idiot for trying to do this without her.

  I need Jo.

  With Jo by my side, I can handle the pressures of the King’s name on my shoulders. And she’ll make me feel better about not shoving my Oxfords through Shay’s face.


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