PAWN: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Elite Royal Academy Book 3)

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PAWN: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Elite Royal Academy Book 3) Page 13

by L. J. Woods

  She moans, her cheek turning a hint of red and it only makes me harder as I say, “Not a chance.”

  She moves her head to the side, keeping her chest against the desk. “Why? I’m fine on my own. It’s embarrassing and elitist.”

  “Fine.” Another bit of wax on her ass gets her writhing for me again.

  Pushing my pants down, I need to feel more of her. When my cock pushes against her warm ass, I let another bit of wax drip.

  “Whyyy does that feel so good?” she moans, my cock at her entrance. “And give me a warning befooore—fuuuck.”

  I can’t wait for her to finish before I push inside her, my hands rubbing over her waxy ass. One thrust moves the entire desk and she feels so good I’m cursing too. “Fucking, Jesus.”

  She tries to speak but I’m thrusting hard between her words. “Give me a warning.” Thrust. “Before you have—” Thrust. “Business dinners! God, King!”

  She’s right but it’s still hard not to spank her with my cock buried deep inside her. It looks so good and when more wax flies off her cheeks I want to see more.

  “Fine,” I agree. “Now shut up and take my cock. Your cock.”

  She grips the end of the desk and hangs on while I fuck her like we’re signing a new deal. This is how we do business. Our bodies pressed together, Jo begging for more while I hammer away at that sweet, wet pussy.

  Pulling her body closer, her waxy ass presses against me while I keep plowing into her. The candle on the table, I reach for her tits, bouncing in my hold with every thrust.

  “You feel so fucking good, Jo,” I growl in her ear. “I fucking love you on my cock. I fucking love you.”

  It’s been like this since Montreal. Needier than before. Deeper than ever. Like saying those words unlock complete utter nirvana. Like if we stop, so will the whole world and I’ll be damned if I never have this moment again.

  I want it forever.

  “Oh my god!” she cries and I know she’s almost there so I don’t stop. With a hand coming to her clit I rub it in quick circles, her breaths getting heavier, her pants harder. She’s pressing her ass back into me and it’s driving me to the edge, my abs tightening when she screams my name again. “Fuck, yes, King! There!”

  Hearing her scream my name, that name, makes me explode inside her, her pussy clenching on my rod so good it’s like she’s squeezing out every drop.

  The way she writhes and squirms on my cock makes me start again. Punishing her for scaring me. Punishing her for thinking she’s out of my life again. Her legs shake when she cries out, reaching another orgasm, my cum dripping down her legs.

  “Say it,” I’m holding her limp body in place while she murmurs and pants. “I’ll do what you want. Just say it.”

  I know she’s exhausted but I’m about to pump another load and I want it to be perfect.

  She moans, “I fucking love you.”

  Pulling on her hair, I pull her ear to my lips so she can hear it loud and clear. “I love you, Jo. Remember that when you’re thinking about this moment. When you’re thinking about my cock deep in your sweet—fuuck.” I explode again and she screams, our moans echoing through the office and if anyone was inside this place they’d think we were monsters.

  If we are, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  * * *

  Jo on my chest, the smoke disappears into the air under the chandelier.

  The smell of our sex mixes with the heavy stench of whatever dank bud Isaac left behind. Combined with her intoxicatingly sweet smell, my dad’s presence in the room is nonexistent.

  Her hair splayed across my skin, I can feel every breath, her chest moving with mine. We’re in unison like we were moments ago. Her ass on that desk, on that chair, against the fireplace. The office around us sits in a post-sex mess. Just like us.

  Jo takes the joint and I watch as she wraps her lips around the filter. The way she takes a pull looks so effortless. No chokes. No coughs. Kinda like how she takes my cock.

  “Did you have sex with Lea?” she asks on her exhale, smoke escaping her lips with her words.

  “Never.” Grimacing, I grab the joint back, trying to get the idea out of my mind even though I know everyone thinks it. We made it that way.

  “Really? Never?” She leans up on her elbow, hair falling over her shoulder. It’s hard to pull my gaze away from those eyes but I do, following the shape of her small curves. “You kiss her?”

  “Your claws are showing.”

  She takes the joint back, her eyes narrowing before she scoffs, “I’m not jealous. I’m curious.”

  “Thought you understood,” I say, watching her take an extra-long drag. “I covered for her and Allie for three years.”

  “I’m supposed to believe you did this act for Lea, of all people, completely selfless?”

  “You calling me selfish, Rowland?”

  “You’re trying to tell me you’re not?”

  Taking the joint from her lips, I climb on top of her, pinning her wrists. “You looking for another punishment?”

  She bites her lip before her head falls to the side. But the way she pushes her hips against my hardening cock tells me she’s fighting it. I thought we were through with this.

  “Lea and I never did anything and the fact that you’d suggest that makes me sick,” I growl. “My dad wanted me to marry into the Huang family. They’re rich and powerful and with Lea’s dad a shoo-in for that mayor position, it worked in his favour.”

  “So you were both keeping up appearances?”

  “Until you came along.” My grip releases from one of her wrists, moving a finger to her lips. I trace the outline with the tip of my finger like I do with my cock. “Lea felt threatened when you got close to Allie and even more threatened when you got close to me. You came into Eden and blew our whole shit up. Blew my whole life up.”

  “Like with your dad? And Marion?” She nibbles on the inside of her cheek and I know her gears are turning I just can’t figure out what the fuck could be wrong? The last couple of weeks have been perfect. What’s changing now? “Things blow up when we’re together, Damien. And …”

  “And what?” Don’t break my heart again, Medusa. Don’t you fucking dare.

  “I’m scared,” she whispers against my lips. “I’m scared of another tragedy. I’m scared of getting lost in your world. Collateral damage in this King whirlwind.”

  “You think you don’t scare me? You think I’m not risking a ton for this?” My hand slides down her side, gripping her waist. “You’re worth it, Jo. You’ve always been worth it.” Kissing her again, I make sure I reassure her. “You got that?” There’s a tear in her eye when I move my other hand off her wrist to take her face between my two fingers. Her cheeks squish in my hold. “You’re worth it, you hear me? Or do I gotta show you how serious I am?”

  A smirk comes across her face and how can she think I’m the only devil in this room?

  With her hands coming around my back, a sting where her nails dug into my skin, she gives me the green signal. “Show me,” she says, her legs wrapping around me so my cock sits at her entrance again. “Make me forget all my worries, King. My King.”

  Well, shit. I’m a goner.

  I spend the next few hours showing her that I’m her king, my cock thrusting her into more cries of pleasure. It’s carnage in my office, more scratches on my back, her ass print on my desk. We fuck like animals until the wee hours. Until we’re exhausted and passing out on my office floor.


  That’s exactly what it was and that’s exactly what I am. Wild.

  About Jo.

  * * *

  It doesn’t take much to turn the King Mansion into a classy soiree.

  Add a few waiters in bow ties with golden trays plus a guy in a penguin suit playing soft piano and you’ve got a party as classy as Bond.

  By the time I make it downstairs, Jo is already greeting the other guests arriving, Isobel taking their coats. I nod their way, reaching into my bl
azer, pulling out two Cubans. Cigars.

  Victor sits beside his wife on the white sofa in the living room, champagne in their hands. He has his money in a couple of buildings in The Grove and if I can get his blessing on my plan, it’ll help me win over the others on the board.

  If this company is going to last the next few decades I need to right this ship and that’s not just because I like eating at Anansi’s Kitchen. That walk through The Grove with Jo opened my eyes. I don’t want to be the head of a corporation that crushes the little guys. I want to build them up — so we can both be filthy rich.

  “Ah, Damien.” Victor holds out his hand when I’m a few feet away. His wife excuses himself and I stop to give her a hello on her way out. “Thank you for having us, I look forward to discussing your plans for my money.”

  “Thanks for coming.”

  Victor pauses, stroking at his chin. “I didn’t think you’d be jumping into your father’s shoes so soon. While I usually hop on the chance to do business with your dad, you’ll have to forgive me for wanting further discussion.”

  “‘Cause I’m a kid?” I cock an eyebrow, trying to get a read on how serious this guy is about actually talking to me about a potential deal.

  He chuckles, “No I—”

  “Listen, if there’s a chance you’re not serious, Shay, then there’s no need for you to be here.”

  This event was his idea when I proposed a rescheduling. With Eden’s elite in attendance, Victor leaving would mean more than having to let the dog out. His brows furrow before he gives me the edge I need. “I take my business very seriously, King. I don’t joke with my money.”

  “Great.” I hold out the cigar, a taught smile on my face. “How about we talk out back? We can watch the spring come in under the heaters.” I don’t know what the fuck that means but my dad used to say it.

  When I turn around, Jo’s standing in the foyer. I sneak a quick look at her ass but when my eyes follow her frame to her face, she looks a little lost. Her eyes stay fixed on one of the random paintings as if she hasn’t spent the last couple of months here.

  The fuck is she doing?

  “Is that your …” Victor’s voice trails like he doesn’t know what to call her.

  I help him out. “My girl.” It’s like she can’t even hear us. Like she’s checked out. Turning towards the foyer, Victor follows me towards her. “Jo?”

  She jumps like I’ve startled her back to reality before her head whips around, a blur in her eye. Is she fucking crying? Wiping at her face with her pinky, she puts on a smile. A fake one. It’s not the same one she gives after I’ve fucked her to the moon. Not the same one she gives when she’s laughing at some old sitcom.

  “Yeah, hi, I’m Jo.” She holds out a hand towards Victor, straightening her posture from that tired slump. She’s in a black cocktail dress, collar to her neck. It’s a lot more modest than I’m used to but she won’t get flack from our company.

  “Jo, can you find Jacqueline and take her on a tour of the place? Her husband and I are gonna chat.”

  “Yes, keep the women busy while the men talk.” Victor chuckles. I wince. Jo’s brows furrow. “Are you from around here, Jo? I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you at any debutantes with our Vicky.”

  “What’s a debutante?” she asks. I know she’s jeering him on because she sassed me about debutante balls when we met.

  He twists his nose and Jo’s eyes turn into that stone-cold glare. His eyes drop to her tits, still a sight in that stiff fabric. My fists clench as tight as my jaw but before my temper lunges my fist through his neck, I speak up, “Right, that cigar.” I pull one to my lips. “Shall we?”

  Her cheeks go red and it doesn’t look like it’s because she’s embarrassed. That’s the look of a pissed-off Medusa. Victor gives her a smug smirk and before she can take that step forward, I lean into her ear and make her a promise.

  “Let this go and I’ll make it up to you. All night.” I don’t give her a chance to answer before I saunter towards the door. Looking over my shoulder, she’s already distracted by another guest asking a question.

  Having Jo around gives me the confidence to get through this pitch. And I do. Turns out, Shay’s pumped about The Grove revitalization project. He thinks it’s unheard of and risky but a solid idea to give new life to the company. Thinks it will appease the next generation of CEOs. He’s even willing to pitch the idea to some of the board.

  “I look forward to hearing more about your progress,” Victor says as he takes my hand again, a firm shake by the door. “This is different from anything Sebastien’s done, but you might be onto something.”

  That’s when I hear it.

  “With an ass like that, I’d bag a chick from The Grove too.”

  It’s the voice of Francesco Ferrero, scumbag father of Luca Ferrero, deep in King Financial business.

  Jo stands in the entrance of the kitchen and she hears it too, her head whipping towards him but he doesn’t stop whispering to Georgina’s dad.

  “Think she’d go down if I gave her five-large?” He chuckles and it only takes me a second to tell Victor to hang on before I march towards him. Looks like this dickhead wants to play.

  “Frances,” I greet, shaking his hand with a firm grip. He looks at me with wide blue eyes, bushy brows above them. “I’m giving you five seconds to get the fuck out of here. One.”

  He glances around the room, guests stopping to look our way. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing?”

  Bringing my mouth closer to his ear, I act like we’re making a quiet deal. And we are. Except this time it’s not about business.

  “You speak about her like that again, you even look at her and you’ll be lucky if you qualify for a loan.”

  He spits when he speaks. “Do you have any idea who you’re talking to, boy?”

  “Someone as fucked up as his kid.” His cheeks are beet red before I lock eyes with his. There’s no holding back my fist now. “By the way, that’s five.”



  My jaw clenches so tight I can feel it in my forehead.

  His words echo in my ear.

  Think she’d go down if I gave her five-large?

  I’m already charging towards him, placing my glass on a server’s tray. Damien stands by his side and when I get there, the man is quick to walk away.

  “Calm down,” Damien says, his voice low and rolling as he pulls me to the side.

  “They can’t keep talking to me like that!” I’ve been trying to hold strong. For Damien. For The Grove but, “I can’t keep doing thi—”

  Damien’s lips land on mine and the room fades away like magic, the flutters making me weak. This is all I want. The reason why I come home every day. Him.

  “I handled it,” he says against my lips, the peppermint taste he leaves on my mouth mixing with the whiskey on my tongue. “It won’t happen again.”

  “You should’ve let me handle it.” I’m still not satisfied that I didn’t tell that dickhead where he could shove it.

  “You can make me pay for it later.” His voice is husky, softening my hard shell. “This is important. We’re almost through it. Shay’s down.”

  “Really?” My eyes to the chandelier, I let out a sigh, “Fine.”

  “You wanna go hang with the wives? They’re all in the sitting room behind the kitchen.”

  Better than standing around these pervs. “At least they won’t gawk at my butt.”

  “That’s mine.” His hand grabs my ass as I walk away and that makes me know that the devil is still alive.

  When I get to the room, six women sit amongst three couches. The chatter stops when they see me and I’m like a deer in the headlights.


  I’m about to turn and walk away before someone calls out to me.

  “Jo! We were just speaking about you.”

  Turning around, I see Mary’s sparkling ring waving me over, a huge grin on her red smile. I met her
at a dinner with her husband a couple of weeks ago. The one where she wouldn’t shut up about the Louis Vuitton purse she couldn’t return.

  “I bet you were,” I say under my breath, taking a glass of champagne from the coffee table before I sit. I pick a spot between the two younger women, one with curly red hair, the other with straight blonde strands.

  “It’s boring in there anyway,” the redhead leans over and whispers, giving me a small smile. It’s not a tight-lipped one like the rest of these women. It seems kinda genuine so I give her one back.

  “What will you do with the decor in this place?” The blonde next to me pipes. “Now that Sebastien has passed. Rest his soul.”

  “Uh,” I stall, shrugging. “A few Nirvana posters and some more instruments wouldn’t hurt.”

  The blonde jerks her head back, blinking at me like an alien, and I feel like one.

  “What do you think about the champagne?” Another woman asks, wiggling her glass. “I do prefer the 1959 Dom but this is a classic.”

  The women all nod and agree before their eyes land on me. I take a sip, biding more time. “Yeah, it’s uh, sweeter.”

  A woman snorts on the sofa across from me, the woman beside her whispering into her ear. These women are no different than the girls I go to high school with. Sitting in here is worse than being out with the guys. At least they appreciate my assets but these women just seem bitter and jealous.

  Mary changes the subject. “Will you be at the General’s Ball and the Venetian Cruise in the spring? Damien says we’ll have the pleasure of sitting with you.”

  Damien says.

  Of course, he did, because ever since I moved in here it’s been about him and his business. Putting on a show for his colleagues and the one time I have a friend over, his friend, he lost his shit.

  “I’m not sure about that,” I respond, a waiter refilling my glass. Is he even really doing this for The Grove? If he was, he wouldn’t be hosting these frilly fucking parties.

  “Oh.” Mary looks surprised. Everyone does for some reason. What the fuck did I say now? “I just figured since your boyfriend will be there …” She says boyfriend like it disgusts her.


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