Bound Forever: A Dark Mafia Romance

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Bound Forever: A Dark Mafia Romance Page 24

by Sienna Blake

  “Muthafucker.” I slap him on his chest and he winces.

  “Ow, what was that for?”

  “I watched you die. I fucking watched you die.” I grab his face and press my lips so hard to his that I bruise them. When I pull back I’m crying. And I press soft kisses over his mouth. “Don’t ever do that to me again.”

  He pulls me closer, not seeming to care about his shoulder. “I won’t.” The sirens get louder. “Come on, kitten. We have to go. I’ll explain everything later.”

  I nod and let Caden grab my hand and pull me from the room. We step over Snake’s lifeless body as we make our way down the silent hall towards the stairs.

  I glance up to Caden and he catches my eye. “What is it?” he asks.

  “Did you kill him?”

  He looks embarrassed for a second, then nods.

  I smile. “I bet it felt good.”

  The sirens are getting louder as we stumble over dead guards and away from the building. There is a trail of dead bodies across the complex. Jesus Christ. I don’t know whether to be horrified or proud.

  “Caden, did you do all this?”

  “Most of it. I had help.”

  “Wait. How did you kill them all without making a noise? I didn’t hear gunfire.”

  “Silencers are wonderful things.”

  “But if you had a gun why didn’t you just shoot Jacob?”

  He tucks me under his arm on his right unwounded side. “I promised you that I’d make him bleed. I promised you I’d make him hurt. I promised you I’d give him to you to finish off.”

  He did. God damn, he did.

  “Does it make me weird if I admit that I’m a little turned on by this?”

  He chuckles and leans down to kiss my forehead.

  There’s a splashing noise to our left. A medium-sized boat, white and sleek, sidles up to the dock twenty or so meters from where we stand. On the deck a man in dark pants and a dark shirt stands, his eyes hidden by sunglasses. “Mr. Thaine,” he calls, as he takes off his sunglasses. “Your ride.”

  What the hell?

  I raise an eyebrow to Caden as he pulls me towards the boat.

  “Explain later,” he whispers.

  “You better.”

  “I’m Sevastian,” the strange man says, as he helps me onto the boat. “Such a pleasure to meet you.” He is deadly handsome with pitch-black hair, a beautiful, sensual mouth and eyes like a wolf’s. But he doesn’t arouse any attraction from me. I am Caden’s and Caden’s alone.

  We pull away from the dock, and Jacob’s warehouse fades from sight as we ride down the river.

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  There are three other men on board but neither Sevastian nor Caden introduces me. “It’s better if you don’t know who they are,” Caden whispers.


  Sevastian takes us to a small cabin in the hull of the boat. “You’ve got a few hours. Shower. Dress. Rest. We’ve got this under control,” Sevastian says and he closes the cabin door behind him.

  On the double bed in the cabin are sets of clean clothes in our exact sizes. I hold up the skin-tight black leggings and the black cutout bodysuit. How… slutty-chic. “How did he know what size…?”

  I can see Caden behind me shaking his head in the reflection of the mirror. “When it comes to Sevastian, it’s best not to ask.”

  We shower together and we clean our various cuts. Afterwards I help to bandage the bullethole in his shoulder. It’s a through and through, so there’s no need to remove any bullets, thank God. After we dress I crawl into bed and into Caden’s arms on his non-injured side. His scent of musk and man and the hint of wood smoke follow me into a dreamless sleep.

  A few hours later, Sevastian drops us off in a quiet, remote area downstream. A black sedan is waiting with the keys in the ignition for us. I give Caden a questioning look, but he just shakes his head. Don’t ask.

  “Adieu, mon cheri,” Sevastian says to me with a perfect French accent and flashes me a grin as the boat rides away.

  I never see Sevastian or his three friends again. Probably a good thing.

  We drive to Caden’s mansion without stopping. When we finally get there, Wylie is waiting. He is furious at me for escaping him. I think he’s more worried that Caden would be angry at him or that he had failed us. But when Caden doesn’t get upset, Wylie seems to calm down.

  He grips me in a hug that surprises me for the usually reserved Wylie. Then he pulls sharply away and clears his throat. “Good to have you back, madam.”

  Caden tells me about what happened at Dixie’s apartment. “I’m so sorry about Robert.”

  My heart clenches. “Poor Robert. I can’t believe he would…”

  “He was just trying to get Dixie and Jeff back. It would have been a difficult choice for him. I think they were expecting that you would come back on your own when you realized Dixie had disappeared.”

  “How would they even know about Dixie and…?” My voice trails off. Of course. If they searched my old apartment they would have found the picture that Jeff drew of us.

  “I had Sevastian take care of the bodies in Dixie’s apartment.”

  “Jesus. What do I tell Dixie?”

  “Tell her… the truth.”

  I nod. The truth. It’s such a sharp and jagged concept, the truth. It has the potential to cut bonds, setting you free. Or it can spear someone through the heart. But Caden’s right. I can’t keep lying anymore.

  Caden gives me another burn phone. I’m a wuss, so I call Mick first.

  “Kid, you scared the bajesus outta me. You okay?”

  “Yeah, it’s over. All over. Thanks for your help.”

  “Not a problem. I heard from some mates of mine still on the force that there was a big gang shootout at a warehouse complex at the docks. A lot of dead bodies. Including one Jacob Tyrell, wanted for the last five years.”

  “How terrible,” I say, trying to keep my voice stable.

  Mick snorted. “I think whoever did that did this country a great service. Not that the law would agree with me.”

  I change the subject. “Are Dixie and Jeff okay?”

  “I’m still here with them at her apartment. I took them to the hospital first to get checked out. But they’re both fine. Just a little shaken up. You wanna speak to them?”

  “Yes. Please.”

  “Alright. Hang on a second. And kid?”


  “I’m glad you aren’t one of those bodies.”

  My throat closes up and my eyes fill suddenly with tears. “Thanks, Mick. For everything.”

  “Don’t mention it.”

  When Dixie’s voice comes on I have wiped my eyes of moisture and have taken a few deep breaths, but I’m still not ready and have no idea what to say to her.


  “Dixie, I have to explain some things and I need you to just listen…” She is silent as I tell her about Jacob and who he was. I tell her of my life on the run and why she was kidnapped because of me. “I’m so, so sorry, Dixie. Please forgive me. I understand if you never want to see or hear from me again.”

  “Don’t be silly. It ain’t your fault. It’s that abusive sonofabitch ex of yours. Your new man however… Did he tell you? We met him while we were all kidnapped. Not how I imagined I’d meet your man, but I guess it was probably lucky that we even got to meet him at all. But good Lord, that man. Sweet Lordamercy.” She whistles. “No wonder you wanted to keep that sweet piece of ass to yourself.”

  “Dixie,” I laugh as I scold her softly.

  “And to think, it only took getting kidnapped by your crazy ex-boyfriend for me to meet him.”

  If I were face to face with her, I suspect she would have taken this opportunity to slap me on the ass with a dishrag.

  “Don’t forget to invite me to the wedding,” she sings. Then her voice gets all hushed. “I have bad news, my darlin’. Robert’s missing.”

  I open my mouth but no words come out.

/>   There is a silence from the other end. “You don’t sound surprised.”

  “Dixie, I’m so sorry…”

  “He ain’t comin back, is he?” Dixie says in a very small voice.

  I shake my head as a new set of tears fall from my eyes. Then I realize she can’t see me. “No. I’m so sorry.”

  “What happened?”

  “He… he died trying to save you. He loved you, Dix.”

  I hear her crying, and for a few minutes we just sit on the phone in tears, just grateful for the company on the other line. Dixie sniffs loudly and lets out a huff as if she’s trying to compose herself. “Well… he’s in a better place. I’ll have to arrange something… I’ll miss him. Damn him,” she says softly, “he took his chocolate self-saucing pudding recipe to the grave as he said he would.” She attempts a laugh. “Will you come back for the funeral when we hold one?”

  “I’ll be there. Even if you don’t see me. I’ll be there.”

  I can hear Jeff pestering her in the background. She either gets tired of him harassing her or perhaps she needs a few minutes alone to process what I just told her about Robert, but she hands the phone to him. Jeff’s voice comes on over the phone. He sounds weary, older. I know he has lost an innocence about him that he can never get back.

  “I’m glad you’re okay, Jeff. I would have never forgiven myself if anything had happened to you.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.” I’m surprised he’s not joking or at least making a small flirty comment as he usually does. He must be real shaken up. “When you coming back?”

  “I’m not sure I can… for at least a while.”

  “I see. Is that guy with you?”

  “Caden. Yes, he’s here with me.”

  “He’s a… big guy.”

  I laugh softly. “Yeah.” He’s my wounded warrior.

  “So he’s your boyfriend, huh?”

  Boyfriend? No, he’s so much more than that. “Something like that,” I say, not knowing how to explain who Caden is to me. I’m not sure whether I need to.

  “He seems alright.”

  “I’m glad he meets your approval.”

  “If things with him ever don’t work out…”

  “You’ll be the first to know, Jeff.”

  We can’t stay in this mansion anymore. Caden told me that he and Sevastian cut V’s encased within a circle on the chests of the dead men. It’s the symbol for the Veronesi crime family. Ironic, seeing as that the Veronesis were the family that killed Caden’s parents. Hopefully the massacre at the Tyrells’ warehouse would be blamed on the Veronesis, reigniting the war between them. There’s no better or cleaner an end than to let your two enemies pound each other to dust as you watch safely from a distance.

  Still, we can’t risk staying here. Caden leaves the sale of the house to Wylie before we set off again. We promise to keep in touch and make plans for him to join us once the sale has gone through and the heat has died down.

  We’re not sure where we’re off to. But we’re together and that’s what matters.

  I hum as I stand before my closet filled with the clothes in my room in Caden’s mansion.

  “Just one bag, okay?” Caden says to me from behind. I didn’t hear him come into the room.

  “There’s not exactly a lot of ‘life on the run’ clothing in here. Not even enough to fill a bag.” I step forward and trace my fingers across the luxurious, draping materials. “I mean, look: Versace, Gucci, Prada… they don’t exactly make a Criminals R Us line.”

  Caden slips an arm around me and hums in my hair. “Naked it is, then.”

  I snort but I let myself melt against him. I like this. No. I love this. I think it’ll take me a while for it to sink in that this might all be over. And that Caden and I might actually be… something. Something real.

  I spin to face him. “It might help if you told me where we’re going.”

  A small smile trickles across his face. “An island somewhere. To recuperate. Or anywhere in the world you want to go. But first… what do you think about stopping in Madison?”

  “Madison! That’s where my grandparents are.”

  “Oh, fancy that.”


  Twelve months later…

  Somewhere in the Caribbean, I’ve just come back from work to this simple beach shack, our little home. I work part-time locally as a medical assistant to one of the few English-speaking doctors on this side of the island. It’s a simple, easy job, but it gives me purpose and I love my boss, Dr. Amoya.

  In the rustic bathroom, I strip off my clothes and step into the shower, tiled blue like the ocean.

  “Any room in there for me?” When I look over my shoulder Caden is leaning against the door frame and staring at me with my favorite smirk on his face. I make a show of turning on the hot water and letting it run down my breasts with a moan.

  By the time I’ve turned my teasing self around he has stripped himself of all clothing. I catch a gasp in my mouth. He never fails to stun me into silence. He has these scars across his chest, but now you can barely see them under all his ink. He has a beautiful Japanese-style piece that fans across his whole chest and over his shoulder, hiding the bullet wound that would have been his death. There’s a dragon and a lion clashing with each other set amongst leaves and a few well-placed lilies. He got this piece a few months ago, saying that he didn’t need to hang onto the past anymore.

  He is stunning. His wide shoulders and thick chest tuck into a trim waist and washboard abs. Strong legs, a patch of dark hair and…

  Oh look, he’s already hard. Lovely.

  He steps into the shower, movements sleek like a panther. The closer he gets the more my awareness is heightened. Even the water streaming down my body seems to caress me. He closes the distance between us and our naked bodies meet in a splash of falling water. As he kisses me deeply, his hands twist into my hair to hold me close. My fingers trace the smooth, thatched lines of skin and scars across his chest. There are no secrets between us anymore. No rules, no restraints, no blindfolds; unless, of course, I ask for them.

  His hands curve around my ass and he lifts me up against the wall. Immediately my legs wrap around his waist and they fit like they belong there. The simple gold band on my left hand winks as I grip his hair.

  He pulls back long enough to say, “I love you, Mrs. Thaine.”

  “I love you, Mr. Thaine.”

  As he slips inside me and starts to thrust, I’m not sure that my heart can take any more happiness.

  It doesn’t matter where we go. He is my home, now and always.


  Love Sprung From Hate

  Dark Romeo 1

  Sienna Blake

  Roman Tyrell

  It was only supposed to be one night. But damn me, I can’t stop thinking about her.

  So when she walked into the interrogation room, my heart almost stopped. I didn’t know she was a detective, the only daughter of the Chief of Police. I can’t believe she set me up.

  I must stay away from her.

  I’m not sure I can.

  Julianna Capulet

  One night can change everything. God help me, I can’t stop thinking about him.

  So when I walked into the interrogation room to find him as my prime suspect, I almost died. I didn’t know he was a mafia prince, heir to the Tyrell’s bloody empire. I can’t believe he might have tortured and killed someone.

  I must catch him.

  I’m not sure I want to.

  So begins a deadly game of cat and mouse, of blood and lust, of love and duty, and of an attraction so fierce the consequences are inevitable…

  Inspired by Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, this is a retelling for mature audiences. Don’t enter the Underworld if you’re scared of the dark.

  Out now | | |

  Read on for an excerpt of Love Sprung From Hate

  And on how to get a FREE ecopy of my full-len
gth novel, Paper Dolls

  Dear Reader

  Thank you for coming along for the ride with Kitten and Caden! Before you throw something at me for not revealing her name let me plead my case -- she never told me! I wanted to reveal her name in the last chapter, I had planned to reveal her name in the last chapter, but our sassy girl had other ideas. I even tried forcing a ton of names on her but none of them felt right. So for now she will remain nameless.

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