Keepers of the Cave

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Keepers of the Cave Page 10

by Gerri Hill

  Valerie laughed too, her tension easing somewhat. “Yes. After all of that, I deserved a treat.”

  CJ smiled. “Yeah. I will say that breakfast was the best I’d had in years. Fresh eggs, probably home-cured bacon. Wonder why they’re so afraid of outsiders?” she asked.

  “Don’t know. Fiona is just as nice and normal as can be. I find it hard to believe she’s from that town.”

  “We haven’t met her yet,” Paige said. “She’s our neighbor, we’re told.”

  “She’s been out sick all week. Really unusual. I don’t think she’s ever missed a day,” Valerie said. “I hope it’s nothing serious.”

  “What about this animal scream we heard the other night? What the hell was that?” CJ asked.

  Valerie shrugged. “We don’t have a clue. I’d like to say you get used to it, but you really don’t. Sometimes it sounds so close.”

  “How often do you hear it?”

  “Oh, it’s not like it’s every night or anything. Once a week, maybe. It’s probably just a mountain lion or something.”

  “Well, it scared the crap out of us,” Paige said.

  They were interrupted by the arrival of others. Paige and Ella both got up to help, as Robbie was loaded with three dishes. CJ took that opportunity to snatch one of the beers she’d brought. As she popped the top off of the bottle, her interest was piqued when she spied a portable margarita machine on a table. The man setting it up was unfamiliar to her so she extended her hand in greeting.

  “I’m CJ Johnston,” she said.

  “Hi there. Dave Grumfeld. Nice to meet you.”

  CJ nodded. “You’re Gayla’s husband,” she said.

  “Yes. You’re one of the new ones, right? Paige Riley?”

  CJ grinned. “That’s us.”

  “How do you like it so far?” he asked.

  “Well, coming from Houston, I’m in culture shock,” she admitted truthfully. “The pace is a little slow.”

  He laughed. “I know what you mean. Before here, we were in Atlanta. I didn’t think we would make the first month. I would say you get used to it, but maybe you just learn to tolerate it,” he said. “We make a monthly trip to Dallas to get our city fix. You might try that. It’s only slightly closer than Houston but not nearly the traffic nightmare. At least for us. You’re probably used to it.”

  “I will say that’s one thing I don’t miss,” she said. “So what you got here?”

  “We bring it out every time there’s a Mexican themed get-together.”

  “In that case, we should have a Mexican theme every weekend,” she said, tipping her Corona at him.

  He nodded with a short laugh. “I see we have a shared interest then. Give me about fifteen minutes and I’ll have the first batch ready to go.”

  “Thanks, Dave. I’ll be back.”

  She spotted Paige talking to Suzette, and she walked up behind her, snaking an arm around her waist, laughing as Paige jumped.

  “Didn’t mean to sneak up on you,” she said.

  Paige smiled. “Of course you did.” She glanced at the beer, then back at CJ. “I would love one. Thanks.”

  CJ took that as an invitation and leaned closer, kissing Paige on the mouth. “Be right back. Suzette, can I get you anything?”

  “Becca beat you to it, but thanks.”

  CJ winked at Paige, glad there was a hint of a smile in her eyes instead of the daggers she’d been expecting. Maybe Paige was bored as well and didn’t mind a little playing. After all, they did it with Ice and Billy all the time. Of course, the flirting they did while around the guys was never physical. Today, here, they could expand on that. The roles they were playing gave them permission, she reasoned. Maybe she would test her luck and see just how far Paige would take it.

  Could be fun.

  Or she could kill you.


  “She’s so affectionate,” Suzette said. “You’re very lucky.”

  Paige had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. “Yes. Very lucky.”

  “Becca was never like that. I don’t know that she’s ever touched me outside of our own home,” she said almost pensively. “I think being a lifelong teacher does that. It’s fun to watch you two. So in love, always touching. I miss that.”

  Paige didn’t know what to say to that comment. So in love? Was their acting that good? She glanced up as CJ approached, their eyes meeting. There was a suggestion of a challenge in CJ’s eyes, and she felt a moment of panic at what CJ intended.

  “Here you are, babe,” CJ said with a charming smile.

  “Thank you.”

  CJ’s hand glided over her hip, dipping lower for a split second, then back to her waist. Suzette was watching intently and Paige leaned closer to CJ, affectionately brushing her shoulder with her own, feeling Suzette’s eyes on them.

  “I met Dave,” CJ said. “He’s got a margarita machine. I think he’s going to be my new best friend.”

  Paige and Suzette both laughed. “Having tequila withdrawals, are you?” Paige teased.

  “Yes.” Then CJ wiggled her eyebrows. “You know what tequila does to me.”

  Paige smiled. “Indeed I do.”

  “Well, I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone,” Suzette said. “I should help Becca set up.”

  As soon as she was out of earshot, Paige turned to CJ, intending to chastise her but found herself being pulled closer. Before she could protest, CJ’s mouth was on hers, her tongue brushing teasingly against her lower lip. To her horror, she found herself responding, barely able to keep her mouth from opening and inviting CJ inside.

  CJ pulled back slowly, her eyes shadowed. “I love the way you kiss,” she murmured.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Paige whispered, unable to keep her hands from sliding up CJ’s chest.

  CJ drew her closer, mouth at her ear. “Just trying to fight off boredom,” she said. “Kissing is an acceptable cure.” Again, her mouth moved to Paige’s. Paige had time to turn her head, if she had chosen to. Unfortunately, her body didn’t catch up with her brain in time, and she accepted the kiss, her eyes slipping closed at the contact.

  To the casual observer, it would appear that they were nothing more than lovers having a quick, intimate moment. Which, of course, is what they were trying to portray. But damn, did CJ have to make it seem so real?

  “I thought we decided that kissing was not acceptable,” Paige said quietly, her eyes drawn to CJ’s lips.

  “I never agreed to your rules.”

  They were just a breath apart and had they been real lovers, Paige would have leaned closer, again taking the lips that were tempting her. Instead, she stepped back, out of CJ’s arms. Whatever game CJ was playing, she wanted no part of it.

  “Take it easy on the tequila, tiger. You wouldn’t want to sleep on the sofa tonight, would you?”

  Paige went to help the others, hearing CJ’s light chuckle as she headed in the direction of the margarita machine. She would speak to her tonight, she decided. No, this assignment wasn’t at the top of the excitement scale for her either, but that didn’t mean CJ could improvise in their role playing. And it certainly didn’t mean she could touch her and kiss her at will. The fact that she responded to the kiss made her angrier at herself than CJ. She was no longer in the mood for a party, but she plastered a smile on her face, vowing to avoid CJ for the rest of the evening. Which might not be hard to do. She spotted her chatting with Dave, a margarita in her hand. Paige went in the opposite direction.


  “How long are you going to keep this up?” CJ asked as Paige silently stepped around her in the bathroom. Again, Paige didn’t answer as she brushed her teeth. CJ wasn’t one to keep things inside. If you’re angry about something, say it. She couldn’t take silence. So, she childishly blocked the door so Paige couldn’t flee to the safety of the bedroom. She raised her eyebrows. “What’s your problem?”

  Paige crossed her arms defensively, giving CJ a blank stare. “Do you have to ask?”r />
  “Obviously I do. You avoided me at the party. You’re not speaking to me. So you’re pissed about something.”

  Paige smirked. “You’re a genius. Now please let me pass.”

  “No. I want to talk about it. Is it because I kissed you?”

  “Wow. Great deduction.” Paige moved to walk past but CJ stopped her.

  “You’re mad because I kissed you? Come on, Paige. Really?”

  Paige lifted her chin defiantly. “I’m not comfortable with this, okay? I don’t want you touching me. I certainly don’t want you kissing me.”

  “No. That’s not it. You’re pissed at me because you responded to my kiss. That’s it, isn’t it?”

  Paige glared at her. “I did no such thing. I told you, I don’t want you to kiss me. Ever.”

  “Oh, come on, Paige. What was it? Was it too real? Did it remind you of that night?”

  “I assure you, I never think about that night.”

  “And I know you’re lying.”

  “I’m not. I have no need to recall that night. It meant nothing.”

  CJ’s laugh was bitter. “Oh, right. Because I’m so not your type. What? Am I not refined enough for you? Am I not proper enough? Is my hair not perfect? My clothes? Am I too butch for you?” She was surprised that some of the anger left Paige’s eyes.

  “That’s not it and you know it. We’re pretending to be lovers, but no, you are not someone I would date. And it has nothing to do with your social status or your clothes or whatever. It’s because of who you are,” Paige said. “You pick up women and then discard them like they’re nothing. I don’t think you know how to treat women.”

  CJ would be lying if she said that didn’t sting. It did. And perhaps it was true. After all, she had her father as a role model. Her anger at her father bubbled out and she took it out on Paige.

  “Right. And your perfect partner wouldn’t have any of the terrible past history like I do. I’m not quite good enough for Paige Riley, am I? Your lover would be someone with a better paying job than mine. Your lover would always be nice to you, do everything for you, make love to you slow and easy. She would treat you like a lady. Is that it?”

  Paige held her gaze but didn’t say anything. CJ leaned closer.

  “Except for that one night,” CJ said quietly. “You didn’t want it slow and easy. You didn’t want it like a lady. You just wanted someone to fuck you that night.” Paige’s eyes flashed at her and she tried to walk past but CJ stopped her. “No. I was good enough for you that night, right? You wanted me to fuck you until you couldn’t think, until you couldn’t feel, couldn’t see. Couldn’t walk. You wanted someone to chase it all away. I was good enough that night.”

  Paige jerked her arm away. “Yes. Yes to all of that. I was just like you that night.”

  “Yeah. Yeah you were. I guess we both got what we wanted.”

  “Problem is, you’re like that every night.”

  CJ let her brush past. The bedroom door didn’t slam shut like she expected. Instead, Paige closed it quietly behind her. CJ turned, staring at herself in the mirror, her anger turning to sadness. Paige was right. She didn’t know how to treat women. Oh, she could play the seduction game. She was good at it. And once she got a woman into bed, she knew exactly what to do with them. She was good at that too. But Paige was right. That’s as far as it went. She didn’t bother with their names, she had no interest in seeing them again. She had no interest in a relationship. She had seen firsthand how those things turned out. The yelling, the screaming...the hitting. And when that failed, turning to the kids to take it out on.

  She turned away from her memories. It would do no good to travel down that road again. God knows she’d done it enough in the last fifteen, twenty years. She sighed, then went about her own nighttime routine. Maybe she would take the sofa tonight. She doubted Paige wanted her in the same room with her, much less the same bed.

  They had no extra pillows and the other set of sheets was in the bedroom so she rested her head against the rounded side of the sofa, trying not to think about who—and what—had been on it before her. She wasn’t fastidious by any means, but sleeping on a used sofa was disgusting. She twisted and turned, trying to get comfortable, but sleep eluded her.

  She was no closer to falling asleep when, an hour later, headlights flashed across the window. She got up, peering quietly outside. The car stopped next door. Fiona? She squinted into the darkness, seeing a man—the hulk from the café—open the passenger door and help a woman out. He waited at the front door, never going inside the house. When she closed it behind her, he took off on foot, disappearing into the woods.

  “What the hell?” she whispered. She made a mental note to check with the chief tomorrow to find out who was working the gate. She eyed the sofa again, then glanced at the bedroom door. The bedroom seemed the lesser of two evils.

  Paige was asleep, taking up more than her share of the bed. CJ stared at her, her face so calm, peaceful. Beautiful. And so not her type. CJ tended to gravitate toward women who were a little on the raunchy side. Ill-mannered and foul-mouthed, the sex always rough and raw. Paige was just the opposite. Clean, refined. Stylish. Truth was, what started out as rough and raw with her had ended up being slow and languid. Down and dirty sex gave way to leisurely gentle lovemaking. Something she didn’t think she was capable of.

  She stared a few seconds longer, then quietly slipped in beside Paige. To her surprise, Paige mumbled something in her sleep, her hands reaching out for CJ. CJ’s heart beat just a little bit faster as a warm hand curled around her arm. She should move, she knew. Paige would be embarrassed. But it felt good. She felt...needed. So she stayed where she was, her eyes slipping closed as Paige’s hand tightened reflexively.


  Paige waited impatiently while the secretary, Ms. Miner, called the director. No, she didn’t have an appointment but really, was it that big a deal?

  “He’s not answering.”

  Paige looked at the closed door. “Are you sure he’s in?”

  “Yes. I brought him coffee earlier. Now, Ms. Riley—”

  “Paige, please.”

  “Paige, then. I think I need to remind you that we’re having a state audit this fall. Your lesson plans are sorely lacking. I mean, Zumba? The girls need activity, games. Sports. Not dance class.”

  “Excuse me, Ms. Miner, but you’re a secretary, right? Not an educator?” She flashed a smile. “Perhaps I should discuss my lesson plans with the director and not you.” She looked pointedly at the phone. “Please try him again.”

  She made no move to pick up the phone. “You’re new here. I’m not. I’ve seen people come and go. I’ll be here long after you’re gone too. So I think I’m qualified to pass along advice.”

  Paige was five seconds away from smacking the snotty little woman when her cell rang. She took a deep breath, excusing herself. She was surprised at the number that popped up.

  “This is Paige,” she said quietly.

  “I need to see you.”

  Paige looked at the closed door, then back to Ms. Miner. “I’m right outside your office,” she nearly whispered.

  “Okay. I’ve been avoiding her. Ask her to call me again.”

  Paige put her phone back in her pocket as she approached Ms. Miner’s desk again. “Do you mind giving him another call? I really need to speak with him this morning.”

  “He’s obviously occupied with something.”

  Paige gritted her teeth. “Please. Once more.”

  “Very well.” Ms. Miner looked surprised when he answered. “Sorry to bother you, Director Avery, but Paige Riley is here to see you.” She looked at Paige. “Yes, sir.” Disappointment showing clearly on her face, she motioned to the door. “He will see you now.”

  “Thank you.”

  Paige opened and closed the door quickly, leaning against it. Avery’s back was to her, the coffee cup that Ms. Miner delivered earlier appeared to be untouched.


  He turned slowly and she gasped, moving quickly from the door.

  “What the hell happened?”

  “I had a visitor last night.”

  She lifted his head gently, seeing the split lip and swollen, discolored eye. “The bodybuilder guy from town? The one they call Belden?”

  He nodded. “How did you know?”

  Paige pulled her phone out, scrolling through her contacts for CJ’s number. “CJ saw him.”

  “Who are you calling?”


  “No. It would look odd for me to summon her here without going through the chief.”

  “You’re not summoning her. I am.” Paige stood, waiting for CJ to answer, wondering if she was in a classroom or not. When she did answer, it wasn’t her normal “Hi, baby” but rather a very businesslike greeting.

  “What’s up?”

  “Can you come to the director’s office?”

  “Did you tell him?”

  “Didn’t have to. He had a personal visit.”

  CJ paused, her voice low. “I’m watching some damn training movie on how to be a good little prison guard. I’ll be there as soon as I can think of an excuse to leave.”

  Paige smiled as she disconnected, but it faded as soon as she looked at Avery.

  “Did he threaten you?”

  “I suppose that’s what it was, yes. A reminder to keep my staff out of Hoganville.” He touched his lip and grimaced. “Couldn’t even drink my coffee.”

  “Why didn’t you call us last night?”

  “It was very late. I didn’t want to cause a scene. You leaving your house at that hour to come to mine would have caused a fuss.” He touched his lip again. “I’m not a field agent,” he said. “I don’t have the training to—”

  “You did what you were supposed to do,” she said. “You played the part of a director of this school, nothing more.”

  “I was scared, I don’t mind saying.”

  Paige actually felt sorry for him, and she touched his shoulder reassuringly. “He brought Fiona home last night. CJ was—” What? She couldn’t very well tell him they’d had a fight and she was sleeping on the sofa. “She was still up,” she said lamely. “He walked her to the door, then left on foot. That’s why I came here this morning. CJ wanted to see how closely the gates are monitored.”


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