by Lake, Rae B.
“Not so great, my back hurts a bit.” She shifted in her bed, trying to find a comfortable position.
“Hold still. I’ll ring the nurse.” I reached over and pressed the call bell several times. It always took them forever to come.
“You look like you need some sleep.” She raised her hand and wiped it down my face. I hadn’t shaved in days and it looked like it.
“I’m good.”
“Yes, ma'am. Did you call?” A nurse was at the door, looking like she was a bit annoyed to be disturbed. If I could get away with it, I would have put her head through the wall.
“Yes, do you think I could get a bit of pain medication? My back is killing me.” Keeley tried to adjust herself again.
“Sure, I’ll be right in.”
I watched as the nurse went to the cart and pulled out a bag of medication to hang on her IV. “You should be feeling better in no time.” She set her up and walked out of the room.
I watched as her eyes fluttered a bit. “You got some of the good stuff in there, huh?”
She giggled a bit. “I’m sorry, Dillon. I am such bad company right now.”
“Please, I can meditate or some shit, as long as you’re feeling better, I can entertain myself.”
“You should go home and get some sleep.”
“No woman, stop saying it. I’m not going home.”
“You’re so stubborn.”
“Look who’s talking.”
Suddenly, the same nurse who had just put the pain medication on ran in and snatched the medication away.
“Is something wrong?” Keeley asked.
“Oh, you can’t have this medication, I didn’t notice they updated your chart this morning.”
“Why can’t I have it? It's what I was getting yesterday, right?” Keeley was skeptical. I was just beginning to think that this nurse was incompetent.
“It is, but it’s no good for someone in your condition.”
“My condition?”
The nurse looked from Keeley to me back to Keeley.
“Did anyone come to talk to you yesterday about your bloodwork?”
“No, I assumed everything was fine. Did something turn up?”
The nurse bit her lip. “Yes, but I think maybe we should wait for your doctor.”
“What condition?” I asked brusquely. Whatever it was, we would beat it together. Maybe it was cancer, an infection or something.
“Yes, please, just tell me. I will worry about it all day if you make me wait for the doctor. What did the blood tests show?”
She still looked like she wasn’t sure if she should tell Keeley. “Just fucking tell us. She has a right to know. If she has other questions, then she can wait for the doctor.”
“Fine!” The nurse rolled her eyes at me then settled on Keeley’s face, she smiled a bit. “Well, the tests show that you’re expecting.” She smiled a bit brighter.
“What?” Keeley’s face went as pale as the sheet she had covering her.
“You’re about two months pregnant.”
“That is impossible.” Keeley shook her head, clearly not believing what she was being told. “I have an IUD. I can’t be pregnant.”
“IUDs are only about 99% effective. You are pregnant, for sure. We can get an ultrasound in here later if you would like.”
Keeley took a few breaths in. “Yeah, that would be great.”
I watched as the nurse left the room.
“Dillon, I don’t know how this happened.”
I just looked at her, my body had gone numb again. I could hear what she was saying, but it sounded like she was underwater, so far away.
“Dillon, talk to me. We have to talk about this.” Her pale face began to flush with color, she was getting upset.
I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing was coming out, the only word that I could hear in my head was ‘pregnant’.
She’s pregnant? I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. There was no way. I can’t do this. I need to get out.
I stood up, heard the air woosh past my ears.
“Dillon, what are you doing? Please talk to me.” The tears were starting to trail down her face again and there was nothing that I could do to make her feel any better.
I turned towards the door; I had to leave. I had to.
“Dillon, don’t you dare leave me now. Not after all this. I need you.” Great big tears were falling from her eyes, but I couldn’t stop my legs from moving.
I walked into the clubhouse, my brain still in a fog as to what was going on with my life. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that she was having a baby. My baby. There was no way that she had been with anyone else; I trusted her enough to know that.
But she had told me I didn’t need to worry. She told me that pregnancy wasn’t a possibility that it was safe, and I believed her, I trusted her.
Never a-fucking-gain!
I was so pissed at her. It felt like she was trying to get rid of me. She was going to leave me now for sure. She was going to have someone else in her life to give all her love to, and now when I just got it, I didn’t want to share her love. I wanted it all for myself. Selfish but I didn’t care.
How was I supposed to care for a kid? I couldn’t. I wasn’t even going to attempt to. She would be a single mother because I had no idea what I would be able to offer that kid besides whiskey and profanity.
By the time I had made it to my room, I had no idea if any of my brothers had spoken to me or if any of them were even there. I just wanted this day to end. Maybe this was all a bad dream.
I laid down on my bed. I want this day to be over. As I closed my eyes, I let the numbness take over completely. I just wanted to be away from all of this.
Someone outside had other plans. The door to my room rattled with the pounding of someone trying to get in. I didn’t even attempt to get up to open the door, and whoever was outside didn’t seem to want to wait anyway.
Clean kicked my door in. He broke the entire door off the hinges, literally.
“What the fuck are you doing in bed? You’re an absolute pussy!”
I could hear him insulting me, but I couldn’t get myself to muster up the strength to defend myself.
“Get the fuck up.” He was standing over me, his eyes wild and daring.
“Go away.” It was all I could get out.
“Why in all the shit did Keeley call me crying that you ran out on her while she is lying up in the hospital in pain and pregnant.”
I tried to roll over and ignore him. “No, you will not run away from this!” He grabbed my leg and dropped me hard on the floor, which got my blood boiling. I jumped up and pushed him away. I swung a right at him and connected to his jaw, but it did nothing to slow him down. He popped my head back twice with two quick jabs followed by an uppercut. His speed caught me off guard. I tried to wrap him up but he was way stronger than me, and he threw me against the wall. I was tired of fighting. I just wanted him to leave me alone.
“What part of get out did you not understand?”
“The part where you think I give a shit about what you had to say. Get your ass back to that hospital and take care of your woman!”
“I can’t!” I sat on my bed with my head in my hands. “I can’t.”
“That’s bullshit. Get off your ass and go.”
“She’s going to leave. I don’t want to deal with that shit. I can’t be a father. It would never work.”
“How the hell would you know?” He sat down on the bed next to me, the fight clearly out of his mind already. “You have to try. Everyone knows you love that woman, she knows it, your enemies know it. Now that she has given you an extension of the both of you to love, you’re just going to deny her? Where’s the badass that I knew who’d take on any challenge? This is how my new VP acts when shit gets hard?
“You always yell and beat on your VP’s? If so I don’t know if I want the job,” I said, not taking my head out of my hands.
p; “Come on, Wire. Family comes first. Go back to your woman.”
He was right. I knew he was but I just couldn’t get myself to do it.
“Alright brother, I hear you.” I stood up and walked down to where I had my bike. I had no idea how I was going to do this, I didn’t even know if I was good enough to try but I knew I couldn’t leave her. I knew she would leave me one day and when she did my world would end but I wasn’t going to be the one to leave her or our baby.
* * *
It took me longer than normal to get to the hospital. Every time I was close to getting there, I would just drive past my exit. I was being a pussy and I knew it. I was scared of the whole situation. I didn’t know what she was going to say to me, or even if she was going to accept my apology. What if she didn’t want to keep the baby? That would be fine with me. But what if she did? Would she know that I would prefer not to? That was usually a downer in a relationship, at least all the ones that I’d ever heard of. I already knew that I wanted her as my ol’ lady but I had no ring or proposal. I just knew that this was what I wanted. What did she want? I had so many questions.
Three hours after I had left the clubhouse to come back to the hospital, I walked into the doors and back to the floor where I had left Keeley. The doctor ran up to me as soon as he saw me.
“Sir, have you heard from your wife?”
What the hell? Did she tell everyone that I had walked out on her?
“No, I haven’t spoken with her since I left earlier.” He looked stressed at my answer. “Is something the matter?”
“Yes, I would say so. Your wife disappeared from the floor and we’ve not been able to locate her. She took her clothes and belongings with her but she has not finished her course of medication. Also, the pregnancy is causing very high blood pressure, which if not controlled, could cause some serious complications to both her and your child.”
I blinked, trying to absorb the information that he was giving to me.
She left? Why the fuck?
“Ok, thank you doc. I’m going to try the house, see if she’s there. If she comes back here, can someone please let me know.”
“Of course.” He reached out his hand to shake mine before he turned to continue his work on the floor.
I hopped on my bike and raced over to Keeley’s house. She could be there alone and in pain. I felt like even more of a dick for leaving her now.
I walked into the house and could hear Max whimpering in the living room. I ran in expecting to see the worst and it was. Keeley was laying on the couch, crying, big, nasty, gut wrenching sobs.
“Hey, hey. What’s this shit?” I walked over to her and tried to raise her up from the couch. When fast as lightening her hand flew up and smacked me hard across the face.
“Get the fuck out of my house.” Keeley sat up on the couch, staring daggers at me.
“No, I’m not leaving. We need to talk.”
“Oh, now you want to have a fucking conversation? Now you want to listen to me?” More tears streamed down her face.
“Keeley, I fucked up-”
“No, you don’t say?” She threw her hands on her hips as she stood up from the couch, wobbling a bit.
“Look, I know you are pissed-”
“Well, you got that right Dr. Obvious, I mean-”
“Are we going to fucking talk, or are you going to act like a raving bitch the whole time?”
I watched her whole face turn beet red and her eyes nearly pop out of the sockets.
Well, that wasn’t the smartest thing to say right then.
I jumped behind the couch just before the first vase hit the wall right where my head had been. Books and glasses were being hurled in my direction, Max was barking and growling but she had given him no order to attack, yet.
“Bitch? You think I am acting like a bitch? I’ll show you, bitch!” A plate came swirling through the air crashing against the wall and the shattered pieces bouncing back towards me. I covered my eyes, but a few pieces flew in just the right angle to slice my cheek and forearms. The blood infuriated me.
“How the fuck could you do this, Dillon? You made me love you then you left me!” Another book flew in my direction.
I could hear her breathing heavy, she was getting tired and I suddenly remembered what the doctor said about high blood pressure. All this screaming and throwing shit couldn’t be good for her or the baby. Now I was more concerned for them then I was for myself. They couldn’t be hurt, not because I was a coward.
I jumped over the sofa right as she was going to throw another glass figurine and I was able to bat it down as she let it go hurling through the air.
“You fucking asshole!” She screeched out at me. I saw her reach down and pick up another book, but I was on her quicker than she could’ve imagined. I had her pinned to the wall. Her face to the paint and her ass to me.
“Stop the shit, Keeley. I shouldn’t have said that. It was wrong.”
“Wrong! You leave me to deal with all this shit and then you come in here and call me a bitch and you say it was just wrong.”
She was struggling against my hold, fighting to get free and get a weapon to beat the shit out of me. I had never seen her this angry. My little snake was spitting venom, and I was just trying to make sure I didn’t get caught in the fire.
“Was this all a game to you? Did you want to see how far you could take it with me? Now that you know, you want to bail out?”
I pressed down harder on her, she was kicking and clawing at me but all I could really feel was her ass rubbing against my cock. I knew it wasn’t the right time to be thinking about that, but the way she was fighting and screaming at me was turning me on. My woman was no weakling, not by a long shot. She would fight until the end and I loved that about her.
She must have felt my dick getting hard because she stopped fighting so much. “Is that all you wanted from me, pussy?”
“No, you know better than that Princess. I can get pussy from whoever I want.”
The struggling started again but I held fast. “I don’t want no one else but you.”
“You’re a fucking liar. You were just using me! Fine! If this is all you want, take it!”
What? What is she talking about now?
She spun around in my grasp, her heated eyes now staring into mine, no longer full of tears. Much better.
“Keeley, stop the nonsense. That’s not what I want right now.” I still had one hand in my grasp but the other one was no longer pinned to the wall, so she used it to grab my dick. Hard.
“Liar,” she growled out at me.
I made no sudden movements. If there was one thing, I had learned with women, it was don’t argue with an angry woman when they have your dick in their hands.
“No, this is what you want.” She moved her hand from my dick to unfasten her sweatpants. They fell and she was naked underneath. I was fighting myself not to take advantage of her right now. She wasn’t in her right mind.
“Keeley, stop right now. I don’t want to hurt you. Stop.”
“Too late, you weren’t thinking about not hurting me when you walked out of that room.” She went to unbuckle my pants, and I let go of her hand to stop the other one. She smacked me again, hard across the face. I had to take that hand and grab the swinging arm, which allowed her to use the free hand to undo my pants and get my cock out. My other hand was keeping her pressed against the wall so she wouldn’t have enough space to raise a leg to kick me. I was hard as steel, hot and pulsing already in her hand.
“I told you, you’re a fucking liar. All I was to you was a quick fuck. Was I good?” She began to pump her hand on my cock, hard and fast. She used the precum she squeezed from the tip to lubricate my shaft. “Was I the best? Is that why you kept coming back?”
“Keeley, stop!” I hissed through my teeth. I tried not to get any pleasure out of what she was doing, but my body was being a traitor and I was letting up on her. She had more room to maneuver now. She raised her leg, resting her
foot on a ledge by the fireplace we were standing next to. She arched her body in such a way that she was able to rub her honey pot with my length, back and forth, a tease. Never letting me in but just letting me feel how wet and warm she was.
“Tell me the truth, for once in your life. Was I better than average?”
My eyes rolled back into my head. It felt so good. The friction of her clit and pussy lips against the tight skin of my cock had me going out of my mind. My hips began to buck forward without my conscious permission.
“Keeley, please… don’t make us like this… don’t do this.” My hand dropped from holding her wrist up to gripping ferociously on her hip, trying to angle her up so I could get inside.
“Or maybe it wasn’t my snatch at all, maybe it was my mouth?” She jammed both hands into my hair and yanked my head hard to her mouth. Her teeth smashed into mine before her tongue slid its way into my mouth. My whole body came alive. I could feel bliss rolling through every muscle that I had. I kissed her back hard and full of passion. I could feel her anger, but I could also feel the love. She loved me; I knew it.
I was still pumping against her honey hole, the tease of the whole situation was enough to have me humping her thigh like a dog in heat, and that tease along with the kiss and just the feel of Keeley back in my arms was enough to bring me to the edge. I held back though. I was sweating from mere exertion and the once irate Keeley was now mewling and panting against me. I felt her body start to tense, and very subtly she shifted her pelvis upward so the very crown of my cock entered her sweet spot.
Sparks and flashes of light collided behind my eyelids, as I threw my head back and roared up towards the ceiling. I nearly lifted off the ground, trying to get deeper inside her. I couldn’t hold back anymore.
I grabbed her other leg off the ground, wrapping them both around my waist, not bothering to ask if she was ready. With one deep growl, I rammed into her as hard as I could. All ten inches of me from head to base straight up into her. Her eyes went wide, and her hands shot back to mantle above her head as she tried to pull herself away.