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Polanski Brothers

Page 20

by Dakota Cassidy

  Turning serious, Lord Hart moved to sit on a garden bench, while Thomas paced in front of him. “'Tis no joke. Elizabeth believes she may have deep feelings for you and is testing the waters, so to speak, to see if perhaps you might have interest in her.”

  The words hit like a bolt of lightning. His world could be thrown into ruin if her plan succeeded. Pacing quickly back and forth in front of the bench on which Hart sat, he replied, “Anthony, you must realize I did nothing to give the woman such a notion. I would never covet your lady.”

  “Rest easy my friend. I know this is not of your doing. The lady in question has come to this decision of her own accord, and has my approval to proceed with her attempt to win you to her way of thinking.”

  Stunned, Thomas stopped his pacing, placed a hand on the hilt of the sword hanging at his side, turned and faced Hart. “My God man, you cannot be serious. I will have none of her devilment! You must tell her to stop this game.”

  “'Tis not a game, Thomas. Elizabeth fancies herself in love with you. She believes, most likely incorrectly, that you will give up your dominant ways to be with her. Truly she wants to become your lady.”

  Thomas began to pace again. “This is beyond reason. The woman has no sense of what she is trying to do. To think, first of all, that she would believe I would betray you, my lord.” Thomas paused. “What the hell kind of game is she playing?” This last statement was delivered in a harsh tone, as Thomas kicked at the rocks on the path below his feet, sending a cloud of dust on the wind.

  “Calm down, Tom. It's not as dire as all that. Elizabeth will discover you cannot be turned from your authoritarian ways. You will train her in the art of being a jakara, teach her to serve you, enjoy the pleasure of having her naked body available to your touch, and all will be right with the world.”

  “Have you lost your mind, Tony? I will not train her, because I will not take her to my bed, either as a free woman or a jakara.”

  “Watch yourself, Thomas. Your tone may be justified under the circumstances. However, you have no quarrel with me. I will step aside and give you free reign to proceed with Elizabeth in any way you determine best.”

  “You're telling me, you will allow your lady to…”

  “Enough!” Hart was standing. “I have said all I care to on this subject. 'Tis in your hands to do as you wish. Either take the lady or don't, it's of no concern to me.”

  Bowing at the waist, Thomas replied, “As you wish, Milord.”

  “Nothing is as I desire, Thomas. However, I am powerless to stop the coming events, so will simply await the outcome.”

  Thomas watched as Lord Hart walked back along the path and disappeared from sight. Turning to sit on the now vacant bench, he stared into the distance and cleared his mind of all thought.




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