Prison Fling

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Prison Fling Page 5

by Cassandra Dee

  I gulped.

  What was I thinking?

  He’d never be interested in me.

  Or even if he was, it was only because there were slim pickings.

  Out in the real world, he could get anyone. Models, actresses, even a princess or two. There was a pictures of him, tall and handsome, always with a beautiful woman or two hanging onto his arm.

  Because it was obvious that Mason was a playboy. He constantly had a beautiful woman on his arm. In fact, the same one never showed up twice. And most of them were blonde and skinny, with big blue eyes and blinding white smiles.

  Exactly my opposite.

  I was curvy and huge, with untamable ringlets forming a halo around my face. My eyes were brown. My hair was brown. I was a humble sparrow compared to these swans.

  I’d been such a fool.

  Mason wasn’t interested in me.

  He was just bored in jail, like a cat toying with a mouse.

  The moment he was out, I’d be toast.

  So before I could make myself feel even worse, I closed my laptop, putting it back on the coffee table.

  “I just need to forget him,” was my desperate whisper. “Drop it Laney, drop it.”

  But how could I forget Mason Evercore?

  Because it was like forgetting how to breathe.



  Why does time go by so goddamn slow around here? I swear, whenever I look at the clock, it hasn’t moved. Minutes turn into hours and hours into days. Life in jail was a snail-paced eternity. A living hell.

  Fuck it all.

  I stared at the ceiling of my cell. Beyond the wall, I could hear my neighbors talking about their visitors. Kilroy had a little girl who’d just turned three. She was still innocent enough to love her father despite his crimes.

  Make that his alleged crimes.

  Because who knew what really happened?

  The American justice system is flawed, I tell you. Deeply flawed. Look at me, for example. Already here for a year, and looking at one more.

  Fuck that.

  But even my lawyer ditched me this week. Usually, he gave some half-assed excuse about Visitors Day, but I didn’t even get a phone call this time around.

  Fuck him.

  The moment I got out of this shit hole, shit was gonna change. People were gonna pay, and they knew who they were. Unfortunately, I’m not a man of mercy.

  Slowly, I got to my feet, stretching to full height. God, I missed my penthouse back home. You would think this place was made for goddamn midgets, my head almost brushing the ceiling.


  A loud, flamboyant voice sounded behind me.

  I turned around to see Red Eye standing there, smirking and winking.

  Leaning against the sink, I raised an eyebrow in his direction, arms crossed over my chest. Red Eye was the closest thing I had to a friend around here, but right now, I wasn’t at all in the mood for his happy-go-lucky attitude.

  “Why the long face?” Red asked, waltzing into my cell and plopping onto my mattress. I cringed. Generally, I don’t like other dudes touching my stuff. Especially where I sleep.

  But Red was clueless. He crossed one leg over the other, leaning back to make himself comfortable. God, why the hell did I tolerate him? On the outside, we never would have met. Here, however, things were different. Here, I associated with all sorts of folks that would have been scum in my old life.

  But you know what? Given that my old buddies hadn’t so much as written a letter, I wasn’t sure who my allies were anymore.

  Maybe Red was as good as anyone from before.

  Probably better, to tell the truth. So I tolerated him, propping my bulk against the wall while eyeing him coolly.

  “I’m fine,” were my casual words. “Why?”

  Red leered.

  “Oh, come on now, you can tell Ol’ Red Eye. I’m here for you, honey.”

  I shook my head exasperated. His ladyboy ways were annoying. You don’t have me fooled. I know you’re not a woman, Red. Not even close.

  “I’m fine,” I repeated patiently. “Nuthin’ goin’ on.”

  The inmate waved his hand airily.

  “Okay, have it your way then. Oh! I just remembered why I came in here. It’s a social call.”

  He smiled a big, toothy grin, relaxed and happy.

  “Go on,” came my uncharitable grunt.

  “I managed to get my hands on what you wanted. Maxie helped me. He’s a real doll. Knows how to sweet talk himself into anything.”

  Red smacked his lips together, almost moaning with ecstasy. Ugh. That was a sight I didn’t want to see. But you know what? Prison opens your horizons. Before, I never would have noticed Red. He would have been persona non grata, way below my level. But now, this man was sitting on my bed like we were BFFs sharing secrets at a fifth grade birthday party.

  “Here it is!” he squealed. “Take a look!”

  Quickly, he fished in his pocket before pulling out a watch.

  “I know it’s nothing like the Rolexes you used to wear on the outside, but I did my best.”

  I laughed, holding the pathetic thing in my palm. The strap was a putrid green leather that was worn and cracked with use. The glass was cloudy and thick. But inside, the second hand twitched with every tick.

  “Is it accurate?” I asked, holding the implement up to my ear.

  “Yessir! I made sure of it. I know it doesn’t look like much, but it won’t fail you. I even put in new batteries. Should last a while.”

  I grunted.

  “Excellent. I’ll remember this.”

  “In that case,” Red ventured, voice musical. “I do have a tiny favor to ask ….”

  I nodded absentmindedly, still looking at the watch. Red took a deep breath.

  “Well, you see I wanted to cook Maxie a nice meal but you know that I’m a horrible chef. I can bake anything, but as soon as I step away from the oven, everything seems to go to hell.”

  He was fidgeting with the edge of my sheets, looking nervous.

  “Do you think you could cook a meal for us so that I can pass it off as mine?” came his blurt. “You’re real good in the kitchen Mason, everyone knows. Do you think you could do that for me?”

  And prison changes you in ways that you never expect. Because before, this would have been ludicrous. Me, cooking? Much less cooking for a gay inmate and his boyfriend?

  But things have changed. I’m not the old Mason anymore. Happiness is important, I don’t begrudge Red and his boyfriend their relationship. so I shrugged.

  “Sure,” was my grunt. “I’ll do it.”

  Red squealed with joy.

  “Yay!” he giggled. “Yay, yay! Okay, I better let you get to the library. Your special friend is coming today, right? Everyone’s been talking about her,” he gossiped, leaning close. “I hear she’s real pretty.”

  This was news to me. My jaw clenched, eyes probably bulging a little.

  “What. The. Fuck?”

  Red continued, breezily unaware.

  “Oh yeah. She’s the talk of the shower. Laney was her name, right?”

  Fuck. The vein in my forehead pulsed, I could feel it. Because there was nothing so disgusting as this bunch of losers talking about my girl as they wanked their dicks under the water. Fuck. It was probably a circle jerk, no less.

  “Fuck this shit,” I growled under my breath. “Fuck it.”

  Red jerked, eyes wide and blinking.

  “What is it?” he whined. “Please don’t hurt me! I wasn’t there, it’s just what I heard!”

  Smoke poured from my nostrils. Awww shit. Prison sucked. Everyone had noticed Laney, it wasn’t just me. And now everyone was gonna come to the library, eager to get an eyeful of my little girl.


  “Never talk about her again,” I bit out, eyes murderous. “Never.”

  Red literally crossed his heart, trembling on the mattress.

  “Promise, Mason. I promise

  I didn’t bother to apologize for scaring him. Instead, in two strides, I was out of the cell and headed to the library.

  Because it was time to claim what was rightfully mine.


  My woman, and only mine.

  But when I arrived in the dingy room, it was silent. Well, mostly silent. Because the usual bookworms were there. Frank, convicted of assault and battery, constantly hid his face behind a worn-out copy of Bleak House. Rex was a crotchety old man who was constantly shuffling around the stacks, looking for a book he never managed to find. Dude could have been out years ago, but he decided to stay. At least here he was fed and treated for his chronic kidney disease.

  It was sad.

  Really heart-breaking, to tell the truth.

  Our system is so fucked up. This guy should be enjoying his retirement with his grandkids, but instead, he’s rotting away behind bars. What kind of a life was that?

  Then again, I was here too.

  Aw, fuck.

  I bypassed them both and settled into my favorite chair. Tucked away in the corner, with full view of the library, I felt like a king. Again, sad. A few months ago, I had all of New York – hell, all fifty states – in the palm of my hand. And now, I had a dilapidated prison library and a crew of ragtag lunatics as my subjects.

  What a fall.

  I sighed and pulled out the watch Red Eye had given me.

  11:43 a.m.

  Laney arrived at two p.m.

  Great, I had two hours to waste.

  A goddamn eternity as far as I was concerned.

  With nothing else to do, I grabbed a random book off the shelves and tried to read. But the image of Laney barged into my thoughts. Well, her tits did at least. I pictured them, nice and plump, right in front of my face. The image was so vivid that I imagined leaning forward and taking a bite. A nice, juicy bite.


  Already, my cock was coming alive between my legs. How did she do it? How did she manage to get me so riled up without even being here?

  After all, she wasn’t exactly my type.

  My usual is tall, blonde and Amazonian, with a spray tan and a face full of make-up.

  Meanwhile, Laney was none of that. She was round, with huge, heaving tits and a big ass. But there was that smile. The aura of innocence. Those pink pouty lips that had never touched a man’s dick.

  Aw fuck.

  Suddenly, blonde Amazonians weren’t my thing anymore.

  I wanted a curvy brunette, panting and open as she screamed my name. Begging as I bent her over.

  Oh yeah.

  For the next two hours, Laney continued to tease my thoughts. Sure my eyes were fixed on the page, but they saw nothing. Instead, in my mind, I took my time, exploring every inch of her body. I took off her clothes piece by piece. I made her bend over and touch her toes, that back crevice parting.

  Oh shit baby.

  How beautiful you are.

  Those dripping pink lips with the brown star on top.

  Show it to me sweetheart.

  Go right ahead, bend over further.

  Because one way or another, she’d be mine. Laney might be sweet and innocent now, but by the time I’m done with her, she’d be a naughty little slut, prancing and dancing.

  I smirked.

  Because corruption is fun.

  Hey, I love this shit.

  But it was time to get it together. People had started to trickle into the library. If I had to guess, it was nearing two.

  1:45 p.m.

  Dammit. So close and yet, still so far. I didn’t know if I would be able to wait another fifteen minutes for her to arrive. Fuck. Was I getting desperate?


  It was just the prison air. That was all.

  Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

  At this point, the watch was just teasing me. I had half a mind to smash it to bits, but that would be such a waste. It wasn’t easy getting contraband into this place, Red had had to pull strings.

  But unable to sit still for another moment, I got up, striding to the other side of the room, pretending to browse through the selection of books. But really, it was all about sizing up the crowd. There had to be double the number of people from last week. No doubt, word about Laney had spread throughout the prison like a wildfire.



  All these creeps had a glint in their eyes. They wanted her. Of course. Any sane man would. But there was no chance in hell that would happen. She was mine. If they so much as looked her way, I was gonna break their backs. Hell yeah, prison is a rough place, and there are ways to make messed-up shit happen.

  But it got even worse. These creeps were acting like a couple of kindergarteners on their first day of school.

  Sitting in the first row, elbowing one another.

  Their mouths open, practically panting.


  Right on cue, there was a noise at the door, the creak of the hinge opening. Could I hear Laney’s voice mixed in with the rest? Like dogs, our heads turned, eyes hopeful. Oh god, I was just as bad as the rest.

  I smirked.

  And finally, she came into view.


  Laney was stunning.

  The male crowd took a deep breath in unison before letting it out like a choir.

  Maybe it was the bright red pencil skirt she was wearing. Or the white button-down straining against those massive melons. It was clear the female was trying to dress professionally, but shit, it was impossible to disguise that curvy form. For her, wearing clothes was a crime altogether. They should be in a heap on the ground, torn, never to be put on again.

  Because without even trying, Laney somehow managed to flood my system with posessiveness. The urge to pounce, to mark, to take her was all-consuming, fogging up my mind until I couldn’t think straight.


  And the little girl had no idea. She had no clue her intoxicating effect.

  “Hello, everyone.”

  That sweet voice floated through the room, lulling every man into a half-dazed trance. Even I found myself slumping a bit.

  To the crowd’s appreciation, the woman turned around, bent over slightly, and picked up a stack of small composition notebooks from the table. They were the same ones used in first grade to write ‘See Spot run’ over and over again.


  I’ll write whatever in them.

  The alphabet.

  Meaningless recitations.

  Laney loves Mason. Laney wants Mason’s cock.

  But the little girl had no idea.

  “I hope everyone had a lovely afternoon,” she smiled, handing the notebooks to a man in the front so he could pass them around. “I’m so glad that there’s such interest in this newspaper project. My colleagues and I have gone through the interests you expressed at our last meeting and we’ve divvied up the group into specific sections: journalism, photography, graphic design, printing, and interviewing. Each cohort will have a “professional mentor” that’ll help you with your projects. As we expressed in our previous meeting, we want this activity to be as enriching as possible, so if at any time you think of a way to make the program better, feel free to share those ideas with your mentor.”

  Her tone was professional yet warm, authoratitive yet friendly.


  This woman had all the goods.

  But I’m a dirty fuck because not for a second did my eyes leave those giant gazongas. How could I? They were like two huge magnets pulling me in.

  “Before we split into groups, are there any questions?”

  The brunette scanned the crowd for the first time, belying her nerves. That sweet pink tongue swept out over her lips, flickering like a kitten.

  Why are you nervous, sweet Laney?

  Can you feel my eyes on you?

  Can you sense the heat of my cock from way over there?

  I had no doubt that she knew exactly where I was. Yet, the woman refused to lo
ok, determinedly professional. No worries. That would soon change. Soon she’d be putty in my hands.

  “Yes, in the back,” she murmured at Red Eye. What the fuck? How did that loser get here? He must have come to see for himself.

  “Can we switch our interests, darl –“

  But the loser stopped mid-sentence. Because even though Red Eye played for the other team, I didn’t want him to use the word “darling” with my Laney.

  That was for me.

  “Yes?” Laney prompted, tilting her head to the side, wondering what had happened.

  But Red shook his head mutely, looking at me.

  And then Laney turned my way as well.


  Her cheeks turned vermillion, chest quivered with a sharp intake of air. Those big boobies bobbled, making my dick harden. Oh fuck yeah. It was starting. Laney’s defenses were beginning to unravel, her resolve under assault.

  I had her now.

  Subtly, I swept my finger across my lips, reminding her of the last time we were together. The memory was so vivid that I could practically taste her sweet, hot nectar.

  Laney blushed scarlet again, opening her mouth. But no sound emerged. As her face grew red, chest heaving, the woman fumbled with some notebooks, almost dropping one.

  Wrong move, sweetheart. You’re tempting the beast and if you aren’t careful, the horn is gonna come.

  My horn.

  Deep inside of you. So deep you’ll be screaming for days.

  “Excuse me,” she apologized, swigging some water. A droplet fell on that blouse, turning the white fabric see-through. And shit, but she was wearing a black bra underneath.

  Is that what ladies do these days?

  Black lingerie under filmy white shirts?

  Holy fuck. Because it looked amazing. I couldn’t wait to rip it off that luscious form before devouring the sweet, creamy flesh beneath.

  But we were done now.

  “Ahem,” she announced, nervously fingering some papers. “Well, alright. In that case, let’s form groups, shall we?” She clapped her hands together before directing our attention to the easel. “Your assignments are posted here. Please meet with your group for brief introductions and then the mentors will be calling on their mentees for one-on-one discussions.”


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