Never Come Back

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Never Come Back Page 33

by David Bell

  But she didn’t love her job the day the story about Dante Rogers ran in the paper.

  As soon as Janet walked into the office, she knew everyone had read about it. Nobody said anything—at least not right away. But she could tell by the looks on their faces. Her coworkers smiled at her, but they weren’t happy smiles. They were forced, toothless, the heads cocked to the side a little, the lips pressed tight. Oh, you poor thing, the smiles said. The tragedy. You were there that day…

  You were supposed to be watching him…

  In the break room during lunch, Madeline Hamilton, the office’s resident busybody, approached Janet, sitting down next to her and casually removing a soggy sandwich from a plastic bag. Madeline had known Janet’s mother, had landed the job in the dean’s office with Janet’s help. Janet knew Madeline’s interest wasn’t casual, and Janet even found herself happy to see the older woman cozying up next to her. She hoped someone would break the tension, pop the black balloon that seemed to be hovering over her head.

  “So,” Madeline said, drawing out the O, her tiny mouth formed into a similar, circular shape. Madeline didn’t bite into her food. She raised her right hand and fussed with the pile of bright red hair on the top of her head. “Crazy day for you, huh?”

  “Do you want to ask me something about the story?” Janet said.

  Madeline took a bite of the sandwich and gestured with her free hand. “If you need someone to talk to…,” she said, the free hand floating in the air, a heavy, fleshy butterfly. “I’ve always thought of you as family. And I know today’s that awful anniversary. Are you going to the cemetery or anything?”

  Janet shook her head. She had a Diet Coke and a bag of pretzels in front of her. She’d eaten two pretzels and barely touched the drink. “They’re interviewing me today.”

  “Oh, really,” Madeline said. She wiped her mouth and set the food aside, shifting to all-business mode. “But you read that story? The one today?”


  “Can you believe he’s still here in Dove Point? Just living here? Among all of us?”

  “Where is he supposed to go?” Janet asked.

  “I’d think he’d want to live anywhere but here.”

  “His parents are dead. He lived with his aunt… back then. But she’s dead, too.”

  “See,” Madeline said. “No ties here. He could just pick up and move anywhere.”

  “You make it sound so glamorous. He’s an ex-con. What’s he going to do? Besides, I don’t think he’s going to hurt anybody.”

  “He’s already killed two people,” Madeline said. “First Justin and then your mother. She’d still be with us if not for the grief.”

  Janet didn’t disagree. Her mother never recovered from her brother’s death. Diabetes-related complications, they’d written on the death certificate nearly eighteen years ago. Janet knew the truth—her mother had died of a broken heart. But Janet just couldn’t summon the same anger toward Dante Rogers that everybody else did.

  “Don’t you feel sorry for him?” Janet asked. “Even a little? He looks so pathetic, so empty.”

  “Sorry for him?” Madeline fanned herself with both hands. She looked like she was choking. “Sorry? For a killer? He better hope he doesn’t come my way or cross my path. I can’t be held responsible.”

  Janet checked the clock. She needed to get back to her desk. The dean’s office didn’t rest in the summer, despite the shorter hours. In fact, summer brought more work. Annual reports, budgets, faculty travel arrangements. But she wasn’t ready to go back.

  “Do you ever wonder?” Janet said. She knew her voice sounded dreamy, distracted. She didn’t know what she wanted to say. She didn’t know if she should even give voice to her thoughts.

  “Wonder what?” Madeline asked.

  “The way he maintains his innocence, even after all this time. He has no reason to. He’s already done his time.”

  “Remember what was lost,” Madeline said. “Your mother never had the life she wanted because of that man. And neither did you. You’ve been without a mother for eighteen years because of that man.”

  “I’ll see you later, Madeline.”

  “You call me and tell me how it went when you’re finished.”

  Janet left without agreeing to make the call.

  • • •

  But Janet didn’t go back to work. She took the back stairs down to the parking lot. She stepped out into the hot day, felt the wave of humidity wash over her. The trees just beyond the parking lot were a rich summer green and the traffic on Mason Street just off campus hummed back and forth, the steady rhythm of Dove Point’s life. When she needed a break from work, a moment alone or a moment to think, she came to the back of the building. No one else ever went there unless they were coming or going from their cars. Janet knew she could steal a quiet moment.

  She noticed the man almost immediately. He stood by a parked car, watching her as she stepped outside. The man was tall and lean like a runner. He looked to be the same age as Janet, and despite the heat, he wore jeans and a long-sleeve button-down shirt. Even though about two hundred feet separated them, Janet could sense the piercing nature of his eyes. Was he a faculty member, perhaps someone newly hired she had never met? She thought of turning away, of simply stepping back inside Wilson Hall and going back to work, but something about the man’s posture and the way he held his head looked familiar to her. She had seen this man before—hadn’t she?—but not for a long time.

  And then he raised his hand and made a waving gesture, beckoning her to him.


  The Hiding Place

  “An artfully constructed tale that charts the devastating, life-changing effects over twenty-five years on the people most affected by the murder of a four-year-old boy… a powerful, provocative novel.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “David Bell does a masterful job of crafting a crime story, with the guilty and innocent existing next to each other, whether they realize it or not. He has also created a tense drama of emotions and relationships. It is a riveting book with surprising but believable twists on every page.”

  —Suspense Magazine

  “A truly fascinating novel, involving far more than its mysterious elements… an intriguing and complex plot that will keep the reader guessing up to the last chapter.”

  —I Love a Mystery

  “I highly recommend The Hiding Place to fans of suspenseful, character-driven mysteries… I… cannot wait for [Bell’s] next masterpiece.”

  —Caffeinated Book Reviewer

  “An incredibly engaging, emotionally investing read. What David Bell does exceptionally well is maintain a heightened level of suspense from beginning to end.”

  —S. Krishna’s Books

  “Love that this book keeps you in the dark to the end, full of twists and turns, but still believable to keep you riveted to your seat.”

  —Once Upon a Twilight

  “A vivid portrait of a family and their community coping with pain and loss, and the uncertainty that can bubble to the surface when questions are raised—a chilling story of the worst that can happen to a family.”

  —Thoughts in Progress

  “Another amazing book going on my 2012 favorites list. It’s a haunting story of a terrible crime, and the family secrets and lies surrounding it that finally surface over two decades later.”

  —Book of Secrets

  “A gem of a book…. Bell has written another winning thriller that is certain to entertain, frighten, and swiftly climb bestseller lists.”

  —Bowling Green Daily News

  Cemetery Girl

  “Cemetery Girl is more than just an utterly compelling thriller—and it certainly is that. David Bell’s stellar novel is also a haunting meditation on the ties that bind parent to child, husband to wife, brother to brother—and what survives even under the most shattering possible circumstance. An absolutely riveting, absorbing read not to be miss

  —Lisa Unger, New York Times bestselling author of Heartbroken

  “Cemetery Girl is my favorite kind of story because it takes the familiar and darkens it. This story is essentially about a missing little girl, but trust me: you have never read a missing-persons story like this one. The reader is taken down the rabbit hole in this novel and when he comes out at the end—just beyond that mysterious and hopeful last page—he is all the better for having been invited inside Bell’s disturbing, all-too-real world…. A fast, mean head trip of a thriller that reads like a collaboration between Michael Connelly and the gothic fiction of Joyce Carol Oates, Cemetery Girl is one of those novels that you cannot shake after it’s over. A winner on every level.”

  —Will Lavender, New York Times bestselling author of Obedience

  “Grabbed me by the throat on page one and never let up. An intense, unrelenting powerhouse of a book, and the work of a master.”

  —John Lescroart, New York Times bestselling author of The Hunter

  “Cemetery Girl is a smasher. It twists and turns and never lets go, and… it could happen just this way.”

  —Jacquelyn Mitchard, New York Times bestselling author of The Deep End of the Ocean and Second Nature

  “A smart, tense, creepy take on the story of a missing daughter, told by her far-from-perfect father. If you think you know this tale—from all too familiar newspaper accounts, from lesser movies and books—then this terrific novel will make you think otherwise.”

  —Brock Clarke, author of Exley

  “[Bell] writes with a clarity of both vision and purpose, and his characters are eerily familiar because they are just like you and me.”

  —Thomas F. Monteleone, Bram Stoker Award–winning author of Night of Broken Souls

  “With the psychologically twisted Cemetery Girl, Bell stakes his claim as a writer to watch…. Consider me a fan.”

  —Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of Extinction Machine

  “Every parent’s worst nightmare carries the story on a tense and terrifying journey that brims with emotional authenticity. Bell manages not only to build suspense effectively but also tell a story that goes way beyond simple thrills. Anyone with children who reads this will think twice about security and what is best for young people on the road to adulthood.”


  “The story is engaging and tugs at the reader’s heartstrings immediately… fast-paced and compelling.”

  —Fiction Addict

  “Suspenseful [and] disquieting.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “A nail-biting page turner…. David Bell has delivered a first-rate thriller that provides the reader with enough sketchy characters to engage and challenge even the most seasoned reader. Followers of the genre can celebrate the addition of another gifted storyteller.”


  “A gripping and intense novel, keeping the reader on their toes until the end. Spellbinding and filled with angst, this absorbing story proves to be a page-turner.”

  —Reader to Reader Reviews

  “Smart, stark, and haunting. This is perfect reading for a spooky autumn night, but be forewarned you might have to later sleep with the light on.”

  —Tucson Citizen

  “Disturbing, brilliantly engaging, and a must read for thriller fans.”

  —Suspense Magazine


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  Copyright © David J. Bell, 2013

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  Bell, David.

  Never come back/David Bell.

  p. cm.

  ISBN 978-1-101-60484-7

  1. Mothers—Death—Fiction. 2. Family secrets—Fiction. 3. Murder—Investigation—Fiction. 4. Suspense fiction. I. Title.

  PS3602.E64544N48 2013

  813'.6—dc23 2013017842


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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