Daddy To Be: A Billionaire's Baby Romance

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Daddy To Be: A Billionaire's Baby Romance Page 66

by Tia Siren

  “Katie,” I heard someone call from behind me.

  “It’s okay, Jenny, I have to go,” Katie called as we exited from the bar.

  We crossed the parking lot, and Katie got into the car. I started off driving and began to talk to Katie.

  “Katie, your attitude stunk on the phone, I was so pissed when you hung up on me,” I said in an angry tone.

  “I know I may have overreacted, but I was probably just as pissed as you were,” Katie said as she looked in my direction.

  “Is this gonna happen each time I speak to another woman?” I asked.

  “No, I was just, it was when you kissed, I just lost it,” she replied.

  “That is what I’m trying to say, you have to control your feelings,” I explained.

  “You’re a fine one to talk, what did you just do to Jamie’s neck? Gosh, you could have easily killed him?” Katie replied.

  “That’s different, I was doing that for you,” I said.

  “Well, I never asked you to crush his windpipe, that was your choice,” Katie said.

  “Well, it’s all over now, and that Jamie will have learned the best lesson of his life tonight, it will do him good,” I explained.

  “How the hell can you say that?” Katie asked.

  “He should treat women with some more respect, and his training will surely go up a bit, I don’t think he will want that to ever happen to him again,” I replied.

  “Fuck Cam.”

  “Well, if you react like this every time I do speak to another woman, you’re not as mature as I thought you were. You’re very far from it. It would make me consider a relationship with you carefully,” I said.

  “I’m so sorry Cam. I promise it won’t happen again,” Katie said quietly.

  “Well when we get home, you need to show me how sorry you really are,” I explained, wanting to take full advantage of her. She’d have done the same to me… I had no fucking doubt.

  Chapter 26


  Cam drove away from the bar and called Owen on his cell phone. Hands-free.

  “Hi Owen, I will be over to collect Emmy a little later than expected, something cropped up,” Cam said into the hands-free mic.

  “Okay, buddy. No problem. Emmy is a hit with my new girlfriend. They like each other a lot. I think my girlfriend wants a kid now, so thanks a lot!” Owen replied with a chuckle.

  “Okay, I will call you when I’m on the way,” Cam said.

  “Roger and out, have fun with Katie,” Owen replied.

  “Owen, you’re on the hands-free, and she’s sitting beside me,” Cam said with a smile.

  “Eh, oh, sorry! Hi, Katie,” Owen said.

  “Hi Owen, make sure you look after Emmy for me,” I replied.

  “I will my life isn’t worth it if anything happens to her. The tall guy next to you would make sure of that,” Owen yelled.

  “Be off with you Owen, and I will speak to you later,” Cam said as he cut off the call.

  Cam drove directly home and was still angry. I was not sure what he had in store for when we got home, so I had become a little apprehensive.

  I hope he doesn’t yell at me.

  We entered the base and Cam drove slowly up the street directly to his house and halted in the driveway. I could tell he was still angry with me as most of the trip back home had been in silence and I had not wanted to antagonize him, so I remained quiet. The only real conversation had been when he called Owen on the hands-free and said he would be collecting Emmy later.

  We entered the house, and Cam immediately locked the door and took hold of my arm. He dragged me directly to the bedroom and spun me round.

  Damn, he’s forceful. But I like it.

  Cam tugged at my jacket and threw it across the room as he quickly pulled my top over my head. I could feel the inner beast inside him had been let loose, and he was hungry. Hungry for me.

  Cam pulled at the button of my shorts and pulled them to the floor, I stood there, butt naked in front of him. I did not play along and stood there in silence so he could dictate what would happen.

  I watched as Cam pulled off his shirt and slipped from his pants, his cock was already halfway to becoming erect.

  Cam pushed me toward the wall and took hold of my wrists, he held them above my head and pinned them to the wall. He stood close, and I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he pushed my hair over my shoulder and started to kiss my neck.

  I like him being manly. God, it’s such a turn on.

  Cam placed his hand on my throat and gently squeezed as he put his lips on mine, his tongue forced its way inside the hot lips of my mouth and stirred a response. I kissed him back strongly and wanted to caress his strong body, but he firmly held my wrists high above my head and lifted the pressure from my feet.

  I was half perched on my toes and had no control. I had to go along with his every whim. Cam caressed my pert breasts and teased my already budded nipples; he dipped his head and powerfully flicked his tongue and sucked on my nipples and he teased me with his teeth.

  He bit slightly, and subtle pressure from his teeth gripped my nipple. “Shit Cam, that feels good,” I said as I closed my eyes and licked my bottom lip.

  “I’m still angry with you,” Cam murmured as he kicked my legs apart with his foot, my legs spread and I could already feel I had become wet from his beast-like vigor.

  Cam ran his hand over my taught stomach and rubbed it across my belly. His fingers brushed the top of my pussy.

  “You should not let another man touch you!” he said as he slowly parted the lips of my pussy.

  “Oh God, I know, and I’m...,” I started to say as his finger rubbed my clit.

  “Say it!” he ordered.

  “I’m so sor-” I tried to whine as he rubbed my clit harder.

  “Try again. Third time’s a charm,” Cam murmured into my ear.

  “Sorry, I’m so god-damned sorry,” I squealed as Cam slid his finger deep inside my pussy.

  Shit, being sorry sure feels good.

  Cam drove his fingers deeper as my legs trembled, my wrists pinned to the wall and I couldn’t move. And the senses heightened by the restriction of my body. Now, I was his, and I was enjoying it.

  I tried to spread my legs wider as Cam drove deeper into my pussy, my juices flowing. I could hear the faint sound of his hand slapping my pussy as his finger slid deeper inside me.

  Cam pushed a second finger into my wanting pussy. I took a sharp intake of breath as he stirred the pot of sensations that swirled inside of me.

  “Cam, fuck me, I want you,” I cooed.

  “Not yet, you have to show me how sorry you are,” he replied as he let go of my wrists.

  “Sit on the edge of the bed,” I said as I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him backward.

  Cam sat on the edge of the bed, and his huge cock stood proudly before him.

  I stood close and spread his legs, I stooped and took hold of his massive cock. My hand moved quickly, and I stroked his cock fast. I could hear him groan as I flicked my tongue across the head of his cock.

  Cam steadied himself on his hands and leaned back, he had closed his eyes, and he faced the ceiling. His breath had become short and deep as I slid the head of his cock inside my wet lips. I wrapped them tight around his shaft and slowly swallowed the full length of his shaft.

  I reached back and began rubbing my clit as I swallowed and sucked Cam's huge cock. He grabbed a fistful of hair and pushed my head down harder, his cock filled the expanse of my mouth and touched the back of my throat.

  I can’t breathe. It’s so damn good.

  Cam pulled my hair, and I stood before him, my pussy ached and throbbed and I could see he wanted to fuck me. His sexual animal had been awoken again, and it wanted to be fed. Cam pushed me to the edge of the bed. I laid back and placed my feet wide. Oh, how my pussy yearned for him as he again took my wrists and pinned them to the bed above my head.

  I could feel the power in his ar
ms, and I understood why no man could stand up against him. It was like he was a one-man army, and my body was just about to surrender to him fully.

  Cam took hold of his cock and rubbed the tip between my pussy lips. The large head of his cock rub across my swollen clit.

  “Ooh, Cam, please. Baby, please. That’s so good,” I squealed.

  “Good girl.” His hips surged slowly forward, my lips spread and molded to the shape of Cam's cock as he slowly slid himself further inside me. His hips rocked, and so did my world as his cock slid back and forth. God, his body rhythm was so steady and forceful, and he drove my sensations wild.

  I wanted to dig my nails into Cam’s back and caress his ass as he slid himself inside of me, my wrists were pinned, and I only had movement in my legs. I threw them up and wrapped them around his waist, I arched my back and thrust my pussy up toward his hips as he drove his dick deep down into my pussy; our bodies connected and the sound of my wet pussy slapping against his body filled the room.

  I gripped harder with my legs and pulled his cock deeper into me. Cam grabbed my tits and squeezed as his thrusts increased in tempo; his chiseled torso rammed his shaft ever deeper into me. His fingers pinched my nipples as I raised my head and licked my lips. My pussy ached, and I wanted to feel some more interaction with Cam's body.

  “Cam, I want to wrap my arms around you and hold you tight, this is driving me nuts,” I whispered as he thrust harder and locked his gaze on mine.

  Cam released my wrists, and I immediately threw them around his body as I placed my lips on his, I kissed him deeply and looked into his eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, Cam. I lost it for a moment, but I know you wouldn’t lie to me,” I said as I pulled him closer to me.

  “I know you didn’t mean it. Just don’t be tempted to try and teach me a lesson that way. Other men are not like me, and I do not want to have to fight each and every one of them, even though I could if needed. Behave, woman.”

  “Cam,” I whispered as my body ached.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “Sit against the headboard of the bed,” I cooed as I blew in his ear.

  Cam threw the pillows onto the floor and sat with his back against the headboard of the bed, his cock stood hard and erected from between his legs. I knelt over his hips and took his cock in my hand, I rubbed the head of his cock over my clit and slowly lowered my hips, my body quivered as a slid my pussy down the full length of his massive cock.

  Come on Katie, fuck him really good for an apology.

  I placed my hands on the back of the bed and raised my hips and gyrated on Cam's cock. He caressed my tits as my body fell and rose, his shaft deep inside of me. I pulled on the bed and forced my tight pussy down on his manhood.

  I arched my back and pushed my tits closer to Cam, he leaned his head forward and teased the tip of my nipple with his tongue. I sighed, as he circled my nipple, and ran his tongue around my areola. Sensation flooded through my body and Cam placed his warm lips on my breasts and sucked hard on my breast. His tongue flicked and frolicked across my budded nipples, and I squealed with pleasure.

  My hips rubbed against Cam’s hips, and my pussy stretched as his cock pushed deep into my channel. I thrust my body down, and Cam gripped my hips and raised my body, he pulled me down hard, and his hand blended with the motion of my body.

  I took my hand and put it on Cam's neck and squeezed. I looked into his eyes. I clutched his throat and placed my lips against his mouth. His warm breath flooded inside me and made me gasp. I flicked my tongue around his mouth and kissed him deeply.

  I leaned closer to him, and my nipples rubbed across his chest as he grabbed my ass and pulled me harder onto his throbbing cock.

  My hand squeezed his throat, and he smiled. I love how Cam squeezed the cheeks of my ass and spread them wide as his cock slid deeper into my wet pussy. I was being satisfied, and my body ached and throbbed with every touch he made.

  My body accepted the thrusting of Cam's cock, and my rhythm became stronger and longer. His cock twitched as his body readied itself for its climatic ending. He looked into my eyes and his breathing became more erratic.

  “Fuck me, Katie. Fuck me hard and make me come,” he murmured as he breathed on my neck.

  I thrust my hips harder and faster and gripped the bed hard. Cam raised his hips and drove his cock harder inside me as my pussy warmed and my orgasm approached fast.

  “Come for me, baby,” I murmured close to Cam's ear. I thrust my body forward and arched my perspiration soaked back.

  Cam placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled my body down as I rocked my body and gyrated on his hard erection. My body began to release itself, and a burst of hot flames shot from my pussy and warmed my very essence.

  “Katie, come with me,” he said as he thrust harder and harder; my pussy gripped, and I forced myself onto his body.

  I put my hands on his shoulders and rubbed my nipples against his chest. The powers of lust set my fire into an inferno, and I could feel all the sensations flooding through me as Cam's body seized and his warm come was finally released. Cam's body seized as I thrust again; his hot come spurted from his cock and filled my pussy.

  We rolled over onto the bed, our bodies relaxed and I was sure that Cam had released all his anger. I had never wanted the situation to blow up the way it had. I rolled over and faced Cam.

  “I have some good news for you, which is a first for me,” I said as I ran my fingers across Cam's chest.

  “What’s that? And why are you telling me now?” Cam asked.

  “I was on my way to tell you, and that was when I saw Owen’s ex with you, and well, the rest of the evening is history,” I said with a smile.

  “Come on. Spill the beans,” he said

  “I have a real job,” I replied.

  “That is cool, but what about Emmy? God, she will miss you, and I will too,” Cam said.

  “Ha! I never told you where the job is,” I said with a big grin.

  “It sounds ominous. So, where is it?” he asked as he turned his attention fully on me.

  “It is at the daycare center. I’ll be with Emmy all day,” I said with a huge smile on my face.

  “Fantastic. That’s great news,” Cam said smiling.

  “And I’ll get to see you when you come to collect her in the afternoon. I’ll still come around during the evenings too. I’m not going to let a little old job stop me from seeing you,” I explained.

  “Well, the day care center could do much worse. They’ll very lucky to have you on their team,” Cam said.

  I looked into Cam's eyes and smiled wickedly. “It’s your team that I want to be on.”

  Chapter 27


  The base had been put on hold for the day as work was being carried out on the stage for the concert later in the day. It was an annual event which was held in aid of all the disabled SEALs and their families. It had become a huge event, and it was expected that everyone would attend.

  “Cam, you ready for tonight?” Owen asked.

  “I don’t know, I might give it a miss this year, you know, I would love to take Katie with Emmy, but I know we will have a fair of strange looks from a lot of people,” I replied.

  “Fuck, Cam. When has anyone’s comments ever scared you? You know all that stuff, stick and stones will break my bones, and names will, blah blah blah,” he said.

  “This is a bit more than playground names and all that stuff, these are people’s emotions and reputations we are talking about with her,” I replied.

  “You will be missing out on a great concert, Jazzy Jigg and the all-stars are playing,” Owen said with a smile.

  “Who the hell are they? I’ve never heard of them,” I commented.

  “Where have you been for the last two years? Fuck man they are huge on the radio,” Owen said.

  “What’s the problem anyway? Katie is your babysitter, so what, well she may be more than that, but not everyone has to know,” Owen said as h
e glanced over his shoulders to make sure no one could hear.

  “That’s the whole point, if I just took her, the word could get around, the Admiral could do one on me for keeping it secret,” I said.

  “Well there is a simple solution,” Owen said.

  “What? Please enlighten me.” I pressed

  “Don’t keep it secret, go and tell the old man that you want to take Emmy and you would like his stunningly hot daughter to go with you in case you need a hand. Feel free to leave out the stunningly hot part. I’m sure he wouldn’t take too kindly on that bit,” he added with a grin.

  “Owen fucking Hardwick, on odd occasions you have signs of pure genius, and today is not one of them. It may be a smart solution, but not in the realms of being a genius,” I said as I laughed.

  Owen looked at me with sad puppy eyes. “Geez Cam you could build me up sometimes, give me confidence and help me build my ego,” Owen said.

  “That is one area you have no problem whatsoever, your ego, that is big enough already,” I replied.

  “But I’m gonna ask the Admiral and see if he minds, actually I will call him now,” I said as I head back to the office.

  I slumped in my chair; picked up the phone and called the Admiral’s reception.

  “Hi, this is Captain Cam Cox. Can you patch me through to the Admiral please,” I asked the receptionist.

  “One moment,” she said followed by silence.

  “Good morning, Cam. What can I do for you, soldier?” the Admiral asked in a deep tone.

  “There’s a concert tonight, I was wondering if I could take Katie as assistance for Emmy, Sir?” I asked nervously. Of all women for me to fall in love with. Shit.

  “I don’t see why not, it will do her good to go somewhere respectable for a change,” he said.

  “Thank you, Sir. It’s very much appreciated,” I replied before I hung up the phone.

  That was the Admiral out of the way, so I just had to check that Katie would come with me. I called her, and she agreed and said it could be fun. I told her to be at my house around six-thirty, and we could take Emmy around some of the smaller stalls and rides that were there before the music started.


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