Ray of Time (Ray #4)

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Ray of Time (Ray #4) Page 5

by E. L. Todd

  He kissed my shoulder. “That sounds like a great day.”

  “Did you have something else in mind?”

  “My family is having a barbecue on Sunday. I want you to be there.”

  I’d spent a lot of time with Zeke’s parents over the years. They were a cute couple, generous and compassionate, the ideal parents Rex and I never had. We’d spent a few holidays with them, and they always went above and beyond to make us feel at home. “Free food and beer... I’m in.”

  He chuckled against my ear. “Great.”

  Everything was fine until I realized the obvious flaw in this plan. “Wait... Do they know we’re seeing each other?” I turned around so I could see his expression. His arm never left my waist as I moved.

  “I told them.”

  “But what about Rochelle?”

  “They think I’m still seeing her too.” He grinned playfully.

  I smacked his arm. “I’m serious. What did they say when you told them you weren’t seeing her anymore?” Everyone liked Rochelle, and I was sure his parents adored her. The fact that she’d been replaced with me might complicate things. They might see me as an interfering whore.

  Zeke turned serious again. “They understood.”

  “But did you tell them why you broke up with her?” That he dumped her when he realized he could be with me. That made me look bad. Really bad.

  “I didn’t need to. My mom knew how I felt about you.”

  “She did?”

  He nodded. “I’ve always been close with my mom. She figured it out a long time ago. She said she noticed the way I would look at you. That woman is psychic. The last time I lied to her was when I was ten, and she saw right through me. Ever since then, I’ve never lied again.”


  “When I told her we were together, she was really happy.” He pulled me closer to him. “My dad too.”

  “They don’t hate me?”

  He chuckled like the possibility was ridiculous. “Not at all. They liked Rochelle too, of course. But they always knew you were the one that got away.” He kissed me on the forehead. “So, are we good now?”

  “Yeah. I’ll be there.”

  “Great.” He smiled before he kissed me on the neck. “We’ll have a good time.”

  “I think you might need to fuck the nerves out of me before we go.”

  “I’d be happy to oblige, baby. But there really is no reason to be nervous. They love you.”

  “Yeah... I’m probably freaking out over nothing.”

  “You are.” He gave me a final smile before he closed his eyes and prepared to go to sleep. “Good night, baby.”

  “Good night.”

  Chapter Five


  I started to pack my things even though there wasn’t much to collect. I didn’t have any furniture besides my bed. Everything else was clothes and shoes. I got a few cardboard boxes from work and started to stuff them full.

  The front door opened and closed, and that’s when I knew Rae was home. Her footsteps sounded down the hallway until they stopped in front of my bedroom. “Bro, you busy?”

  “The door is open.”

  She walked inside and saw me packing my things. A genuine smile formed on her lips. “I can’t believe this is really happening. Thought this day might never come.” She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the doorframe.

  I was getting tired of the jokes, so I stopped responding to them. “What’s up?”

  “I’m going to a barbecue at Zeke’s parents’ house on Sunday.”

  “Oh, cool. The Seahawks are playing the Patriots. It’ll be a good game.”

  “I know,” she answered. “I got my money on the Seahawks.”

  “You’d say that no matter who they were playing.”

  “Obviously,” she said. “I’m a true fan. So, you need any help packing?”

  “No, I got it. Just a bunch of clothes that I forgot I owned.”

  “You can take the living room furniture if you want it,” she offered. “I’m going to get brand-new stuff once you leave.”

  “Seriously?” Her stuff was fairly new and in great shape.

  “I don’t want it, especially with that huge marinara stain on the back of my cushion.” Her eyes were full of angry accusation.

  “Oh...you found that?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Anyway, you want it?”

  “Hell yeah. The TV too?”

  “Nope. That thing is mine.”

  “Damn. Well, I’ll take everything else.”

  “Great. Are you getting a moving truck, then?”

  “Nah,” I answered. “Zeke and I can handle it.”

  “You’re going to move everything yourselves?” she asked incredulously. “Just the two of you?”

  I looked around my bedroom. “As you can see, I don’t have much stuff.”

  “I guess. Still a lot of work.”

  “We’ll be fine.”

  She continued to linger in the doorway like there was something left unsaid.

  “Anything else?”

  “I guess I’m nervous to hang out with his parents. He said they like me, but I still feel a little awkward.”


  “Because he was seeing Rochelle and then broke it off so he could be with me. It just makes me look...not very good.”

  If only she knew Zeke was going to propose to Rochelle. He and his mom picked out the ring together, and they were all excited about it. I had no doubt Zeke’s parents still liked Rae, but she was right, things might be different. But I couldn’t throw Zeke under the bus and tell her the truth. It was his business to share, not mine. “I wouldn’t worry about it. Zeke’s parents are cool. Besides, they’ve known you way longer than they knew Rochelle. And Zeke is their baby. If he wants to be with you, they’ll stand by his decision.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

  “I am right, Rae. And you’re every mother’s ideal daughter-in-law. You’re smart, successful, pretty, and not a bitch.”

  Rae raised an eyebrow. “Did you just say something nice about me? Wait, several nice things about me?”

  I shrugged. “I guess so. Don’t let it go to your head.”

  “Never do.” She walked off and shut the door behind her.


  We stopped in the center of the mall and looked around at the various stores. Voices of customers echoed throughout the tiled, two-story building, their footsteps amplified as well. I rarely went to the mall, so I didn’t have a clue where anything was.

  “It’s a barbecue, so I was thinking I’d wear a dress?” Rae said. “You know, like a Sunday dress.”

  “Why don’t you just wear something you already own?” I asked. “It’s not like they haven’t met you.”

  Tobias looked her up and down. “Why don’t you just wear what you’re wearing now?”

  Jessie looked appalled. “She can’t wear jeans to meet her future in-laws.”

  “But she’s already met them,” Kayden argued. “They love Rae.”

  “But this is different,” Jessie said. “They’re meeting her for the first time as his girlfriend. Now, his parents are going to wonder if she’ll be a good mom, if she’s wife-ish enough, and if she’s got enough class to pull off a tea party.”

  I looked at Jessie and rolled my eyes. “I thought only five-year-olds had tea parties?”

  Tobias looked clueless. “I don’t even know what a tea party is.”

  “Where’s Zeke?” I asked. “Maybe he could help you.”

  “He went golfing with some friends.” Rae led the way and approached a high-end clothing store.

  He went golfing with friends? Why didn’t he invite me? “What friends are we talking about?”

  Rae didn’t turn around to look at me. “Some doctor friends he went to medical school with.”

  My temper cooled, but I was still annoyed. I understood Zeke liked to spend time alone with Rae, but I hated not seeing him as much as I
used to. Kayden and I spent a lot of time together, but it was nothing compared to them.

  Tobias and I lingered behind as we entered the clothing store. The only reason why I came along was because Kayden invited me. But she was too busy checking out clothes with the girls to pay much attention to me.

  Tobias and I took one look around and grew bored.

  “You wanna hit the arcade?” he asked.


  We told the girls we were leaving and left for the arcade on the other side of the mall. A few kids were there, probably waiting for their parents to finish shopping. Tobias and I played a few rounds of Shoot-out, shooting basketballs in the hoop to see who could score the most points. Then we played a few rounds of pool and Battlefield.

  “They aren’t done yet?” Tobias asked in surprise.

  “I guess not. When I go shopping, I’m in and out of Target in fifteen minutes.”

  “Yeah,” he said. “I don’t even try anything on.”

  We went to the food court next and ordered greasy slices of pizza and sodas.

  “How’s Groovy Bowl?” he asked after he took a bite.

  “Good. It’s been packed since we opened a few months ago.”

  “That’s awesome. Good for you.”

  “How are the Mariners?”

  Tobias was a sports agent, scouting potential star athletes and signing them to the Seattle Mariners. It was his job to pitch prospective candidates before the rest of the American League spotted them. “Good. The new season is coming up, and I think I found a hitter from Wisconsin. He’s pretty good.”

  “Sweet. Have you made an offer?”

  “I’ve flown out a few times to see him train with his team at University of Wisconsin. I want to make sure he can continually deliver and not burn out his fire. If I pitch him to the Mariners and he ends up as a bust, it’ll be my neck on the line.” He took another bite out of his slice, devouring nearly half of it.

  “I can imagine the pressure.”

  “Yeah. So, how are things with you and Kayden?”

  “Good. Kinda taking it slow...” When we screwed the other night, it was awesome. I forgot just how good she was in the sack. No wonder why I hadn’t slept with anyone else since we stopped seeing each other. It would have been a serious letdown.

  “What about Jessie?”

  “I’m not a two-timer.”

  He laughed. “I know you can’t handle two women at once. I meant, is Jessie seeing anyone?”

  “For your information, I can handle two women at once. I’ve had a threesome on four separate occasions. I even remember telling you about one of them.”

  “Then let me rephrase what I said.” He grabbed a handful of napkins and wiped off his fingertips. “I don’t think you can handle two women if one of them is Jessie. She seems like a heathen.”

  I never gave it much thought. “I don’t look at Jessie that way.” She’d always been like a sister to me. I couldn’t deny she was hot. She had that perfect hourglass figure and big hair. If we met in a bar, I might have made a pass at her. But I’d known her for decades, so my attraction to her was nonexistent.

  “Good answer,” he said with a chuckle. “Not that Kayden is around.”

  “I’m being honest.”

  “Anyway, do you know if she’s seeing anyone?”

  I didn’t have girl talk with Jessie. And Kayden didn’t tell me Jessie’s business. “I don’t know. I know she goes out a lot, but I don’t think she’s seriously seeing anyone.” Last time she had a boyfriend was nearly three years ago. He was a pretty boy but had absolutely no personality. “Why?”

  “Because she’s gorgeous, obviously.”

  “You’re going to go for it?” Tobias was a good friend, but he didn’t hang out with the group a lot. He was usually traveling or hanging out with other friends.

  “Maybe. But I need your help.”

  “Me?” I was about to sip my soda when I changed my mind. “I’m the least helpful person on the planet.”

  “Just feel her out. See what she thinks about me. That’s all.”

  “Is this ninth grade?” I demanded. “Just grow some balls and ask her out.”

  “Look, I’m already in the friend zone. If I ask her out and she’s not into it, it’ll just make things awkward. So, I need you to get a read on her.”

  “Jessie and I don’t talk to each other in that way.” It would be weird if I randomly asked her about her love life then pitched Tobias. Sometimes, we hung out one-on-one, but it was very rare.

  “Then ask Kayden to do it.”

  “Eh...I don’t know.”

  “Dude, come on. We’re friends.”

  “I’m not sure how I feel about using my girlfriend to wheedle things out of Jessie. Jessie is a good friend of mine, and I can’t trick her like that.”

  “Who said anything about tricking?” Tobias asked.

  “Because she would be telling Kayden that information in confidence, and then I would take it and tell you.” I shook my head because it just didn’t feel right. “I’m sorry, I can’t do that to either one of them. Kayden probably wouldn’t even go for it. She’s too loyal.”

  Tobias sighed in annoyance. “Then could you feel her out? Directly?”

  I already told him no, but Tobias seemed desperate. “I guess I could try. If the moment presents itself.”

  He fist-pumped the air. “You’re the man, Rex. I’ll buy you a beer next time we go out.”

  “A beer?” I asked incredulously. “You’re buying me a shot of Patrón, asshole.”

  He clinked his plastic cup of soda against mine. “You got a deal.”


  We met up with the girls when their shopping was finally finished. I spotted Kayden holding a Victoria’s Secret bag. “Please tell me there’s slutty lingerie in there.”

  She stepped close to me and opened the bag. “Not quite. But I got some cute thongs.”

  My spine shivered when I pictured her wearing skimpy underwear that barely covered anything. The silky-smooth material always felt good against my fingertips when I pulled it down her toned thighs. “Baby, you just made my day.” I hooked my arm around her waist and gave her a hard kiss on the lips.

  “Anyway...” Rae cleared her throat and pulled out the dress and cardigan she bought. “What do you think?”

  I tried to think of something to say that wasn’t completely rude.

  “I think it’s classy,” Jessie said. “Perfect for a family event.”

  It was a pale pink dress that reached past the knees with a white cardigan. It looked like something the First Lady would wear. Rae was more of a jeans and hoodie type of girl unless she wore a dress out to the bars. I couldn’t picture her wearing that. “Uh...it’s a dress.” That was all I could think of to say.

  “Duh,” Jessie said. “We got some white heels to go with it.”

  The outfit was getting worse. “Cool...”

  “We need a drink after all that shopping,” Jessie said. “Let’s go to Scotty’s. I need a vodka and cranberry.”

  “Gin and tonic for me,” Rae said. “Let’s head out.”


  Rae gushed about how amazing Zeke was for nearly twenty minutes, so Tobias and I found something else to talk about, mainly sports. The game was on every TV, so we were entertained while the women talked about shit we didn’t care about.

  Eventually, Rae and Kayden went to the bathroom. Because, you know, women always went in pairs.

  Tobias cleared his throat then excused himself. “I need to go outside and make a phone call...” He trailed away, leaving Jessie and me alone at the table together. It took me a second to realize why Tobias disappeared for no real reason.

  And then it hit me.

  Jessie eyed her maroon-colored nails. “I think I’m going to paint them black next time I go in. I’m sick of this color.”

  “Yeah, I agree. Change it up.”

  She sipped her drink then met my look. “Kayden seems really hap
py. Has nothing but good things to say.”

  “I’m glad. This is a learning experience for me, and I never know if I’m doing it right.”

  “You got it in the bag, Rex.” She leaned forward and lowered her voice. “And she really liked your date the other night.” She gave me a mischievous smile.

  I was grinning. “Yeah? What else did she say?” Now I was the one leaning forward, participating in the girl talk I hadn’t wanted to have in the first place.

  “She says you’re great in bed, better than all those other guys she messed around with.”

  That made me both happy and jealous. “Anything else?”

  “She really likes spending time with you. She’s started to put back on the weight she lost.”

  “Good.” She was getting too thin.

  “That’s about it. Just wanted to give you a heads-up.”

  “Thanks.” This was my moment, so I went for the dirt. I just didn’t have a clue how to go about it. When I wanted to know something from Zeke and Tobias, I just bluntly asked. But Jessie was a chick. I didn’t totally understand chicks quite yet. “So...you seeing anyone?”

  “You know, here and there,” she said with a shrug. “I met this pharmacist when I picked up my birth control. We hit it off in the beginning, but he was too boring for me. I called it off.”

  I nodded and pretended to be interested. “No one since?”

  “Not really. But I’ll find someone this weekend.”

  Now I needed to slip Tobias into the mix. But how did I do that? “I don’t think Tobias is seeing anyone...”

  Jessie looked bored and drank her second vodka cranberry.

  “He’s a good-looking guy, right?”

  “You think he’s attractive?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “No.” I said it too quickly and too defensively. “I just... Do you think he’s attractive?”


  “Uh...” Shit, this was way harder than I thought it was going to be.

  “You all right, Rex?” She cocked her head to the side and studied my expression.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just...” I rubbed the back of my neck and tried to backpedal out of the situation. “I don’t know what to get Kayden for her birthday.”

  “What does that have to do with Tobias?” she asked. “You think she’d want a threesome?”


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