I leapt into his arms and crushed my mouth to his. “Let’s give ‘em something to talk about, Madman.”
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Aiden Ross—former SAGE; Rena and Gabby’s best friend; Wallace’s former suitemate; Gabby’s current roommate
Arianna Stanley—deceased—Augari; Rena’s cousin
Augari—a bloodline of individuals who augment Dynari abilities; origin unknown
Brittani Harcourt—human; Drew’s ex-fiancée
Brutus—cat; Clara's companion
Cam Nguyen—Nullari; Sanctuarian; council member
Clara Blake—Dynari; gifted with empathy, discernment, and persuasion; Wallace and Cole’s grandmother; Faye’s sister; Elise’s aunt; Gail’s great-aunt
Clayhaven, Ohio—Rena, Glen, Judy, and Drew’s rural hometown
Cleveland, Ohio—the former location of RSTL’s free clinic; the former location of ERA’s headquarters; the home of Cole, Rachel, Wanda, Marlene, and Frank Bacon
Corynn Catley—Nullari; former ERA intern; Drew’s girlfriend
Darien Hall—Dynari; Sanctuarian; council member; Jon’s boyfriend
Drew Collins—Augari; Glen and Judy’s son; Rena’s brother; Brittani’s ex-fiancé; Corynn’s boyfriend
Dynari—a bloodline of individuals with various supernatural abilities; origin unknown
Edwin Lawrence—Dynari; gifted with power sensing and locating; Clara, Henry, and Faye’s father; Elise’s grandfather; Wallace, Cole, and Gail’s great-grandfather
Elise Frasier—deceased—Dynari; gifted with microscopic manipulation and intangibility; Gail’s mother; Faye’s daughter; Wallace and Cole’s cousin; Henry and Clara’s niece; Edwin’s granddaughter
ERA—(Evolution Requires Action) Faye’s failed project to forcibly evolve humans
Faye Tobler—deceased—Dynari; gifted with searing and rejuvenating smoke; Rudolph’s wife; Edwin’s daughter; Henry and Clara’s sister; Elise’s mother; Gail’s grandmother; Wallace and Cole’s great-aunt
Frank Bacon (Blake)—the teacup pig Cole and Rachel adopted
Franklin Brown—deceased—SAGE; Sanctuarian; former council member
Gabriela “Gabby” Hernandez—human; mother of Joaquin; Rena and Aiden’s best friend; Rena’s former roommate; Maverick’s ex-fling; Aiden's current roommate
Gail Frasier—deceased—Dynari; gifted with visions and mental manipulation; Elise’s daughter; Faye’s granddaughter; Clara and Henry’s great-niece; Wallace and Cole’s cousin; Edwin’s great-granddaughter; Maverick’s girlfriend
George Walker—Augari; Sanctuarian; council member
Glen Collins—human; Judy’s husband; Rena and Drew’s father; Wallace’s father-in-law
Henry Lawrence—Dynari; gifted with ailment sensing; Edwin’s son; Clara and Faye’s brother; Elise’s uncle; Wallace, Cole, and Gail’s great-uncle
Hector Murphy—human; Clara’s boyfriend
Jackie Simmons—Dynari; gifted with weather manipulation; new Sanctuarian
Jaya Bandari—human; Henry’s girlfriend
Joaquin Hernandez—human; Gabby and Maverick’s son, even though she plans on telling him she used an astronaut sperm donor
(Johan) Maverick—deceased—human; Gail’s boyfriend; Gabby’s former fling; father of Joaquin
Jon Boudreau—human; Sanctuarian; Darien’s boyfriend
Judy Collins—Augari; Glen’s wife; Rena and Drew’s mother; Wallace’s mother-in-law
Larry “Tits” Moran—deceased—human; computer enthusiast; Cole’s best friend
Lexie Moretti—human; waitress at Sam’s Diner; Sam’s niece
Mark of Nexus—a tattoo once thought to be legend, signifying the rarest and most powerful of alliances; a symbol of a Dynari and Augari’s bond
Marlene Blake (Todd)—human; former SAGE; Rachel and Cole’s adopted daughter
Middle Bass Island—an island in Lake Erie; the closest island to Sanctuary
Nicholas “Cole” Blake—Dynari; gifted with super speed and health regeneration; Wallace’s twin brother; Rachel’s fiancé; Marlene’s adopted father; Clara’s grandson; Rena’s brother-in-law; Faye and Henry’s great-nephew; Gail and Elise’s cousin; Edwin’s great-grandson
Nullari—a bloodline of individuals who nullify Dynari abilities; origin unknown
O'Brien—human; the guard Rena knocked out in ERA headquarters
Pastor Mark—human; pastor of Campus Fellowship
Rachel Ranford—human; Cole’s fiancée; Marlene’s adopted mother
Rena Blake (Collins)—Augari; Wallace’s wife; Glen and Judy’s daughter; Drew’s sister; Cole’s sister-in-law; Gabby and Aiden’s best friend; Gabby’s former roommate
RSTL—(Rudolph Sebastian Tobler Laboratories) the pharmaceutical company formerly behind Project ERA
Rudolph Sebastian Tobler—deceased—human; Faye’s husband; Edwin’s son-in-law; Henry and Clara’s brother-in-law; Elise’s father; Gail’s grandfather; Wallace and Cole’s great-uncle
Sanctuarian—someone who lives on Sanctuary Island
Sanctuary Island—an island in Lake Erie, once developed for commercial use; a supernatural Mecca; home to the first SAGE settlement
SAGE—(Somatically Advanced Genetic Experiments) a modified human; no longer in existence
Sam Moretti—human; owner of Sam’s Diner; Lexie’s uncle
Scion, Ohio—Wallace, Cole, and Clara’s suburban hometown
The Tunnels—steam tunnels beneath Wilcox; the good guys’ hideout
Titus Knight—Dynari; unknown gifts; Jackie’s brother; new Sanctuarian
Vladimir Radic—Dynari; gifted with fire abilities; father of Zvonimira
Wallace Blake—Dynari; gifted with super strength and empathy; Rena’s husband, Cole’s twin brother; Clara’s grandson; Faye and Henry’s great-nephew; Gail and Elise’s cousin; Edwin’s great-grandson; Aiden’s former suitemate
Wanda Ranford—human; Rachel’s mother
Wilcox, Ohio—a small town in the snowbelt; home to Wilcox College
Wolfie—dog; a member of the Collins’ family
Zvonimira Radic—Dynari; gifted with an affinity for technology; Vladimir’s daughter; former Sanctuarian
Series Order:
Strength (Mark of Nexus #1)
Courage (Mark of Nexus #2)
Honesty (Mark of Nexus #2.5)
Loyalty (Mark of Nexus #3)
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