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Kidnapped Page 5

by Annabelle Lake

  Like hell, Gabriel thought as he shouted for his coachman, leaving his man of business sitting forgotten in the library.

  Outside the palatial Mayfair mansion, however, Gabriel found himself barred entrance, he even tried to force his way through, but Alexis must have been anticipating that and several burly footmen were waiting to escort him unceremoniously back to the street. Cursing Gabriel penned Alex a note and waited tersely on the street for a response. The response was his letter returned un opened on a silver slather.

  Sickened by her sudden change of heart Gabriel turned dejectedly and headed for home.

  Alexis watched him pace the street like a caged lion as tears streamed down her face until Alexis could no longer see at all... She felt her heart breaking into tiny pieces and when he turned and left, she felt her heart crumble and leave with him. Turning back to her bed, she curled up in a ball and sobbed. After she was wed she would write him a note and explain, it would be too late then, but for now she could not risk his interference.

  He must hate her; she thought as pain so severe tore through her chest, leaving behind only a dull, empty ache, but it was better this way…

  Gabriel returned home and immediatly jumped aboard a ship for France. The ride across the channel allowed him time alone with his thoughts, which only served to haunt him with memories of Alexis. He could not eat; he had never before had sea sickness in his life, but he was terribly ill and it did not go away when he reached the shore, for it was his heart that was aching, not a sea sickened stomach.

  Gabriel arrived at his meeting with his French counterparts, dressed smartly in his best navy colored waistcoat, black jacket and snowy white cravat tied perfectly. He had not eaten a thing since he had left England four days ago, for he could not find the will to eat, nor could he keep anything down. He quickly smoothed over the issue and left, it had taken less than an hour to negotiate and had not been worth the trip, but when half a million pounds were on the line, he supposed even one second of his time was worth the trip.

  Gabriel stopped at a bistro and ordered a scorching hot cup of coffee, the only thing keeping him upright now was the caffeine.

  As Gabriel sat on the patio, he watched the people pass by. A tall red head, dressed in the latest fashion sauntered by in a group of young ladies, and Gabriel craned his neck to catch a better glimpse of her; for a moment, it had looked like Alexis, his mind was playing tricks on him.

  Gabriel shook his head mournfully, after everything he had shared with her… for her to choose Delacourt over him. It was surreal.

  Gabriel paused, cup halfway to his lips. It was surreal. Alexis would never willingly choose to wed a monster like Delacourt, of that Gabriel was suddenly certain. The bastard had to be holding something over her head, or he had threatened her somehow. Gabriel shot to his feet; he had to get back to England and save her. He had once told Alexis that he would fight for her against one hundred armed men… well here she was facing only one, unarmed man, and he had run off to France.

  He felt a total cad; he only hoped that he was not too late. Not watching where he was going Gabriel came up short when he collided quite hard with another person. A woman, “I am so sorry Madame.” Gabriel began to apologize; putting his hand out to steady the woman he had nearly run down and froze as he glanced up and saw her face.

  It could not be. The gasp of shock from the woman opposite him contradicted him. It looked like her, and it was.

  “Emmaline? How can this be? You died.” It was perhaps not the most couth thing to say to one’s sister. But when one’s sister had been dead for the past six years, a social faux pas here and there was probably allowed. Gabriel’s head spun, the woman quickly ducked her head murmuring away in French.

  “Non, non, Monsieur you are mistaken.” But he was not, he knew it.

  “Damn it Emmy! Look at me.” The woman grudgingly lifted her head, and Gabriel saw tears glittering in her eyes, his sister’s eyes.

  “Gabe, I am so sorry…” She began, but Gabriel cut her off, wrapping her up in his arms he embraced her, lifting her feet off the ground, he spun her around before he gently set her down. When he did so, his own eyes were damp.

  “But how are you alive after all these years? I saw your body?” Gabriel was perplexed. Pulling him over to the seat he had just vacated Emmaline held his hand tightly in her own.

  “I hated to leave you… but I could not live that way another moment, it was disgusting.” Gabriel nodded his head; he was still too excited at finding his sister alive to be angry.

  “He beat me so badly the last time that I pleaded with Doctor Perry, begged him to give me a sleeping draught that would make me appear as though I had died. I paid him handsomely to remove my body from the house. A few hours later, I awoke in his private parlor and fled for my life.”

  “So you were never sick?” Gabriel’s head was spinning at this tale straight from bedlam.

  “Non, that part was true. I was terribly ill, and Delacourt was killing me day by day with all his menial tasks. I think he was purposely trying to kill me… I only gave him what he wanted.” She shrugged her shoulders helplessly

  “Why did you not confide in me?” The hurt was obvious in his voice and on his face, and Emmaline’s eyes filled up with tears as she shook her head.

  “I thought you would be better off… ”

  A thought suddenly occurred to Gabriel. His sister was alive. His sister was the rightful Marchioness of Blakely; Alexis could not marry Delacourt because he was already married… to his sister.

  “Emmy” Gabriel interrupted her, seizing her by her hand in his fervor. “You must come back with me… I need your help.” Emmaline was already shaking her head, her eyes large and fearful.

  “For me Emmy please, Delacourt is about to marry the woman I love and only you can put a stop to it.” Emmaline started at the information that Gabriel was in love, Gabriel himself was fairly surprised by the admission.

  “For me, please” He pleaded. “I am an Earl now, I am richer than Croesus, and I can protect you.” Emmaline was still shaking her head.

  “I was too young before to help, but I will protect you now.” Gabriel pleaded. “I will help you seek a divorce, anything you want.” Emmaline was still shaking her head, and Gabriel felt his anger explode.

  “God Damn it Emmaline, I need you to be my sister right now. I need your help to win the woman I love. You owe me that much. I was a child then, but I can protect you now and I am sorry, but if I have to I will tie you up and drag you there myself. I cannot allow her to go through what happened to you.” Gabriel’s chest was heaving with emotion when he finished. His sister blinked and stared at him stunned.

  “She means this much to you?” She asked tentatively, her entire body shaking.

  “She is my heart Emmaline, without her I will die.” Emmaline nodded her head slowly, though she was pale and looked ill at the idea of returning.

  “Then I will help you…”

  Alexis felt sick as she watched the Marquis standing opposite her, repeating after the priest. He had insisted that the wedding to be held immedeiently, and so one week after he had threatened Alexis with blackmail; they stood together at the altar. It was a small affair this time held in her parents sitting room. Alexis kept glancing for the door, hoping that Gabriel would burst through it as he had done the first time and rescue her, but of course, he would not for she had sent him away.

  When it was her turn to repeat the vows, bile rose in her throat nearly choking her as she said the words. She had been ill so many times the past week that she was beginning to think it was more than the thought of marrying Blakely, that was making her sick. The ring slid over her finger like a death sentence and the minister announced them husband and wife. Delacourt tried to kiss her, but she turned her face away and his kiss landed on her cheek instead. It was done she had knowingly married herself to a monster. She could no longer contain herself, she was glancing around looking for a chamber pot when a great commot
ion began outside the door. Swearing and yelling suddenly erupted into the room as Gabriel burst through the door, dragging two footmen behind him, that were red faced with exertion from trying to stop him.

  Alexis glanced out into the hall and saw that three more footmen lay prone on the ground. Gabriel had a nasty looking bruise on his face and was bleeding from a cut on his lip, but his clear blue eyes never left Alexis’ face. Alexis wanted to weep at the injustice of it. Her parents were stunned by the display before them, but the Marquis only laughed at the hilarity of it all.

  “You are too late Adderly, it is done.” The Marquis crowed in evil delight as he held up her hand that bore his ring. It felt like a brand. Alexis was startled when Gabriel in turn began to laugh.

  “This man has committed bigamy” Gabriel declared and watched as Alexis looked puzzled and her parents looked uneasily at the Marquis. The Marquis only laughed that much harder.

  “And who is it that you are claiming I am wed to?” He taunted.

  “You are legally wed to my sister, Delacourt.” Gabriel said his gaze murderous, never once leaving the Marquis face. The Marquis actually guffawed at his words and Alexis felt her heart sink, had Gabriel gone mad?

  “That bitch is long dead and buried Adderly” The Marquis hurled the vicious insult, causing Alexis and her parent’s to gasp at his cruel words. Gabriel looked ready to lunge at Delacourt when a feminine voice from the doorway rang out.

  “Are you so certain of that Dante?” Alexis nearly fainted when she saw the woman from the painting, Gabriel’s sister, step into the room. Delacourt took one look at his dead wife and paled as though he was seeing a ghost.

  “It cannot be” He muttered. “You are dead!”

  “Did you really think I would not come back to haunt you after the way you treated me?” The woman asked, her voice shaking with rage. Delacourt blanched and fell unconscious to the floor as the apparition took a step towards him.

  Alexis stepped back just in time to avoid being crushed by Delacourt.

  “Gabriel” Alexis cried and flung herself into his arms; Gabriel held her tightly and rained kisses down upon her face.

  “I love you Alexis, and I am not letting you go, no matter what you wrote. I knew that you could not mean what you said. How did he force you to marry him?” Alexis was stunned by how much he believed in her.

  “How did you know, and how is your sister still alive? She is alive isn’t she?” Alexis asked nervously glancing behind him at his sister. He did not have a chance to reply for they were interrupted by her father.

  “What in the devil is going on here?” His face was red with anger, and he looked about ready to explode. Alexis was about to answer him and tell him the whole story about how evil Delacourt really was and the blackmail when the Priest interrupted them.

  “He’s dead!” He gasped, and everyone turned to find the Priest holding a shaking finger to the Marquis’s neck. Everyone was stunned into silence, except for Gabriel’s sister, Lady Emmaline; she began to laugh uproariously, and did not seem able to stop.

  Chaos erupted as Alexis’s sisters shrieked, her father cursed and her mother swooned. Gabriel held Alexis tight during it all, and when her father finally got control over the family, he ordered two footmen to remove the body from the room.

  “Now I believe that I am owed an explanation” He demanded eying first Alexis and then Gabriel, before moving an uneasy eye onto his sister. Emmaline had since composed herself and was now sitting quietly on the settee staring off into space, a contented smile upon her face.

  “I will be happy to oblige you Sir, but first there is something I must do.” Gabriel turned to Alexis and got down on one knee. “Alexis, I asked you this once before, and you said yes. Is your answers still yes, will you be my wife?” Alex could not believe her good fortune a few moments ago she had been sure she was married to Delacourt, and now he was gone, and Gabriel was on bended knee before her.

  “Yes” Alexis cried, throwing herself into his arms. Her entire family once more erupted into chaos, but Gabriel held up a hand to silence them. Alexis nearly laughed, the way her family unexpectedly grew silent at his command.

  “Then let us not wait” He grinned pulling her towards the Priest who was still standing bewildered in the corner. Gabriel pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to the Priest; it was a special marriage license that he had purchased the day before Alexis had written him the letter.

  The Priest looked about ready to expire from all the excitement, but he reluctantly agreed to marry them. Her entire family was in shock as they stood silently and watched Alexis exchange vows with the unknown Earl of Adderly.

  When it was over, and Alexis and Gabriel were man and wife, they turned to her family and grinned at each other. “Alright, now you may all have your explanation.” Gabriel said giving his wife a gentle kiss on the cheek.

  “I would first like to explain that I am desperately in love with your daughter.” He proclaimed, addressing her father. “And I could not wait a moment more to make her my wife.” Her father shocked them all by stepping forward and grasping Alexis’s hand.

  “Do you love this man Lexi?” Alexis grinned.

  “He is my entire heart Father, I love him dearly.” She said earnestly, happy tears falling unheeded down her cheeks. Wiping the tears away she beamed at her family before turning to her husband, she beamed up at him as well.

  “I am glad that you have made an honest woman of me husband, just in time too, for I am quite certain I am with child.” Her entire family exploded in shock, but Alexis ignored them for she only had eyes for her husband, and the look of pure delight upon his face was worth the tongue lashing she was sure to receive from her parents.

  “Have I told you how much I love you?” Gabriel murmured in her ear as he wrapped his arms around his wife, his hand searching out her flat belly; he caressed it.

  “You have, but it is always nice to hear.” Alexis dimpled back up at him, pulling his head down to her own, she kissed him; her family was still in hysterics, but the noise faded to the background when their lips touched. Gabriel glanced up at her family and grinned conspiratorially down at her.

  “Perhaps, we should go home.” Alexis was suddenly aware of the mass hysteria around them.

  “Home sounds perfect, my love” The two turned towards the door and strode out together, leaving her family to gape after them.

  “We will call on them tomorrow.” Gabriel promised her later that night as they lay wrapped up in each other’s arms in the master bedroom of his London townhouse. Alexis moaned in pleasure at her husband’s touch.

  “…Next week” She choked out as his fingers found that special spot that fired her blood.

  “Perhaps write them a letter…” Gabriel countered with a chuckle as she sucked in an aroused breath, her hand finding his shaft beneath the coverlet, her fingers wrapped around him tightly.

  “From our cottage…” Alexis wheedled, panting breathlessly as she pulled him to her for a kiss, and Gabe’s heart soared. It sounded like Heaven on earth to him.

  Please enjoy a sample from Duke of the Un-Dead, a mash-up novel of Regency Romance and Zombie Fiction, by author Megan Berry; available for sale through Amazon and Kobo.

  June 1817

  A dull thud sounded from somewhere on the upper level of the house, startling the Duke of Sussex from a deeply sated slumber. He sat up with a jolt in the bed, the silky material of the sheets slithering down to pool across his naked thighs, as his mind struggled towards the comity of conscious thought. He became aware of two things simultaneously; the first was that he was not in his own bed the second was being in the possession of a wicked hang over. Grayson groaned out loud at the pounding tempo of pain that felt as though it would tear his head from his shoulders. Beside him, a woman stirred beneath the blankets at the noise and it startled him; he had quite forgotten he wasn’t alone.

  Yes, of course, Laurie. How could he have forgotten the sheer erotic ple
asures of the night before? By far his favorite of the upscale Courtesans, catering exclusively to the Lords of London’s upper crust. Dark haired and buxom, Laurie was great, always greeting him with a warm smile and willing companionship for the night. Snippets of the erotic games they had engaged in the night before caused him to grin; though he just as quickly let the foolish smile fall from his lips as the effort only increased his hangover.

  Yawning and stretching Sussex could scarcely believe that he had fallen asleep here of all places, in the arms of his courtesan. He must have been further into his cups than he had realized, and while it was perfectly acceptable for him to while away a few hours in the bed of a willing woman, it was considerably bad Ton to wake up the next morning still in the bed of said courtesan. Of course, certain allowance could be made as he was a Duke. Short of committing a grisly murder in front of a ballroom filled with the elite he would always be welcome among the echelons of society… perhaps even then; most would probably still receive him thanks to his pedigree. The Ton was terribly shallow like that.

  Gazing blearily around the gaudy gold and blue boudoir of the famous St. James whore house he became aware of a nagging thirst. Ironically, it seemed that despite his best efforts the night before at drinking London dry; his body was still plagued by a great thirst.

  “Laurie be a love and fetch me a glass of ale.” Sussex managed to choke out around the cotton that seemed to be invading his mouth. He prodded the bit of sensuous woman beside him to wake her and grinned as Laurie threw off the coverlet with a groan. She looked ran through the ringer, completely exhausted. He couldn’t contain the self satisfied smirk; he didn’t have the reputation as one of the most satisfying lovers in all of London for nothing...

  Laurie did not look thrilled to see him still there, but did as he bid, rising from the bed, completely naked, looking deliciously tousled.


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