Trillion Dollar Economists_How Economists and Their Ideas have Transformed Business

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Trillion Dollar Economists_How Economists and Their Ideas have Transformed Business Page 44

by Robert Litan

  Fiscal stimulus

  Fisher, Franklin profile of

  Flash Boys (Lewis)

  Flash crash (2010)

  Flat tax proposal

  Focus groups, business experimentation and

  Fool’s Gold (Tett)

  Ford administration

  Forecasting. See Econometric forecasting

  Foundation Trilogy (Asimov)

  Foundations of Economic Analysis (Samuelson)

  Founder’s Dilemmas, The (Wasserman)


  Freddie Mac

  Free to Choose (Friedman and Friedman)

  French, Kenneth

  Friedman, Milton Coase theorem and

  monetarism and

  profile of

  rationality and

  Friedman, Rose Director

  Frisch, Ragnar

  Fryer, Roland

  Fuchs, Victor

  Futures contracts

  Gale, David

  Gale-Shapley algorithm

  Game theory

  Gaskins, Darius profile of

  Gates, Bill

  GDP-linked securities

  Geithner, Timothy

  General Telephone & Telegraph

  General Theory of Employment, Money and Interest (Keynes)

  Gepner, Jerry

  Ghandi, Jamshed

  Gladwell, Malcolm

  Glaeser, Edward

  Glass, Carter

  Glass-Steagall Act

  Global Insight. See also IHS Global Insight

  Goldberger, Arthur

  Goldin, Claudia

  Goldman Sachs

  Good Capitalism: Bad Capitalism (Schramm and Litan)

  Google: auctions for advertisements on

  A/B testing and

  data and

  Google Fiber

  Google Trends

  IPO of

  Gordon, Kermit

  Gordon, Robert

  Gotbaum, Joshua


  Government. See Public policy entries

  Graetz, Michael

  Graham, Benjamin

  Gramlich, Edward

  Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (1999)

  Granger, Clive

  Great Depression

  Great Stagnation, The (Cowen)

  Greenspan, Alan

  Growth, of economy. See Economic growth


  Hall, Robert

  Hall–Rabushka tax proposal

  Hay, George

  Hayek, Friedrich

  Health-care spending: Accountable Care Organizations

  alternatives to fee-for-service payments systems

  Big Data and

  federal budget and

  Independent Payment Advisory Board

  premium-support program for, proposed

  Hedging, in investing credit default swaps and

  Volcker rule and

  Heller, Walter

  High frequency traders (HFTs)

  High school admission matching system, in New York City

  Hirschman, Albert O. profile of

  Home-ownership. See Subprime mortgage lending

  Honey, Stan

  Houston Rockets

  Hubbert, M. King

  Hydraulic fracturing (fracking), natural gas revolution and

  IHS Global Insight

  In the money option

  Incentive (price cap) regulation

  Income taxes

  Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB)

  Index investing

  Inflation: Baumol’s disease and rate of

  unemployment and

  Inflation impact statement (IIS)

  Information asymmetry

  Initial public offering (IPO): of Facebook

  of Google

  Innovation, role of economists and

  Insurance, innovative economic ideas and

  Intelligent Investor, The (Graham and Dodd)

  Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)

  Internet: AT&T breakup and

  broadband and

  retailing and transportation deregulation

  Shiller’s prediction of bubble in stock prices

  Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC): telecommunications regulation and

  transportation regulation and


  Investing, financial engineering and behavioral finance and

  efficient markets hypothesis and

  index investing

  options contract trading

  Glass-Steagall debate and (see also Financial policy, economic ideas and)

  Iowa Electronic Market for presidential candidates

  James, Bill

  Jensen, Michael

  Job market, matchmaking in

  Jobs, Steve

  Johnson, Leland

  Johnson, Simon

  Johnson administration

  Jones, Homer

  Jordan, William

  Journal of Prediction Markets

  J.P. Morgan

  JP Morgan Chase

  Just-in-time delivery, transportation deregulation and

  K Zone

  Kahn, Alfred profile of

  Kahneman, Daniel

  Kamangar, Salar

  Kantorovich, Leonid profile of

  Kaplan, Steven

  Kappos v. Bilski

  Kassouf, Sheen

  Katz, Lawrence

  Kauffman Firm Survey (KFS)

  Kauffman Foundation

  Kauffman Medal

  Kaufman, George

  Kauper, Thomas

  Kaysen, Carl

  Kemp, Jack

  Kennedy, Edward

  Keynes, John Maynard

  Kidneys, market for

  Klein, Lawrence profile of

  Koomen, Pete

  Koopmans, Tjalling

  Kremer, Michael

  Kristof-Brown, Amy

  Krugman, Paul

  Kwerel, Evan

  Kyoto Protocol

  Labor force, growth of

  Labor market, matchmaking in

  Laboratory experiments in business

  in economics

  Laffont, Jean-Jacques

  Landes, William

  Lazarus, Simon

  Lean Startup, The (Ries)

  “Learning by doing”

  Leavitt, Steven

  Legal issues, economic consulting businesses and

  Lerner, Josh

  Leverage: advantages of

  financial crisis and excessive

  Levin, Jonathan

  Levine, Michael profile of

  Levy, Steven

  Lewis, Michael


  Licenses: for electromagnetic spectrum

  for mobile telephony

  Linear programming: critical path method and

  diet problem and

  nonlinear programming and

  research funding and role of government

  shadow prices and

  simplex solution method for solving problems with

  transportation problem and


  Littlechild, Stephen

  Litvack, Sanford

  Lo, Andrew

  Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM)

  Love in the Time of Algorithms (Slater)

  Lucas, Robert


  Ludwig, Eugene

  Lynch, Peter

  MacAvoy, Paul

  Macroeconomics growth in productivity and

  macroeconometric models

  Macro-prudential regulation

  Malkiel, Burton

  Manzi, James profile of

  Marcellus shale formation

  Marginal actor

  Marginal costs

  Marginal utility

  Market design

  Market failures: externalities and

  information asymmetry and

  market design and

  natural monopolies and

  Market making
/>   Market-clearing price

  Markets, prices and kinds of

  Markowitz, Harry

  Marron, Donald

  Marshall, Alfred

  Mass Flourishing (Phelps)

  Matchmaking in labor market

  market design and

  in online dating market

  Mathematics, use in economics

  McAfee, Andrew

  McCardle, Megan

  McCarran–Ferguson Act (1944)

  McCaw, Craig

  McCaw Communications

  McKinsey Global Institute (MGI)

  Medical residents, market design and matching of

  Medicare and Medicaid premium-support program for, proposed

  Meese, Ed

  Meltzer, Allan

  Memos to the President: A Guide through Macroeconomics for the Busy Policymaker (Schultze)

  Merton, Robert

  Metcalfe, Robert

  Metcalfe’s law

  Meyer, John



  Microwave Communications Inc. (MCI)

  Milgrom, Paul

  Miller, James

  Minsky, Hyman

  MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference

  Mobile telephony, AT&T breakup and

  Modigliani, Franco

  Momentum trading

  Monetary policy, economic forecasts and

  Moneyball concept. See Sports analytics

  Monge, Gaspard

  Monopolies: natural

  price differentiation and

  Moore, Gordon

  Moore’s law

  Moral hazard

  Morgan Stanley

  Morris, Nigel

  Mortgages. See Subprime mortgage lending

  Moskowitz, Tobias

  Motor Carrier Act (1935)

  Motor Carrier Act (1980)

  Multivariate regression analysis. See Regression analysis

  Nakamato, Satoshi


  Nash, John

  National Bureau of Economic Research

  National Economic Research Associates (NERA)

  National Energy Act (NEA)

  National Gas Policy Act (NGPA) (1978)

  National Industry Recovery Act (NIRA)

  National Resident Matching Program (NRMP)

  Natural gas. See Energy, deregulation of

  Natural Gas Act (NGA) (1938)

  Natural Gas Wellhead Decontrol Act (1989)

  Natural monopolies. See AT&T; Monopolies

  “Nature of the Firm, The” (Coase)

  Negative externalities

  Network externalities

  New England Program for Kidney Exchange

  New York State, hydraulic fracking and

  New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

  Next step forward. See Marginal utility


  Niederle, Muriel

  Nixon administration

  Nobel, Alfred

  Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences

  Noll, Roger

  Nonlinear programming

  Nordhaus, Bob

  Nordhaus, William profile of

  Normative economics

  North Dakota, natural gas benefits to

  Northern Rock bank, run on

  Nudge (Sunstein and Thaler)

  Oakland Athletics

  Obama administration

  “Occam’s Razor”


  Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)

  Office of Naval Research

  Oil. See Energy, deregulation of

  Okun, Arthur

  O’Neal, A. Daniel

  One-to-many communication

  Online markets. See Auctions; Internet

  Operations research Baumol and

  Kantorovich and

  Roth and

  Optimal pricing strategy


  Options contract trading positive and negative effects of

  terminology of

  Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

  Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

  Organized exchanges

  Origin and Evolution of New Business, The (Bhidé)

  Ostrom, Elinor

  Out of the money option

  Owen, Bruce

  Packwood, Robert

  Page, Larry

  Patents, intellectual property and

  Paulson, Henry

  Pechman, Joseph profile of

  Peck, Merton (Joe)

  Pecora, Fernand

  Peltzman, Sam

  Penn–MIT–Fed macroeconomic model

  Peranson, Elliott

  Performance optimization: critical path method and

  diet problem and

  research funding and role of government

  shadow prices and

  transportation problem and

  Perry, George

  Personal communications services (PCS) broadband auctions

  Person-to-person communication

  Phelps, Edmund profile of

  Pigou, Arthur C.

  Piketty, Thomas

  Poindexter, John

  Pollution, markets and public policy. See also Carbon taxes

  Positive economics

  Positive externalities

  Posner, Richard

  Prediction markets

  Premium-support program, proposed for Medicare and Medicaid consumption tax as supplement to

  Prescott, Edward

  Price controls. See Energy, deregulation of

  Price Is Right, The (television program)


  Prices: auctions and

  Bloomberg terminals and

  complexities of setting of

  learning by doing and

  lowered by deregulation

  as matchmakers in traditional markets

  monopolies and regulation of

  sensitivity to and demand curve

  set by markets

  Privatization, of roads

  “Problem of Social Cost” (Coase)

  Productivity growth Baumol’s disease and rate of inflation

  learning by doing and

  Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT chart)

  Project LINK

  Proprietary trading

  Public choice theory, of regulation and deregulation

  Public goods, public policy and

  Public interest theory, of regulation and deregulation

  Public policy: equity-efficiency trade off and

  executive compensation and stock options

  macro-prudential regulation

  market failures and role of

  pros and cons of regulation

  research funding and role of

  theories of regulation

  Public policy, applications of economic ideas importance to budget deficit reduction

  premium-support program for Medicare and Medicaid

  tax on carbon emissions or cap-and-trade system

  tax on consumption

  Public Use of the Private Interest (Schultze)

  Puts and calls


  Rabushka, Alvin

  Race Against the Machine, The (Brynjolfsson and McAfee)

  Race between Education and Technology, The (Goldin and Katz)

  Radio, use of electromagnetic spectrum

  Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act (1976)

  Railroads, deregulation of impacts of

  origins of regulation of

  trucking and regulatory limits on

  Ramsey, Frank profile of

  Ramsey pricing

  Random Walk Down Wall Street, A (Malkiel)

  Randomized controlled treatments (RCTs)

  Rassenti, Stephen

  Rate of return (cost of service) regulation

  Rationality, in economics: critics and defenders of concept

  importance of

  utility and

  Reagan administration

  Real estate prices, Shiller’s prediction of bubble in. See also Subprime mortgage lending

  Redistribution, economic growth and

  Regional Bell operating companies (RBOCs)

  Regression analysis basics and uses of

  cautions about

  data mining and Big Data

  econometric forecasting businesses and

  economic consulting businesses and

  regulations and cost-benefit analysis of

  sports analytics and

  Regulations, cost–benefit analysis of. See also Deregulation

  Regulatory Analysis Review Group

  Regulatory forbearance

  Regulatory lag

  Reich, Robert

  Reischauer, Robert

  Research-backed securities

  Retirement accounts, behavioral economics and

  Reynolds, Bob

  Ries, Eric

  Risk-adjusted returns, efficient markets hypothesis and

  Risk-based bank capital system

  Rivlin, Alice profile of

  Robb, Alicia

  Robinson, Joan

  Robson, John

  Robyn, Dorothy

  Roosa, Robert

  Roosevelt administration

  Rostenkowski, Dan

  Rostow, Eugene

  Roth, Alvin profile of

  Roubini, Nouriel


  Ryan, Paul


  Sabermetrics Revolution: Assessing the Growth of Analytics in Baseball, The (Baumer and Zimbalist)

  Safety, market failure and market design

  Samuelson, Paul profile of


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