Little Sylvia & Judge Cole (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 3)

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Little Sylvia & Judge Cole (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 3) Page 5

by Becca Little

  He always cradled me in his arms when the punishment was done, but once I was put to bed, he didn’t offer to stay. I didn’t ask him, because I was still embarrassed by what happened after the first time he did.

  The school semester ended, and I had a break before it picked up again. I put all of my effort into finding a job, but all I got was a phone that never rang. When Saturday came around, I heard the knock at my door and opened it.

  “Hello Sylvia.” He kissed me on the forehead as he entered my house.

  “Hi, Judge Cole…” I walked to the middle of the living room and started to remove my pajama bottoms and panties.

  “You must be pretty excited.” He said as he sat down.

  “Excited? I don’t really get excited about this…” I was tense from everything else going on in my life.

  “That wasn’t what I meant. This is the last one. Ninety days…” He scratched his head. “I’m surprised you haven’t been counting them down.”

  “Is it really? Wow… I guess I’ve been preoccupied with other things.” I sat down next to him and contemplated what he had said. One more spanking and my debt to society would be paid.

  “Like these bills?” He picked up a stack and thumbed through them. “You still haven’t found a job?”

  “No sir…” I shook my head and sighed.

  “You know what; I’m not going to spank you tonight. Go get dressed, let’s go get Chinese food.” He grinned at me and my face lit up.

  “Are you serious?” I hopped over and hugged him. “Thank you…”

  “Well now I know how to get a smile out of you.” He laughed and patted my head.

  Chapter 9

  I ran towards my room letting out a happy squeal. As much as they hurt, the spankings had lost their meaning. They were just routine. With my world crashing around me, they were simply part of the scenery. Still, the thought of not getting one that night was enough to give me some extra energy and a new lease on the night. I got dressed and took some time to put my face on. After the first time, I left a mess all over the couch with my tears, I didn’t bother with it on Saturdays anymore.

  We went out to our favorite place, eating in instead of getting take-out. After we were done eating, he suggested a movie that was playing, and I accepted without even thinking twice. I hadn’t been out or eaten anything other than canned food from the dollar store in a couple of weeks, so I gorged on popcorn, despite the fact I had fried rice swelling in my belly.

  The movie wasn’t one I particularly cared for, but being there with him was worth it. He felt like Dalton again, and not Judge Cole. I missed the fun we had before the election when he came into my life and made it special again. I missed our long talks about nothing over Chinese take-out. Most of all I missed the night he had curled up next to me and let me sleep in his arms.

  “I’m going to miss your weekly visits.” I said as we walked up to my door.

  “Really? You’re going to miss me coming over and spanking you?” He looked intrigued by the thought.

  “No, I just mean having you around… You stopped coming by after the election. I know you have been busy, but you were the only person I really cared about.” I stopped on my porch and looked up at him.

  “How long do you have until they shut off the power?” He asked as the bulb overhead flickered.

  “That might be them at work right now.” I sighed and the laughed slightly. “I’ll be okay. I still have some money I haven’t touched in case of an emergency.”

  “I know a solution to all of your problems.” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

  “What is that?” I looked into his dark brown eyes, unsure what he was about to say.

  “Move in with me. Then you’ll get to hang out with me every night. You’ll have running water and electricity whether you pay for it or not.” He smiled at me and pushed a curl away from my eyelid.

  “Are you serious? No, I couldn’t impose on you…” I shook my head back and forth.

  “It wouldn’t be an imposition.” He tilted my chin and leaned towards my lips.

  Fireworks—fucking fireworks.

  His kiss was explosive. It rocked me so hard that I would have likely fallen backwards if he didn’t have his arms wrapped around me. I kissed him back, not wanting it to end. The moment I had waited for my whole life unfolded in front of my closed eyes. I felt like crying tears of joy as our tongues intertwined. I didn’t care about the age difference, or the fact he had been my disciplinarian for the last three months. The feelings had only gotten stronger with time.

  “You’re serious? You want me to move in with you?” I asked between kisses.

  “Does this feel like a joke?” He kissed me again.

  He pressed me against the wall and ran his hands up and down my body while I clutched the back of his neck. I felt like I had sunk into a universe where the only thing that mattered was that moment, and we were the only occupants. When he moved to my neck, I gasped into his ear and waited for him to take the next step. I thought he was going to throw open the door and fuck me on my coffee table or my couch, but just when the moment was near, he pulled away and held my cheeks, pressing my lips to my forehead. He took a step back, leaving me flustered and confused. I looked at him and tilted my head, wondering if he was really about to walk away.

  “You’re leaving?” I practically panted with desire.

  “I don’t think I could settle down with the type of woman who would invite me inside on the first date.” He grinned at me and started down my steps. “Especially when she’s a virgin.”

  “It is hardly the first date!” I said angrily and stomped my foot, hoping he would turn around. “I don’t want to be a virgin anymore!” I yelled so loud the neighbors could have probably heard me.

  “I’ll be back tomorrow. Pack what you need for a few days and then we’ll sort out the rest. We have a few things to discuss anyway.” He lit a cigarette and opened the door to his truck. “Don’t soil your sheets thinking about me.”

  With that final statement, he was gone. I was turned on, hot, bothered, and trembling with frustration as I opened my door. I slammed it and grunted at the thought of being left wet and unsatisfied. I decided that I didn’t give a damn what he said. I stripped down and went straight to my bedroom, going at my pussy with my finger in overdrive until I had left a spot twice the size of the one he saw before. I still went to bed frustrated, but I got the relief he had denied me. The next morning, I was woken up by the sound of knocking on my front door.

  I knew it had to be him; I slipped on a long t-shirt and pulled it open. He shook his head and held up two cups of coffee. I glared at him until he also revealed a bag of donuts underneath it. The coffee wasn’t really going to get my attention, but the donuts could get him in the door. I opened it up further and let him follow me inside. I sat down on the couch next to him and stared at him while he opened the bag and handed me a warm slice of heaven. After a bite, I was feeling a little less angry. He turned to face me, putting his knee on the couch so he was staring directly at me.

  “I’m sorry I left, but I didn’t want to be the man who took your virginity until we had a talk. After we talk, you may not want this to go any further than the kiss we had last night.” He sipped his coffee.

  “Oh?” I put down the donut so I could concentrate on what he had to say.

  “There is a considerable age difference between us. You’re still discovering yourself and I’ve at least got most of me figured out by now. The dynamic of our relationship is going to be a little different than a traditional one. I mean, the music I like is on your classic oldies station.” He smiled slightly as he looked at me.

  “Yes.” I laughed. “But I honestly don’t care about that.”

  “I do care for you deeply, but I also believe you have a lot of lessons to learn in your life. If we go forward with this, you will have to submit to my rules—and to me.” He paused and seemed to be trying to gauge my reaction. “I have a str
ange set of needs in a relationship. I will look after you, take care of you, and protect you, but you will live your life as my Little Sylvia.”

  “Your Little Sylvia?” I blinked a couple of times.

  “You’ll be my little girl.” He replied.

  “So, you’re saying I probably didn’t get out of my last spanking after all…” I looked at the donut. It was calling my name so I picked it up and took a bite to try and calm my nerves.

  “That depends on how well you behave. I will take care of you, nurture you, and I will discipline you if you misbehave.” He stared at me for a moment.

  “That is a lot to take in.” I said, finally.

  “If you decide you’re okay with being my Little Girl, we can proceed with this relationship and wherever it goes. If you aren’t, then I will still be your friend. I just couldn’t take you to bed last night without saying that. I didn’t want to lay all of this on you after I had taken your virginity.” He reached out and touched my hand. “I’ll love you no matter what.”

  I contemplated what he had said. It was a lot to swallow. I cared for him deeply, but it wasn’t the relationship I had in mind when he was kissing me against the door the night before. I was thankful for his honesty. The fact he didn’t push me into what I wanted to do so bad because there was more to the relationship than I realized meant a lot to me. I had always felt like I could trust him, and after that gesture, I felt like I could trust him with anything.

  Trust was certainly a foundation to any relationship, but the one he laid out in front of me required a great deal of it. To be his little girl, to be subjected to discipline when I misbehaved, and to basically submit my body to him was a lot to think about. Would it be weeks of spankings for every offense? Daily spankings? My bottom could end up red more often than not at the rate I acted foolish.

  Perhaps that was what I needed—a man with a strong hand who wasn’t afraid to use it. I lacked that discipline growing up, so maybe a trip to the woodshed from time to time would be good for me, even if it wasn’t good for my bottom. The sentence he laid on me in court had cured all desire to drink and drive—and to drink period. I knew what my decision would be.

  “Okay, I understand your position and I’m willing to accept those terms. I will move in with you, and I will be your Little Sylvia. Just know that I’m not going to accept you getting me turned on and leaving me with nothing but my finger again…” I raised my eyebrows.

  “You won’t have to masturbate while you’re with me. I have an appetite that will keep you quite satisfied if you are a good little girl.” He glared at me and narrowed his eyes.

  “I’m always good.” I shook my head up and down as I contorted my face into a sarcastic scowl, but I laughed before I could hold it for long.

  “We’ll see about that…” He moved in and kissed me, pushing me back onto the couch.

  Chapter 10

  We packed up my necessities in the back of his truck and hauled them to his place. It was a little sad to say goodbye to my father’s place, but I had never seen myself living there forever. I found out that he had moved since I was last at his place, and his new house on the edge of town was quite lavish. It overlooked a lake and gave him a beautiful view of the city he judged on a daily basis. The drive to school was a lot further, but I knew it would be worth it to be able to come home instead of going to work.

  He didn’t want me to find a part time job, which meant I could focus on doing my schoolwork in the afternoons and the evenings instead of slaving away every weekend. My Saturday nights were wide open once again, which was a bit of a relief once it truly sank in. As I unpacked my stuff, I felt my first real wave of bliss sweep over me. It was so nice to know I didn’t have anything to worry about any longer. There was peace in my heart for the first time since my father passed.

  The stress over bills and making ends meet was gone. Unfortunately, he had some work to do before Monday, so he was forced to drive to the office and leave me alone before dinner, but he promised Chinese take-out when he returned. I continued unpacking, looking around his wonderful palace of a home—my home.

  “Well, Sylvia Henderson, I think it is safe to say everything is right in the world for once.” I fell back onto his plush sofa and let a sigh of relief escape my lips.

  I decided that if he expected me to be his Little Sylvia, I was going to dress the part. I was going to own my role. I took the last box up to our room and opened it up. I didn’t let him see what was in it, because I wanted it to be a surprise. I figured I had a couple of hours, so I showered, and shaved my pussy bald. It was something I had rarely done, but I felt like he would want that from his little girl. Once that was done, I straightened my hair to add some length. With the curls removed, it was down past my shoulders and long enough to do what I wanted.

  I furiously worked both sides into pigtails and got them tied off with red ribbons. Inside the box was a skirt I hadn’t worn since a Halloween party years before when I went as a slutty schoolgirl. It barely made it halfway down my thighs, and there was nothing for the imagination if I bent over. I got a pair of red panties and slipped them on underneath it. My top was a frilly blouse, tied off at the midsection to expose my tummy. I looked like I had shaved several years off of my life when I stood back and looked at myself in the mirror. If he wanted me to be his little girl, then I was going to do everything I could to be irresistible. I planned to lose my virginity when he got home.

  “Sylvia, I’m home.” His voice surprised me, so I looked myself over one last time and ran downstairs.

  “Good, I’m hungry!” I turned the corner and his jaw dropped.

  “Wow, that…” He shook his head back and forth. “Is something else…”

  “Do you like it? Should I call you Daddy now, or will Judge Cole suffice? I’m sure not going to call you Your Honor.” I stifled a smirk.

  “You can call me whatever you want…” He took me by the hand and led me to the dining room table.

  I could tell by the look on his face that my choice of attire was working. We talked about his upcoming cases over dinner. Eating take out at the dining room table was weird. My dining room table hadn’t been used for anything other than studying in years. He had definitely been slumming it up when he came to hang out with me. Truthfully, I couldn’t remember why we never went to his new place. Maybe it was because he was always coming to see me. I got my fill of food and sat waiting for him to finish. I was used to waiting on him to finish since he was slower. I wasn’t sure what to do next.

  Normally, after dinner we would turn on the television or talk. Of course, all of that took place in my living room and there wasn’t a television nearby. When he wasn’t looking down for a bite to eat, he couldn’t take his eyes off of me. It was almost like he was entranced by my outfit, or maybe it was just the reality of knowing what we were going to do before the night was over. The anticipation after our previous encounter had almost killed me, but I was ready for him the moment he was ready for me. Dinner might as well have been foreplay. He finally finished his dinner, drank the last bit of his water, and pushed them away. I waited for him to smoke, as he normally did after he ate. Instead, he reached into his pocket and shoved a piece of gum in his mouth.

  “No cigarette?” I asked as he clenched the gum between his teeth.

  “It’s time I quit those things. I want to be here as long as I can for my new little girl. You give me hope for the future.” He smiled then put a second piece of gum in on top of the first.

  “I hope that doesn’t mean you’re going to be one-edge and mean all the time…” I wasn’t serious, but I was a little concerned.

  “I’m sure you can distract me.” He stood up and took me by the hand. We walked to his plush sofa and sat down—or rather I fell into his arms.

  “I’ll tell you what. Anytime you feel the need, you just let me know and I’ll do something to take your mind off of it.” I reached down and started to stroke his cock through his pants.

; “I’m feeling the need.” He leaned back and closed his eyes as his cock swelled in my hand.

  I had waited a long time to finally feel him getting hard for me. I had certainly wanted it, fantasized about, and wondered if it was even a possibility. I unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants, stopping before I unzipped him to rub my palm up and down the length of his shaft through the fabric. I could tell he was very well endowed, not that I had any personal experiences to compare it to, but I had pleasured myself to porn a few times when I was younger.

  I pulled his pants down slightly slid my fingers into his boxers, pulling his massive cock out. Without the tight fabric, it got harder and even bigger. I ran my fingers up and down it several times before sliding my tongue across my bottom lip and licking it from the base to the head. His body language told me he was enjoying it, so I repeated the same motion several times before tugging his pants the rest of the way down to his ankles and off of his body. I pushed his legs apart and pressed myself against his cock, moving my lips and my tongue up and down each side several times.

  I kept him tight in my hand, massaging the tip as I worked him over with my tongue. His cock pulsated several times and his head rolled forward when the pleasure took him to the point he let out a light grunt. Just thinking about having his enormous cock shoved inside my virgin pussy made me tingle. I knew he was going to hurt me with it considering I struggled to even put a finger inside my pussy when I pleasured myself.

  “I’m going to take this all the way into my throat and swallow every drop of your cum.” I whispered. I wasn’t sure if he liked the dirty talk, but the smile on his face confirmed he did. “Do you want that, Judge Cole?”

  “Yes…” He opened his eyes and nodded furiously.


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