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SWOLLEN: A Secret Baby Sports Romance

Page 8

by Stephanie Brother

  I want to disappear inside her and have that thing suck on my tongue and my dick. I want to reach her pleasure center and have her come so hard she thinks the world is turning inside out.

  “Like this?” she asks, the fingers of one hand split into a V and working her clitoris gently, the fingers of the other hand moving teasingly towards her hole.

  I could watch this all day. The perfection that is Jasmine, lying there prostrate for me, supplicating herself and showing no signs of holding back.

  I touch myself too, not because she can see it, but because I can’t hold myself back any longer.

  My dick thick with desire, pre-cum galloping out of my hole and making a pattern a spider would be proud of across my thighs and balls.

  “If Maggie wakes up-”, Jasmine moans, her voice shortened by heavy breaths.

  “We begin again”, I fill in for her, my eyes wide at the two fingers she’s now moving rapidly in and out of her cunt.

  It’s not just the way it looks that turns me on either, it’s the sound that could belong to no other action, the smell that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up on end.

  “If I come, promise you’ll finish yourself all over my tits”, Jasmine says.

  “Not until I’ve filled your pussy full of my cum first”, I say.

  “Liam?” Jasmine moans, her fingers flattened out into a band of three now, and moving rapidly back and forth over her clit “Fuck, Liam.”

  I can hear it on her but I’m not going to let her get there. Just before it explodes within her, I catch her wrist mid-strike, pull the fingers of her other hand away from her hole and press them against the bed near her shoulders, while I flatten myself on top of her and she moans out a complaint of disappointment.

  “You asshole”, she says, until I soften the sound with kisses, in a position that allows my dick to press up against her throbbing entrance but not quite inside her.

  Like this, I’m flattened completely on top of her, my skin pressed into her, my pre-cum mixing with her cum and my cock head engorged and ready to push its way inside her.

  I have her hands trapped below mine so the only thing she can do to pull me inside her is push her hips up and try and take me. Every time I feel her do it I pull away slightly, just enough to not allow her the control and not too much that we break contact completely. I can feel my dick twitching, and I know she will be able to as well.

  “Tease”, she whispers.

  “I know you like it”, I say

  “I was going to come.”

  “You still are”, I say, “but this time we are going to come together.”

  I ease myself into her little by little, making sure I maintain full control, and holding myself back from pushing myself deep in one go is even harder than I expect it to be.

  This is the girl of my dreams and the mother of my child. This is the girl that could make me come just by blowing gently on my balls, and here she is, completely at my mercy below me while I feed my swollen cock into her sensitive pussy as slowly as icebergs move away from the north pole.

  I can feel her trembling and shuddering below me, her legs jerking uncontrollably and the heat rising through her skin.

  “I can’t”, she says, locking her feet around my back when she’s able, desperate to pull me into her completely.

  I resist. “Wait for it”, I say. “It’ll be worth it.”

  I have no idea how long I’ll last, but with a baby next door, it’s probably for the best. As soon as Maggie makes a sound, Jasmine is going to kick into mommy mode, and whether she’s got a huge cock inside her pushing her towards an almighty orgasm or not, she’ll be up and out of that door in seconds. My job is to make us both come spectacularly, but within the window of opportunity a two-month-old baby will give us.

  Jasmine’s already told me she’s a light sleeper, and she’s had loads of that already today. Fucking like this, no matter how hard it is to maintain, is the best way to guarantee we don’t make any loud noises that will wake her up.

  “Fuck”, Jasmine moans against my shoulder, as I push myself up against her G-spot. “That’s-. Fuck, Liam.”

  It almost makes me laugh. I love how descriptive and genuine Jasmine is. I love how she can’t hide her true feelings about things. She’s liberal when it comes to sex, confident of her own body too, which is refreshing to see in a city full of insecure women.

  Finally, I feel the thickness of her pelvic bone up against my balls, and with a little yelp of pleasure from Jasmine, I know I’m fully inside her. I’m a big guy, and I’ve had trouble getting inside a few women before, but with Jasmine that has never been an issue.

  Once inside, I have no intention of pulling out now. I let Jasmine lock her heels together in the bridge of my back, drop my weight into her and roll my hips forward to push myself as deep as possible and up against her G-spot.

  Like this, I’m in absolute heaven. I can feel every muscle of her pussy around my cock, and every inch of her around me. This is the closest we can possibly get to one another, the most able we are to climb into each other’s skin, and because of that, the sensation is out of this world.

  I roll my hips down into her and Jasmine gathers me up inside her, moaning hot words into my ear as I go.

  I nuzzle into her neck, her sweat salty on my lips and repeat the words back to her.

  “I love you.”

  “Fuck, Liam”, she says, a sound just before it happens that makes me think she’s about to cry.

  “I’ll be there forever”, I say. “Always.”

  And then it happens, so deeply within us both I have no idea who it happens to first. I feel her orgasm just as strongly as I do mine, and the combined effect of them both feels strong enough to bond us together forever.

  Jasmine is moaning hard, screaming and then crying softly into my shoulder, as her body bucks below me, tenses, arches out, grows hard, soft, sensitive, and then more than just a sum of all of those things, as I push into her and come for all I’m worth.

  I have never felt anything like it. I have never felt as close to anyone in my life before.

  Perhaps this is what pregnant women feel like with another life inside them. Maybe this is close to what Jasmine felt with our baby daughter growing inside her.

  I come for such a long time I wonder whether it will ever stop, and then I wonder if it’s my orgasm I’m feeling after all, or the strength of Jasmine’s instead, echoing around my body.

  When I’m able to, I roll onto my side, my body sticky with cum and sweat, my fingers still locked in hers, both our hands trembling. It’s not cold, but I have goose pimples over my skin, a sensation that what I’ve just experienced was biblical in its proportions.

  I’m not one for hyperbole or even spirituality, but that sensation was both out of this world and something clearly more important than just another fuck.

  Jasmine has tears weeping through closed eyes, crawling down her reddened cheeks. The skin of her chest is red and blotchy where I’ve been lying, her nipples still hard and begging for more.

  “Jasmine?” I ask, when my breath finally comes back to me. “Are you okay?”

  It’s a while before she responds.

  “Never. Fucking. Better.”

  We lie like that for a while, hands touching each other, eyes either turned towards each other or up towards the ceiling before our moment is finally broken and our daughter begs to be dealt with.

  “I’ll go”, I say, quick to my feet. “But when I come back you better make sure you’re ready for round two.”

  Jasmine smiles and turns towards me. “Okay, but this time I get to choose how we do it.”



  I still can’t believe it. Every time I look at Liam and Maggie, I wonder what dark sorcery brought them both to me, and what I did to deserve it. Every day that passes, I’m more thankful than I can describe for what I’ve been given.

  Liam is a perfect man and I love him more every day. He�
��s honest, sincere, always there for me, and incredibly supportive. He’s also dynamite in the sack, and one of the sexiest men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I can’t say he’s the sexiest because his head might get too big to fit in the door if I do, even though I think it’s true. Seriously, at every turn he outdoes himself. We’ve had our difficulties, but every couple does. What makes the difference is that we always work together as a team to find a solution that helps us both.

  We fight, but the make up sex is worth it. We argue, but it’s never for very long and we are always very careful not to say anything we know we’ll later regret. That’s been hard for me because I’m hot-headed, but with Liam it’s different. He just makes me want to be a better person in general because he’s the best person I’ve ever met.

  I have good news. I’m no longer working as a waitress at all, I had a job interview at the start of the year and I’m now working part-time as a features writer on a lifestyle magazine, with a salary that is more than enough to compensate the reduction in hours. I’ve been there for six months, I’ve had amazing feedback so far, and I’m absolutely over the moon.

  Liam and I have been able to move into a new apartment and have much more time with Maggie.

  Oh, that’s the other thing. Guess what didn’t work again? That’s right, Liam and I are going to have another baby! That guy just has sperm that refuses to get beaten down. After this one, I might have to get him operated on. Nobody knows but Liam and I at the moment, and I hope they don’t freak out about it at work.

  If they do, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, as a family.

  That’s the thing I love about Liam, he always puts other people first and he will never give up, no matter how difficult the path ahead seems.

  I love him more than I can put into words. Thank Fuck he fell back into my lap because him, Maggie, our unborn baby and me don’t just make the world a better place, they make the world itself.


  It’s amazing how much life can change in one year. I have a daughter, a long-term partner, and another child on the way. I have cleared my debts, haven’t boxed illegally for six months and I’m back at college studying to be a philosophy lecturer. I’m not even kidding. I’m doing it part-time, because I can’t afford it any other way, and, apart from Jasmine, it’s the best decision I’ve ever taken in my life.

  Frank held his part of the bargain, and once the debt was cleared we shook hands and he wished me well. I haven’t seen or heard from him or anyone else from his organization since and I want to keep it that way.

  Nothing will make me go back to that world. My family is everything to me and every day more I spend with them makes me realize just how lucky I am to have been given a second chance.

  It hasn’t all been roses, but if it was, it’d be as dull as dishwater. I love Jasmine because there is no-one else in this world like her. I love her because she stands up for what she believes in even if she stands up alone, and because, despite everything else, despite how fucked up my life was when she met me, she believed in me and kept on coming back for more.

  I didn't know it before it happened, but this was what I always wanted. A family to love and be loved by.

  There is nothing better in this world and nothing that could pull me away.

  We’ve got a long round ahead but we’re traveling it together, and step by step we’ll make sure we win.

  There’s nothing more to it. What can I say? Winning is a cinch when you’ve got something worth fighting for.



  A Stepbrother Sports Romance

  Stephanie Brother

  © 2016 Stephanie Brother

  Edited by Abbey Foxx

  Cover designed by Lunatic Design

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author's imagination.

  Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.

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  About This Book:

  Such a huge prick...

  Tilly -

  They call him The Donkey because of the size of his dick. I call him it because he’s a complete and total ass.

  I hate Landon Maddox with a passion, and I haven’t even met him yet. Underwear model, star quarterback, arrogant, muscle-headed prick.

  I never wanted a stepbrother in the first place, and now I have one that thinks he’s a God.


  If his most famous asset isn’t beaming down at me from billboard posters all over the city, he’s spread across the front pages of every single newspaper, always for the wrong reasons.

  Landon Maddox is everywhere I look, and now I have to spend the next seven days with him for real, squashed into a tiny cottage in the middle of nowhere.

  I’m not even kidding. Family vacation with the man I spend my lifetime trying to avoid. Getting to know the enemy with nowhere left to escape.

  That’s not the worse thing either.

  Apparently there aren’t enough bedrooms for us all, which means The Donkey and I have to share.

  Me and The Donkey in the same room together for a week? With that thing between his legs?

  Now I know I’m definitely going to scream.

  Landon -

  There are two things I do better than anyone else on this planet, play football and please women, and right now I can’t do either of them.

  One more front page headline that's not about football and my career is dead in the water.

  As of now, I’m officially sworn off it.

  Landon Maddox is out of the game.

  No more late nights, no more bad behavior and definitely no more bed-hopping until Coach says I can prove otherwise.

  This vacation was his idea.

  One week in the middle of nowhere to keep myself out of trouble.

  No cell phone signal, no distractions and absolutely nothing to tempt me.

  Maybe it’s just what I need to take my mind off it.

  I mean, what can possibly go wrong?

  I’m here with my family after all.

  Donkey is an 80,000 word secret baby, stepbrother sports romance light on the sports and heavy on the steam!


  We can’t stay here. Not alone or together or whatever it is, we just can’t. It’s not that I don’t trust him either, it’s that I don’t trust myself. We are literally in the middle of nowhere and we are alone. Nobody can see us. Nobody can hear us. There’s probably not even a single thing alive in a half mile radius. The dead bird at the bottom of the garden is about as close as we’ll get. It’s a recipe for disaster, the perfect setting for something to happen. Something that I am bound to regret.

  This is Landon fucking Maddox. This is the man that has been filling my scrapbooks and my teenage fantasies for as long as I realized they were even a thing. This is the number one prize douchebag that is on every other billboard poster across the country. This is The Donkey, my fucking stepbrother now too, and here I am alone with him. If I don’t do something about it, I’ll end up doing something I shouldn’t.


  A Stepbrother Sports Romance

  Stephanie Brother



can’t believe this is happening.

  “All of us?”

  “Of course all of us.”

  “Him as well?”

  “Who, him?”

  “The Ass. Him.”

  “Don’t call him that, Tilly, he’s your stepbrother.”

  Stepbrother. It’s always been impossible to hear that word and believe it to be true. Landon fucking Maddox is now my stepbrother. The guy is a certified prick and I have to call him family.

  “I don’t think I can.”

  Star athlete, underwear model, arrogant as hell, loves himself too much to take seriously, one hundred percent womanizer. I definitely don’t want to be locked away for a week in the middle of nowhere listening to him go on and on about the string of women he’s bedded, or the amount of cocaine he’s snorted, or the vast sums of money he earns minute by minute. I don’t even know why he wants to come anyway. A family holiday in the middle of the countryside can’t be something that’s all that interesting for him.

  “Honey, this is our first holiday together as a family. Landon’s managed to get time off especially and you haven’t even met him yet, so this is a perfect opportunity for you two to get to know each other.”

  “You mean it’s the preseason, and he’s serving out a ban for the fight he got into at that club in New York.”


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