Fate: A Trinity Novel: Book Five

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Fate: A Trinity Novel: Book Five Page 13

by Audrey Carlan

  He groans and palms my thighs, moving his hands over my waist and up to my breasts for a healthy groping. “Fuck, I’ve missed these.” He squeezes them together through my shirt until the bulk of them spill out the deep scoop of my blouse. He fingers the buttons down the front, opening just enough to access the front clasp of my lingerie. Within a second, he’s got my bra open, a tit in his mouth, and is thumbing the other perfectly. I sigh and hold on, allowing every nibble, lick, and suck to send me further into orbit.

  I work myself into a tizzy, grinding my clit back and forth against his jeans. The friction is perfect through the thin material of my gauzy skirt.

  “You think you’re gonna dry hump yourself into orgasm, pretty girl? You’ve got another think coming,” he growls before biting down on a slippery erect tip.

  I mewl and move my hips in a delicious circle. “Please…” I beg. He loves it when I beg, and I have zero shame when it comes to achieving orgasm. Hell, I’ll beg all night long if it means a handful of orgasms under my belt.

  He wraps both hands around my ass, firming up our connection, moves his hips in a grinding, teasing motion, and then chuckles against my neck as I shake.

  “Begging already, Kat? Oh, you know how much I like that. You’re going to be rewarded.” He plants small, piercing bites down my neck, each one feeling like a slap to my clit before he gets to the space between my breasts, where he sucks hard against a fleshy globe. He continues this blessed suction until he pulls away, smirking and looking very satisfied with himself.

  I glance down and notice the strawberry-colored mark on my left breast. Before I can chastise him for marking me, he yanks me off the back of the couch, turns me around, and bends me over it. In what feels like no time at all, he’s got my skirt up to my waist, my panties down around my ankles, and my ass cheeks in his hands.

  “Jesus Christ, still the best fucking ass I’ve ever had the pleasure of touching.” He runs both palms from top to bottom, where he squeezes the curve, digging his fingers in roughly. “I can’t wait to fuck you here again, but not tonight.”

  While I step out of the panties, he pushes up my shirt and licks a trail from my tailbone up the small of my back. He may be able to see the scars from here but not too much. Not enough for me to stop what’s he doing.

  The sounds of him removing his shirt, fussing with his pants, and pulling down his zipper are almost as loud as the excited bursts of air leaving my lungs.

  “Not going to wait. Gonna take you right here while looking at these awesome sweetcheeks!” He runs his hands down my ass again before tapping my ankle with his foot, forcing me to widen my stance.

  Without warning, he cups my sex possessively, four of his fingers playing in the wetness he finds. “Always soaked for me. Do you think anyone else can get you this hot?” he murmurs in awe against my back.

  I shake my head furiously. “No. No. Only you.”

  “Only me. And that’s how it’s going to stay, isn’t it, Sweetcheeks? My pussy to touch, kiss, lick, and fuck. Isn’t that right?”

  His words are like kerosene on a fire. Lighting me up in a blaze of desire. “Please…” I urge.

  “Back to the begging. Fuck yeah.” He inserts two fingers deep into my slit.

  The initial thrust of being filled by anything other than my battery-operated boyfriend is mind-numbingly good. My sex clenches automatically, wetness coating my outer lips with arousal. “Oh! God…” I let out the breath of air I’d been holding while shamelessly bucking into his touch. “Yes!”

  “That’s it, Kat. Ride my hand, pretty girl. Show me how much you like me touching you.”

  Greedy for more, I push back into his hand, bracing on the couch so I can maneuver to fit how I need him, tipping my hips up and back in a motion that will get me off fast. He plays me like an expert pianist, tickling and hammering my insides, making me moan and cry out in sheer ecstasy. It’s always, always been this phenomenal between us. Mouthwateringly good each and every time.

  Carson hums in the back of his throat and presses his dick against the crease of my ass. He’s hard, thick, and weeping at the tip. I push back, wanting to jerk him and rub against his flesh. Touch him wherever I can.

  He digs his fingers deep, powering in and out of me like he has something to prove. Whatever it is, I’m on board. With each plunge of his fingers, I push back harder. He’s as deep as he can get with his hand, which makes me ache for his long cock.

  “More…” I plead.

  “You’re gonna get more. So much more. But not until I say,” he warns before the stinging smack of his hand brands my ass. Before I can truly register the pain, he spanks the other cheek and then the first again, alternating back and forth a few times. “Fuck this ass! Turning so pink. Marked by my hand.” He crushes his dick into the crevice of my ass and dips those fingers high within me. The simmering heat around where he spanks me only adds to the ecstasy I’m going to feel when I finally soar.

  I cry out when he spanks each cheek one more time, the burning skin of my ass and the warring orgasm coalescing into one another. Shivers erupt along my skin, and my blood rushes scalding hot through my veins. “Yes, oh yes. I’m going to come.” I gasp once, the only warning that my world is imploding.

  Just as the first tightening of my orgasm starts, he pulls his fingers out. I scream at the loss, needing him with every ounce of my being, ready to fight, beg, barter, and steal to have it back. But Carson is right there, and I didn’t have to fear, because in a flash I’m jammed full of thick, hard, pulsing cock.

  My mouth opens but no sound comes out, my pussy spasming around his length in vise-like pulses.

  “There it is. Squeeze my dick. Fuck, it’s so good.” He whips my blouse over my head and my loose skirt follows it. Then he wraps me up with his strong embrace so that I’m hung up on his cock, my feet leaving the floor and my fingers just barely resting atop the back of the couch. His arms are around my waist and chest as he nuzzles my neck, breathing against it in harsh pants and gusts of air like he’s run a marathon. I can’t breathe or think. I can only feel. Feel his cock split me open wide, the root stretching the lips of my sex to the maximum point where the tiny burn adds to the overwhelming fullness.

  The orgasm continues to wash over me, shaking me to my core until he rests me back on my feet, bends me completely over, pulls almost all the way out, and then slams home. A supernova explodes, ratcheting my pleasure to an entirely new plane of existence.

  Carson burrows his hand between my chest and the couch, where he wraps his open hand around my neck, forcing me to stretch my neck out to his possessive embrace. His face is planted against my sweaty back, where he places a few tender kisses. “Gonna take you so hard you’ll never ever think there’s a possibly of getting over us,” he promises before wrapping his other hand around my hip, pulling back, and ramming home.

  He moves at a punishing rate of jabbing thrusts and succulent withdrawals. I’m in an effervescent sex haze as he contorts my body this way and that, ensuring maximum penetration.

  The sex is raw, life-affirming, and messy as hell. I can feel drops of his sweat fall onto the small of my back as he fucks me harder than he ever has. I’m so lost in the ramming pleasure I don’t even question it when he lifts my thigh up on the couch back so he can plow deeper. It’s only when I swear he fucks my soul that I realize I’m crying, tears falling to my bare breasts. I’m stripped physically, emotionally…in every way possible. He’s touching me everywhere, all the places that are his, or were his before, and are now his again.

  The wet sounds of the plunge and pull of his sex seeps into the air around us, a delectable carnal melody. Carson ruts deep, making animalistic sounds, his pace becoming frantic and disorganized. Just the thought of him losing himself in me causes my clit to throb for attention. I run one hand down the front of my body and find the slippery nub, swirling it to the beat of each thrust.

  “You’re so beautiful, Kathleen.” He runs a hand up my scarred ribcage, ove
r my breast, and down my shoulder and along the abraded tissues of my arm. The tears fall in rivulets, as unstoppable as this life-changing moment. “I’m going to make you see this body the way I do. Beautiful. Sexy. And the only one I want to touch for the rest of my life.”

  The tears turn into pleasured sobs as he tilts his hips, hits the spot inside that defies all reason, and holds there, a battle cry of his own shooting from his lungs. The wide crown of his cock burrows deep inside, sending me into another tailspin of euphoria. He digs his fingers into my flesh as I scratch his thighs, forearms, and whatever I can reach as wave after wave of heaven batters us both into jerking, gut-wrenching rapture.

  Eventually Carson slumps over my back, loosening his grip on my breast and thigh and kissing my sweat-dampened skin with soft, lazy presses of lips to flesh wherever he can reach.

  “Together”—he lets out a long breath—“together, we’ve always been able to obliterate our surroundings and get lost in one another. Relieved to see that part of us hasn’t changed.”

  I lick my dry lips and smack my chops. “Yeah, huh,” is all I can muster, my brain so scrambled by what felt like two never-ending orgasms. Even my limbs feel like jelly. It’s like my body has been hibernating for two years and has just returned from frolicking out in the sun after such a long respite.

  Carson chuckles against my back and then slowly moves back. A combination of both our fluids starts to leak down my leg.

  “Jesus fucking hell, that’s hot.”

  I sigh and lift from my position hanging over the couch. “No, it’s gross.”

  “Gross hot,” he confirms.

  “That’s not a thing.” I sashay as best I can down the hall to my en suite bathroom.

  “It is a thing. It’s a guy thing.” He follows close behind.

  “How are sex fluids a guy thing?” I flick the shower on and step into the tiled space. Carson removes his jeans, underwear, socks, and shoes. Damn, he looks like a golden god against the white tiles. I hum when I step in, and the water hits my chest and face before his heat hits my back. How did I go so long without this body pressed up against me in a shower? It feels like sacrilege now.

  “You just said it.” Both arms come around to embrace me from behind in a sensual hug. “Sex fluids. Ask any guy. The words sex and fluids in any conversation grabs their interest.”

  I push my wet hair back, ensuring it slicks against my scalp. “But how is it a hot thing?”

  “Uh, sex and fluids. I’m not quite sure why this is a hard concept for you to grasp.” His hands run up my sides and cup my breasts, and his hardening dick presses against my ass once more.

  “Speaking of hard things to grasp?” I raise an eyebrow, lean back so he can kiss me, and insert my hand between our bodies where I can get a good handle on the pressing situation. “How can you be ready again? I mean, we just finished two seconds ago.”

  “Twenty seconds.” He sucks the skin of my neck as I tug on his cock, wrapping my hand more firmly around it.

  “Twenty seconds, then.” I spin around and press his body against the tile wall. “That’s still a fast recovery.”

  He grins and cups my head and my ass. “Sweetcheeks, I’ve been without you for too long. My dick even feels it.” He pushes my body back a little so he can watch me jack him. “See, he’s even weeping for you.”

  I laugh and lean into his chest. “So cheesy!”

  He chuckles, which quickly turns into a moan as he relaxes against the tile. “Shit, Kat. I’d give just about anything to have your lips wrapped around my cock right now.” That’s one of the things I’ve always loved about Carson. He never shied away from asking for what he wanted, whether it was his preference for dinner out, a movie, or what he needed in bed. I never had to guess with him.

  “Really? Anything?”

  He grins, probably remembering the game we used to play for sexual favors.

  He bites down on his plush bottom lip, and I kiss it away, sucking it into my mouth, mimicking what I could be doing to his cock right now. “Anything?” I ask him.

  He sucks in a breath through his nose, his nostrils flaring. “Fucking anything.” He curls a hand around my shoulder and presses down to get me to my knees.

  I grin wickedly, grab the washcloth hanging over the rack, and put it under my knees for comfort. “It’s going to cost you.”

  Carson’s eyes are wild and have darkened with lust. Water drips down his nose and lands on the tip of his dick. I flick my tongue and lap at the droplet. He groans. “No price is too high.”

  I quirk an eyebrow, open my mouth, and suck just the tip in, swirling my tongue around the wide, knobbed head, and then let it go with an audible pop. “You sure?”

  “Name your price, hellion.” His fingers burrow into the wet strands at my nape, and he grips them tight.

  “Breakfast tomorrow…”

  “Done.” He pulls my head closer.

  I pull back. “And coffee.”

  “Fuck yes.” He tries to bring me closer.

  “In bed.” I lean a little closer to where he wants me most.


  I back up one more time. “And you have to serve me, all while naked.”

  His eyebrows rise in surprise. “Deal.” He grins, and that grin turns into a pained hiss as I suck him down my throat in one big swallow. “My God, Kat. No one sucks cock like you.”

  I smirk and double my efforts.



  Warmth surrounds me from the tip of my toes to the top of my chest. The welcome weight of pure naked woman is sprawled over my body. I run my hands up the inches of bare flesh. My fingers encounter a few pebbled areas where I hug her across her back, my hands landing on her ribs. As I open my eyes, I’m greeted by deep amber pools of hot lava. In the morning light, her normally caramel-brown gaze has turned to a fiery crimson color.

  God, I’ve missed this. Missed her.

  “Morning, Sweetcheeks,” I grumble, my voice not quite awake.

  She nuzzles her face right over my heart and kisses me there several times. My Kat was never a morning talker. More a doer. I can remember countless mornings when I’d wake with my girl’s lips firmly wrapped around my cock in greeting. Best way to wake up. Though having a Kathleen blanket wrapped around me is a close second.

  “Hmm.” She sighs, her lashes fluttering closed as though she’s soaking in the moment. I know I am. With every damned breath I take.

  “Nothing like seeing the woman I love, naked and sated after a night of sensational fucking.” I embrace her warmth, wrapping my arms and legs around all the lusciousness that is my woman.

  Kat chuckles and lifts her head, resting her chin on my chest. “I’ll concede to the great fucking,” she murmurs, a pretty flush pinking her cheeks. The woman let me fuck her six ways from Sunday last night, and she can still flush like an innocent schoolgirl. So many layers to my Kat.

  “I believe I said sensational.” I grip her ass with both hands and rub my hardening length against her.

  She groans. “No, stop it. You fiend!” She sits up, resting her bare flesh against my lower stomach instead of where I want her. “You broke my vagina last night. Poor thing needs a rest.” Her bare chest rises and falls, her coral-pink tips puckered tight in the morning chill.

  In this light, I can see all of her. Everything she’s tried to hide since her injury. “Honey…” I whisper as I run my fingers over her right shoulder, down the side of her scarred ribcage and breast.

  Instantly, she moves to cover it, but I grip her hands and bring them down. “Let me see. Let me love all of you.” I choke down the grit coating my words. She’s the only woman besides my mother I’ve ever loved. And now, more than ever, as she bites her lip, firms her chin, and drops her arms to her sides, I love her more than anything I can comprehend. Her strength, determination, and insecurities are glaring, but she’s breathing through it. Allowing me to see this side of her. The side she doesn’t want anyone t
o see.

  Slowly, I lift my hands again, wanting—no, needing—to make her understand she is no different to me. Is her skin marred? Yes. Does it disgust me? Not even close.

  “Kathleen…these scars”—I run just my fingertips over her shoulder and down her side, where I curl my hand around her small ribcage—“they prove you’re alive.” I lean up and push us both back so she’s sitting in my lap and I’m leaning against the headboard. Moving with intent, I bring my face closer to her shoulder, the same one I used to lick, bite, and nibble during sex. Pulling her closer to me, I press my lips to the tortured flesh. She gasps and I close my eyes, allowing her the time she needs to get used to this touch.

  With more purpose, I curl my left arm around her back and cup her nape, forcing her to look at me. Tears are dripping down her cheeks. I kiss them away as I take my right hand, place it on her shoulder, and with a firm grip run my hand down every inch of her scarred arm before I intertwine our fingers and bring her hand up between us. She opens her eyes. They are full of unshed tears and so filled with grief and sorrow I want to look away. But I can’t. She needs me to be strong during her moment of weakness.

  I bring her hand to my lips. Her eyes narrow on me as I kiss each fingertip, the top of her puckered flesh, and the center of her palm. “I love every fucking one of these scars, Kat, because they mean you’re alive. You’re here with me. Right here, and you’re never fucking going anywhere.”

  Her voice cracks as she opens her mouth and the tears fall. My God, how they fall. “I love you,” she says between sobs before kissing me. Both of her hands are in my hair, tugging me close. Her legs tighten against my sides as if she wants to burrow into me. “I’m sorry, Carson. I’m so sorry I pushed you away,” she chokes out between deep presses of her mouth to mine.

  I take every kiss and lick every tear away. They’re mine now, just as she is.


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