Legacy: Book #3, the Fire Chronicles

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Legacy: Book #3, the Fire Chronicles Page 39

by Susi Wright

  It was fitting to address the people from atop Ra's back. Together they were the new protectors of the Alliance. From that lofty height, her voice hardly broke as it rang out across the square. “People of Baram. . .the fabric of Existence has been shaken by this quest and things are different now. With the endorsement of my lord father, Governor of Baram, today I address you as herald and protector of the Alliance and the New Age it ushers in. Much has changed and more is yet to come. A glorious sign of the Age, this dragon is the first to live among us for a thousand years, our ensign and protector for as long as he is needed!

  “We have returned as promised, with our Morvian brothers, but alas, not with my own brother! Father lives because Ardientor gave his life! He was not an angry, crazy boy – but a true hero! He found his reunion in the Ancient Realm, as we find ours here today.

  “Tonight, we will celebrate his life and sacrifice and rejoice a homecoming for the homeless. But above all, we will celebrate the advent of the time of the First Fire . . . when the Fire of Love will sear and cleanse every heart . . . and surpass the Destroyer on every level until it fades to oblivion! I will serve that cause to death and beyond!” She slumped after the outpouring of emotion, leaning a hand on Ra's neck.

  The crowd remained silent for while as they absorbed the words. Then they burst into cheering and shouting as Espira came down from the dragon, for Luminor to speak.

  He raised his voice but remained where he was, an arm around Fralii.

  The crowd hushed to listen. “My good people, I will say little. Lady Espira is everything she has explained. I am still your Governor, but in a few months, I will resign my position,” There was murmur of shock and dissent, “and you must elect a new one, for my time is over!” Another buzz rose from the crowd and faded. “Everything changes and we must all change with it! I know you will see the Wisdom. Rejoice in this day and celebrate tonight for we have much to be grateful for!”

  Luminor led Fralii away to a swell of cheering; people waved banners of welcome, others shouted from the upper balconies of buildings and over it all, the ten bells of the Capital rang out, a joyous cacophony to mark the return of the heroes and the rescued, and the arrival of a dragon.

  A wave of impatient wives and loved ones rushed up to embrace their warrior husbands and sons; Serafina fell into Xandor's arms, tears of joy flowing to see the son he had brought home.

  Others wailed for lost ones.

  Shuul and his men had eyes only for the Gaian maidens, their beauty distinct, among the bevy of young girls who clamoured to welcome the young soldiers. These maidens would look for a winter beau among the heroes; every girl hoped for a summer wedding.

  Two such beauties shyly approached Shuul, offering refreshments in their best Morvian. He gifted them with his most charming smile, and an expression of wonderment. Have I died and gone to paradise? In the company of such angels, he and the other Cymbians allowed themselves to be led away for honey-cakes and ale, willing prisoners of innocent but divine attention.

  The Morvian refugees were welcomed into the Capital with gifts of mead and sweet-cakes and many offers of temporary homes throughout the city.

  More applause and shouts of gratitude followed Espira as she strode past them across the square. Many wanted to personally shake her arm and she acknowledged them all as she headed towards City Hall. Her progress was slow but eventually she reached the hall steps, free to leave the throng.

  Finally seeing his opportunity, Ji rushed up to join her; to smile into her eyes and walk by her side, as he would until his dying day.

  Epilogue : LEGACY

  There had been no more nightmares, not for months.

  Espira still had visions of many things, but nothing had frightened her. This morning, she dreamed of sun-filled days, bright with hope and healing, and nights of endless passion in Ji's arms. Still warm from their love-making, she rose from their bed, sought out Ra and soared on his back over the Capital, out across the plains of Siva and beyond to the Southern Sea.

  In all these lands, people were laughing, children were playing and new villages appeared like magic beneath their flight path. But what began as observation of the wonderful progress everywhere, started to feel like another quest, searching for a nameless thing, and she returned home at sunrise, disquieted, having failed to find it. She left Ra to fly down to the porch and in the garden, Espira saw her mother smiling as La-poo played. “Come son!” Fralii called, and hugged him close.

  On the steps of the family villa, Espira met her father. He had been waiting for her. His eyes were so sad. She felt a moment of fear, as she did when he had been ill, so close to death. She sobbed. “Papa, you do not have to go! Why do you still think it?”

  “If that is so . . . what did I see in those mountains? I have not yet understood it!” Luminor's eyes held lingering grief.

  Espira swallowed her fear. Certainty and Fire rose from her core and smouldered in her eyes. “You have spent your life fighting for a new way, yet old traditions still call to you! I believe you saw the death of the Destroyer – not your own Passing! Everything is different now. You cannot choose to go, as grandfather did . . . that ancient tradition is gone, along with the Supreme Power! You cannot pass power to me, I have my own. By your own words, it is a new age, a legacy of light . . . why not stay and bask in its warmth?”

  There was a weighty silence as Luminor searched Essie's eyes. “Perhaps, staying is the real key . . ,” said Luminor with a smile of comprehension. “You are right, perhaps I should listen to you for a change!”

  Awakening slowly, Espira continued to doze on a blanket in the sun. Her favourite picnic spot just outside of the city, the grassy knoll was nestled on a bank of the wide Capital River. It was mid-summer. Red and blue dragonflies swooped and hovered over the surface of the lazy water. The sky above was clear and blue.

  “You cried a little – another dream, love? ” asked Ji, stretched out beside her.

  “It was the same as this morning! But it's not really a dream . . . I told you about it, remember? It really happened just after our wedding, before the election. I don't know why I dream about it. All is well! You saw how Mother found joy again, planning our wedding – how happy she is now, caring for La-poo. Father loves the boy as his own. He is content in his new position as vice-chancellor and my advisor – and I do need him, so Ardi's sacrifice was not in vain . . . and the Alliance becomes stronger every day! Bad memories are in the past, and yet . . .” Espira sighed.

  “Yet . . . what? You're starting to worry me!” Ji sat up and looked down into her eyes, frowning. “Is there trouble in the government? Is there a threat to your position? Are there dissidents? I saw those rebel friends of Ardientor's, hanging around in the city, but I thought Xandor gave them jobs in the youth corps.”

  “I don't think it is a problem with the administration. And Timin and the other boys worship Xandor. He tells me, they are doing well at their training. These last few days . . . these dreams . . . I have a strong feeling something will happen – a mighty challenge! It niggles . . . not entirely bad, neither entirely good. I can't distinguish its form . . . it is latent, changing . . . Sometimes, it disappears altogether!” There was confusion in her eyes, a rare occurrence these days. Espira had taken to her new position as Supreme Protector with great maturity and self-assurance, far beyond her years.

  Ji stroked her cheek, studying her face with adoration. Then he kissed her gently and smiled. “Many things are bound to test your leadership, politics among them. It is the way of things. This is just a human guess . . . but – ”

  Espira put a finger on his lips, reading his mind with a brilliant smile, realising his insight had for once surpassed hers.

  . . .perhaps, there will be a baby. . .


  About the Author

  Susi was born in London and grew up in the United Kingdom, with a passionate interest, and majoring in, literature, languages, history and art, before emigrating to New Zealan
d at the age of 20. She travelled Australasia extensively, before spending 20 years as a free-lance professional Australian wildlife and equine artist, expressing her love of nature and animals, while raising a family, on their self-sufficient farm in rural Queensland, Australia. Always an avid fan of fantasy and fiction, she now lives in Toowoomba, writing and illustrating her fantasy worlds to share with others.

  You can contact Susi on [email protected]

  Author links

  Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/firechronicles

  Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/wrightsusi

  Web site : http://firechronicles.weebly.com




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