Alpha's Protection (Indigo Mountain Pack Book 1)

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Alpha's Protection (Indigo Mountain Pack Book 1) Page 8

by Hawke Oakley

  Flint smiled and hugged me tighter. “Well, get used to it.”

  I sighed shakily into Flint’s chest. The wave of emotion passed, but it left me exhausted and just wanting to be in bed with my alpha. I lifted my head and kissed him. He let out a muffled noise of surprise into my mouth before kissing me back. I pulled away before we started a full make-out session in public.

  “Let’s save this for later,” I murmured.

  He cocked an eyebrow. “For later, huh? I heard pregnancy hormones make omegas nearly insatiable in bed. Is that true?”

  I smirked at him and pressed a finger to his lips teasingly. “Why don’t you find out tonight?”

  He let out a deep, possessive growl and hooked his fingers into my belt loops, pulling me in for one final passionate kiss before we decided to get back to Jericho and Casey before they started wondering where we went.

  I put Casey to bed early, since she was tired from the long day out. Jericho - bless his soul - had engaged her in a ton of games and tuckered her out. She knocked out as soon as her head hit the pillow.

  Flint stood waiting for me in the other bedroom. I sauntered in, rhythmically rocking my hips. His eyes were glued to them as if in a trance. They glinted with hunger. His wolf was ready, and mine was too. Flint’s musky scent filled the air - it was wild, untamed, brimming with power.

  Our mouths met, hungry and passionate. We kissed deeply. Flint pulled me down onto the bed and crawled on top of me without breaking our mouths apart. His tongue was hot and firm and explored every inch of my mouth. Meanwhile, his hands roamed my body. His nimble carpenter’s hands undid the buttons with one hand, then snaked down my bare skin. His fingers were powerful and delicate at the same time. I bucked up into his touch, wanting more.

  The foreplay had barely just begun and I was already aching for his cock to fill me. My erection strained against my jeans, and Flint knew it. He roughly palmed my hard cock, rubbing it in circles that made me moan against his lips.

  Suddenly he broke away from the kiss. I watched him undo my jeans and nearly rip them off my legs, then do the same with my underwear. I gasped as the cool air hit my throbbing cock. It was already leaking pre-cum onto my stomach.

  Flint wasted no time. He took my cock firmly in his fist and began pumping it. I was immediately lost in a haze of pleasure. I threw my head back and bit back a moan.

  My thighs trembled and fell apart a little further, exposing my slick entrance to the cool air of the room. I wanted his cock inside me. From his flushed hardness, it looked like he wanted the same thing.

  “Please,” I gasped, “Come on, Flint, please.”

  “No, he growled. “Not tonight. I’m taking care of you.”

  What part of fucking me mindless wasn’t taking care of me? I wanted him in me. I needed him to drive his cock into me until I couldn’t think.

  Flint buried his face in the crook of my neck and bit down, hard. I moaned, grinding up against his rough hand on me. It felt so good. It was like he was claiming me all over again, reminding me how much he wanted me. I was hit with a wave of affection. I was so lucky to have met him. We were so lucky to have this much joy in our lives. I never expected so much happiness, but here it was, in the form of the powerful, gorgeous man above me.

  “You alright, Charlie?” Flint was looking down at me with concern. I realized I had teared up a little, and blinked the wetness away.

  “Good,” I said, smiling. “Really good. Thinking about how much I love you.”

  “Love you, too.” His voice was rough with emotion. He leaned down and crushed his mouth against mine, sending another jolt of warmth through me. I was sure he could feel my loud moans against his lips. When we broke apart, Flint shifted down the bed, settling between my spread legs. I felt him circle my entrance with one thick finger, then slowly press it inside. I tossed my head back and moaned.

  Flint’s fingers were thick and strong. He added another and I gasped as they stretched me open, the feeling going straight to my twitching cock. My hips rolled forward to meet him as I sought more and more stimulation. He added a third finger and I moaned, feeling a hot tension spread through me.

  I was so caught up that I didn’t realize how intently my mate was watching me. When he our eyes met, he smirked and crooked his fingers. They brushed against the place inside that made my head spin. I was rocking my hips hard now, fucking myself on his hand. It felt incredible. His callused fingers were gentle but firm, scissoring inside me and hooking into my sweet spot every time he thrust.

  Then he brought the head of my cock into his mouth.

  I clapped a hand over my mouth to muffle my shout. His mouth was so hot around my length as he sucked it, driving me crazy with need. I couldn’t take this for long.

  It was too much. Flint’s fingers grinding into my sweet spot, his mouth hot and messy on my cock, his masculine alpha scent intoxicating me — I rolled my hips up into his mouth and my vision went white with stars.

  It took me a while to come back to my senses. I just lay there loose-limbed and dazed with pleasure. Flint propped himself up on one elbow beside me, looking pleased with himself. He deserved it. I wasn’t sure if I could even talk after that.

  He ran the pad of his thumb over my swollen bottom lip. It passed over the spot where he’d bitten it earlier, and I shivered at the memory. On an impulse, I flicked my tongue out to lick his thumb, guiding it into my mouth and sucking on it.

  Flint swore. He swung one of my legs up and hooked it over his shoulder, spreading me wide. He lined up his cock with my entrance and finally sank in.

  My body was hyper-sensitive, still twitching in the aftermath of my first orgasm, and now sparks of white-hot pleasure were shooting through me. Flint was so deep inside. It was almost too much, too intense. I could feel the head dragging against my inner walls as they fluttered around it. Desperately, I bucked my hips towards him. When was he going to fuck me properly?

  He drew back before thrusting his himself forward. The whole length of his cock entered me and I was left breathless. It was as deep as possible, and somehow I still wanted more. I clenched around his throbbing cock, wanting him to stay there forever.

  “More,” I breathed. “Please.”

  He heeded my plea. With wild abandon, he pulled back and thrust into me again, powerful and raw. Pure pleasure shot up my spine. My skin felt electric. I let out unintelligible noises.

  He gripped my hips and fucked me harder. Sweat dripped off his brow. Growls of pleasure rose in his throat. With every thrust, my body screamed for more. I begged and pleaded, barely hearing my own voice as I was lost in a haze of arousal.

  Flint fucked me deep, fast and hard until finally both of us hit our limits. He threw his head back and snarled as he exploded deep inside me. I felt his hot, thick seed filling my womb. I cried out and clutched the bed sheets desperately. My own cock erupted again, making a mess of my stomach.

  When his cock finally returned to its normal size, it slipped out of me. We collapsed into each other’s arms, breathless.

  Neither of us spoke as we gazed at each other, eyes full of love. We didn’t need words right now. We only needed each other’s touch as we fell asleep together.



  A few days later, Casey woke me up by sitting on my chest and demanding that I take her out hunting today. I groaned and pulled her down into the bed like a grumpy papa wolf. She let out a playful growl and tackled me, clawing at me with her tiny nails.

  “Our daughter is killing me,” I mumbled to Charlie, who was rousing as well.

  “She’s your daughter today,” Charlie grunted and pulled the covers back over his head. “While you take her hunting, I’m gonna sleep all day and do absolutely nothing.”

  I forced myself to sit up. The sun wasn’t high above, yet - it was a good hour to hunt, while animals were still mulling around before noon.

  “Alright, pup.” I picked up Casey and put her on the ground. “Let’s go bag a big one

  “Yay!” She immediately threw off her clothes in the middle of the floor and shifted to her wolf. She shook out her fur, then tossed me an impatient glance.

  “Keep your fur on, I’m coming. Just give me a minute.” I chuckled. Jericho was right - she really was a little spitfire.

  I leaned over Charlie, lifted the covers from his face, and pressed a kiss to his cheek. His skin was soft and warm from sleep and I was half tempted to crawl back into bed with him. But I made a promise to Casey, and it was one I intended to keep.

  “You’ll be okay for a few hours?” I asked gently. “Are you sure you won’t need me around?”

  Charlie quirked an eyebrow. “I’m pregnant, not incompetent.” He waved a hand, shoo-ing me away. “Go entertain our daughter.”

  “Fine. There’s food in the fridge, and if you need anything, we’ll only be out in the woods, so just give us a howl.”

  “Yes,” Charlie grunted. “Goodbye. I love you. Now, goodnight.”

  And with that, he turned around and fell back asleep.

  I turned to Casey, who stood in the doorway and glared at me with her fierce golden eyes. I figured I should get a move on and take her out before she attacked me again.

  The woods were crisp and cold. It was a gray-blue day, with clouds overhead and tiny glimpses of sun. The forest was a canvas of scents; damp mulch, living prey, running water. Everything seemed so much alive in wolf form.

  I stretched out my legs, feeling the tension disappear. No matter what kind of stress went on in my daily life, running through the forest as my wolf always felt amazing. Our kind was never meant to stay in one shape forever. We needed to listen to that instinctive urge.

  Casey gamboled through the underbrush up ahead. She growled and took a play-bow stance, then pounced on a pile of dead leaves.

  “You definitely caught that one,” I growled playfully.

  She wagged her tail. “I want to catch something bigger and more aliver.”

  “Okay. What do we do first, then?” I asked.

  She paused, plopping her rear end down on the ground. “I dunno. I’ve never been hunting before.”

  I winced inwardly. I couldn’t believe Casey never had the chance to hunt before in that barbaric pack. She was absolutely old enough to learn how, and she was either a beta or an alpha wolf - meaning she would be expected to hunt or fight. Perhaps it was because she never had an alpha father to teach her how, I thought.

  I pushed those thoughts aside. She had an alpha father now, and I was going to do everything in my power to do right by her.

  “The first thing you do when hunting is scent the air,” I told her. “Do it and tell me what you sense.”

  She lifted her snout to the wind and inhaled a few times. “I smell… a lot of dirt. And dead leaves.”

  I pressed a paw to her side, urging her to stand up. “You’ll do better if you’re focused and standing. Now try again. Search for musky, wild notes in the air. I can smell them, so I know they’re there.”

  Her nose wrinkled as she sniffed the air again, this time with more determination. Recognition flashed across her eyes. She inhaled deeply once, then wagged her tail. “I smell something. Sort of like… dirty chicken.”

  I chuffed in amusement. “That’s a wild turkey. Try and follow the scent trail.”

  With her tail high in the air, she trotted off in the direction she thought the smell originated from. I gave the wind a quick whiff to determine if she was right or not, and she was correct. I was impressed.

  We weaved through the trees as a single unit. Casey was a natural at this. I toyed with the idea of taking her hunting with Jericho next time, so he could help her hone her tracking skills. But for now, I was enjoying this quality time with my daughter.

  Casey suddenly planted her paws and stopped. “I see it now!”

  Her voice was incredibly excited and loud, but thankfully I was the only one who could hear it through our mental connection. Otherwise the prey would all be scared away.

  I lowered my head and assumed a crouching posture. Casey watched me before doing the same.

  The fat bird dawdled on the downward slope in front of us. It was by itself - an easy kill. It couldn’t run very fast or fly. It would be an excellent first hunt for Casey.

  I leaned closer to her. “This one is all yours.”

  “What am I supposed to do?” she asked.

  “I’ll go on the other side and cut off its path, just in case. All you have to do is get close enough without being noticed, then pounce on it for the kill.”

  She took in this information with a serious nod. Her body lowered closer to the ground and she began stalking towards the bird. As quietly as possible, I took the opposite route so that I could cut the animal off if it noticed Casey and bolted. When I had completed a semicircle around the turkey, I nodded to Casey. I watched in anticipation as she inched towards it. She must have been twenty feet from the turkey, which was still pecking for grubs among the dead leaves.

  Casey exploded from her spot.

  The wild turkey nearly jumped out of its feathers. Casey barrelled towards the animal gracelessly, but she was fast and hot on its trail. The bird barely had time to turn around and begin to make a break for it before she leapt onto its back and pinned it to the ground. Her instincts must have taken over, because she didn’t bother asking me what to do next. She gave the animal a swift, hard bite to the neck, and then it was all over.

  With sparkling eyes, she glanced up at me with the turkey dangling in her jaws. Her tail wagged vigorously. I’d never seen her so happy.

  “Good for you!” I caught up to her and nuzzled her head affectionately. “That was amazing. I can’t believe this is your first hunt.”

  She beamed. “I wanna take this home to daddy and make it for dinner!”

  I growled affectionately as I nuzzled her between the ears. “Not so fast. We still haven’t hunted our first buck yet.”

  She nearly vibrated with excitement. I swished my tail, beckoning for her to follow. We buried the turkey, but I realized there was something I forgot. I sat primly next to the bird’s body and looked at Casey.

  “When we take an animal’s life, we should offer thanks to the Moon,” I told her.

  She tilted her head curiously. “Why?”

  “To show respect for the life we cut short, and to appreciate its sacrifice so that we may eat,” I explained.

  Casey nodded slowly but still looked a little confused. “We didn’t do anything like that at Scarlet Ridge.”

  That didn’t surprise me. If the pack wasn’t even capable of treating its omegas like living beings, I suspected it didn’t treat its prey with any respect either.

  “Scarlet Ridge pack does a lot of things differently, but that doesn’t make them okay,” I explained to her.

  Her nod displayed more understanding this time. “Like how they don’t let girls hunt? That’s not okay, is it?”

  The fur on the back of my neck stood up. Her words had completely stunned me. I knew Scarlet Ridge was backwards, but this was ridiculous.

  “No, that’s definitely not okay,” I growled. “Is that why you’ve never been on a hunt before?”

  Her tail drooped slightly. “Yeah. I wasn’t allowed.”

  With a furious growl building in my throat, I curled around my daughter. A fierce sense of protection burned in my blood. I hated what she and Charlie had to endure at their old pack, and I vowed I would never let them hurt like that again.

  “I’m okay now, daddy,” she piped up, nuzzling my chest with her small snout. “I have you to teach me!”

  I gazed fodly down at Casey. For such a small pup, she was wise and strong. I was lucky to be her father.

  “Come on!” she exclaimed, hopping out of my grip. “I wanna go hunt a deer!”

  I couldn’t argue with that. Making a note to pick up our turkey on the way back, I followed Casey deeper into the woods.

  We searched the forest for the scent trail of
any deer, but only picked up squirrels, mice, and other animals too small to make a satisfying meal. I noticed the sun had risen in the sky, casting warmth and light through the thin canopy. I figured most of the animals had retired since it was almost noon, but Casey didn’t give up. She was dead-set on finding a buck.

  I took a quick break to drink from a stream. The water was cool and fresh on my dry mouth. We’d been running all morning and I was surprised Casey was able to keep up. She was a true hunter after all. She would be a huge asset to the pack once she was older.

  “Daddy! Over here!”

  I lifted my head to see Casey on a hill, her ears and tail fully pricked with excitement. Catching up to her, I saw what she was looking at. A buck was walking around near the other end of the stream. Its antlers were thin and brittle, like dry wood, and the tines were few and far between. It was an excellent choice to hunt; it seemed weak and in desperate need of being picked off the food chain.

  For this one, I knew Casey would need my help. A bird was one thing, but a young pup couldn’t take down a grown buck on her own. Granted this one was weak, but still.

  We got into position again. This time Casey stuck by my side instead of fanning out like before. We needed to hit the buck hard and fast as a team.

  A twig snapped underneath my paws.

  The buck lifted his head. Instantly he bolted.

  I growled and burst into a run, hot on his trail. Casey was right behind me. Our excited breaths filled the air. My mouth watered as the scent of venison wafted towards me. A turkey was one thing, but deer meat was rich and juicy. My wolf pushed on with determination.

  My ear twitched, and I was vaguely aware of a howl filling the air. But right now, it seemed far away and unimportant compared to the mouth-watering scent of deer. My wolf was obsessed with the hunt.

  Casey and I must have chased the buck for half a mile before it suddenly stopped, let out a shriek of fear, and ran in the opposite direction. I was about to twist my feet and follow it before something slammed into me, toppling me over.


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