The Body Hunters

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The Body Hunters Page 12

by Newcastle, Raven

  Oh, God, why am I thinking this? She admonished herself. Turning over on her side, she decided to pick another image for falling asleep. Waking up with a start three hours later, she was surprised to find Gerard in bed with her in the guest room.

  He stirred awake. ’What's wrong honey?”

  "I just had a bad dream I was falling, probably too much spice at dinner.” She said, meaning the last part as a personal jab at his cooking. "Go back to sleep.”

  Gerard had already turned over and was fast asleep again. He hadn’t even heard her words.

  "So much for my knight in shining armor." Danny muttered under her breath.

  She had conveniently forgotten to mention that her fall in her dream was broke by a strong island man catching her, the incomparable Aiden Stone.

  Aiden and Alejandro arrived in Dallas after a two and a half hour red-eye flight from Phoenix. As soon as their feet hit the ground, they got in contact with their superiors' contacts in DC and the agents working at the Dallas field office to let them know that it was imperative that they meet. Within hours, a conference call was scheduled with Peterson and SAIC Johnson in Washington, while ten weary-eyed Dallas field agents were called in for an early morning briefing.

  Courtesy of the Bureau, a dark SUV was waiting for them at the airport. The two agents took the time before the briefing to check into yet another motel to freshen up from their flight. Their breakfast was eaten at a hole in the wall diner that boasted the best cup of coffee in Dallas. Aiden enjoyed the hotcakes and the homemade breakfast sausage, but the coffee had the consistency of motor oil and tasted like sludge.

  Mulling over his breakfast, his thoughts drew him back to Danielle Labouleaux. The woman was loitering in his mind, and for some reason he couldn't evict her. He was actually feeling the pang of her absence and didn't like it one bit. Pushing down his burgeoning feelings for the very engaged investigator, he swallowed the last of the mysterious liquid claiming to be coffee and paid for their meals.

  Steaming Styrofoam cups were scattered all over the oblong conference room table as yawns weretraded among the sleepy federal agents. Agents who had been rousted out of bed did their best to appear alert sitting at the table while others stood on the sidelines engaged in hushed conversation speculating on what the fuss was about. Since the Special Agent in Charge from DC was involved, they bet it was a really big deal.

  All chatter ceased as the head of the Dallas field office entered the room followed by Stone and Ramirez. A techie set up a high tech IP phone in the center of the table and tested the connection to make sure Peterson and Johnson's voices could be heard. He also set up a power point projector screen and a laptop for the two agents to use for their presentation. Before letting them have the floor, the Dallas SAIC introduced the two visiting agents Ramirez and Stone.

  "Over the past few days, Agent Ramirez and I have gathered valuable information on the disappearance of Sherry Cavender." Aiden began. The briefing reminded him of the meetings his unit used to have in Afghanistan before they left for patrol.

  "We've discovered that Sherry's murder wasn't just a random kidnapping. She also wasn't the only victim." Clicking a button on the laptop, he displayed the dozens of victims on the screen. The macabre autopsy photos stared back at the room full of agents. "We've been able to discern that there are at least a dozen cases where young women have been murdered, presumably by the same killer."

  With another click of the mouse Aiden brought up a map of the United States. Just as Danny had set up the map at her apartment, the digital map was filled with over a dozen colored dots representing murders that fell under the same killer. A hushed murmur of conversation filled the conference room.

  Special Agent Peterson spoke up from the IP phone. "We are in the process of communicating this information with the field offices in the states represented on Agent Stone's map. We'll also be coordinating with local law enforcement on these cases. Somewhere along the line it's possible that he's slipped up and left some evidence."

  "You said that the Cavender murder wasn't a random kidnapping. What do you mean by that?" Agent Gaines asked. She and her partner Holmes were seated near the front of the room.

  "It's been speculated, but we were able to determine that Sherry was working as a prostitute. Initial reports were that she was just a runaway."

  "Where are you getting all this information?" a curious agent asked. "We've been working this case a month and haven't been able to get any leads."

  It was Lucius' turn to speak through the phone. "I referred agents Stone and Ramirez to one of our consultants. She worked for the Bureau a few years ago and has a knack for compiling information and statistics in cases like this."

  Aiden figured Lucius didn't want the other agents to know they were employing psychics to solve murders, though he couldn't blame the man for keeping quiet about his sources. If someone would have told him about psychics working for the FBI years ago, he would have laughed in their face.

  "From what we're able to tell Sherry may have been targeted specifically, which doesn't fit with the rest of the victims. The rest of the women were illegal’s."

  "So why was Sherry targeted?" Holmes wondered aloud.

  Aiden rubbed his chin in contemplation. "I've been wondering the same thing myself. I have a couple of hunches but nothing concrete yet."

  "Our consultant gave us another possible lead." Alejandro said, clicking the mouse another time. A webpage featuring the walk-in clinic appeared onscreen.

  Aiden added, "Our consultant also found information linking this clinic to Ms. Cavender. Agent Ramirez and I will pay them a visit this afternoon."

  “Since they're a free clinic, it's possible they've helped some of the hookers in the area." One of the agents suggested shrugging his shoulders.

  Aiden nodded his head. "That's where we'll start. Agent Ramirez has emailed all of you the specifics of the other cold cases that may be involved."

  A few more minutes were spent assigning duties to the other agents and going over last minute details. Save for a few minute details, the meeting came to a close. The Dallas SAIC would send a few agents to stake out the walk-in clinic for any sign of suspicious activity, while Stone and Ramirez would talk to the staff. The Dallas Field office would get in contact with the local police department and look into the other Jane Doe cases. Lucius Johnson was flying agents from Washington down to the homicide locations in the other states to consolidate the cases and comb over the evidence. Thanks to the efforts of Danielle Labouleaux, things were finally progressing in the Sherry Cavender case.

  Aiden and his partner started their investigation where it all started, right in the neighborhood where Sherry was abducted. With the number of boarded up and burnt up homes outnumbering the ones that were currently occupied, urban decay seemed to be on the rise again. Their bureau issued SUV attracted curious glances from residents who figured that they were either the police or dope dealers.

  Aiden acquainted himself with the area by driving through the neighborhood that Sherry had occupied prior to her death. It boggled the mind that a girl who grew up on a sprawling ranch occupying several hundred acres, with parents who would provide her anything she wanted, would fall so far as to wind up in a neighborhood where people struggled to survive a day or an hour at a time.

  "Do you believe in all that psychic stuff Ms. Labouleaux was talking about? You know, about her being able to get clues from dead people?" Alejandro asked his partner who was trying to decipher graffiti that tagged an abandoned storefront.

  "Yes, I believe it." Aiden said without hesitation and finding himself for the umpteenth time since they left Phoenix thinking about Danny. He silently cursed him for bringing her up.

  The young agent shuddered despite the high temperature outside. "I don't know. All that talking about dead people doesn't sit right with me."

  "One thing I learned when I was in the Marines is that there are some things that can't be explained. So why try?" Aiden told the y
ounger man. "I try to keep an open mind about stuff like that. I mean, she was able to give us a lead we didn't have just a week ago. That's gotta count for something. There's a reason Johnson gave me her information in case we needed her help." He omitted the fact that like Danny he was also a psychic. The last thing he needed was for the rookie to start looking at him cross eyed and freaking out.

  "I guess you're right." Ramirez concluded.

  The outside of the free clinic was exactly as Danny had described it with the bold red lettering and the cubed glass windows. Stone's sunglasses concealed his eyes as he exited the Suburban and surveyed his surroundings. The former Marine had seen neighborhoods in Kabul that were more inviting than this one. Save for a few suspicious homeboys loitering around an ancient Cadillac and scoping out the Suburban like it was a piece of candy, no one paid the two agents much attention. Stone made a point of slightly lifting the side of his shirt to reveal his shield and the Glock posted at his hip to let the teens know the Suburban was off limits.

  Leading the way, Aiden pulled open the heavy doors to the doctor's office. The fluorescent lights in the waiting room needed changing, the illumination reducing things to a sickly yellow. Two exotic, but world weary looking women in dingy clothing were sitting in plastic chairs staring blankly ahead. A few out of date magazines loitered on cheap faux wood tables while an even older television played a cable cooking channel. Typical waiting room posters were plastered on the walls giving tips on everything from heart attack prevention to the warning signs of diabetes. A glass partition separated the receptionist from the rest of the waiting room.

  The woman behind the glass hesitantly looked up from her smart phone. She made no attempt to conceal her annoyance with being bothered. "Can I help you?"

  On cue, Stone and Ramirez displayed their shields and introduced themselves. At the mention of the FBI, something akin to apprehension flashed in the woman's eyes.

  "We're investigating a murder and would like to ask a few questions."

  "Have a seat. Someone will be right with you." She fired back, pointing with fingernails that were too long to be functional in an office environment.

  As they were told, the agents sat in two of the uncomfortable sitting area chairs. A few minutes later the door leading to the patient examination area opened. A man with a nutmeg complexion who Aiden guessed was in his mid-30'sintroduced himself as Dr. Walters. The man was tall with the wiry build of a basketball player and with wire rim glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. The agents followed him into the interior of the building, headed toward his office.

  Taking note of everything around him, Aiden observed the skeleton crew that was working at the site including a Hispanic man in hospital scrubs whose arms were embellished with vibrant tattoos. He was in an examination room where another shabbily dressed woman was waiting. He shut the door to the room as Aiden and Alejandro walked past. Even though the man was wearing scrubs, he didn't seem the type to be working at a medical clinic, not with the gang graffiti on his arms.

  "So, what is this about a murder?" Dr. Walters asked. Seated across from them he crossed his hands in front of him.

  "We're investigating the murder of Sherry Cavender." Aiden handed the doctor a photo of the teen in happier times. "We've heard that she may have been seen around this clinic right before she disappeared two years ago."

  Walters shook his head mournfully then passed the photo back to Aiden. "I've never seen this girl before in my life. She would kind of stick out in a neighborhood like this."

  "True, but Ms. Cavender was a meth addicted prostitute. She was abducted probably about a mile from this location. We have some eyewitness accounts that placed her at this facility."

  "She may have stopped by. Some of the prostitutes in the area have been known to see us for treatment, this being a free clinic and all, but I'm positive I've never seen that girl. I mean I've been here for two years. I'm pretty familiar with our patients."

  "How about the other employees, the nurses or the medical assistants? Aiden persisted.

  A fretful frown mushroomed over the doctor's face. "They wouldn't know. Most of them haven't even been here a year."

  "What about anyone else who was working here two years ago?" Aiden carried on.

  Dr. Walters raised his shoulders. "The other employees have moved on since then. Once they quit we don't keep track of them."

  "Any other doctors that may have seen Sherry besides you?" Aiden queried.

  Walters looked even more nervous if it were possible. "Yeah, but they've since gone on to other practices. Of course they left me behind for bigger and better things while I'm stuck here. This isn't exactly a thriving practice."

  "It would be helpful if we could get their names and the names of the other former employees." Stone pressed.

  The doctor's talkativeness suddenly escaped. "I think I'd like to talk to a lawyer before I give you that information. I don't think the other doctors would appreciate me giving their names out to the FBI."

  Stone cursed himself for overplaying his hand. Getting the warrant would take precious time that they couldn't afford to lose. "That's fine you can consult your lawyer if you want, but we will get a warrant for those names."

  After a few more questions the agents were headed back out to the lobby when Dr. Walters asked a question of his own.

  "You said the girl's name was Sarah Cavender?"

  "Sherry Cavender." Ramirez corrected.

  "That's the girl they've been talking about on the news, right?" The doctor's eyes abruptly widened.

  The news outlets had bombarded the public with the news of Sherry's demise. The Cavender’s had granted interviews for all the major networks for morning, afternoon, and evening broadcasts. The family had even posted a $10,000 reward for any information that would lead to the arrest of her killer or killers. Subtlety was something the Cavender’s were lacking when it came to justice for their little girl.

  Aiden bobbed his head. "She was the daughter of Senator Cavender."

  "Geez, small world."The doctor mumbled.

  Something was going on with this Highland Clinic, Stone would bet his military pension on it. He just had a feeling in his gut that something was off about the place. He would just have to do a little reconnaissance work.

  Under the cover of night, He returned to the clinic. Not wanting to jeopardize the rookie's badge, he had left his partner back at the motel more than likely sound asleep. He didn't need an accomplice for what he was about to do. During his career with MARSOC, he had participated in what civilians called Black Ops. His team had been sent on covert missions, some of them stretching the law to the point of breaking. That was exactly what he was doing tonight.

  He wheeled the SUV behind the clinic. Since this was the type of neighborhood where the 'Don't Snitch' code was probably in effect, he figured he wouldn't have to worry about any trouble from the cops, though he was worried if the FBI found out what he was doing. Entering a building without a warrant was something that could put his ass and badge on the line, not to mention it might result in some jail time. That made him all the more careful about what he was doing.

  It was an easy task to run a bypass on the building's security system and gain entry. The security system was primitive compared to some he had hacked into back in the day. Silently he headed to Dr. Walter's office down the darkened hallway.

  When he and Ramirez were here earlier he had noticed security cameras. To the casual eye they looked like smoke detectors, but he was certain that the devices were wireless cameras. For a place that could barely afford to have a landscaping company cut the grass, it was kind of strange for them to have expensive hardware like the cameras. What would a free clinic be doing with cameras in the first place? The answer to the question had driven him crazy all afternoon.

  His gloved hands playing over the keyboard, he booted up the computer. The workstation was password protected, but with a few keystrokes he had hacked into it. It was just another one o
f those skills he had picked up in his former life. As he had hypothesized, the digital files from the cameras were loaded into the pc's hard drive. Looking in the external hard drive, he located the footage from two years ago.

  Through her forensics in the spirit realm, Danny had been able to pinpoint the exact day that Sherry disappeared. Selecting two weeks around that time frame, Stone plugged his flash drive into the computer's USB drive and downloaded them to the device. After a couple of minutes the files were transferred to the gadget. After stashing the flash drive in his pocket, Stone checked the file cabinets for any leads but couldn't locate anything.

  Satisfied with his stealthy mission, Stone left the building exactly as he found it. In minutes he was headed back to his motel room.

  Sitting at the table in his rented room, he sifted through the digital footage on his laptop. Since the recording covered over half a dozen cameras and various angles, it was time consuming and tedious. Stone had nearly given up when he found Sherry. Soon he was cured of his slouching position, sitting upright in the chair at full attention.

  The agent zoomed in on the video so he could get the full view. In the video Sherry was alive and well before a shadow stepped up to her as she tried to leave, roughly grabbing her by the shoulders. The shadow was Dr. Gerard Wolfe! He and Sherry stepped out of the camera's range, but in moments the girl was on the ground with the doctor looming over her ominously.

  What the hell is going on here?

  Chapter 12

  Over the past couple of days Danny had been spending more time at her apartment than at home. Gerard had his hands full with surgeries so it afforded her much needed time to herself. Not in the mood for talking she had even shut off her phone to prevent any disruptions. She was purposely throwing herself into work to avoid thinking about her relationship with Gerard. For all intents and purposes it was over. There was no way she was going to marry him when she wasn't happy now. All there was left to do was to tell him.


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