Stepbrother Aflame

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Stepbrother Aflame Page 2

by Charity Ferrell

  I almost died from humiliation when my mom told him I’m saving myself for marriage. According to her, I have virtues. She assumes that, anyways. She’s the one who made that pact, not me. I’ve never once said I’m saving myself for marriage. I know if she finds out I broke her hopes and dreams, she’ll probably ship me away to do some soul searching this summer. I’m not about to do any of that eat, pray, love crap.

  But Zeth shockingly kept his mouth shut. Instead, he decided that I was going to be his enjoyment for dinner. I wanted to lean across the table and strangle him for the endless sexual innuendos and comments he made, trying his best to get me all riled up. He’s bad news. I know he’s going to use this as leverage and if I make one wrong move, he’s going to tear me in two.

  I can’t have that happen. It’s time to make a deal.

  “Love you too, mom.” I hear his rugged voice say when I stop in front of his bedroom door. I wait until I hear silence and knock. I shuffle my bare feet back and forth against the carpet, waiting for a reply, but get nothing. I knock again, only silence.

  “It’s Addison,” I say softly, hoping he can hear me.

  I jump when the door clicks open and his six-foot frame is standing in front of me, way to close into my space. I gulp, suddenly becoming aware of my own breathing when I eye his bare chest. He’s sculpted to perfection and I can’t help but stare.

  Holy shit. He’s ripped, like insanely ripped. Tattoos swirl around his arms. Adrenaline spreads through my body like a bullet and I use every ounce of self-control I have to not reach out and touch him.

  I squeeze my thighs together when I notice the only thing covering him is a towel hanging low on his hips. A deep V cuts down his abdomen and dips underneath the terry fabric.

  The air grows thick. I need to turn around and flee, but my feet are refusing to make that jump start because I want to continue eye-fucking him. I know I can’t touch … but looking isn’t bad, right?

  “You know if you get busted down here, it’s my ass, princess,” he says, harshly.

  He’s right, if I get caught down here, they’ll blame him. They’ll somehow twist it around to look like he forced me to come down to his bedroom. My mom has this assumption that I do no wrong.

  I gasp when he snags my chin roughly in his hand and drags it up for me to look at his face.

  “Usually I’m the one to get told, “my eyes are up here,” but hey, my eyes are up here,” he says, arrogantly. “Unless you’re going to do something about it, quit eyeing my cock like you want to wrap your innocent little lips around it. I don’t feel like jacking off tonight.”

  “Our parents are asleep,” I say, only answering his first comment because I sure as hell don’t know how to answer the second one.

  He arches a brow. “Is that an invite?”

  “What? No!”

  “Your loss,” he says, throwing his hands up. He walks backwards and falls down on the bed. His vibrant green eyes meet mine while I stand there awkwardly playing with my hands, trying to figure out where to start. I should’ve pre-planned my speech.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” He finally asks, helping me out. His eyes travel down my body this time. “And FYI, I like this look on you.” My hair is pulled into a messy ponytail, and all I’m wearing is a short pair of striped pajama bottoms and a tank top. “I’d prefer you always come to my room naked, but I guess this works, too.”

  I roll my eyes. I need to cut to the chase before I chicken out. “You’re not going to tell them, are you?” I ask, walking into the room.

  He kicks one leg up and rests his back against the headboard. If I bend down, I know I’ll get a view of his cock. I swallow hard. He’s trying to fuck with me.

  A smile forms on his thick lips, giving me a show of his straight, white teeth. “Ah, so this is why you’re here? Not to shower me with welcome love or jump in my bed, but to make sure I won’t rat on your pretty ass. My lips are sealed, virgin princess.”

  I scowl at him, but choose to ignore his insult. “Thank you,” I say, in relief.

  “It’s not my business to tell. And I expect the same from you.”


  “You won’t be opening up your mouth when I break the rules, either. You’ll turn around, walk your sassy ass up those stairs, and act like you didn’t see shit.”

  I close my eyes and feel my body start to blush as I think about him having sex in front of me. Goose bumps roll across my skin. I’m more excited at this moment than I’ve ever been with Cam, and he’s not even touching me.

  I take a deep breath and shake my head. He can’t know he’s getting to me.

  “Oh really?” I huff out. “Because that’s what you did to me? You turned around and left me alone?”

  He laughs. “It was too good not to interrupt. You two looked like you were giving a tutorial on the worst attempt of fucking. Was it your first time? Please tell me it was your first time … and that sex really isn’t that painful for people.”

  I pretend his insult doesn’t cut straight through me. “For that comment, I won’t be turning around and running. I think it’s only fair I interrupt you and make a scene in front of whatever hooker you paid to come here.”

  “Interrupt, partake in the fun, watch, I don’t mind if you do any of those. But you won’t be opening up your mouth. We both fuck freely and no one else will know.”

  “Fine, deal.”

  I will not be going downstairs unless it’s completely necessary.

  “Doesn’t it suck, though?” He asks, stopping me when I turn around to leave.

  I spin around to look at him. “Doesn’t what suck?”

  “Sneaking around? Hiding what you’re doing because they have a giant, holy stick up their ass.”

  “I’m sorry, but I’m not going to tell my parents I’m having sex.” He raises a brow. “Oh shove it, I’m sure you didn’t go around telling your mom you were banging girls in your room.”

  A sly smile beams across his face. “Oh babe, my mom definitely knew I was fucking girls in my bed. They couldn’t hold back their screams. And trust me, they never had to be told to open their legs wider. I make sure to give it to them right. The deeper, the better.”

  I feel an aching numbness in my nipples. I wrap my arms around my chest tightly, so he won't notice how his words are turning me on.

  “I highly doubt that,” I snap, mad at myself. I’ve never felt this turned on before … not even with my boyfriend, and he’s doing nothing but insulting me.

  “How old are you?”

  I lean back against the wall. “Eighteen.”

  “You’re an adult and you’re still here? Move out and fuck freely in your own place.”

  “It’s more complicated than just moving out and having my own place. That’s not easy.” I wish I could pack my bags and leave this place, but I can’t risk my future for temporary happiness. “I don’t have the money to do that.”

  “Get a job.”

  I shake my head. “I’m leaving for school in the fall. I’m sticking it out until then, playing by their rules, and then I’m out of here.”

  He crosses his arms behind him and rests his head back against them. “Not exactly playing by their rules if you’re getting railed by your boyfriend down here.”

  “Very funny,” I say, and my phone starts vibrating. I look down at it and see Cam’s name flashing on the screen. “I have to go. Thanks for not saying anything. I’ll do the same for you.”

  “No problem, pleasure doing business. See you around, sis.”

  My phone stops ringing, and I turn around to look at him. “Yeah, don’t call me that.”

  “Would you like me to call you something else?” He asks, winking. “Because if we do decide to break the rules together, screw each other a few times, that might be a little weird calling you sis.”

  I give him the finger and leave the room.

  4. ZETH

  “Good morning, Mr. Zeth,” Sally greets, when I wa
lk into the kitchen and fall down onto a stool. “I hope pancakes are okay.” A full plate of food is dropped in front of me.

  I met Sally last night. She’s their housekeeper, cook, and whatever the fuck else she does. She’s pretty much their maid or some shit. She’s an older lady, probably in her sixties given the wrinkles lying underneath her eyes, but she seems cool so far.

  I pick up a fork. “My breakfasts usually consists of left over pizza or Captain Crunch, so this is definitely okay,” I answer, reaching for the syrup. “Is everyone else gone?”

  “Your father left for work a few hours ago. Melinda left for a Charity brunch, and Addison is out for her morning run.”

  She hands me a glass of orange juice. I’m not sure how I like this having someone serve me shit. “If everyone is out, grab a plate and have a seat. It will be our little secret.”

  She gives me an amused smile. “I’ve already eaten my breakfast, but thanks for the offer. I’m allowed to take breaks, this isn’t a sweatshop.”

  I chuckle. “Got it. Will you answer a question for me, though?” She nods in response. “What’s the deal with the daughter, Addison?”

  I pride myself on figuring people out quickly. I know if they’re going to try to fuck me over or if they’re decent, but I’m having a hard time with her. She puts off this whole I’m a virgin front, but I know deep inside there’s some rebellious fire burning.

  “She’s a lovely girl. I’ve been working for this family since she was eleven and I have no complaints.”

  I raise a brow. “That’s it? That’s all you got for me?”

  “I think you need to figure out who she is on your own, but I will tell you one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “There’s more to her than what you see.”

  She grabs a handful of dirty dishes and starts washing them in the sink. I spin around in my chair when I hear the door open. My eyes widen when I find Addison walking in.

  She’s wearing a tight little pink sports bra, showing off her flat stomach and endless curves. Sweat is dripping from the bottom of the bra and falling down her smooth, tan skin. Small shorts, so tight they’re like a fucking second skin, stop at the top of her thighs. They look more like panties than they do shorts. Fuck, the un-virginal girl trying to pull off the virginal act has a hot as fuck body.

  If she was a virgin or didn’t have a boyfriend, if I knew she’d never had the feeling of a cock inside of her, I’d be dragging her to my room right now and making it my fucking mission to break her in. A body that sweet deserves to be fucked and fucked right.

  “Addison,” Sally says, breaking my attention. “I have your breakfast.”

  “Mmmm… thanks,” she moans out. I turn around and look away, telling my dick not to get excited when she sits down next to me. “Good morning, Zeth.”

  “Morning, princess.” I look down at her plate. “What the fuck is that shit?”

  “Eggs, hummus, and peanut butter toast topped with flax and pumpkin seeds.”

  “It’s what? The only thing I got from that was eggs and those definitely aren’t eggs. Your plate looks like it was made for a bird.”

  “They’re egg whites, they’re healthier” she explains, scooping a bite up with her fork. “Want to try?”

  I curl up my lip and swat her hand away. “Fuck no.”

  “More for me then,” she says, shoving the fork into her mouth.

  I shake my head at her. “Hey Sally, is there an extra car?” I ask. “I need to go job hunting.”

  “There isn’t,” she answers, and then pauses, like she’s trying to figure out something. “I can ask your father if it’s okay to allow you to use mine. I don’t mind.”

  “I can take you,” Addison rushes out.

  “Yeah, that’s not necessary,” I say. “I’ll wait for Sally’s car or take a cab.”

  “You’re going to be paying a butt load of cab fare around here. It’s fine. I don’t have anything to do. I wanted to get out of the house, anyways.”

  “Cool, thanks.”

  This is a bad fucking idea.

  She finishes off her food. “I’m going to shower real quick and then we can go.”

  Sally waits until she disappears before bending down in front of me and resting her elbows on the counter. “I told you she’s a good girl. Don’t go breaking her heart, you hear me?”

  “You don’t have to worry about that. I’m not planning on being here long.”


  My cock pulsates when I see Addison come skipping down the stairs twenty minutes later. Her tits bounce up with each step and I lick my lips with hunger. The yellow sundress hugging her curves show off her toned legs. Her hair is wrapped up in some type of braid that’s running along the back of her ear, exposing her long neck.

  “You ready to go?” She asks.

  I take a step closer, noticing the hint of mascara on her lashes. Her plump lips are painted a pale pink. She has that whole minimal look going on, but she’s working it.

  The snap of her fingers in my face startles me. “You ready to go?” She asks again, whipping around and walking towards the garage. I fix my eyes on her perfect little ass on my way out.

  “Nice car,” I say, when I notice a white Mercedes sedan beep. “Did you buy this yourself?”

  She climbs into the driver’s side. “As a matter of fact, I did.”

  I slide into the tan leather seat. “Right …”

  “I did pay for it myself,” she fires back, defensively.

  “With what? Your sweet ass?”

  “No, asshole. I paid for it with my trust fund money.”

  I can’t help but bust out in laughter. “That’s not you paying for it. That’s mommy and daddy forking out their hard earned money to some spoiled rich girl. I bet you’ve never even had a job before.”

  I have a piece of shit Beretta at home that barely runs, but I worked hard for it. I was so proud of myself when I got the keys after working all summer. The fucker has broken down a few times, but she’s still a trooper.

  “Whatever, jackass,” she grumbles. She slams her foot down on the gas pedal and we go speeding backwards down the driveway.

  Damn, I hit a sensitive spot.

  “So tell me, why are you doing this?” I ask.

  “I told you I have nothing else to do. I needed some fresh air.”

  “Fresh air? You could’ve gotten that anywhere.”

  “Fine, I think you’re interesting. Plus, you’re like family now, so I figured we should get to know each other.”

  I point to myself. “Please tell me what makes me so intriguing to you, princess. That I don’t give a fuck? That I look different than your prim and proper family? Because I’ve been arrested?”

  “You don’t care about authority or what people think about you. You say what’s on your mind. I wish I could be like that.”

  “Trust me, you don’t want my shit. Keep walking down your goodie two-shoes trail and you’ll find yourself a nice little life complete with a white picket fence.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Forget it. Where do you want to look for a job at?”

  I scratch my temple. “I’m not sure. You got any ideas? I’ll take anything right now.”

  I spent almost all of my money on legal fees and my plane ticket out here. I need to make money and I need to make it fast so I can get my own place for the next six months. I looked up jobs on Craigslist last night, but there wasn’t shit.

  “You can try the country club. I know they’re hiring for the summer.”

  I snort, choking out a laugh. “I highly doubt they’ll hire me at a country club. Those places are filled with snotty assholes.”

  “Not everyone there is a snotty asshole. We’re members, use your dad as a reference. You can use me, too.”

  She catches onto my hesitation. I don’t want to work for guys who could qualify as my dad’s twin. I’ll probably end up laying one of them out with my fist.

  “If you don’t want to
, we can try other places, but you’ll make good money there. Members tip well when they’re drinking, which is almost always. They think the higher the tip they give, the richer they look.”

  “They got any tattoo shops around here?” I ask.

  That’s where I worked back in California. I was building up a decent client list, too.

  She keeps her eyes on the road. “Um … not that I know of.”

  “Of course, you wouldn’t know.”

  My body jerks forward when she breaks hard at a red light. “Quit being a dick to me, okay? I haven’t done anything to you. I’m trying to help you, and you’re doing nothing but acting like some raging douche bag.”

  “You’re trying to help me so I’ll keep my mouth shut about walking in on your boyfriend pounding into your pussy.”

  “Tell on me then. I’m not going to play this game with you for the next six months. You’re not going to keep holding this over my head, ready to blackmail me at any time.” She hits the gas when the light turns green and we go rushing forward.

  I grin and look out the window, happy with her being pissed off at me. I love girls with attitude, ones that don’t take shit. Maybe Sally was right. Maybe there’s more to her than I thought.


  I fill out applications all morning, but none of them pay shit. There aren’t very many places around the Hamptons to work, unless it’s at a restaurant or some tourist location.

  “You hungry?” I ask. “I’ll buy lunch.” She nods at the same time her stomach growls. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Where to?” She asks.

  I shrug my shoulders. “Your choice, being that you’re on some weird ass diet.”

  She scrunches up her face. “Weird ass diet? I eat perfectly normal.”

  “Perfectly normal is pizza and burgers. You eat bird food and hummus, whatever that shit is.”

  “Okay, first off I eat burgers and pizza. I’ve eaten plenty of burgers and pizzas,” she argues.

  “Oh really? How often do you binge on burgers and pizzas?”

  “Every single day.”


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