Stepbrother Aflame

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Stepbrother Aflame Page 8

by Charity Ferrell

She bites the corner of her lip, looking innocent as hell. I want to fuck that innocence straight out of her. I want to make her a bad girl, one who thrives to be fucked right and good.

  “Take off your shirt,” I demand. She does as she’s told. “And lose the bra. If you come into my room again wanting my cock, you better not be wearing panties or a bra unless you want them ripped off your body.”

  I’ve had girls complain about how much that shit costs, but I don’t like to wait. I don’t like dealing with the hassle of having to unsnap shit.

  Her mouth falls open, giving me a glimpse of the tongue I’m dying to be wrapped around my hard cock. I know she’s never been talked to like that, and I know she’s getting off on it.

  Her hips start to move, her pussy sliding against my cock over my shorts, and I palm her soft tits. They’re fucking perfect, fitting in my hands like they were made for me.

  “How do you want it? Do you want to ride this cock again?” I ask, in excitement.

  “From behind,” she says, her eyes looking away from me.

  “Look at me when you say that. How do you want it?”

  “I want you to fuck me from behind,” she says, her eyes penetrating mine. “Doggy style.”

  I suck in a breath of surprise. Fuck yes. My favorite. There’s nothing better than gripping a girl’s hips, watching your dick slide in and out of her, and controlling how deep you go.

  “Undress me,” I command.

  She slides off of me, my cock already missing the feel of her, and bends down on her knees. Her hands grip the elastic of my shorts. They go down my legs slowly. I watch her as her eyes take in my hard cock in all of his glory in the morning air.

  “No underwear?” She asks, arching a brow, and giving me a small smile.

  “I was hoping you’d join me in bed this morning.” I can see the uncertainty on her face on what to do next. “What do you want to do with it?”

  “What do you want me to do with it?”

  This is you, baby. You call the shots. You can wrap that hand around it and stroke me. You can take it in between those hot lips of yours, which would feel fucking awesome, and lick me up and down.

  I jump, my entire body flinching with delight, when her tongue snakes out. She licks the length of my cock once before opening her mouth and wrapping her luscious lips around the swollen head. My head falls back, reveling in the feel of her taking my dick in and out of her sweet mouth.

  I grip her long hair in-between my fingers. “Just like that,” I say, giving her the pace I want by moving my hips up and down. “Have you ever sucked a cock before?” My voice is raspy, and I can tell I’m getting close to busting inside of her mouth.

  She doesn’t pull away from my cock, just nods her head in response. She’s concentrating hard on giving it to me right. Fucking commitment. This girl will make a good fucking wife to someone.

  I give her a tug to pull away, but she doesn’t move. She wants to finish me off. As much as I’d love to fill her sweet mouth with my cum, watch her swallow it down her throat, I need her pussy more.

  I tug on her hair. My throat tightens when I lose her mouth, my cock already missing her. She feels weightless as I lift her up in the air. The bed dents in when I toss her on her stomach next to me. My knees slide against my sheets as I climb to the end of the bed. I wrap my arm around her back, pulling her up, and remove her panties in seconds.

  The sound of me slapping her ass reverberates through the room, and her back straightens at the sting. I reach into my nightstand for a condom. I rip it open, and slide it on my hard, throbbing cock in seconds.

  I never fuck without a condom ever. I use these fuckers religiously. As much as I crave what it feels like to fuck a girl raw, to feel it skin against skin, I’m not taking any chances of having a little Zeth running around this goddamn place.

  “You have to be quiet,” I say, stroking her soft pussy. I can only imagine what kind of shit show would happen if her mom walked in on me ramming my cock into her sweet virgin daughter’s cunt. It would probably be the best story I could ever tell.

  “They’re gone.” Her hourglass hips rock back and forth against my hand, wanting more, and I give it to her. She’s soaked, her warm juices dripping down the skin of my arm.

  I can’t wait any longer. I need to be inside of her. I use my knees to separate her thighs. My cock pulsates when I sink into her warmth, filling her up. I shudder, feeling suffocated by her walls, while I pump my hips.

  I slam into her over and over. I’m losing control. Her head rolls back. I take this opportunity to slide a hand up her chest and cup her breasts. I roll a nipple between my fingers and my thrusts grow faster. She grips the sheets, holding herself up, as she takes every inch of my cock. She’s close. I know it. Thank God, because I’m about to lose it, too.

  I pull out of her, smacking her ass hard again, and rip off my condom. I throw my head back, my chest shudders, and I bust all over her back. My body keeps convulsing. I can’t take my eyes off of my cum blanketing her skin. I rub it in, leaving evidence that I was there.

  I shouldn’t be doing this. It’s wrong for me to be taking her pussy, fucking her into oblivion, when she’s in a weak state, on the rebound, but I don’t give a flying fuck. I’ll keep screwing her until she figures out what she wants. It definitely won’t be me.

  I’ll give it to her good; let her have a taste of what it’s like to be with a bad boy. I’ll teach her every trick I know and guys will fall at her feet when I’m done with her.

  And then I’ll be on way back to California, beaming with satisfaction that I ruined my dad’s perfect little family. Oh, and the perk of getting some good innocent pussy while being in this hellhole. I’ll go back home feeling like I’ve accomplished shit. Then I’ll move on with my life.

  At least that’s what I’m trying to convince myself.


  “When were you going to tell me you’re fucking her?” Kelton asks, gesturing to Addison in the pool. We’re sitting in the basement looking through the patio door and watching her play in the pool with Rose.

  My dad had sent me a text two days ago telling me that him and Melinda were going to be out of town for the week. I immediately called Kelton and told him this was the best time for them to come out, so he wouldn’t have to deal with their shit. Plus, they could stay here and not have to pay for a hotel.

  Him and Rose got in this morning. Addison drove me to pick them up at the airport. They’re going to stay with us for the next two nights and then fly back to California. As soon as Rose spied the pool, she begged Kelton to let her get in. Addison didn’t mind taking her under her wing while I caught up with my best friend.

  “What the fuck are you muttering about over there, dickwaud?” I ask, not looking away from her. My eyes can’t move away. She’s wearing the same black bikini she wore when we were out by the pool last time. My mouth is salivating. I’ve seen the girl naked, so I don’t know why seeing her in a bikini gets me all riled up. But it does.

  We’ve had sex four times since we first started, sneaking around as much as we can. Lucky for me, our parents never go downstairs, so we have some free reign around here.

  “You’re fucking her. Admit it.”

  I finally look at him as he plants his Chuck Taylors up on the coffee table with a shit-eating grin on his face as he waits for my answer. I was surprised Addison didn’t freak out when she first saw him. His shoulder-length blonde hair is pulled back in a bun, and he has more artwork on his body than I do.

  “My dick hasn’t been anywhere near her.” I take a long chug of my beer.

  “Right. I’m pretty sure you’ve been giving her your cock. And from the satisfied look on her face, it looks like you’ve been giving it to her good, too. You’ve broken the prude in the bedroom.” He leans forward and smacks me on the back. “That’s my boy.”

  I give him a dirty look. “Keep your mouth shut. I’m giving her lessons, that’s it.”

  Mists of his beer spr
inkle across my bare arm when he spats it out. “I’m sorry, but did you say you’re giving her sex lessons? Like teaching her how to fuck?”

  “She wants to learn how to be better in bed.”

  “And you were all too willingly to be her teacher.”

  His excitement boosts when he notices Addison walk through the door. Her hand is wrapped around Rose’s. Both of their hair is soaking wet and dripping onto the carpet.

  “So Addison,” Kelton says, when they reach us. “How’s this hellion doing around here? Is he treating you okay?”

  “He has his moments,” she answers, looking at me in question. I subtly shake my head no, lying to her about him knowing about us. “But he’s not bad.”

  “He’s not giving you any shit? Has he tried sleeping with you?”

  He laughs when my fist smacks into his arm. Redness swoops over Addison’s cheeks.

  “Kelton, quit harassing her and let her go play with your daughter,” I say, saving her from answering his question.

  “Yeah, daddy, we’re playing right now,” Rose says, taking my side. I’ve always loved that little nugget.

  “Wife her,” Kelton says, when they’re both out of earshot. I watch Addison grab Rose’s hand and jump back in the pool with her. She picks her up and tosses her through the air.

  I snort. “Oh please, don’t start with that shit. You know I don’t do relationships. You’re the same way.”

  “True, because I’ve never had the chance to be with someone like her.” He jerks his head towards Addison again. “She’s a different breed. She’s loyal. She’s a good girl. I can promise she’s not going to cheat on your dumbass. You don’t have to worry about how many of your boys she’s let hit it. That’s fucking hard to find these days.” He shakes his head. “Fuck, look at my baby momma. She’s a piece of work.”

  “Nu uh,” I say, shaking my head. “Let it go.”

  “If you don’t want her, then I’m going to go for it. Maybe she’ll move her ass to California. Rose needs a good step-mommy.”

  I lean forward and ram my fist into his arm again. “Do you want me to break your fucking neck?”

  His grin grows. “I knew you liked her, you dirty liar.”

  “Do I think she’s sexy as hell? Yes. Do I enjoy giving her my cock? Fuck yes. Am I going to try to wife her up? Absolutely not. She’s too good for me.”

  “Man, shut the hell up with that shit. You’re one of the best dudes I know.”

  I laugh. “I doubt that. You only think I’m semi-decent because of the crowd we’ve been around. If you weren’t raised with me, you’d think I’m straight up trash.”

  “She doesn’t look at you like that. She doesn’t see my daughter, you, or me as trash. She wouldn’t be out there with my little girl, your goddaughter, right now if she thought that. She looks at you. She gives you the look.”

  I raise a brow, looking at him with arrogance. “The look?”

  “The look that says she’s falling for you … or she’s already in love with you. Take it, don’t run from it.”

  He’s blind. Pussy has always blinded Kelton. That’s why he has a kid and a crazy ass baby momma.

  “I don’t keep pussy and you know that. As soon as my time is done here, I’m back home. I’m not worried about playing love games with her.”


  I’m picking up coke cans and candy wrappers around the pool. Addison and Rose ran off to change out of their swimsuits and to order a pizza. I turn around when I hear someone kick a can behind me.

  “Turn your hoe ass around right now and leave before she sees you,” I say, holding myself back from throwing her in the pool.

  “I need to talk to her. I need to explain,” Savannah says, using her hands to stop me from coming any closer to her. She doesn’t trust me, and she shouldn’t. I wouldn’t ever hit a girl, but I’d have no problem picking her up and sticking her crazy ass back in her car.

  “I don’t know how to say this nicely, so I won’t. You’re a jealous bitch and a sucky ass friend. You choose cock over your best friend. You don’t deserve to have Addison in your life. Get the fuck out of here before I pick you up myself and put you out. And trust me, I’ll make sure to be a little rough.”

  “You know nothing about me,” she hisses, running her hand through her messy hair. She isn’t wearing make-up and she looks like she hasn’t slept in days. Cam must’ve kicked her to the curb.

  “Doesn’t take much to know you, sweetheart. Your actions tell it all. You’re an attention whore. You opened your legs to your best friend’s man because you’re jealous of her.”

  She lets out an arrogant laugh. “Me? Jealous of her? You’ve lost your mind. She’s plain. She’s boring. She doesn’t even know how to suck dick.”

  She’s obviously wrong about that.

  “You’re so jealous of her I can smell it from here. She’s something you’ll never be. You hate that, so that’s why you started fucking Cam. You wanted something she had, you wanted to feel like you were able to compete with her, but newsflash, he was using you until he was ready to walk down the aisle with Addison. Sure, he may keep getting a taste of your pussy, but you’ll never be the girl on his arm or the one having his babies.” I pause. “Or maybe you’ll get lucky and win the guy. You two deserve each other.”

  “Cam’s right, you really do want her. Let me give you some words of advice, you’re wasting your time.” She shakes her head. “I know you’re fucking her. What’s so great about her? I practically opened up my pussy for you on the spot and you could’ve care less. But the virginal queen spreads ‘em and you’re practically panting.”

  “Shut your fucking mouth before I pick you up and throw you out of here. You want to know why guys like Addison over you? Because she gives them a challenge. Men don’t want the community cunt.”


  “You’re looking a little red there,” Zeth says, eyeing me when I fall down on the towel next to him. I look down and rub at my sensitive skin. My shoulder is already starting to peel.

  It’s Kelton and Rose’s last day here, and I’m sad they’re going to be leaving. They’re fun. They’re nothing like my friends here. Sure, Kelton looks tough on the exterior. His dirty blonde hair is pulled up into a bun and he has more tattoos than Zeth, but he’s been nothing but nice to me. It’s funny how my mom would look at people like them as if they were scum, like she’s better than them. But they’ve treated me better than any of my so-called friends.

  And Rose, she’s the sweetest girl I’ve ever met. All I had to do was play with her in the pool and she acted like it was the best day of her life.

  “Yeah, I should’ve brought the heavy duty, waterproof SPF,” I say, rifling through my beach bag. “Oh, the perks of being pale.”

  He reaches in the bag, our hands brushing against each other’s, and pulls out the bottle. He holds it up in his hand and twists his finger in a circle. I turn around to show him my back.

  “Kelton seems nice,” I say, when he squeezes lotion onto his hand. Chills run down my arms as he spreads the lotion down my back.

  “He’s one of the best guys I know. And thank you for letting them stay here. I looked around for places to stay and they were all expensive as shit,” he responds.

  “It’s been nice having them here. I like to see that other part of you.”

  “What part?”

  “The caring guy, the one a four year old girl looks up to as her best friend.”

  Rose comes barreling towards us, as if on cue. “Uncle Zeth,” she shrieks, sand flying from her feet. She holds out her hand when she reaches us. “Come build a sand castle with me!”

  Her blonde hair is pulled into a French braid, from me, and she’s wearing the cutest Frozen bathing suit. Apparently, Elsa is her favorite person in the entire world.

  She holds out her hand, not even giving him the option to say no. She calls the shots between the two guys. I’ve noticed they can never go against her. It’s adorable.

>   Zeth finishes off my back and then jumps to his feet. He grabs her around her tiny waist and throws her over his shoulder. She cracks up in laughter as he runs towards the ocean. He snags the buckets she has sitting close to the water and starts packing them with sand.

  Kelton falls down next to me, taking Zeth’s spot. “Don’t break his heart,” he says. The sound of a can opening breaks through the awkward silence.

  “What?” I finally ask him. I know exactly what he’s saying, but I don’t believe I could ever break his heart. Zeth is only helping me because he wants to get laid. He’d never go for a girl like me. I’m inexperienced, I’m naïve, and I’m sure as hell not sexy.

  “Don’t break his heart,” he repeats.

  “I don’t know what you …”

  “I know there’s something going on between the two of you.” I wince, ready to dart up and kick Zeth’s ass. “Don’t blame it on him,” he says, reading my mind. “Anyone who sees you two together knows. You two can’t take your eyes off each other. You look like it’d kill you to be apart.”

  My heart plunders. There’s no way he looks at me like that. He only cares about getting pussy, he’s told me this countless times. And that’s all I am to him – a willing pussy. His friend is mistaking his desire for real emotions. Kelton is so wrong.

  “We’re just friends,” I argue.

  He nods. “I get that, but friends can always become more. And I’m not just talking about sexual benefits. I’m talking about a real relationship – boyfriend, girlfriend type shit.”

  I bend forward on my knees and grab a can from the cooler. I suddenly feel dehydrated, like I’m overheating. I pop it open and take a long drink, almost finishing off the entire thing before replying to Kelton.

  “It’s not like that,” I tell him. “He’s never even had a girlfriend. He’s straight up told me he doesn’t want one, either. He was going to screw my best friend.” I pause, and frown. “Well, my ex-best friend. She stopped being that when she screwed my boyfriend.”

  “How many boyfriends have you had?” He asks, curiously.


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