Tangles and Temptation

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Tangles and Temptation Page 21

by India-Jean Louwe

  Eris stiffened. “What do you know of Kyra?”

  Negara cackled. “A whole lot more than you. Remember, she practically grew up beneath my bosom while my own children were wrenched from me, destined for something greater.”

  She paused. “You think it was an easy task thrust upon my shoulders? It was never easy, and the ache in my heart never abated. My visions were clear. You would never have need of me beyond your birthing. Even the rich milk that flowed freely of my bosom could not nourish you. Both my sons rejected it in preference to the milk produced of the cow’s udder. You were born with need of no one. I see you live your life likewise.”

  Uncertainty coursed through Eris in pulsing waves. He knew it was not logical, but as he listened to her, he began to believe her. She was in possession of astounding knowledge pertaining to his birth. What possible reward could she hope to gain from lies and deceit? His voice was low as he asked, “What of my father?”

  “Ah. A splendid specimen of man, of Spartan origin most likely, or at least what I was able to discern in the darkness that shrouded us that night. He appeared, just as my vision warned he would, suddenly on a dark, starless night. He was large and strong and lusty in the feeding of his seed. His passion was unrelenting, boundless, demanding satisfaction just as he gave. That night he entered my room, me, silent and soundless. That night I cried my pleasures to the heavens. The morning arrived with him gone. That morning began the endless tears, tears that flow from a weak woman, a mother. That morning my cries of mourning began.” As she looked away, Eris caught the gleam of unshed tears in her eyes. She blinked and continued, “I knew my duty and did not dither in it. But oh, how my heart broke that night I traveled to Argos. How the knees screamed as I knelt upon the hard ground, begging the Gods for mercy. But they answered only with thunder, strikes of lightning, and more rain. Yes, Eris. I did my duty as the Gods decreed, yet that night I left behind a piece of my soul, within a woven basket, beneath a sky-blue blanket and stormy sky.”

  Eris approached her silently. He stroked the fine hair tightly flattened against her scalp. His voice broke as he whispered, “I never found hatred in my heart for the parents who left me there. I found only gladness. I always knew I had been left in the place where I belonged. I was destined from birth for the life I now lead, the duty I am now entrusted with. I am Erpo, the snake, and I stand proud. I could have been nothing else.”

  Negara touched his hand upon her head. “You bring my heart much relief. Your life was determined before even your birth. It was determined from the time the visions began. I have always wanted a chance to beg your forgiveness. The decision to leave you was never in my hands.”

  Eris clutched her hand gently. “Forgiveness was given the day I thanked the Gods for having being left there. Not a day passed that I doubted that was where I belonged.”

  Negara wept softly. “Our reuniting is brief. We have been kept apart for a reason. Whomever you come to care, or already care for, will eventually be used against you as weapon. It is enough that the Gods have been merciful and allowed you a single responsibility. Take care of Kyra. She stands now as a weapon against you.”

  His hand clenched fiercely around hers. “Nothing shall hurt her while blood still flows through my veins.”

  She whispered, “The time has come now for the fulfilling of your destiny, the final reward for this empty life I have endured.”

  Eris nodded. “The beast roams the surrounding fields, sent from its unrelenting master Cronus. The bowels have spewed it forth, and I shall face it and reward your struggles with my hand raised in victory.”

  Negara squinted through the veil of tears that shimmered like the morning dew in her eyes. “You have visions of your battle, of your victory?”

  Shaking his head, Eris muttered, “I have had but one dream. By all accounts I would pray that is not the truth.”

  The older woman’s eyes grew round with fear. “You must trust your vision.”

  He shook his head once. “The vision sees me dead.”

  Negara gasped. She reached. Her leathery hand stroked his cheek as she whispered, “You must keep your faith. You descend of these very lands. The value we hold dear, that we, the people of Pandora, would willing lay our lives on the line for—Hope.” Her hand quivered as she pointed toward the darkened corner. Atop a four-legged seat rested the legendary Pandora’s Box. Eris gasped as he stared at the gold-lined structure in disbelief. Negara continued. “Hope stirs in your very blood. Embrace it and see your vision with more clarity.”

  Eris moved away. He scrutinized the holy relic in wonder. “Perhaps you are right in your words and Hope courses through my veins, for I have seen the accuracy of my visions, yet I continue to stand firm. Hope…is all I have left.”

  A slight shift drew his attention away from the treasure. He frowned as he regarded the empty entrance. Negara called his attention. “Leave me now with my heart filled to brimming. I shall pray to the Gods night and day. We shall see you victor or all has been in vain.”

  Eris responded curtly, “It is Cronus who shall scream his rage, for his actions would have been in vain. The snake knows not defeat.”

  * * * *

  Kyra swallowed uncertainly as Eris left. His gaze had turned in her direction just once. But he had not paused. His footsteps faded down the stony pathway.

  “You may come out of your hiding now, my curious Kyra. He has left.” Negara continued to sit still as she watched Kyra sneak out from behind the heavy drapery lining the walls beside the entrance.

  Kyra looked at her sheepishly. “How did you know?”

  Negara smiled warmly. “The aged make do with other senses once the regular ones are ailing. Besides, the man stirs a violent response within you. I could practically hear the unsteady thumping of your heart and feel the searing blaze of your heated flesh.”

  Kyra flushed and thrust out her chin defiantly. “That is because the words that reached my ears shocked me.”

  The old woman chuckled. “You will not remember, but I know you well. Now, come and sit with me.” She tapped her feet. “I believe you have a wish to discuss my son, the man you now find yourself embroiled with.”

  Kyra settled herself at Negara’s feet and smiled gloriously. “Is it not wonderful? You have been reunited. Imagine such a miracle has taken place this day.”

  Negara shushed her. Her fingers clenched painfully on Kyra’s hair. “Guard your tongue, Kyra. As monumental as this occasion is, it must remain secret. We must be wary of unwanted ears. Eris’s quest could be gravely placed in jeopardy should the wrong ears bear witness to this news.”

  Kyra blushed at the scolding. “Forgive me, Negara. I spoke without thinking. You are right. You have endured for such a length in silence. I shall never betray your secret.”

  Negara chuckled as her fingers began to braid Kyra’s hair. Her hands worked with surprising speed and agility against Kyra’s head. “Oh, my dear heart, I know you will never willingly betray. Now what shall we discuss? Shall you enlighten me on the fine vigor and abundant stamina my son shows in his loving, having taken after both his mother and father?”

  Kyra laughed. “He is wonderfully satisfying. However, I have concern. I find a dread, a consuming fear, at facing his beast.”

  The older woman latched on her shoulder. “You have witnessed his beast?”

  Kyra nodded. “Twice.” She added with a scowl of distaste, “And he has plied his vicious fangs upon me twice as well.”

  Negara laughed heartily as she resumed with the threading of the dainty plaits. “My dear, you should be filled with pride. The beast shows itself to no one. Why, I am sure women would stand in an unending line awaiting the chance to test their skills. Kyra, the beast rears its head only for one woman—its mate.”

  Kyra frowned. “It does not appear every time he mates with a woman?”

  Her answer came in the form of a brisk shake of the older woman’s head and an amused laugh. Negara patted Kyra’s head comfortingly
. “You do not know much about the beasts within the gladiators, do you? Now tell me why fear consumes you. It should be eliciting within you excitement and passion, not unwanted terror.”

  “The pleasure is there.” Kyra confessed with a blush, “Pleasure of paramount portions. But the fear lingers nonetheless. It consumes. The first time the beast struck not only with venomous fangs and great force but almost succeeded in killing me. I was left bedridden for a week due to my injuries. Bruises, fractures, and searing pain had kept me company day and night of that confusing time.”

  Negara’s hand moved steadily against her head. “Yes, which is to be expected. The first strike of the beast is said to be brutal at the very least. I am glad you were rescued and have recovered fully. But what of the second time the beast struck?”

  Kyra lowered her voice. “It struck and injected its lethal venom, but I awoke the next morning with no pain. All that remained as a reminder was tenderness and slight bruising at the base of my throat.”

  The wrinkled woman nodded and cackled in amusement. “You have become immune to the venom on the first recovery. His venom is not lethal to you anymore.”

  Kyra sighed. “Yet the very sight of the beast still strikes fear in my heart. I find as I watch Eris my heart pounds and thuds beyond my control. I salivate for his touch, his taste, but upon the climax of our union I have only fear. How can I still lust after him and fear him at the same time, fear him and lust after him? I am so confused.”

  “Dear Kyra, you mentioned you have witnessed his beast twice. How many times have you bedded with him?”

  Kyra frowned. “Twice.”

  Negara looped all the braids together and began to wind it high on Kyra’s head. “There is your solution. You have not mated with the man yet.”

  With a hiss of impatience, Kyra twisted around. “I tell you I have mated with him twice already.”

  Negara calmed her with a gentle hand and quickly bound the style in place. “It is no wonder no one braids your hair for you. Now be still until I am done.” She pulled loose a few strands and artfully arranged it upon Kyra’s neck and shoulders. “You mated with the beast twice, dear. And you have mated with it exclusively because you instigated it.”

  Kyra shouted in frustration as she leapt up. “What? I have not called out for the touch of the beast, for the pierce of its vicious fangs.”

  Negara giggled. “Not with words, no, and at least not yet. But in time you will do so with lust on your tongue and fire in your eyes. For now, you lured it forth with your lusty actions.”

  Kyra stomped her foot in agitation. “What was I to do? Lie still while the hunger raged through me? I am not a passive lover, Negara.”

  “Kyra, you need not be passive. You only need exercise patience. You are much too aggressive, too fast. Allow the man within to mate with you. Simply accept instead of demanding. You prod the beast with your urging. The man has not yet had the chance to love you as himself, because you have not allowed him that chance.”

  Grunting in dissatisfaction, Kyra turned on her heels. “I see no pleasure and bliss in this path you point me to. I am a creature who must have satisfaction. The hunger consumes and controls me from within. The need for release is like a hot ball of fire in my belly that I cannot contain. How do I achieve my pleasure, my release, if I do not reach forth and grab it?”

  Negara’s amused voice followed her as she stormed up the stairs. “You simply await it. You will be surprised, and your patience will be sufficiently rewarded, abundantly. Find the man, Kyra.”

  * * * *

  Kyra paced the length of her room. The slave girls raced out of her path as they restored the mess she had left in her wake. Aikaterina watched from her lofty perch atop the bed.

  Kyra scowled in obvious agitation as Kat’s voice called out, “Mama, is something amiss? Is it such a task to find your night clothes? Usually when I have trouble choosing a fabric to don, I simply pick something pink.”

  Kyra stopped and smiled at her. “Do you, my pet? I do not believe I own anything pink.” She prepared to continue her pacing when Aikaterina leapt off the bed in a single bound. “Of course you do Mama.”

  She raced to a chest and yanked it open. Ignoring the disgruntled looks on the slave girls’ faces, she yanked out garment after garment and discarded them on the floor, forming an unsightly heap, until she found what she sought. She pulled the gauzy yet seemingly innocent-looking garment out and held it to Kyra. Her eyes danced with merriment as she declared, “Here it is. Do you not recall I once asked about this particular nightgown?”

  Kyra accepted the garment and studied it closely. Jeweled pins were affixed to the top, which would be secured over the shoulders. She caressed the soft, sheer linen between her fingers. The nightgown was full-length, reaching her ankles. Quickly she called the slave girls forward to assist her.

  Moments later she stepped before the mirror. She had to have been rather slender before, as the garment now fit her as snug as a second skin. It dipped in and narrowed at her unbelted waist and clung daringly to her flaring hips. The narrow skirts would have been impossible to move in had there not been two slits, cut high, reaching her upper thighs. The neckline drooped all at the way to her navel, cleverly concealing her breasts while daringly displaying the deep valley between them. Kyra’s eyes flashed with wonder. This gown was rather innocent compared to the apparel she donned. Now she opted for a more daring display of bosom. This had to have been something that belonged to her distant past.

  She turned to Aikaterina. “I do not recall what I told you about this dress, Kat. Can you remind me?”

  Kat flashed a superior smile and answered in a grown-up voice. “This was a dress you donned for your initiation. You said you would explain what you meant when I was older and promised I would have this very dress for my own initiation.” She scowled suddenly. “Am I old enough for you to now tell me what initiation means mama?”

  Kyra laughed. “Not quite, my pet. But time will pass quickly, and before you know it the time shall be upon you.”

  She eyed the dress in the mirror. This was the dress she had donned the night of her very first carnal act. A gleam of satisfaction lit her eyes. “Aikaterina, seeing as this dress is already promised to you, I would ask your permission. I wish to use this dress tonight.”

  Kat bobbed her head in delight. “I have never imagined you borrowing something of me. Of course you may wear it. It is most beautiful on you.”

  Kyra hugged her. “Just as you shall be when the time is upon you and you shall don it. Now, kiss Mama good night, princess. And may your dreams be filled with wonderful adventures.”

  Kyra waited until Aikaterina and all the slaves had exited before continuing her nervous pacing.

  A feeling of unsettlement fluttered in her belly. She wrung her hands together. Never before had she been so nervous about a coupling. She almost felt as though this was truly her first time. Her fingers and limbs trembled. The moisture in her mouth disappeared, leaving her dry and unable to swallow with ease. Her heart pounded so fiercely the sound echoed and drummed in her ears. Her skin was warm to the touch despite the cooling breeze from the open window. Kyra exhaled in exasperation. This was not her first time. And this was certainly not the first with Eris, no matter how much the feeling of being a novice overpowered her. Find the man. She inhaled deeply and left her chambers.

  * * * *

  Eris stood at an unlikely venue, outside in the gardens, peering at the south end of the palace. Until now he had not viewed this direction as a threat. Aleka’s revelations bothered him greatly. He did not know where to concentrate his protective army. He turned as he sensed a presence behind him. His hand rose in invitation.

  Kyra drew in a calming breath and approached him. “You appear unsettled. Is there naught I can do to alleviate your troubled mind?”

  His eyes swept over her hungrily from head to toe. They returned once again to her face and began a slower, more appreciative sweep. He licked his l
ips as his eyes devoured the exposed skin and clinging fabric patiently. Kyra shivered. His gaze caressed her generously curved hips, soft, gentle, and lingered at the crease where the fabric caught delightfully between her thighs. Eris swallowed thickly and whispered, “At present you would be able to alleviate all of my many dilemmas. I could devour you and easily forget the weighty worries upon my shoulders.”

  Kyra smiled and tilted her head to the side. “Why do you not share the weightiest of your problems with me? Mayhap I could lend aid?”

  Eris frowned. He did not want to alarm her, but it would be best if she was forewarned with knowledge. His motto “forewarned is forearmed” would surely, at the very least, keep her cautious and alert. He knew not how the enemy would plan his attack, but he knew Kyra could be in danger. Desperation fueled his lips into motion. “I have found evidence that parts of Thyone’s story does not tally.”

  Kyra inhaled sharply at the mention of the man’s name. She waited for Eris to continue.

  “I had posted him and his men to the south as it both faces his home land, Sparta, and it would be the point I least expected attack.”

  Kyra nodded. “Yes, the south side has no plantations, and thus the beast would least likely attack from there. That was indeed a strategic move. You did not trust him.” Eris stared at her, stunned. Kyra blushed and bit her lower lip. “My mother informs me I have a mind for tactics and stratagem. I have studied yours and found them flawless.”

  Shaking his head, Eris sighed. “There is a flaw, Kyra. I failed to see that the plantations do not belong to this realm.”

  Kyra frowned. “Who do they belong to?”

  “That is not of consequence, but this is. I have tried, in vain, to locate Thyone. His men have neither seen nor heard from him from midafternoon. His possessions are still within the palace, but he is nowhere to be found. He could be lurking anywhere, plotting anything. I need for you to be extra vigilant, Kyra. I do not see his plot, but I have a fear we have fallen victim to one of two things, either a cleverly disguised trap or a masterful deviation.”


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