Creighton Manor

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Creighton Manor Page 16

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  One of the men groaned. Zachary flew to his feet and went over to where the men were tied up. He crouched down beside the man with the long blond hair waiting for him to come fully awake. When he opened his eyes and he found he was bound, curses flew from his mouth with bitter resentment.

  "So…" Zachary interrupted his tirade, "I don't think, we've been properly introduced.”

  "I ain't tellin’ you nothin'," the man spat.

  "Oh, I think you might, especially since you’re not going anywhere soon.”

  Zachary then stretched his arms and yawned. "I'm a bit tired myself. Had a rough night, you know. I guess I'll be getting some shuteye. Maybe you'll be a little more co-operative in the morning."

  "You ain't aimin’ to keep me tied up all night?"

  "Well…" Zachary rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I do believe that is my plan.” The man cursed again. "Tsk tsk… Didn't your mother teach you any manners? We have a lady present." He pointed over his shoulder to where Gillian was seated.

  "Maybe I need to be talkin' to the little lady about lettin' me go."

  "Remember you and your friends kidnapped her and threw her in a barn. I don't think she’s in a compassionate mood."

  “If she hadn't shown up when she did, we wouldn’t have taken her. What were we suppose to do?"

  Zachary glanced at Gillian, wondering why she had been in his room. He made a mental note to ask her later and brought his attention back to the man in question. "I just want to know why you’re holding us here. Who sent you?"

  "I don't know and that's the God's honest truth of the matter. There be a man that gave us the instructions. We's were paid good money up front and we's would get the other half when the person came to collect ya’ll."

  "Do you know what this person wanted from me?"

  "Ain't got a clue. Just knows the person wanted you alive. Had strict orders on that. We wouldn’t have knocked you on the head. I was plannin’ to use the chloroform on ya, too, but Sam panicked." He nodded toward the lanky man to the right of him.

  "What about the incident on the dock?" Zachary wanted to know if the two events were related.

  "Dock?” The man seemed confused. "I ain't followin’ you there. We's were told to take you from the house. That's why we waited for you in your room. There was no mention of the docks."

  Zachary rubbed his chin. If they weren't the ones responsible for the attack on the dock then that meant there was someone else after him.

  "Hey, ain't you going to untie me? I told you all I know."

  "I thought we would wait for the person to show up to collect us. I would love to properly introduce myself."

  "Ain't goin’ to happen. I was on my way to meet someone to let ‘um know we's had you. When I don't show, they could only assume somethin' went wrong. They won't be contactin' us again. I'm mighty upset at that, too. They were givin' us a large sum of money." The man's eyes narrowed. "If you give us the amount that we's were suppose to have, we'll let you alone."

  Zachary chuckled. "Well, that is mighty kind of you but as I see it, you are in no position to make any bargains. All I have to do is fetch the sheriff and you'll be leaving me alone."

  "No!" The man sounded panicked. "I see your point. We's will just leave town."

  "I think that would be a wise choice."

  Zachary rose from his seat and went over to Gillian. "You ready to go home, now?" She looked up at him and nodded. He offered his hand and hauled her to her feet. Then taking his knife out, he undid Sam’s binds. He was still dead to the world. "That should do it. When your friend there wakes up, he can help you two with the ropes. I hope that I didn't hit him too hard. I knew one man that stayed unconscious for three days."

  "Three days! Are you mad? We's can't stay like this for three days. With the heat, we’d die of thirst."

  "That would be a shame wouldn't it now. I'll tell you what. I'll tell the sheriff about you in two days. If you haven’t escaped by then, he can help you out." The man murmured something under his breath and began struggling with his ropes.

  Zachary whistled for Molly as they headed around back to where the three horses were tied. He untied two of them and whacked them on the behind to scare them off. Both horses galloped away at a fast pace. He then calmed the remaining horse before he untied him. Zachary looked at Gillian now. "I'll help you up." He took hold of her waist and hoisted her up on the mount. Her nightgown rose halfway up her leg exposing a creamy firm thigh just inches from his reach. Zachary swallowed hard. He pretended to adjust the pack before he jumped up behind her and took the reins. It was going to be one hell of a long ride.

  Gillian tried her best to sit ramrod straight so she wouldn’t lean against Zachary since he had the tendency to muddle her senses. She was failing miserably for she was aware of every restless movement he made behind her. "Do you know where we are?” To her annoyance, her voice cracked.

  "Um huh. We’re just outside of town. This land belonged to George Metz, but when his house burned down some years ago, he up and left. The barn was all that was left."

  Gillian pulled straw and God-only-knew-what-else out of her hair. "What I would do for a shower.”

  "You want it to rain?"

  Gillian couldn't help but laugh. "No, not rain. A shower in my time is being able to go into your own private bathroom, turn on the warm water and have it spray above you so you can wash yourself." She sighed. "That is one luxury, I do miss."

  "I may not be able to provide you with a shower, but I can bring you to a place where you can wash. If that is what you wish."

  "Really?" Gillian said with more enthusiasm than she had meant to betray.

  Zachary chuckled. "Yes, if you’re not too tired that is. I know, you wanted to get home," he teased.

  "No, take me to this place."

  "Your wish is my command then." He clicked his tongue and directed the mount to head toward the right.

  Gillian could see the inlet of water before he stopped the horse and dismounted. He lifted his arms to help Gillian down, but before he released her, he gave her some advice, "Don’t swim too far away from the edge, the incline drops drastically to deep waters.”

  “Where will you be?”

  His eyes traveled the length of her and he heaved a sigh. "I'll stay over here.” He pointed. “So you can have privacy." He let her go then and led the horse into the darkness.

  Molly came into view and positioned herself at the water's edge. Her soft brown eyes watched her. Gillian felt safe, knowing that Molly stood guard. She would alert her of any trouble.

  She removed her clothing and lowered herself from the ledge into the cool water. It was a welcoming feeling since the night air was still warm. The water only reached her shoulders, so she ducked her head under the water to wash her hair. It was unfortunate that she didn't have a bar of soap. She rubbed the strands of her hair through her fingers, trying to clean it as thoroughly as possible. Then she decided to go for a swim making sure she stayed near the edge, enjoying the freedom. She swam with smooth easy strokes that she learned so long ago.

  Molly was still lying in the same spot when Gillian returned, but the mutt lifted her head. "Why am I here, Molly?” Gillian rubbed the top of her head. “Am I to live my life, trying to save Zachary Creighton?”

  “Maybe you are.”

  She was startled by the strong vibrancy of his voice. She whirled around to face him.

  “You’re in the water.”

  “Very observant.” Zachary waded toward her. "Maybe you’re going at it the wrong way. Maybe, it's not my physical being that needs rescuing. Maybe it's my soul you’re here to save."

  Gillian’s mouth twitched, threatening to smile. "That I believe is beyond redemption."

  Zachary's warm chuckle filled the night air. She swallowed hard as his steady gaze traveled over her face. Zachary submerged himself under the water and resurfaced closer to her. She could see the dark bruise on the side of his head and she reached out to caress the area. Zachar
y didn’t move as she touched the side of his face. When she realized what she was doing, she tried to withdraw, but Zachary quickly stopped her. He brought her hand to his lips, pressing a warm kiss to the hollow of her palm. She wanted nothing more than for him to pull her into his embrace and tell her there was nothing to fear.

  Gillian’s heart quickened until it felt as though it threatened to burst right out of her chest. All she had to do is move a fraction of a step closer and she would be in his arms, but she couldn't do it. She chewed on her lower lip afraid to speak, fearing she would break her resolve.

  Zachary’s voice was a husky whisper. "Gillian Creighton, I have never wanted anyone the way I want you.”

  She wanted him too, but not on a whim that would bring regret in the morning. She must remain focused. She didn’t belong here. Someone waited for her back in her time. The dreams … Her gaze lingered on Zachary’s lips before she looked away. If only he’d say the words. She cleared her throat and managed the courage to ask, wanting to know how he felt, hoping against all hope he wouldn’t disappoint her. "Do you love me?"

  Zachary's eyebrows knitted together as if he didn’t understand the question.

  His silence told her his answer. She withdrew her hand. "You wouldn't hesitate as you are now, if you did. You would have just answered." She turned her gaze to Molly.

  Molly stood and paced as if she wanted to be on her way. "We should be going,” Gillian said. “It will be morning soon.” She glanced up at the sky that was already shades lighter. “Everyone back at Lotti’s will be worried if we aren't there when they wake up."

  He sighed. "If that’s what you want. I'll start a fire so we can dry off." His voice was controlled, but Gillian knew he held back his frustration. His gaze lingered over her face. His eyes softened and he swallowed hard. She thought perhaps he would tell her he loved her. “Gillian?”

  She held her breath… waited.

  “I… I left a blanket by your clothes.” He turned away. He didn’t see how he had disappointed her as he swam back the way he arrived, disappearing into the darkness.

  Molly whined, drawing Gillian's attention to her once more. Gillian could almost sense the dog disapproved of her actions. "What did you expect me to do?" she said to Molly. "I have principles." With that statement, Gillian stepped out of the water.

  She used the blanket to dry off. Once she was dressed, she walked over to where Zachary stood. He used a large stick to keep the fire from extinguishing. She knew he had heard her walk up behind him, but he refused to acknowledge her. Obviously he brooded over her rejection.

  Gillian was wise enough not to say anything. She plopped down on another blanket Zachary had spread out on the ground. She pulled her wet hair in front of her so the warmth from the fire could dry it. After a few minutes, Zachary finally settled down beside her. She studied him watching his jaw muscles clench and unclench. He was still upset with her.

  Zachary glanced her way. He hadn’t expected Gillian to ask him if he loved her. In all honesty, he thought perhaps he did. She stood up to him. She was brave to a fault and… His gaze wavered over her features: Cute little nose, eyes with thick lashes, and lips meant for kissing. She was incredibly beautiful. God, he wanted her. She made him painfully aware she was a woman and he was a man. He should say something, tell her how he felt, but he was hesitant because he knew she didn’t want him.

  She tentatively put her hand on his. "Don't be cross with me," she whispered.

  If it were possible, she was even lovelier in the fire’s light. Her hair was gleaming gold and her cheeks were pink from the heat. How could he be angry with her? He gave her hand a little squeeze. "I'm not upset with you. It's been a long day and I'm just tired.” He patted her hand before he released it. He looked back to the fire and tried to lose himself within the flames. Gillian on the other hand wanted to converse.

  "You’ll have your freedom soon because you will win the bet with Cyrus. Once I'm out of your way, you can set up house with Violet Ellsworth."

  His head felt like it was about to snap off his neck the way he turned to look at her. He narrowed his eyes. "Is that what you think I want?"

  "Well, you were kissing her. The woman’s hands were on you and yours on her. Do you casually throw your affections around?” She seemed unaware how her words stung.

  "Let’s get this straight once and for all. Violet kissed me not the other way around.”

  "You didn't seem to be objecting.”

  "Nor were you objecting when you were in Ellery's arms." He was quick to remind her.

  “Ellery was comforting me and—" She didn't get a chance to finish her sentence, for Zachary added his two cents worth.

  "Oh . . . I just bet he was comforting you. You cringe at your own husband’s caresses, but you willingly give yourself to Ellery without a thought."

  "How dare you!" She tried to slap his face but he anticipated the move and grabbed her arm. She squirmed to be free, but he pinned her down. Her leg came up and nearly met its mark, but he straddled her, stilling her movements. She glared up at him. “Get off of me!”

  She was seething, her breasts jutting forward with each breath. In their tussle, her nightgown fell to the side exposing a soft ivory shoulder that was beckoning to him. He felt his body stirring in remembrance of the one night they shared. He was angry with her and yet he wanted her so badly, he ached inside.

  He realized she had stopped struggling. His eyes met hers and he knew she wasn’t immune to his nearness. He could see how the light of desire illuminated the mellow green of her eyes. He leaned down to kiss her.

  “Don’t,” she pleaded. He hesitated only a moment before he decided to kiss her anyway. His mouth moved over hers, devouring her sweetness, demanding she respond.

  Gillian didn’t want to feel anything, but she couldn’t help it. His kiss sang through her veins, causing heat to ripple under her skin. She wanted to touch him but he still held her wrists. She couldn’t hold back any longer. She couldn’t deny what his caresses were doing to her. She returned his kiss with reckless abandonment and she heard him groan. He freed her hands and she pulled him closer, her fingers glided over his lean masculine plane of his back, her senses throbbing with the feel and scent of him. His hands gathered her nightgown, hiking it up until he could slip it over her head. His mouth closed softly over the flower of her breast causing molten shafts of sensations to run down her stomach to her legs. His hand slipped beneath the waistband of her underwear, his fingers parting the soft curling hair to stroke her.

  She was ready, so ready that her body ached with the promise of fulfillment. “Zachary,” her voice was breathless as she helped him remove his shirt and the rest of the hindering clothing until they lay flesh to flesh. Her hand moved over his side, feeling the scar where he had been stabbed, knowing this moment could have been lost to them if he had succumbed to his injuries. She buried her face against his throat and breathed a kiss there. His knee moved between her bare legs, parting them. She welcomed him into her body and fire-bolts of desire arced through her.

  Their lovemaking was rough, raw and with each deepening thrust, she trembled. She let the piston-driving strength of his body possess her, not caring that he didn’t love her, not caring she would have to leave him one day. This night, right now, he was hers. The moment of ecstasy exploded all around her as he suddenly jerked, the final explosion hitting him just as hard.

  Afterward, they lay in silence, not touching as they caught their breath both of them knowing nothing had changed. Their relationship was still a mess and having sex had done nothing, but relieve pent up tension. Gillian crossed her arms over her breasts feeling self-conscious. He turned toward her. He tried to take her in his arms, but she sat up. She grabbed her nightgown and slipped it on.

  “We should go,” she told him, throwing his clothes at him.

  Zachary stood and jammed his legs into his pants. “Gillian, look at me.” She turned, her hair tumbling carelessly over her shoulder, her
lips swollen from his caresses. “I’m not sorry about what we did.”

  “We can’t keep letting it happen.” She threw back.

  “Why not? I like how you fit to me. Hell and damnation, you’re my wife.”

  “And we both know I shouldn’t be. I haven’t even been born yet.”

  He opened his mouth, but closed it again. If she was truly from the future, she was right. “I don’t care.”

  “Well, I do. Stop pretending what we have is anything other than sex.”

  “Don’t cheapen what we did.”

  “I’m calling it what it is.”

  He could barely keep his anger controlled. “We made love, Gillian. That is what it is called when a husband and wife give themselves to each other.”

  “Only we aren’t in love with each other, are we? Married couples don’t make bets if they should stay married or not. They don’t put their whole life on the line for a wager.”

  “Gillian, I—”

  “Don’t.” She put up her hand to stop him. “No more. I can’t take anymore. I get it. You have to have Creighton Manor. You can’t see straight until it’s yours.” She shook her head and started walking away.

  "Where are you going?" he called after her.

  “I don’t want to argue with you. I think it best if I wait for you by the horse.”

  “We aren’t arguing!” he shouted causing her to lift one lovely arched eyebrow. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. What could he say? Everything she said was true. No wonder she didn’t want him. “Fine, wait with the horse.” He didn’t move, but watched her walk away. He was angry with her, but it didn’t stop him from admiring how her hips swayed. “Hell and damnation!”

  Molly approached him and sat down beside him, nuzzling her nose at his hand. Zachary looked at her and petted her as he spoke, "What am I going to do about her?"

  Molly tilted her head and whined.

  As they headed home, the sky burst with color, as a new day dawned. Molly kept a close pace with them for a while then she disappeared. Zachary had no doubt that he would find her safely at home.


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