Creighton Manor

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Creighton Manor Page 31

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  "Telephone… why would you sell it?” he questioned.

  She chuckled. "Cell phone is a type of phone. Sorry to say, you won’t see one in your lifetime. The telephone will be invented in 1876. You will love it when you can have one for yourself. You can pick up a receiver and talk to anyone in the world… " She saw Ellery's eyes widen in wonder. "Well, not at first you won't be able to talk to anyone around the world but… "

  Click, click click.

  The telegraph started and both Ellery and Gillian ran to the window, eagerly waiting for the information to be written down. When it was complete, the telegraph operator handed the note to them.

  Ellery and Gillian looked at each other in disbelief. "Violet Ellsworth," they both said at the same time.

  Gillian and Ellery immediately made an appointment with Judge Turloff and handed him the information. Judge Turloff made the necessary inquiries to Downhaven facility. It took a few days, but they did confirm that Violet had indeed escaped. Dora was able to confirm to the authorities that Violet was wearing the brooch when she happened to come upon her.

  To Arthur Mann's dismay, all the charges were dropped since the mystery was solved. Zachary was most anxious to make his departure from his one-room living quarters. He came out into the bright sunshine and had to shade his eyes. He was happy to see everyone, but what he really wanted was a chance to be alone with Gillian.


  Zachary prepared the rooms for Jerry and Samantha before he went back downstairs to the library where Gillian waited for him. She turned to look at him as he entered the room. God, he was nervous. He wiped his sweaty palms on his shirt. She declared her love for him, but doubt threaded its way in, making him wonder if she said the words to appease a condemned man.

  She rose from the sofa and walked toward him with a sweet smile touching her lips. He met her gaze and breathed a sigh of relief. He could see the shifting emerald lights of her eyes, mirroring her love for him. She took his hand and he felt his pulse quicken.

  She rose up on her toes and kissed his cheek. “Let’s go upstairs,” she whispered.

  He let her lead him to the staircase but before they made their assent, he halted her, forcing her to turn to look at him.

  He witnessed the raw emotions reflected in her green eyes and something more. He lightly fingered a loose tendril of her hair that gleamed with shadows of deep gold and rich red. He studied her face unhurriedly, feature by feature like a whisper before his gaze came to rest on her questioning eyes. "I love you with all my heart and I promise to take care of you always, but if we go up those stairs together, it has to be forever. I won't have you any other way.” He took a ragged breath. “Therefore, I'm asking you to be honest with yourself. Are you sure this is what you want?"

  She brushed her lips against his. "I'm sure. Make love to me, Zachary Creighton.” He drew her against him. He covered her lips hungrily, drugging her senses until she swayed. He swept her off her feet and she encircled her arms around his neck. His nerves danced and his brain raced with anticipation, but he managed to make his feet move, taking the steps that led to their bedroom.

  They were not in total darkness. Zachary had lit the lamps before he had gone downstairs to find Gillian. He closed the bedroom door with his foot. He slowly let her body slide down his. His gaze caressed her angelic face. She looked up at him with such trust, such love. Without hesitation, he again lowered his mouth to hers. This time his kiss was searching, tasting, demanding and she responded in kind with the urgency, the searing need that had been building since the moment they had met. She needed him as much as he needed her.

  Breathless with the all-consuming fire for each other, they managed to end the embrace as they eagerly started removing the hindering clothes that kept their bodies apart. Their lips locked once more with the burning desire to be as one, but they also wanted to savor each touch.

  They moved to the bed. His hand roamed the length of her body magically bringing her senses to a new height. He kissed every curve from her well-rounded breasts, to her hips and everywhere in-between. His hand moved downward, skimming the inside of her thighs. Instinctively her body arched toward him, giving him access. She moaned with pleasure and he continued to bring her closer and closer over the edge.

  He knew his caresses were driving her wild with passion, but when her hands found him, he gasped in sweet agony, as his world seemed to spin and careened on its axis. “Oh God, Gillian.” His hands and lips continued their hungry search, causing his thoughts to fragment into a million pieces. Finally, he moved above her, taking her, claiming her for now and for always. A gentle cry escaped her lips as she wrapped her legs around him, bringing him deeper within her, drawing them both to a height of passion they had never believed existed. She arched to meet his steady thrusts with ardor that equaled his own.

  He leaned down and kissed her lips of velvet, his tongue ravaging the sweetness of her mouth. Her every curve molded against his and he took her trembling from naked desire to fulfillment, as sighs of satisfaction also shook through his body.

  He rolled to the side bringing her with him. He kissed her nose, her chin and then his mouth covered hers. “Grá mo chroi,” he whispered. “I love you.”

  A smile curved her lips as her gaze found his. “I love you, too.”


  Zachary sat up, leaning on one elbow as he met Gillian’s gaze. A slow smile spread across his face. "Good morning, Mrs. Creighton," he greeted her before he kissed her.

  She loved the sound of that—almost as much as she loved the way his hands feathered down her body. "Good morning, Mr. Creighton." She snuggled closer.

  He nuzzled a kiss under her chin and whispered loving endearments in her ear. “I still can’t believe you’re mine to hold and cherish.” He gently twirled her satiny auburn hair around his finger.

  “Hmm, cherish—yes.” She smiled, placing her hands on either side of Zachary's ruggedly handsome face. “I plan on cherishing you, too.”

  He grinned both boyish and roguish as he wagged his eyebrows at her.

  Her lips twitched into a mischievous grin of her own. “What are you thinking, Zachary?”

  "I was hoping we could start cherishing each other now before we are forced to join the rest of the world?” His hands roved down the back of her thigh and up again. Her body shifted allowing his fingers to find her velvety softness and her hips lifted in a sensuous invitation.

  "I would be disappointed, if we didn't.”


  Dora was brought to Zachary's home as soon as they were able to move her. She was recuperating, miraculously. This morning, she was sitting up in bed when Jerry came to check on her. He could see her coloring was much better.

  "Hello Dr. Avery.” She smiled warmly. She owed her life to this young man and would be forever in his debt.

  "So how's my favorite patient?”

  Dora giggled. "Doing real good today. I think I'm back to my old self."

  "Well you do look mighty fine, if I do say so myself. And how is the wound?"

  "Oh, healing nicely."

  "Do you mind if I take a look?” Jerry asked.

  Dora blushed. She wasn't accustomed to showing so much flesh to a man, doctor or not. The Creightons were like her family and he was a relative in a sense since he was related to Tyler’s father. She wasn’t quite sure how, but the resemblance was obvious. She lifted her gown and Jerry removed the bandage.

  “The skin around the wound looks healthy and pink, just the way it’s supposed to look.” Jerry put a new bandage on and lowered the nightgown. "Everything looks great. You won't be needing me much longer." He patted her arm and Dora took his hand.

  "Thank you." Her eyes misted with her appreciation.

  "You’re very welcome."


  Fear slid down Gillian’s spine at the prospect of setting foot inside Creighton Manor, but for Zachary's sake, she kept her anxiety to herself. He bubbl
ed over with excitement and wanted to share what he’d accomplished. He told her he had made some changes to the house and he was sure she would be pleased.

  He brought the horses all the way up to the front of the manor. Zachary helped Gillian down from the carriage and they walked hand in hand to the front door and went inside.

  As soon as Gillian's eyes adjusted to the lighting, she could see that everything had been cleaned and polished until it shined. She saw in one corner a large desk and in the back the beginning of a bookshelf. Otherwise, the room was bare. Gillian looked to Zachary, waiting for him to explain.

  "I want to turn this place into a clinic for the less fortunate. I won’t turn a soul away. I also want to set up a research lab to develop cures for different diseases. I have already contacted a few old schoolmates of mine and they are considering coming here to work. I know that it will take time to establish such a dream, but I do believe it can be done. I’ve seen firsthand how a hospital should run.”

  Gillian knew he was referring to Hoag Hospital and all the wonders of medicine he had witnessed.

  "I'm not that far from my own medical degree," Zachary continued. "I plan on making that a reality.”

  She couldn’t miss the hope in his eyes. He wanted to please her. He did. "I think that is a very fine idea." She smiled and he returned one of his own with a sigh of relief.

  "And,” he said dragging her to another room. “You can teach.”

  She opened her mouth but nothing came out. The room was furnished with desks and there were books, English and grammar; Hodgin’s Geography and History of the British Colonies, first through sixth grade books of lessons, and that was just to name a few. She stood there in awe, wondering when he had time to do all this.

  “Tell me you’re pleased.” She looked at him. His expression was filled with uneasy worry.

  “Zachary, this is the nicest gift anyone has ever given me.” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Thank you.” She kissed him again. “Thank you, thank you.” This time he planted a searing kiss on her and only came up for air when they heard someone clear their throat behind them.

  “Should have locked the door,” Zachary murmured. He released Gillian with a sigh of regret and turned to face the intruder. “Jerry,” he grumbled. “Perfect timing as usual.”

  “Sorry to interrupt.” Jerry’s face split into a teasing grin. "But you did say to meet you here."

  Samantha walked in behind Jerry with a low whistle. "Look at this place. I could fit my whole apartment right here in this room.”

  Samantha walked over to Gillian and dragged her to the side, while Jerry and Zachary were engrossed with their own conversation.

  "So tell me?" Samantha slid her gaze up and down Gillian. "Is everything . . . you know … good with you two?"

  Gillian chuckled. "It couldn't be more perfect."

  "I'm so happy for you." Samantha glanced back at the two men that were deep in conversation. "What's going on? What are Zachary's plans with this place?”

  "He wants to turn Creighton Manor into a research facility and hospital. I think he’s asking Jerry’s opinion on the idea. The manor will also house a school. You have to see the books Zachary purchased. It must have cost him a fortune."

  Gillian looked at her generous husband, who was nodding his head at something Jerry had said. “Look at the two of them, will you. Jerry is loving all this. He’s a part of history now. He knows more than most doctors of this time would even dream of accomplishing.” Gillian knew Jerry and Samantha wouldn’t be here forever. She couldn’t explain how she knew. It was only a feeling that wouldn’t go away. Molly would be back for them and she’d have to say goodbye to her old life forever. Surprisingly, she was okay with that part, but she would miss Jerry and Samantha.

  "Why the long face?”

  "I was just wondering how much time you both will have here?"

  "I’ve thought about that, too. There hasn't been any sign of Molly since we arrived. I can only assume we aren’t going anywhere for the moment."

  "True." Gillian sighed and met Samantha’s gaze. “I’m going to miss you, Samantha.”

  “I’m going to miss our late night talks at Polly’s.” She reached out for Gillian’s hand squeezing it tightly.

  "I have to stay. I belong here.”

  "I know." Samantha nodded.

  She brought Samantha near in a fierce hug.


  A few months had passed and the clinic took shape. It would officially open in a couple of weeks with two doctors dedicated to research and one doctor who would treat the patients. Zachary would be interning with the doctor at the facility.

  Jerry encouraged the progress without interfering, except when it came to convincing Gillian and Zachary to let him inoculate them. He managed to get his hands on a few things before he made the leap to the past. He had already taken care of Tyler when he was in the hospital. He knew he may be fooling with the future, but then destiny shouldn’t have let them time travel. He reasoned that it was only fair that he be given the chance to see that his loved ones had a fighting chance to survive in what he saw as a cesspool of diseases.

  The day finally arrived for Samantha and Jerry to go home. Again, the backyard was the portal, enabling them to step from one time to the other with Molly as their guardian to lead the way.

  Jerry turned and shook Zachary's hand. Zachary gripped his hand tightly. "Take care of her." Jerry nodded toward Gillian.

  "You have my word on that."

  Samantha hugged Gillian, trying not to cry, but she lost the battle.

  Jerry extended his hand for Tyler to shake. "You, young man." This statement seemed strange to Jerry, since Tyler was technically his elder. "You make sure you take care of your aunt and uncle."

  Tyler nodded. "I will, sir. One day, I want to be a doctor just like you."

  Jerry smiled at the little boy. "I have no doubt that you will make a fine one, too." Jerry turned to Gillian. He hesitated about giving her a hug, but she put her arms around him first.

  "I'll miss you," he said hugging her back.

  "Me too." Gillian sniffled.

  They parted and Jerry took Samantha's hand as they walked over to the other side. They turned to say their final goodbyes and Jerry shouted. "I left my doctor’s bag in my room with medical supplies and in the zipper compartment there is something extra you’ll probably need. I took the liberty of liquidating your assets into something that would be beneficial to you here." They barely heard the last as they faded away. Molly had stayed behind. Tyler was giggling as he chased her.

  "What do you suppose Jerry meant by that last statement?" Gillian asked.

  "I have no idea, but I plan to find out."

  They went directly inside. Zachary pulled out a pouch from the doctor’s bag, pouring the contents onto the bed. "Hell and damnation! Would you look at that; I've never seen so many gems at one time."

  "It can buy quite a bit of equipment needed for the clinic."

  "More than enough." Zachary took Gillian’s face in his hands and kissed her. "I am a lucky man. I have everything I could possibly want." He caressed her cheek. "I was chasing after Creighton Manor, believing it would make me whole again, but it was you all along, wasn’t it? You’re my heart, Gillian Creighton, my love, my life." He swept her, weightless, into his arms and spun her around. She was still laughing when he fell onto the bed with her. She looked up at him and he saw the heart-rending tenderness of her gaze. She placed her hands on either side of his face.

  “I love you.”

  “A ghile mo chorí.”

  “Zachary, you know what those words do to me?” She smiled with meaning.

  “Oh, I know full well my dear wife.” His lips slowly descended to hers.


  Three years later . . .

  Henry Norman adjusted the camera, before looking up again. “Mrs. Creighton would you mind moving over a little to the right.”

>   Henry wanted the picture to be perfect. He positioned the Creighton family so the Ida Belle stood as a backdrop for the photo. He was just about to take the picture when Mrs. Creighton yelled for him to stop. He watched her arguing with Mr. Creighton, who held up his index finger for him to wait moment.

  “Are you sure, Gillian?” Zachary asked as he picked up his little girl, cradling her in his left arm.

  “You were holding Cayla. Tyler was standing beside me. Oh my.” She scanned the dock.

  “What is it?”

  “Molly was with us.”

  “We haven’t seen her in quite awhile. Are you sure?”

  Henry had walked over to them now. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but we’re losing the light.”

  “We’re sorry,” Zachary told him. “We’re ready now.” He looked to Gillian and shrugged. With a sigh, she took her position next to her husband. Henry took the picture.

  He had it framed and it hung in his studio for years. It was one of his favorites for the lighting was simply perfect, but there was always one thing that had puzzled him about it. Next to the Creightons, there was a dog tilting her head to one side, looking right at him as if she were posing for the camera, too. He would have sworn the mutt hadn’t been there when he took the picture, and yet, her presence made all the difference in the world.

  Author's Note:

  The people depicted in this book are fictional characters, but one of the events they witnessed truly happened. The Great Mississippi Steamboat Race did take place at the end of July in 1870. Captain John W. Cannon and T.P. Leathers were at one time partners. When they ended their partnership, a mutual hatred developed between them.

  Leathers took the Natchez on a fast trip to St. Louis. He beat the J.M White record that had stood for twenty-five years. Everyone believed this is what brought about the race from New Orleans to St. Louis. Both Leathers and Cannon insisted they wouldn’t race, but no one believed them.


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