Caught Between Two Cowboys [Carnal Cowboys 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Caught Between Two Cowboys [Carnal Cowboys 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Jane Jamison

  Jarrod leaned against the railing of the stall. “You do realize they’re a package deal, right? If we start something with her, then we’re stuck with Jesse, too.”

  Seth acted like it was nothing, but they both knew better. “Don’t worry about him. He’s like a young colt that never got trained. I don’t think he’s a bad guy at heart. It’ll take a little time, but we can whip him into shape.”

  “You’d better hope we can.” Jarrod strode out of the barn and toward the house.

  “Hold up, bro.”

  But he kept on going. Although he’d only been apart from her for a short time, he couldn’t wait to see her again. He walked into the house right before his brother and did an abrupt stop. He took off his hat, then lifted his nose into the air and dragged in a good, long sniff. “What is that?”

  Seth followed his lead. “Whatever it is smells good. Real good.”

  Amy hurried out of the kitchen. His old University of Texas football shirt swallowed her body and went down to the knees of the old jeans she wore. The clothes were too big for her, but it gave her a waiflike appearance Jarrod found more than appealing. If he gave the jeans a hard tug, they’d fall to the floor. He had to fight to keep from giving into the idea.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but we kind of invaded your kitchen.”

  “Mind? Hell, girl, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. What are you cooking?” Seth rubbed his stomach. “This is going to be good.”

  “Come and sit down. It’s ready.”

  He and Seth followed her into the kitchen, enjoying the enticing sway of her hips. The delicious smell had thrown him, but what he saw when he rounded the corner threw him even more. Jesse stood at the stove, stirring a pot, his hoodie discarded and replaced with an apron a former girlfriend had given Seth, but that he’d never worn. His brother didn’t like aprons any more than he’d ended up liking the girl.

  “Wait. Are you telling me Jesse did the cooking?” Just having Jesse help out would’ve surprised him. But Jesse cooking? He had to be hallucinating.

  “Jarrod’s right. I’m not sure I believe what I’m seeing.” Seth inched closer to her brother as though he wasn’t sure if the kid was real or not.

  “I know. It’s weird, huh? But cooking’s one thing he’s always done really well. I’ve tried to get him to go to culinary school, but…”

  “But, like everything else, we can’t afford it. Like Amy’s nursing school.” Jesse dipped a spoon in the boiling pasta sauce then pushed Seth away. “Back off, man. I don’t need you sniffing over my shoulder.”

  Toast, browned to perfection, rested on a plate on the dining table along with a bottle of wine set out to breathe. Amy took Jarrod’s hand and led him to the chair at the head of the table. “Sit. Relax. And don’t worry about cleaning up. We’ll handle it.”

  “So you want to go to nursing school?”

  She waved her hand in dismissal. “Yeah, well. I mean, I’d love it if I could be a nurse, but I guess it’s just not meant to be.”

  He and Seth shared a look along with the same thought. Jesse was probably at least part of the reason she hadn’t been able to attend nursing school.

  She hurried to fill his plate with spaghetti topped with a heaping spoonful of sauce. “Do you want cheese on top of it? Wait. Do you have any cheese?”

  “There’s a container of parmesan cheese in the side door of the fridge.” He studied her as she moved around her brother, like a butterfly around a tree.

  She hurried to the fridge, found the cheese, and then lifted it into the air like she’d just won a gold medal. “Found it.”

  He couldn’t remember the last time a woman had come into their home and treated them to a meal. Most of them had been buckle bunnies, too absorbed in themselves and the need to party. His mind jumped ahead, imagining Amy bustling around the house, doing whatever she could to please her men. Both in the kitchen and in the bedroom.

  His thinking was sexist, but he couldn’t help himself. In return, they’d treat her like the queen she was.

  A man could get used to having a woman like her around. Really used to it.

  Seth pulled up the chair on the opposite side of the table. “Aren’t you two going to sit down and eat?”

  “Sure. Jesse?”

  After they took their seats, she joined them, taking a place in the middle while Jesse snagged a chair across from her, putting equal distance between himself and Seth. Amy snatched the wine bottle away from Jesse and poured a generous amount in three glasses. “You can drink milk or water.”

  A silent fifteen minutes later, Jarrod sat back in his chair and patted his stomach. “I’ve got to hand it to you, Jesse. I’ve never eaten a better spaghetti dinner. What’d you put in the sauce?”

  “The usual. Tomatoes, spices, pot.”

  “It was damn good and—did you say pot?”

  Amy sputtered the sip of wine she’d just taken. “He’s kidding, Jarrod. I promise you there’s no pot in the sauce.”

  “Damn, man. You’re easy to razz.”

  “Jesse. Don’t.”

  “Whatever. It would’ve been better if I could’ve made French bread. But you guys don’t have anything but frozen dinners.”

  “No, but then again, we don’t give meals much thought. So you would’ve had French bread, too, huh?” Obviously, there was more to Jesse than he’d thought. Maybe a lot more.

  “Yeah. I make my own.”

  “You’re kidding?” Seth spooned up another large helping of the spaghetti.

  “I can do a lot of stuff.” Jesse tried to hide it by ducking his head, but it was obvious he liked the praise.

  Maybe the kid just needed more encouragement. That and a place to get away from the crowd he’d been hanging with. A place like Rolling Hills Ranch.

  “Sometimes Jesse would come into the diner and use the kitchen.” Amy brushed her hair away from her neck, exposing a long, sleek expanse of pale skin.

  He paused, just as Seth did. They stared, each of them taking their time to study her. He could easily imagine his brother’s thoughts and the craving that had nothing to do with food.

  He forced his gaze away. If he didn’t get to taste her lips and feel her skin under his hands soon, he’d have to jerk off. Not once, but several times.

  Keep your mind off sex.

  She wasn’t going to be there for a long time. What good would it do to get hung up on her?

  But hung up wasn’t the right way to describe what he felt. He’d had minor crushes before, but if ever there was a woman who could take him and wrap him around her little finger, it was Amy.

  He had a gut feeling that if he just let go, she could make him do anything. The longer she stayed on the ranch, the more he’d want her. Not just for sex, but to fill the empty place in his heart. The space he’d guarded, reserving it for the one woman who could make him fall in love again.

  No. Not again. Elizabeth hadn’t been real love. Not the kind of love I might find with Amy.

  The feeling behind his thoughts was so strong, he was thankful he was sitting down.

  Amy fit the bill, all right. She was good, sweet, and kind. Not to mention loyal and ready to face whatever she had to face to help her brother. He admired her courage and her conviction. Matching those admirable traits along with her curvaceous body, he couldn’t think of a single thing she lacked.

  His gaze drifted to her chest, so full, so ready for his hands.

  Don’t be an idiot. You can’t sleep with her. Not when she’s on the run and leaving soon.

  Once again, he caught Seth’s eye.

  “I will if you will, bro.”

  Amy frowned, glancing first at Seth, then at him. “You’ll do what?”

  Jarrod knew damn well what Seth meant. “Never mind him. He was kicked in the head when he was a kid. Since then he’s blurts out stuff that doesn’t make any sense.”

  Seth lifted his glass to him. “Good one.” To Amy, he added, “He’s kidding. I never got kicked in the
head. I’m just delightfully quirky.”

  “See what I mean?” Jarrod couldn’t help but grin. “Who uses words like ‘quirky’?”


  They were confusing her.

  “Why didn’t the owner hire Jesse as a cook?” Talking about Jesse like he wasn’t there at the table was strange, but the kid had already mentally checked out. Without saying a word, Jesse stood and sauntered through the living room, then out the front door.

  “Jesse, come back. We’re supposed to clean up.” But her call came too late. He was already gone.

  “Let him go. After cooking this meal, he deserves to get out of clean-up duty. In fact, Seth and I should do the dishes. But you never said. Why didn’t he get a job as a cook at the diner?”

  “Mr. Knox, the owner, did hire him. And then two days later, he fired him after catching him red-handed with his fingers in the register.”

  “Shit. That had to be rough for you.”

  She stood and started clearing the plates and dishes away. “Not really. I guess I’m used to making excuses for him. But Jesse’s a good guy. He is. Really. I think he just needs someone to look up to. Our dad wasn’t the best role model.”

  Jarrod stood up along with Seth and carried his plate and the empty pasta bowl to the counter. “What was your father like?”

  “Too busy with his own problems to deal with Jesse’s. Believe me. Neither one of our parents is worth talking about.”

  She obviously didn’t want to talk about their family. And he wouldn’t push her.

  She piled the dishes into the sink, turned on the faucet, and got busy rinsing them off. If there had been any leftovers, he would’ve taken care of those. Instead, he took the dishes she handed him and, one at a time, loaded them into the dishwasher.

  “Wow. Talk about luxury. You have a real dishwasher.”

  Somehow it didn’t seem right for someone with soft hands like hers to be washing dishes. “Maybe the next place you live will have one.”

  He liked her laugh. It reminded him of wind chimes.

  “I can dream, but at the rate I’m going, I’ll be lucky to keep a roof over our heads.”

  “Our heads? Jesse’s old enough to be on his own.” Seth grabbed a towel and wiped down the counters.

  She scrubbed the sauce pot. “Maybe he is according to his age, but…” She sighed. “Well, you’ve seen how he is. I’ve had to keep an eye on him. It’s like he never grew out of being a teenager.”

  “Maybe that’s part of the reason he is the way he is.” Seth eased up beside her.

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s none of my business—”

  “That’s right, Seth. It’s none of our business.” Jarrod wanted to know everything about Amy, but his brother had a tendency to move too fast like a bull rushing out of the gate, eager to buck its rider off.

  As often happened, Seth ignored him. “Think about it. He hasn’t grown up because you won’t let him.”

  She dropped the sponge and faced him, dead-on. “Because I won’t let him? I’d like nothing better than to have him to stand on his own two feet.”

  “Then stop picking him up when he falls on his face. Stop saving him.”

  Jarrod was glad the glare she gave Seth wasn’t filled with bullets or he’d be lying dead at her feet. He’d gotten under her skin, all right.

  “He’s my little brother. I have to help him. I’m all he has.” She went back to scrubbing the pot with quick, angry motions. “He’s all I have.”

  “And he’ll stay your little brother if you don’t cut the ties.” Seth backed up a step. “I’m just making a suggestion, is all.”

  Jarrod edged closer, taking the pot out of her hands when it was obvious she was still scrubbing only to vent her frustration. Maybe Seth was right. Maybe it was time to get things out into the open. “You don’t buy the girlfriend story, do you?”

  “Sure I do.”

  He could tell she was lying, trying once again to cover for her brother. “I don’t.”

  “Does it matter?” She turned around and leaned her back against the counter, drying her hands with another towel. “We can leave if you want us to. Either tonight or first thing in the morning.”

  “Don’t go getting your panties in a bunch. It’s already dark. You can’t go walking down a country road at night. Or hiding in the back of someone’s pickup.”

  “Seth, slow down.” His brother was pushing too hard, but sometimes Seth got that way. Most of the time he was an easygoing kind of guy, and then, out of nowhere, he’d press until he got the answers he wanted.

  She turned around again, gripped the counter, and glanced out the window. “Like I said, we’ll get out of your hair in the morning.”

  “You aren’t going anywhere.” He arched an eyebrow at his brother.

  Seth mellowed. “Jarrod’s right. We don’t want you to go.”

  They’d confused her even more. He wouldn’t blame her if she upped and left anyway.

  “Say you’ll stay.” He didn’t want it to sound like he was begging, but wasn’t he?

  “I don’t know.” She searched the yard outside. “I should get Jesse. He doesn’t know his way around here.”

  Before he knew it, he’d taken her arm, making her face him. “He’ll be fine. Don’t smother the guy.”

  “Look, you two, I’m not smothering him. I’m trying to look out for him. There’s a difference.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not.”

  He ached to wipe away the worry in her eyes. But he had to do something else. If he didn’t, he’d never be able to get to sleep. The swell of her breasts drew him in, his hands itching to cup them and run his thumbs over her nipples. She smelled like dish soap and flowers mixed together. Damp yet enticing tendrils of her long, silky hair dangled around her face. Her mouth parted and, no matter how much he understood she wasn’t aware of what she was doing, he wanted to believe it was an invitation to kiss her. An invitation he couldn’t turn down.

  “You should be thinking about yourself.”

  “I can do both.”

  How had he resisted as long as he had? He’d wanted her from the moment he’d seen her trying to flirt with Donny at the rodeo. He couldn’t resist her a second longer.

  “Maybe. But if you don’t take care of yourself, I’m liable to take advantage of you.”

  He crushed his mouth to hers, taking hold of her and forcing her body against his. Letting go of her arms, he cupped her firm, round butt cheeks. Her lips were even softer than he’d imagined. The flavors inside her mouth when he swept his tongue over hers were sweeter than any dessert he’d ever eaten. He moaned, his cock almost slicing in two as it grew longer and harder, pressing against his zipper.

  He’d had his fair share of women, but he’d never had one affect him the way Amy did. She was a perfect fit for his hands as though she’d been made-to-order for him. Physically, he couldn’t have asked for anything more. Plus, he’d been around her long enough to know she had a quick mind and a strong spirit. Her body was wonderful, but her spirit was even better. Those were the attributes that would last a lifetime, keeping him interested in her well beyond their youth.

  At first, she didn’t respond and it surprised him. But he couldn’t turn her loose. Not until he was sure she wanted no part of him. He deepened the kiss.

  When she flattened her hands against his chest, he was sure she’d shove him away. He’d obey her if she did, but it would cut into his gut to do so.

  When she didn’t push him back, he thanked his lucky stars.

  Instead, she slid her hands upward to dig her fingers into his shoulders. She kissed him back. Hard. Needy. Exactly the way he wanted her to react.

  Her moan filled his mouth as her tongue played with his. She nibbled on his lower lip, turning him on more than such a simple act should ever have. Her hardened nipples teased him through her shirt and his. It was tease he couldn’t let slide.

  Gripping her under her butt, he lifted her off her
feet. She wrapped her legs around him and thrust her hips toward his. Pure passion rushed into him as he put her on top of the counter and broke the kiss. He traveled quick, hot kisses down her throat and into the hollow between her breasts.


  He didn’t care if she told him to stop. He was too far gone. Too wrapped up in the smell of her, the feel of her to turn her loose. Every resolution to take things slowly had gone out the window when he’d seen her walking toward him.

  He pulled the bottom of her shirt up and slipped his hands underneath it. Her skin was so soft, so smooth, like a baby foal’s the day after birth. His hand pushed her bra aside and found her breast. He raked his thumb over her nipple just as he’d yearned to do. She leaned back, pushing against him, giving him permission to go on.

  He gripped her harder as he pushed her shirt aside and brought his mouth to her nipple. The fact that Jesse could return at any moment couldn’t stop him. Nothing could have. Capturing her sweet bud between his teeth, he tortured it as she tortured him. A little payback for her teasing him.

  Her crotch was hard against his. His cock throbbed to be freed. Taking one of her hands from behind his neck, he placed it on top of his dick, silently urging her to relieve the pressure.

  To his dismay, she yanked her hand away and brought it back to his neck. It took everything he had inside him not to beg her to undo his buckle.

  He shoved the rest of her shirt higher and uncovered her other breast. He slid his mouth between her breasts, taking first one, then retracing his path to take the other. Sucking, nibbling, he kept his mouth to her tits and worked frantically to get his jeans open.

  “No. Jarrod.”

  She hadn’t told him to stop. Life wouldn’t be so cruel.

  “Jarrod, I can’t.”

  Fuckin’ A.

  She had to let him keep going. Otherwise, he’d go crazy.

  He gripped her legs and tugged her harder against him. She had to want him as much as he wanted her. She just had to.

  The shove against his shoulders, however, left no question as to how she felt. He resisted, wanting for the first time in his life to be one of those guys who didn’t listen when a girl said no.


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