Amazed by You (Riding Tall Book 11)

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Amazed by You (Riding Tall Book 11) Page 10

by Cheyenne McCray

  The collection of twenty-one different tropical birds the former owner had left behind—whipped cream on the sundae.

  “Now I need to get those fucking passwords.” He stared at her laptop’s login screen and the blinking cursor in the password box. Apparently, he’d have to get to Celine and make her give them to him.

  He just had to figure out how.

  Monty pushed aside Celine’s laptop and turned to his desktop computer. He glanced at his handwritten notes lying beside the keyboard, and picked them up. He’d called a few companies specializing in blocking ransomware attacks, and he knew exactly what to do to set up his own software protection company—on paper—so that he could shovel more of Celine’s money into it.

  He had become so good at doing that exact thing with a handful of other “companies.” Once he disappeared, it would take them a good long time to unravel it—and he’d made sure they’d never know everything.

  Best of all, he would be gone, where they would never think to look for him. On farmland in the rainforest of Belize, fifty acres of peace all around him in the foothills of the Maya Mountains, he’d live the life he deserved.

  Yeah, Monty’s Early Retirement Funds would soon be fat enough to finally do what he’d been dreaming about for years.

  He opened his email program and waited for it to download messages into the account he used for Celine’s business, those for the fake companies he’d set up, and then his private email—that was the important one.

  Messages popped up in his inboxes, but it was the one in his private account that he went to first.

  It was from his real estate agent, Maria, the subject line Maya Mountain property.

  He didn’t know why his stomach clenched. He clicked on the email.

  Mr. Tinsman,

  I have been trying to reach you by telephone with no success. You have been outbid by another potential buyer. Their offer is $500,000 U.S. Would you like to bid higher?

  There are many beautiful farms in Belize. However, I do not believe you will find another home quite like this one. I recommend $600,000 U.S.

  Please advise,

  Maria Fernanda Vasquez

  Monty balled his fists and restrained himself from punching the monitor.

  Someone had bid against him.

  His muscles tightened and his head ached from how tightly he clenched his jaws.

  All he had right now was half a million. He couldn’t blow it all on the property without having the rest of Celine’s money. He’d thought he had plenty of time.

  Including investor funds, the crowd funding, and Celine’s personal accounts, he’d have another one and a half million. He’d had to do it slowly, but this changed things.

  He had to do it all now.

  Chapter 9

  Celine raised her arms over her head, stretching her muscles. She’d just finished hand drying the baking dish she’d used to make her favorite casserole for lunch—a pasta dish that was the best comfort food ever.

  “I could so use a massage.” She sighed into the stretch. “It’s been a week now, but my body still feels like I got hit by a car.”

  “You pretty much did.” Jayson started the dishwasher. “I’d offer to give you a massage, but I’m afraid I’ll hit some of those bumps and bruises and hurt you.”

  “Would you really give me one?” Celine perked up as she lowered her arms—it sounded too wonderful to pass up. “You won’t hurt me. I will be more than fine.”

  “If you’re sure.” The low rumble of his words sent a thrill through her.

  Maybe this isn’t such a good idea, she thought as she met Jayson’s gaze.

  Maybe it’s the perfect idea.

  She dried her hands on a towel. “Where?”

  He thought about it a moment. “One of the beds is the best I can do. Of the two guestrooms, one has a smaller mattress. That’s the best place.”

  “Works for me.” She walked with him to the hall outside the kitchen. “The sooner the better.”

  He took her to the opposite side of the house, where the guestrooms were. She hadn’t been in either of them, but she knew the layout of his home after spending a week here.

  “The smallest of the two rooms is the first on the right.” He added, “I’ll grab some lotion and meet you there.”

  “I’ll be waiting,” she said. Waiting and anxious.

  He went back the way they came and vanished around a corner.

  Celine wandered into the room. It was small and painted a pretty robin’s egg blue with white curtains and white furniture. It could easily be a kid’s room with the right décor. She could picture a big ol’ Teddy bear on the bed, and children’s toys all over the room.

  As for her, she hadn’t been allowed to have anything “common” as her parents had called kids’ toys in stores like Toys ‘R’ Us. FAO Schwarz made the list of acceptable, but they rarely bought anything for her from the store.

  No, they’d bought her porcelain dolls, huge handmade doll houses that included beautiful perfectly made furniture for her dolls, all commissioned just for her. However, she’d barely been allowed to play with them because they had been so expensive and so brilliantly made. That was just the tip of the iceberg of overly expensive, elite toys she’d been given as a child.

  She shook her head. The thought of being a child made her think of the little girl who stomped on one of her papers, and Celine smiled. Funny how her perspective had changed so rapidly. She wasn’t even sure why it had. If she had ever run away from her mother in an airport, she would have been locked in her room for a week. She hoped the little girl’s mother was more understanding than that.

  A rocking chair was tucked in one corner, and she kicked off the rubber boots and put them near it before stripping off her jeans. She didn’t have a bra to worry about and she left the big T-shirt and panties on.

  Celine took the pillows from the bed and set them on the rocking chair. She plopped on the comfortable mattress and arranged herself face down.

  She closed her eyes and forced herself to relax and not think in a sexual way of the big man’s hands on her body. She had to admit to herself she’d wanted that since the moment they’d met.

  Of course, this would only be a massage.

  If she had it her way, it would be more than that. The thought stilled her. Did she really want that from Jayson?

  Yes. She swallowed as she admitted it to herself again. Absolutely yes.

  Jayson’s presence filled the room the moment he walked in. He sucked in his breath, like he hadn’t expected her to take off the jeans.

  She opened her eyes and met his. “I’m ready.”

  “I can see that.” He stared at her as if she was completely naked, then shook it off before the three easy strides he took to get to the bed.

  “I found lavender massage oil,” he said. “My kid sister was going through some kind of scent therapy thing. She gave me a basket of stuff at Christmas and said the lavender oil is supposed to make me relax.” He snorted. “I’d forgotten about it.”

  Celine wriggled on the bed.” Lavender oil sounds perfect.”

  He glanced to the bottle, then to her. “If we’re going to use the oil, you’ve got to lose that shirt.”

  “I definitely want that oil.” She wriggled as he helped her pull off the T-shirt without exposing her breasts. He tossed the shirt onto the mound of pillows.

  Now all she was wearing were her panties. Things were getting better.

  A shiver trailed her spine as he squirted oil on her back.

  “Too cold?” he asked.

  The pleasant scent of lavender relaxed her and she closed her eyes. “Not at all.”

  The mattress dipped a little when he sat on the bed. She held her breath, waiting for his touch.

  The moment his warm, strong hands were on her shoulders, she sighed with pleasure. “That feels so amazing.”

  “You’ve got quite a few bruises.” He skimmed his fingers over her back. “I’ll do my best
to avoid them.”

  “Just put those wonderful hands to work.” She sighed. “I’m already feeling better.”

  Jayson moved his hands to her shoulders and began kneading her tight muscles.

  His touch was magic. Pure magic.

  She’d had massages in exclusive spas all around the world. At this moment, she didn’t think she’d ever had a massage as wonderful as Jayson’s.

  He worked his way slowly to her head and concentrated on her scalp and her neck.

  His hands soothed and lulled her, working out not only aches and pains from the accident, but those from stress and worry from her life and her business.

  She melted, feeling as if she might sink into the mattress.

  The lavender oil filled her lungs, but Jayson’s scent saturated her senses in a different way.

  He kept his attention on her muscles, not touching her in a sexual manner. But she became more and more aware of him in every way possible.

  Her nipples tightened, her breasts aching for his hands, his mouth. She barely held back a moan of pleasure and tried not to squirm from the tingles between her thighs.

  Jayson slowed when he reached her hips. “How does that feel?”

  His rumbling voice sent a shiver through her. “Amazing. Please don’t stop.” It probably sounded like she was begging, but she didn’t care. She just wanted him to keep his hands on her.

  “All right.” He worked his fingers across her back. “You’ve still got plenty of knots in your muscles that I can work out.”

  “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this.” She felt a little naughty as she slid her hand up her side and dragged her fingers along her skin just above the curve of her breast. “It’s sore here.”

  He paused. “Then I’ll have to take care of that.”

  She let out another sigh. “Mmm.” He lightly massaged the skin where she had showed him.

  She shifted just enough to the side that his hand slipped to her breast.

  He stilled but didn’t remove his hand then slowly skimmed her nipple with his thumb. “I take it you need a little massaging here?”

  “Most definitely.” She scooted onto her back and looked up at him, his hand still on her. “My breasts especially need attention.”

  “Oh, they do…” He let his voice trail off as he cupped her other breast and brushed her nipple with his fingertips. “What else do they need?”

  Her voice came out low and husky. “Your mouth for starters.”

  He studied her, his palm hot over her breast, the heat in his gaze burning her through. “You like to play with fire.”

  “Maybe.” She put her hand over his, feeling the warmth of his skin next to hers.

  “No maybe about it.” He squeezed her nipple hard enough that she gasped. The sensation shot a thrill straight between her thighs.

  Her throat worked as she stared up into his eyes. “What are you going to do about it?”

  The corner of his mouth tipped into a sensual smile. “I like playing with fire, too.” He lowered his head and nuzzled her hair. “Damn, you smell good. You always smell good.”

  She wasn’t surprised he’d noticed. He’d been watching her since she’d been back on her feet, the same way she’d been watching him.

  He slid his fingers into her hair and cupped the back of her head. He inhaled, a deep audible sound that ended with a groan.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this.” The fight in his words told her how much he was struggling against it.

  “Why?” she whispered.

  “Damned if I know.” He slid his lips over her cheek and captured her mouth with his.

  She moaned as he slid his tongue into her mouth. She tasted his masculine flavor and breathed in his untamed scent. She could feel the flames between them ignite and burn hot.

  The kiss was long, slow, and deep. He drew her in with that kiss, giving her more than she’d even dreamed of, her whole body now on fire.

  He slid his lips from hers and trailed them along the curve of her neck to her throat.

  “Jayson.” His name came through her lips on a sigh.

  A low growl rose in his throat, the rumble vibrating through her senses, stirring her arousal, making it grow even more.

  He slipped her nipple into his hot mouth and she shuddered with pleasure. He sucked and she moaned and arched her back, wanting more of him and wanting him now.

  “You’re so damned sweet,” he murmured as he moved his lips to her other nipple.

  He hesitated, his warm breath fanning the taut nub. She whimpered and he flicked his tongue over her nipple.

  She gasped, slid her fingers into his hair, and pulled his head in closer.

  He drew her nipple into his mouth and sucked. She whimpered again as wild sensations rolled through her.

  He moved his hand down her flat belly to the juncture between her thighs and beneath her panties. He dipped his finger into her wetness and stroked her clit.

  She nearly came off the bed as she cried out. She needed the release only he could give her.

  He sucked her nipple harder and she clenched her fist in his hair. She squirmed, wanting more of him.

  Deep inside, she knew this man could satisfy her like no other.

  He released her nipple and raised his head so that he met her gaze. “You shouldn’t have started this.”

  “Why not?” She found it hard to breathe.

  “Because with you, I’m not sure I can stop.”

  She slid her hand down to his cheek, his stubble rough beneath her palm. “I don’t want you to stop.”

  “I gathered that.” He gave her a slow, sensual smile. “But there are a whole lot of reasons why we should.”

  She scooted up in bed so that she could lean closer to him. “Give me an example.”

  “You nearly died out there.” His expression sobered. “For all we know, you have a concussion and you’re not thinking clearly.”

  “I am thinking clearly.” She moved her hands to his chest, feeling the hard flesh beneath her palms. “I’ve had a concussion before, and I know I wouldn’t feel close to wanting to do all that I can with you. I’m okay, Jayson, and I want you.”

  “You haven’t known me long enough,” he said quietly. “I think you need to.”

  She tipped her head to the side. “Why would that make a difference?”

  “Because there are things about me that might make you change your mind and fast,” he said.

  “Unless you killed a man in cold blood, I can’t imagine a reason that might make me think that way.” She brushed her knuckles over his skin. “Why don’t you try me?”

  He stilled then shook his head. “Now isn’t the place or time.”

  Celine frowned, not sure how to take his abrupt halt. Was he full of crap, and this was an excuse to break off what they had started?

  Or did he genuinely have something he thought would make her change her mind? She couldn’t imagine why he’d make up something like that.

  Jayson got to his feet, his blue eyes appraising, his expression unreadable. “Why don’t you get dressed, and I’ll head on out. I need to ride the fence line with Starlight.”

  Now she did feel a chill from his abruptness.

  Anger flashed inside her, hot and bright. But she refused to let him see it. She slipped off the bed and refused to look at him as she gathered her clothes and put them on.


  “Save it.” She couldn’t hold back her anger like she’d thought she’d be able to. “I have things to do, too. So go on your ride and I’ll see you when I see you.”

  For a long moment, he studied her and didn’t leave. She clenched her jaw and met his gaze. She could think of nothing to say, so she dodged past him, out of the room, and into the hall.

  Celine strode toward his bedroom to gather what things she had. She’d stay in Monty’s trailer before she’d spend another night in Jayson’s home.

  She reached Jayson’s bedroom and put her hands on her hips.
She blew out her breath. She had nothing to retrieve. Absolutely nothing. All she had were the borrowed clothes she was wearing, and she couldn’t strip and walk out of there naked.

  Well, she could, but it wasn’t the optimal solution.

  She ground her teeth and marched through the house, then outside. Thor appeared at her side—she wasn’t sure where he’d been. She scratched him behind his ears. “Stay here, boy.”

  A soft rain was falling and she ignored it. She pushed her now curling hair out of her face. Her borrowed rubber boots squished in the mud and she watched her step. When she reached Monty’s trailer, she climbed up the stairs, tugged off the dirty boots and set them by the doormat, and jerked the door open.

  Celine shivered as she closed the door behind her and stepped into the dim interior of the trailer. She folded her arms across her chest as she looked around.

  What a mess—and likely due to Charlie. He must have come in after she’d shot down the drone and kicked things around because he was pissed.

  Well, he should have listened to her to begin with, when she told him to keep the damned thing away from the shoot.

  She plopped down in front of a computer desk. The only thing on it was an expensive-looking laptop that appeared to have seen better days. She’d bet anything it was Charlie’s. He didn’t appear to value taking care of his things.

  Celine leaned back and sagged in the chair. She didn’t want to think about what had just happened with Jayson. Heat pricked her skin and she dug her nails into her palms as she thought about the way he had blown her off. At the same time, her stomach bottomed and her cheeks warmed. Why had she put herself in that position to begin with? She’d made herself vulnerable to him, and she never should have.

  She lifted the lid of the laptop and stared at a gamer screensaver. Crusader-something.

  Maybe she could get a hold of Monty. He might know how to get her out of here since his ranch neighbored Jayson’s. She hit enter and a login box popped up. Damn. There went that idea.

  Yet, Charlie wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box. She looked at the screen. Crusader. Would he be that dumb?


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