Amazed by You (Riding Tall Book 11)

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Amazed by You (Riding Tall Book 11) Page 13

by Cheyenne McCray

  He wriggled between her thighs, sliding his sheathed cock through her slick folds.

  Her eyes fluttered closed as she gasped.

  “Open your eyes.” He released her wrists and cupped her ass, bringing their bodies even closer together. Still holding her with one hand, he grasped his cock and pressed it to the entrance to her core.

  “Ready for me, honey?” he said in what might have sounded like a controlled voice when he felt anything but.

  “Yes.” She spoke in a hoarse whisper, then louder. “Yes, Jayson.” She shifted, trying to get impossibly closer to him. ”Please.”

  He pushed in only slightly and she caught her breath, her eyes widening. He stretched her and filled her, and she took every bit of him.

  He eased in and out, setting a slow pace. She wrapped her thighs around his hips and clenched him tight.

  She started to close her eyes, but he let out a low, guttural sound. “Look. At. Me.”

  Her eyes widened as she met his gaze. Her face was flushed, a light sheen of perspiration over her skin. She caught her breath when he pressed in deeper, reaching farther inside her.

  “Jayson.” His name on her lips turned him to liquid. “Please.”

  He picked up his rhythm, moving faster inside her, pressing harder, deeper.

  The flush in her cheeks deepened. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she climaxed and cried out, “Jayson!”

  The sound of his name on her lips and the feel of her core clamping down on his cock sent him spiraling forward. It threw him into an orgasm that shot him into another hemisphere.

  Heat flushed through him, burning him up.

  He shouted her name as her core spasmed around his cock.

  Almost all strength left him and he barely kept from collapsing on top of her. He braced himself on his forearms, his face close to hers.

  Their breaths mingled and he watched a droplet of perspiration roll down the side of her forehead.

  “You are beautiful.” Jayson spoke softly as he pushed damp hair from Celine’s face. She looked radiant, a glow that came from within. “Simply beautiful.”

  She gave him a smile that lit up his world. She looped her arms around his neck. “You are one sexy cowboy, Jayson McBride.”

  He grinned and kissed her before he rolled onto his side, bringing her with him. She snuggled close and he breathed in the scent of her, the scent of them. It mingled together, intoxicating and soul-filling.

  This whole thing—Celine, him, what he felt they had—was another world to him, one he wasn’t used to, but one he could get used to.

  He shifted so that she was even more secure in his arms. He kept her wrapped in his embrace, not planning on letting her go.

  Chapter 11

  The bitch had better give him her passwords for her personal accounts right away, or he would start with shooting her in the leg. Once he got what he wanted, then he’d kill her, just not with his gun if he could help it.

  He’d been worried she would leave now that the county had brought out equipment that made the arroyo passable again at his property and Jayson’s. But it was working out just fine. He could do anything he wanted to her since the wash was passable and he could leave.

  Monty looked up the fork in the trail that went higher into the mountains. He had other plans for getting rid of her. She’d never be able to tell anyone what he’d done.

  His handgun pressed against his spine as he waited at the trailhead for Celine. He’d tucked it into his belt. He’d never shot anyone or anything before. But, this was all about MERF, and nothing else mattered.


  He’d kill his own nephew if the spoiled shit got in his way.

  Celine had decided she couldn’t make it until today, and he’d wanted to go to McBride’s ranch and drag her ass away from the place. He’d had to force himself to bide his time while putting more of his plans into effect.

  Unfortunately, he’d had to bid that six hundred grand without the funds in his account. This was a cash deal, and he needed to be prepared. He prayed the other bidder would drop out rather than bid again. In the meantime, Monty would have to do all he could to pull the rest of the cash together.

  He looked up at the sky. Growing dark again. The sun had been shining not fifteen minutes ago. He hated this place with a passion that made his stomach churn.

  The sound of a branch snapping made him whip his head in the direction of the trail coming from McBride’s ranch. Hopefully Celine hadn’t brought him with her.

  She rounded an outcropping of trees. The first thing he noticed was that she looked…radiant, different than he’d noticed during the entire time he’d known her. She wore a smile, like she was happy. Had he ever seen her happy in the past? Genuinely happy? Not that he could recall.

  What could have changed her on a dime like that? Hell, it hadn’t been that long since he’d seen her last. How could a woman like her suddenly change…?

  A thought occurred to him out of the blue. No. It was jumping to conclusions, but still he wondered—had she been fucking McBride?

  That was a leap—a giant one—but what else could have flipped her switch like that?

  She waved and picked up her step. When she reached him, he had to look up thanks to her height. Another reason he hated her.

  He tried for a natural smile, and hoped it didn’t look forced. “You look good, Celine. After what you went through, I’d say you look fantastic.”

  “Thanks, Monty.” Yeah, she glowed.


  “Come on to the house.” He inclined his head in that direction. “I’ve got some things to show you.”

  She fell into step beside him. He kept his gaze straight ahead, not wanting to look up to meet her eyes, not wanting to see the sappy look on her face. And he certainly didn’t want her to see her death in his expression.

  “What’s going on with my business accounts?” she asked as they walked.

  He shrugged as his spine crawled. “I’ll show you once we get to my house and we can get onto the computer.”

  “Fill me in, Monty.” Frustration laced her words. Gone was the happy note to her voice. “My accounts have been bleeding for months now. Expenses here and there. So many of them.”

  His skin chilled as he glanced at her. “All documented and necessary expenses. You know that. You’ve seen the records.”

  She frowned, shaking her head slightly. “That’s true, I have seen the documentation.” She met his gaze. “I am trying to wrap my mind around how many expenses I’ve had in the last six months.”

  “Getting hit by ransomware was a biggie, not to mention purchasing the protection you need from it happening again.” Panic crawled up Monty’s throat but he forced it back down. It wasn’t like she could do anything about it now. Not long and he wouldn’t have to worry about her at all. “You’ll see everything when we get to the house and I can show you the records.”

  Her frown deepened. “Okay,” was all she said.

  It took less than fifteen minutes to reach his place and it was with relief that they walked from the forest onto his property.

  He swept his gaze over what had been his for the last year. He was about to lose the ranch due to the bank foreclosing on him—he hadn’t been paying his mortgage because he didn’t intend to be here past this month. He’d be in Belize, soaking up the clear air, the sun, and all the comforts his newly acquired wealth would give him. MERF would take care of him for the rest of his life.

  They took the path down the trail that went to the back of the corral.

  “Where is all your livestock?” Celine’s voice knocked him out of his thoughts. Didn’t you mention you have cattle and horses? I heard something about a prize bull.”

  Monty waved off her question, with a casual, “Horses in the barn, cattle off roaming somewhere.”

  “Oh.” She sounded puzzled. “I don’t hear anything.”

  True, his place was eerily quiet now that he’d sold off everything and did
n’t have any ranch hands around to do the work.

  “It’s like that sometimes.” He guided her toward the backdoor so she wouldn’t see the house mostly empty of furniture.

  They walked in and she stuffed her hands into her back pockets as she looked around the Spartan kitchen. Here he didn’t have much more than a coffee maker, toaster, countertop convection oven, and can opener. A lot of people kept their kitchens free of clutter, so he doubted she’d be suspicious.

  Celine followed him through the kitchen, down the hall, and to his office. This room looked the most lived in because he needed furniture here, where he did all his work. When she walked in, she let her gaze drift around the room. She froze when she looked at her laptop and her designer tote on his desk.

  He pulled his gun out of the back of his belt.

  She whirled on him, fury in her expression. “What are you doing with—” Her gaze dropped to his hand.

  His hand shook slightly, but he aimed his gun at her heart.

  Chapter 12

  Celine stared in shock at the gun. Her heart nearly stopped, then thudded hard enough her chest hurt.

  She swallowed. “It’s been you, hasn’t it.” She made the statement, knowing it was true. “You’ve been stealing from me.”

  “You might be a bitch, but no one could call you stupid.” Monty motioned with the gun in the direction of his desk. He brought out a handful of papers that she recognized—the pages with the child’s and her mother’s footprints.

  “Sign these.” He stuck the signature pages and a pen in her face.

  She took them from him. She hadn’t had a chance to review them on the plane or later since he’d stolen the bag.

  “What are these?” she demanded.

  “Listen, bitch.” He pointed his gun at her head. “Shut up and sign.”

  She saw the viciousness in his gaze. She didn’t have a choice, so she scribbled her name on the pages.

  He snatched them from her and set the pages aside.

  “Was there really a ransomware attack?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

  He chuckled. “Damn, I’m good. You were forking money over to me left and right. Now if you’d just have given me control of your personal accounts, I’d be in Belize by now.”

  Celine didn’t think she’d ever felt so stupid in all her life. “I trusted you with my company.” Her words were cold and hard.

  “Which is why your company is going to go bankrupt.” He shrugged. “And if you don’t cooperate, you won’t be around to see the nothing that goes to that so-called dream project of yours. What was it? Some kind of horse ranch for kids?” he chuckled as he spoke.

  He gestured toward her laptop with the gun. “Now log on to your laptop and go to your bank’s site and bring up your personal accounts.”

  Celine slid into the seat in front of her computer. What choice did she have? Her money wasn’t as important as her life.

  Her next thought chilled her through. Did Monty plan to let her live once she’d given him access to her personal accounts?

  She looked at him. “You’re planning to kill me.”

  “Why would you say that?” He looked amused, but it was a fake expression. “I just want your money, not your life.”

  “I don’t believe you.” She set her jaw. “Why should I give you my money if you’re going to kill me anyway?”

  Monty pointed the gun at her thigh. “I’ll shoot you one leg at a time, starting with that one. Why don’t you try me?”

  Celine shuddered. She had to think of some way out of this, and being shot wasn’t going to help.

  She lifted the laptop’s cover and retro flying toasters screensaver came up. She made slow, deliberate movements, trying to stall as much as possible. The more she hurried, the closer she could be coming to her death.

  Could she get ahold of Jayson? How?

  She’d told him where she was going and that she’d be back well before dinner—she’d planned to make her favorite casserole. Would he come looking for her when dinnertime came and went?

  Yes, but it would probably be too late.

  She pictured herself in a pool of blood and shuddered again.

  “Hurry up.” Monty perched on the edge of the desk. He held his gun in his lap and she wondered if she could go for it and turn the tables on him.

  Fantasy, she told herself. This isn’t TV and I’m not some kind of kickass hero in a movie.

  She had no fighting skills, unless you counted grabbing a pair of Jimmy Choo ankle boots out from beneath another woman’s nose and avoiding getting slugged.

  But she could use her brains. She just had to figure out how.

  Monty’s voice lowered to a menacingly low level. “Stop screwing around, Celine. I’m losing my patience.”

  The desktop, with a runway photo of a model wearing a Celine Original, appeared as the screensaver vanished.

  She clicked on the web browser and brought up her bank’s login page. She glanced at Monty and the triumphant look in his eyes made her want to pick up the laptop and slam it against his head.

  Now there was a thought.

  But he had the gun.

  Her fingers seemed to be tied in knots as she typed in her password. She fumbled and an error message popped up that she’d entered the wrong one.

  She glanced at Monty, and when she did, something caught her eye on the wall beside him and her gaze riveted on a word written in script.


  Where had she heard that before? It was unusual enough that it stuck out in her mind. Wherever she’d heard it was so deep in her memory that she couldn’t grasp it.

  Hard, cold metal pressed against her temple. “I’m sick of this. Get me into your accounts.”

  Her hands trembled as she turned her attention back to the login page.

  “What’s MERF?” she asked as she entered the password.

  “Monty’s Early Retirement Funds.” He laughed. “I named my horse Merf back when I raced against your dad.”

  Her attention swiveled to Monty and she stared at him. She knew she was supposed to be doing something, but all she could do was stare at him.

  ”You raced horses against my father?” she said slowly.

  Monty shrugged. “It was a long time ago, but yeah, I did.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Nothing was sinking in right now.

  Monty moved his face closer to hers. “Because I didn’t want you to know that our business relationship is built on revenge.”

  “Revenge?” A sense of horror crept over her. Something wasn’t right. Something beyond revenge.

  He nodded. “That’s right. Back when you were a spoiled little bitch instead of an all grown-up bitch.”

  It came back to her, as if painted in a neon sign. “MERF.” Horror punched her like a fist into her gut. “That word was painted on the barn door the night the horses were poisoned.”

  Her mind spun with the implications. “Did you murder the horses?” She couldn’t take her eyes off him. “Did you murder Sky?”

  “How did you—” He glanced at the sign with MERF written across it. He shrugged again. “Your horse was collateral.”

  For a moment, all she could do was stare at Monty, yet what she saw was Sky, dead.

  Raging heat engulfed Celine. She could barely see, much less think.

  She grabbed the laptop and swung it at Monty as hard as she could. She slammed it into his head so hard he fell off his desk and landed on his back with a loud shout.

  The gun barked at the same time pain burst in Celine’s calf. She screamed and dropped the laptop. Her leg gave out on her and she fell to one knee.

  Blood began to spread across the jeans covering her calf. The pain was unbelievable. She’d never felt anything like it.

  “Bitch,” Monty screeched as he picked up her laptop and flung it at her.

  It hit her in her breasts, knocking her breath from her. She collapsed onto the floor, trying to breathe at the same time pain burned in
her chest and her leg.

  Monty grabbed her by her hair and dragged her back to the desk. Her vision blurred and she felt as if tossed from one bank of the arroyo to the other by the flash flood, trees and debris slamming into her.

  He dragged her into the chair and shoved her so that her spine hit the back of the seat. Blood coursed down his face from a wound on the side of his forehead, an egg swelling on his temple. He tossed her now closed laptop onto the desk.

  The gun shook in his trembling hand as he pointed it at her. “Put in the fucking password.”

  Stars continued to explode in her mind as she lifted the lid. The flying toaster screensaver came up.

  She tried to collect her thoughts and drag them back into her mind.

  Monty killed Sky.

  Monty killed Sky.

  She had to remember the password now. The bank account page came up on the password screen.

  “Stop taking so fucking long.” Monty hit her in the face with his fist and her mind spun. He grabbed a handful of her hair and jerked her head back so that he was so close she felt his hot breath over her face.

  Blood slid down over his cheek from the cut the laptop had made when she’d swung it at him. Red was even in his teeth, which he bared as he shouted at her, “Get into your fucking accounts before I shoot your other leg.”

  He shoved his gun under her chin, hot metal boring into her skin. “Better yet in your hip or your shoulder. I’m told that hurts like fucking hell. So do it.”

  Her entire body shook from the adrenaline and fear pumping through her body. Monty moved his gun and dug the barrel into her hip. Her fingers trembled and she struggled even more to get the right password in.

  “One more try,” he said with a coldness she’d never heard in his voice.

  She carefully typed in the bank password.

  Her accounts came up. Unlike the business accounts, these numbers were exactly what she’d seen when she’d logged in the night in the hotel. The largest amount was the one her parents had set up for her that she hadn’t used since college, when she’d needed the funds for tuition.

  “Finally.” He shoved her to the floor.


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