The Conquest

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The Conquest Page 20

by Julia Templeton

  He pulled away long enough to lift the kirtle from her body, and yanked the cord of his braies. Pushing the breeches down his hips and kicking them out of the way, he lifted her into his strong arms and kissed her as he walked them toward the bed, and laid her down gently.

  Her back had just met the blankets when his cockhead brushed her wet slit.

  She touched his chest, his hard abdomen, taking her fill of him, wanting to memorize every detail of his powerful body.

  He thrust within her and she cried out his name on a moan. His strokes were long and even, his fingers clenching her buttocks, pulling her closer.

  He brushed her clit with two fingers, drawing circles around the sensitive pearl before pressing against it with the perfect pressure.

  “Yes,” she said, her body climbing toward orgasm. The bed slammed against the wall, matching the rhythm of their bodies, over and over, and anyone walking by could have heard.

  But she wouldn’t stop him.

  He cupped her breast, played with a nipple, rolling it with deft fingers, blowing on the sensitive bud.

  Warmth flooded her groin, seeping to her soaking wet women’s flesh as his strokes increased, sending delicious shivers through her.

  Her orgasm came with a ferocity that shocked her, and she cried out his name on a sob as he kissed her neck, reigniting her passion all over again.

  Adelstan kept his climax at bay. He had no desire to come immediately, not when he had been aching to take her for days now. Her violet eyes were dark, her cheeks flushed as she looked into his eyes.

  Always having sex had been about the act, never about emotion. He felt her need, her desire, for it matched his own. “I love you, Rhiannon.”

  Her gaze searched his and tears came to her eyes. “I love you, too.”

  His heart soared to the heavens.

  She clung to him, her heart pounding against him as they came together.

  Adelstan laced his fingers with hers. She brought their hands to her face, kissed the top of his hand, near the ring she’d had made for him.

  “Thank ye for wearing the ring.”

  He rolled off her, bringing her with him, so they lay side by side, face to face. “Thank you for the inscription.”

  “Ye had not seen it before your sister noticed?”

  “Nay, I hadn’t.”

  She reached up, brushing her fingers over his lips. He pursed his lips, kissing the tips.

  “I could get used to this,” she said with a smile.

  “As could I.”

  She dropped her gaze for a moment, the smile disappearing from her beautiful face.

  He lifted her chin. “Do not marry de Cion.”

  Her heart leapt at the request. “I’m not going to.”

  His brows drew together.

  “Elspeth and I are going to leave tomorrow night.”

  He went up on his elbow. “When were you going to tell me?”

  “I wasn’t.” Rhiannon sat up, and noticed Adelstan’s hungry gaze on her body. “Ye cannot blame me for doing so, Adelstan.”

  “I spoke to my sister today and she is going to talk to Renaud. I have no idea what he will decide, but I do know this, I am prepared to do whatever I must in order to win your hand.”

  * * *

  Malgor cuddled closer to his leman, pleasantly sated. No other woman could suck him off the way Jocelyn could. Indeed, she made him feel more of a man than he was, and he would miss such moments with her. However, his young betrothed was a beauty, far more striking than rumor told, and he ached to take her virginity on their wedding night, which couldn’t come soon enough.

  “What are you thinking?” Jocelyn asked, her eyes full of concern.


  She lifted a brow, her gaze shifting to the blankets where his small cock bucked. “Your dick says differently.”

  He knew better than to mention Rhiannon’s name around Jocelyn. His betrothed was a sore subject. Obviously Rhiannon had no idea of her station in his life. Why else would she ask her to bring him wine? The two of them had laughed about it. Perhaps his betrothed’s ignorance was a good thing. “You feel so good, I cannot help but be eager to take you again.”

  Her eyes lit up as her hand fisted him.

  A knock sounded at the door, and Malgor looked at Jocelyn, wondering if she had a surprise in store for him, as was sometimes her custom. “Are you expecting someone?”

  “Nay, are you?”

  “Hide yourself,” he said, not wanting any of his men to see his whore in his bed, especially Renaud de Wulf. He doubted his liege would come to his chamber at night, especially when he’d been unable to keep his hands off his wife all evening.

  Pulling on his braies and tunic, he walked over to the door and opened it to find his niece. “Evelyn, what on earth?”

  “Uncle, I must speak with you.”

  “Can it not wait until morning?”

  “Nay, it cannot.”

  He pulled her inside the door, glancing over at the bed to see the bed curtain had been closed just enough that Evelyn could not see Jocelyn.

  “There is something you must know about Lady Rhiannon.”

  Misgivings rushed up his spine. “Out with it, girl!”

  Evelyn pressed her lips together. “Rhiannon and Adelstan are in love. I believe they are together as we speak.”

  He watched her closely, and then laughed. “You are wrong. Adelstan would never betray me, or his liege. Especially his liege. He takes his duty most seriously.”

  Evelyn shifted on her feet. “Uncle, you have been deceived. I watched Adelstan go to Rhiannon’s chamber this evening. I followed him there, and when she answered the door, he kissed her. I stayed there, listening, and I am certain they made love.”

  Malgor could have sworn he heard a pleased sound come from the direction of the bed, but if his niece heard, she gave no indication. His mind raced as a murderous rage rushed through him. He thought back on Rhiannon’s reaction the day she had come to Almeron, the way her gaze had lingered on the handsome young knight.

  If only he had gone to Scotland instead, but nay, he had stayed behind for Jocelyn’s sake, telling all others he had wounded himself during a hunt. Aye, he had received wounds all right…from Jocelyn’s long nails the very night he told her she would not be coming to Almeron with him. She had calmed his temper, though, with her soft words and softer body, touching him in all the ways he liked, pumping up his pride until he convinced himself he could not live without her. He’d stayed in England to prove his devotion to her, while supposedly nursing a wound that did not exist.

  Evelyn’s eyes widened. “That Scottish whore has bewitched him, I know it.”

  “Do not call my bride a whore, especially when you yourself have slept with half the men at Almeron already.”

  She flinched as though he’d struck her. “If you do not believe me, then go to her room now, Uncle. See for yourself the little whore who will be your wife. She has made a fool of you.”

  His hands clenched into fists at his side. “Perhaps I shall.”

  Relief shone in her eyes before she left the chamber, closing the door behind her.

  As expected, the bed curtain ripped open. Jocelyn sat upon her knees, watching him with a malicious expression on her face. “No wonder she sent me to you. She expected her lover.”

  “Shut your mouth.”

  The smile faded. “Why would you marry a woman who has betrayed you so openly, Malgor? Have you no pride?”

  “I am beholden to her father.”

  She made a sound of disgust. “You are beholden to no man. You wish to marry her, even though she fucks another.”

  “Be quiet, woman!”

  “You do not deny it?”

  He would not explain himself to a whore. “Leave my chamber at once. I am finished with you!”

  Her eyes widened in disbelief. “Finished with me? Why, you bastard!” She flew across the chamber, attacking him with her nails and fists.

struck her hard across the cheek, sending her flying against a chair. She winced, touched her injured cheek, tears forming in her eyes. “You took my virginity and bedded me all these years. I was good enough for you in my youth, but now that I am older and unable to give you children, I cannot compare to the sweet, young bride who is fucking another. Think you she would want an old man with a small cock rather than a young, handsome knight who from what I hear, has a large cock that could please any woman?”

  He struck her again, furious at the images that raced through his mind. “Adelstan will pay dearly for his indiscretion.”

  “And what of your whore?”

  “You were my whore, and a used-up whore at that.” He lifted his chin high. “Rhiannon MacKay will be my wife, so you had best get used to it! In fact, I am done with you. Be gone from my sight, slut!”

  Chapter 23

  Adelstan had left only minutes before Elspeth arrived with a wide smile on her face.

  Rhiannon had not told her about Adelstan’s visit, but as she nestled into bed, she listened while Elspeth gushed about Jorden.

  “He is so lovely, Rhiannon.”

  “Aye, he is.”

  “Mmm,” she said, a silly grin on her face as she cuddled closer to Rhiannon. “I wish I could take him with us.”

  “What if I told ye we did not have to leave?”

  Elspeth’s eyes narrowed. “What do ye mean?”

  “Adelstan came to me tonight. He told me not to marry Malgor, that he wants me, and that he will take us from here. Aleysia is speaking to Renaud and hopefully all will be well.”

  “Oh, Rhiannon, I am so happy for ye.” She hugged her tight.

  Footsteps sounded outside her door, and a moment later a loud pounding followed.

  Rhiannon and Elspeth looked at each other with raised brows.

  “Open the door!”

  Fear gripped Rhiannon’s breast. “It is Malgor.” Rhiannon scrambled from the bed, and slipped on her gown before she answered the door.

  Malgor looked at Elspeth. “Leave us.”

  Elspeth glanced back at Rhiannon, who nodded. She was terrified to the very marrow of her bones. He was angry, and she knew without question he had discovered the truth.

  Malgor pushed Elspeth out the door, and Rhiannon had to bite her lip not to reprimand him for his rough treatment of her friend.

  Malgor slammed the door behind him and threw the bolt into place without losing eye contact.

  Steadying herself, Rhiannon looped her trembling fingers together behind her back, and lifted her chin. By damn she would not cower to this man. “To what do I owe this visit, my lord?”

  “My lord, indeed,” he said with a greasy smile. “I have it on good authority that my betrothed has been fucking another.”

  Rhiannon’s stomach coiled tightly. His dark eyes narrowed into slits. “Tell me, did you have a man in your chamber this night?”


  He laughed without mirth, his gaze shifting to the bed. “So innocent.” For a large man, he moved fast, and was before her lifting her chin with rough fingers. “Someone is lying then, and I shall find out who it is.”

  She swallowed past the tightness in her throat.

  “I am not a man who likes being betrayed, Rhiannon. I will not tolerate it in my home, and I most certainly will not tolerate it in my marriage.”

  Biting the inside of her cheek in order to keep from saying what she yearned to, Rhiannon pulled away from him.

  “Come back here,” he said, grabbing her roughly, his fingers squeezing her upper arms.

  Fear rushed along Rhiannon’s spine as she looked into his cruel eyes. His face was red and sweaty, his eyes narrowed and dangerous. Dear Lord, would he kill her?

  “Your father told me you wanted this marriage.”

  “Nay, I never wanted it.”

  He flinched as though she’d struck him.

  “Am I not good enough for the fair Lady Rhiannon?” he asked, a malicious sneer on his lips. “You seduce another man, a most valuable soldier, and make me look the fool.”

  She looked him straight in the eye. “Ye flaunt your whore before me from the moment I set foot in Castle Almeron, and yet ye dare cast blame on me. What of your own actions, my lord?”

  He slapped her so hard she fell back against the bed, knocking her head against the large post. Blood trickled from the cut near her temple, down the side of her cheek. “What do ye want of me, my lord? Why not marry the woman ye really love? I want ye to marry her.”

  “She is a commoner.”

  “But good enough to take to your bed each night.” Rhiannon shook her head, wincing when pain shot through her skull.

  “I am wedding you, Rhiannon, as soon as the priest is roused from his bed. Until then, you will stay here in this room, with me.”

  “I would rather die than marry ye.”

  His gaze shifted over her, his eyes glittering with lust. “You will be my bride, and know this…your lover will be sent far, far away from here. Indeed, once I tell King William what he has done, not even his brother-in-law can save him.”

  Though she tried not to show it, his words struck fear within her. She did not want to cause Adelstan any more grief, and she had no idea what King William would do once he learned of their affair.

  “I will keep you locked in your chamber from the moment you open your eyes until the time you close them at night. I will touch you and use you in whatever way I so choose.”

  She slapped him hard against the face, and he instantly rallied with a backhand, sending her flying, onto the floor. Before she could move, he was on her, his body flush to hers, his lips inches from hers.

  He reached down to lift her skirts, his hands rough.

  She screamed at the top of her lungs.

  Malgor put a beefy hand over her mouth and reached under her kirtle again.

  Dear God, he would rape her and there would be no one to save her.

  She tried time and again to buck him off, and did her best to keep her thighs pressed tightly together, but he used his knees and brute strength to part them.

  His small cock settled against her belly.

  “You feel that, don’t you? I like when you fight me.”

  That comment alone made her want to stop, but she didn’t. She would submit when hell froze over.

  He fumbled with his braies, and she screamed again. He clamped his hand tighter over her mouth, but she bit him.

  “You bitch!” he cried, looking at his wounded hand before taking a handful of her hair in his meaty fist. He knocked her head back against the floor, hard.

  A pounding started at the door.


  Malgor shifted just enough so she could try and lift her knee and maim him where it would do the most damage.

  He clamped a hand around her throat. Blinded by the hair in her eyes, she clawed at his hand, but it was no use. She gritted her teeth when he reached beneath her skirts again.

  Blackness lingered on the outer reaches of her mind. She heard voices and a cracking of wood, then she heard nothing at all.

  * * *

  Adelstan’s chest heaved as the door crashed open and he saw Malgor straddling Rhiannon’s limp body, his hands closed around her throat. A mixture of white-hot anger and fear shot through him and he was across the room, pulling de Cion off her. He slammed Malgor against the wall.

  “Rhiannon!” Elspeth cried, going to her knees beside her limp body.

  “You traitor,” Malgor said, his breathing labored.

  “What did you do to her?” Adelstan asked.

  “What was coming. I will not be cuckolded by my betrothed.”

  “Does she live?” Adelstan asked Elspeth, almost afraid to hear the answer. Her face was ashen, and he could not see her chest rise and fall. “By God, if you killed her, you will not live to see the dawn.”

  “You dare threaten me?” de Cion taunted, wiping blood from his cheek where nail marks trailed down his face and neck. �
�You, the man who has been fucking my betrothed? You are as good as dead, Cawdor. What favor you have won from your brother-in-law will be ripped from you. You shall have nothing after King William finds out about this.”

  “You love another. Why not marry Jocelyn?”

  “She is a whore, nothing less, nothing more. I’ve no more use for her.”

  Elspeth rested her ear on Rhiannon’s chest. “She lives.”

  Relieved beyond measure, Adelstan said a silent prayer of thanks.

  “Adelstan, her eyes are opening!”

  Suddenly, someone pushed past him. The woman drew a dagger from her skirts and, with a mighty yell, thrust the blade into Malgor’s chest.

  A surprised de Cion looked at Jocelyn, his eyes wide in horror as he fell to his knees, blood spurting from the wound as he gasped for breath.

  Adelstan went to Rhiannon and pulled her into his arms. She held him tight, her face pressed to his chest.

  He brushed the hair off her forehead, furious to see the bruises there. “Malgor is dead. He can no longer harm you.”

  Jocelyn’s wails filled the chamber. The woman, sick with grief, and with blood on her hands, sat against the wall, looking down at her dead lover in disbelief.


  Rhiannon floated on her back in the lake, looking up at the blue skies above her. She had found this place by chance one day when she and Adelstan had been out for a ride. The beauty of the setting had taken her breath away, nearly as much as the man whom she loved more than life.

  Adelstan came up from the water, whipping his hair back out of his face as he pulled her to him. Her heart leapt to her throat as she looked at him, her legs wrapping around his lean waist. Her heart constricted with love for him, this handsome husband of hers.

  Aye, husband. She could scarcely believe it, even now. That dark day so many weeks ago had faded, and since then, new memories had been made. Almeron Castle, along with Rhiannon’s hand in marriage, had been given to Adelstan by Renaud, with King William’s blessing. Everyone from Almeron had joined in the celebrations, including Joselyn; who was absolved of all charges relating to de Cion’s murder.


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