Xander's Mate_Daddy Dragon Guardians

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Xander's Mate_Daddy Dragon Guardians Page 10

by Meg Ripley

  Leah gave her friends a small smile as she sat down. She had met the twins back in college, and she knew they meant well. But it was strange for her to be out enjoying herself when she knew she ought to be at home, crying over a cup of tea. “I’m just not sure that I feel like celebrating. It almost seems wrong to be so happy about something so terrible.”

  Autumn shook her head, but her auburn hair stayed perfectly in place. Tonight, she had it combed neatly back into a high bun, letting her thick fringe of bangs hang down to frame her angular face. As usual, not a single hair was out of place. She looked more like an attorney or a banker instead of a witch who owned a new age shop with her sister. “You’re looking at it the wrong way. Sure, it sucks that you and Victor didn’t work out. But he wasn’t right for you, and you’ve gotten out of that situation. Why not be happy about it?” She tipped back her giant margarita glass and smiled.

  “I have to agree.” Summer leaned back in her chair and stretched her arms, showing off the oversized tunic she wore with her wildly-patterned leggings. She was nothing like her sister, and she always opted to be comfortable above all else. “You have a new chance at happiness, and that’s definitely worth celebrating.”

  “Easy for you to say; you’ve never been married.” Leah didn’t want to be catty about it, but this was one of the hardest things she had ever gone through. She’d known women who had gotten divorced, and she had seen it in their readings, but living it was a completely different experience.

  “Well, I have,” Autumn said authoritatively. “And I can tell you there’s plenty of cause for a party. Now, let’s get you a drink and start having a good time.” She waved to a waitress. “A margarita for my friend, here, please.”

  Leah put a up a hand to stop the young woman from heading back to the bar. “I don’t drink margaritas.”

  “You do now,” Autumn argued and waved the waitress away to fetch the drink. “Seriously, now. You were so upset when you found out Victor was cheating on you. We all knew he was a dick anyway, so why are you sulking? You got everything you wanted out of the divorce—even if it wasn’t much—and you don’t have any kids together. There’s no reason for you to ever see him again. Enjoy it. I dare you.” She narrowed her green eyes at her friend, willing her to do as she was told.

  “Maybe I should; I’d like to think I will, eventually. But you’ve got to admit this is one hell of a blow to my self-esteem.” Leah slunk down a little in her seat, the weight of it all still heavy on her shoulders. She and Victor had been separated for over a year, but knowing that all the official paperwork had been filed made things feel much more final.

  “Why? You’re gorgeous.” Summer leaned over and picked up several locks of Leah’s dark chestnut hair in her hand and let them fall slowly back to her shoulders. “And you’re fun and smart. You’re everything most guys are looking for.”

  Leah shook her head. “It’s not just that. I mean, sure, knowing that he was sleeping with that other woman definitely made me feel like I wasn’t good enough. But I’m a goddamn psychic; I hang a shingle out so people will come to me to find out about their futures, but I can’t even predict my own. Don’t you think I should have known he was the wrong guy?”

  Her mind flashed back to when she had first met Victor at a party. She had been far too drunk, and he had given her a ride home. Leah had been attracted to him, and it hadn’t hurt that he was intelligent as well. To top things off, he had believed her when she’d accidentally told him she had psychic powers. It was the kind of thing that would have driven most people away, no matter what kind of relationship she wanted to have with them. No one believed that psychics were anything but con artists with crystal balls. But Victor had seemed to understand, even though he had no supernatural gifts of his own. He’d never complained that she was being foolish when she became a psychic freelancer, and he’d even gone with her to a few conventions. It was the most support she’d ever received from someone without powers, and it had meant a lot to her.

  Autumn rolled her green, catlike eyes toward the ceiling as she thought. “Have you ever been able to predict things about yourself? I mean, it’s not like you know when you’re going to die, do you?”

  Leah had to admit she had a point. “No, and I wouldn’t want to. But it makes me feel like such a hypocrite. I managed to get a publishing deal for my book that claims it can teach people to tap into their own natural abilities, and then I get smacked in the face by reality. I fucking hate it.”

  “Maybe your spirit guides sent Victor to you for a reason.” Summer blinked her wide, green eyes. “Maybe you needed someone to help you get started on the right path, but it doesn’t mean you were meant to continue on that path together.”

  “Apparently not.” Leah easily remembered that fateful day when Victor had come home from work and set his travel mug down on the kitchen counter. It was a simple thing, and not a gesture that should have mattered at all. But Leah had picked it up to rinse out the remains of his coffee from that morning, and her powers had instantly kicked in. The kitchen had faded around her and turned into an office. A woman was kissing her husband—and it definitely wasn’t Leah. The image was so real that Leah couldn’t help but watch as her own husband’s hands unfastened the buttons of the woman’s shirt and worked their way up her skirt. She’d watched in horror as the two of them made love on Victor’s desk.

  Of course, she had gone straight to him with her accusations. That was the first time Victor had ever questioned her psychic powers, calling her a paranoid liar. But she knew as soon as she reached out and touched the lapel of his sport coat that she was right. Victor’s personal items didn’t usually give her much information; not like they did for strangers. But then again, she had always known all of his secrets up until that point. The waitress brought Leah’s drink, and she stared down at the salty rim of the glass as if it could help her understand what had happened.

  If you enjoyed this preview of Holden’s Mate, you can purchase the entire story HERE. Available with Kindle Unlimited.

  Preview Of Alpha’s Second Chance

  Werebears Of The Everglades



  I stepped out into the brisk morning air with my bare feet, stretching tall as I filled my lungs. The sun peeked over the tree tops, lighting the morning fog in oranges and pinks. From where I stood on my cabin’s porch, I could just make out the glint of Shark River off in the distance. Perfect morning for a run.

  That time of year—the wet season in Everglades National Park—the air was full of bugs in the heat of the day, but before the sun came up, the swarms were fewer and the air tasted cleaner. The temperature was just below 70, but in a matter of hours, the hot sun would raise it closer to 90. With the bugs, running would be unbearable, so I chose early mornings or late nights to tear through the forests.

  I pushed down my shorts and boxers, stepping out of them both in one swift move. My feet touched dew-ridden grass for only a moment. Seconds later, my thick, hairy paws were trampling the wet blades in their place. I shook out my black fur and stood tall, roaring louder than any natural bear would dare.

  Owen! Ezra signaled to me through our shared mind link, Up already, chief?

  Surprised to hear you rumbling around, Ezra. I didn’t think you got up this early unless there was tail to chase.

  There’s always tail to chase, man.

  I could almost hear the wink in his words. Who else is around?

  We both paused, waiting for another voice or two to chime into our mental conversation. All was quiet in the clan.

  Just you and me, Ezra said. Though, I should clarify. I’m not up early.

  I laughed. If you stay up all night until the sunrise, I think that crosses the line from up late to up early.

  Whatever makes me look better. Where are you at, anyway?

  I crossed the edge of my property into the boundary of the park. No one was technically allowed to live on park grounds, so my hand-built cabin sat just over
the line. It felt like park living, but without the legal hassle.

  Touring the park before heading toward the office. You?

  Umm, you think you’ll need me today?

  I rolled my eyes. You are the most unreliable ranger I’ve ever met.

  Hey! he said back, I didn’t earn my place as your second in command by slacking off. Maybe you should ask me why I haven’t slept.

  Okay. Humor me.

  The cool air rustled through my fur and my nose filled with the scents of various animals. The small family of key deer who lived nearby were out foraging, it seemed. I sent a scattering of herons into the sky as I ran too close to their nesting place. Their wings stretched out far, letting the large birds glide peacefully. Smaller game bolted when they heard or smelled me, and I wished I could’ve assured them all, “It’s okay, it’s just me. I’m actually a really nice guy and I won’t hurt you.” Well, unless the full moon was out. Though I tried to not hunt in bear form too often, it was sometimes necessary.

  Ezra took a mental breath and began his tale. Okay. So, it started out innocently enough. I was out with some of the clan last night, Mason and Conner, and we were minding our own business, having some beers. Then this asshole croc came up to us and started some shit—

  Wait, wait, I interrupted. Which croc?

  Dunno. I’ve seen him before, though. He’s local. Anyway, he was all like, “Pfft. Looks like you bear boys could use some company.” While he had, like, a chick on each arm. Whatever. We weren’t trying to pick up any ladies. So, we were all just kind of like, “Whatever, prick,” and rolled our eyes. The place was crowded, you know? And he was just calling us bears in the middle of the joint. Stupid. But then he knocked over a beer, on purpose. Of course, he was all like, “Whoops, silly me.” Just being a jack ass.

  Ezra, I interrupted again, when do you get to the part about why you were up all night?

  Patience, oh wise, Alpha. I’m getting to it.

  Is there a shorter version?

  Fine. So, we ended up outside fighting the guys. Just fists, all humaned out. People were watching. Afterward, one of the chicks he was with was making eyes at Mason. I guess he impressed her with his mad fist throws. They ended up leaving together, but the croc did not like that one bit. He threatened to follow and attack them, so me and Connor beared-up and chased them home, keeping watch to make sure they were safe. The croc never showed, though.

  So, you looked out for Mason while he took a booty call.

  If that’s what you want to call it. I just think we were being good brothers, looking out.

  Get some sleep. Come in at noon.

  Thanks, Boss.



  Did anyone get hurt?

  Not us.

  Good. Now get some sleep.

  He went quiet after that, and Ezra wasn’t one for silence, so I assumed he had shifted back. When I finished my run, I rinsed off in the shower and dressed for work. Being a manager of rangers at the park, I was on the first shift in the morning. It was part of my job to assign the rangers to the tasks needing to be completed, man the radios, and check in with the other departments. Then, I’d go off to do my own tasks for the day.

  I parked my Jeep and entered the ranger station, heading right for my office. The office assistant, Rachel, smiled when she saw me. “Morning, Owen.”

  “Morning.” I poured a cup of coffee and picked up the thin stack of reports that had come in overnight. They were still warm to the touch and sitting in the printer’s output tray. “Looks like things were pretty quiet last night.”

  “Last night, they were. This morning…” She widened her eyes and blew out a breath. “You have several messages waiting for you.”


  I shut the door to my office and hit the blinking red button on my phone. I was told I had five waiting messages. Rachel wasn’t kidding. Usually, I had one or two at the most.

  The last message had me running out the door the second I’d finished listening to it.

  “Owen.” It was one of the human junior rangers, Pete. He sounded out of breath and distressed. “We need your help. A kid is stuck in the grass river by the overlook. I have the small cat, but I think we’re gonna need the big bear.”

  I tried to stay calm as I hopped into our larger utility vehicle, lovingly called the big bear. I had no idea why Pete would have only taken the smaller utility vehicle—the small cat—for something like this. And I also had no idea why he hadn’t called my walkie. All the rangers carried walkie talkies so we could be reached immediately if there was an emergency, which it sounded like this was.

  I drove fast over the dirt and stone paths that made up the roads and ranger trails through the park. One and a half million acres was a lot of space to cover, but luckily, Pete wasn’t too far from the main ranger station. It took me only a few minutes to reach the overlook he mentioned.

  If you enjoyed this preview of Alpha’s Second Chance, you can purchase the entire story HERE. Available with Kindle Unlimited.

  Also Available From Meg Ripley

  Dragons Of The Darkblood Secret Society: The Complete Series Box Set

  Forever sworn to secrecy and bound by their sacred vows, four powerful dragons find their mates amidst the skyscrapers of Manhattan…

  Read all four stories of Meg Ripley’s Dragons Of The Darkblood Secret Society series in one captivating collection, jam-packed with sizzling shifter passion, suspenseful twists, mystery and adventure.

  This thrilling anthology includes:

  Book 1 – Playing With Fire

  Book 2 – Marked By Fire

  Book 3 – Enchanted By Fire

  Book 4 – Tempted By Fire

  Grab Your Copy HERE

  Available With Kindle Unlimited

  Also Available From Meg Ripley

  Werebears Of Acadia: The Complete Series Box Set

  Fall In Love With The Action-Packed Werebears Of Acadia Series, Brimming With Enough Sizzling Chemistry and Passion To Start A Forest Fire

  Book 1: Ranger Knox

  Hannah, a journalist who’s been snooping around doing research for an exposé on Acadia National Park, is most definitely an outsider, no matter how much the ursine part of Knox’s brain keeps insisting that she should be his. But is it possible that a human…could be his mate? And how will he keep her from unraveling the mystery that has kept his clan safe from the public eye for generations?

  Book 2: Ranger Trent

  Three brutal murders were committed in Acadia, and Trent is on the case. Or is he? When Blanca, a fiesty, curvy FBI agent, tries to take over the investigation, she challenges the desires of Trent’s inner bear–in more ways than one.

  Book 3: Ranger Ramon

  From the moment they met, there was no denying the fire that blazed between Acadia’s biologist, Ramon, and Min, a visiting entomologist. But what is she doing in Acadia in the first place? Could this brainy beauty be responsible for sabotaging their clan, or will she prove to be their greatest ally?

  Book 4: Ranger Drew

  Fighting fires is Drew’s duty at Acadia, but the day he met Kathleen, nothing could have prepared him for the fiery passion that would ignite between them. But would her betrayal of his trust extinguish the flames between them once and for all?

  Grab Your Copy HERE

  Available With Kindle Unlimited

  Also Available From Meg Ripley

  Dragons Of Sin City: The Complete Series Box Set

  Amidst the dazzling lights and excitement of Las Vegas, three powerful dragons find their mates…

  Meg Ripley’s spellbinding Dragons Of Sin City series is now available as a complete box set, brimming with fiery romance, intrigue and surprising twists.

  This captivating trilogy includes:

  Book 1 – Stryker’s Desire

  Book 2 – Hunter’s Desire

  Book 3 – Xavier’s Desire

  Grab Your Copy HERE

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  About The Author

  Meg Ripley is an author of sizzling shifter romances. A Seattle native, Meg can often be found curled up in a local coffee house with her laptop.

  To keep up to date with her latest releases, you may sign up for her steamy paranormal romance newsletter by clicking HERE.


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