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Drakkar ~ Beyond the Lie (A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel Book 3)

Page 7

by Sandra Bischoff

  Drakkar closed his eyes. He already knew how he would be forced to spend it. Absinthe was probably already cooking up a new plan for him to carry out. He would probably be cam ping out at casa de Bonatelli for the remainder of the weekend.

  Screw what he wanted to do.

  Screw the fact he wanted to hang out and do things normal kids his age did on three day weekends.

  Ah hell, screw his life.

  Then again, she may not know.

  A sly smile curled his lips. “Feel like having a house guest for a couple of days? I need to go off the grid.”

  Nick let out a whoop on the other end. “I was waiting for you to finally come to your senses. But wait, is this going to be worth what she does to you when you finally go home?”

  Drakkar thought about it. He turned around heading back to his room. “Nick, it will be worth every second of the torture. Trust me.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  “You did what?” Nettie sat straight up in bed, wide awake. She wasn’t quite sure she heard her mother correctly. She must be still dreaming. “No, you didn’t say what I thought you said. Please tell me you are making it up.”

  “Serenity, you’re being overly dramatic again.” Sheridan stood in the doorway, her arms crossed. “You said you wanted to help him. This will be the best way to accomplish that.”

  Nettie threw back the covers and nearly jumped out of bed. “Well yeah, but you told not only your boss, but the King, the freakin King that I would have no problem being a double agent against Drakkar. Are you crazy?”

  “I was wondering the same thing.” Jake stood in the doorway. His dark gaze pinned on his sister in-law. “Sher, I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

  Serenity threw her hands in the air. “See! Even Uncle Jake thinks this is a bad idea. He hates me, Mom. There is no way he’d ever trust me enough now.”

  Her mother rolled her blue eyes heavenward. “Serenity, have you forgotten everything you said to me yesterday? Just because he walked out of here mad, which was Jake’s fault anyway, not yours.”

  “Hey, in my defense-” Jake interrupted.

  Sheridan held up her hand in his direction. “You have no say in anything because you are the reason we lost Drakkar and our best lead on Absinthe to begin with.”

  “But, Sher.”

  “Don’t but, Sher me. I’ve had it with you thinking every vampire is going to kill one of us because of what happened to Stephen.” She crossed the room and placed a gentle hand on his cheek. “Jake, not all vampires are out to kill us. There are good and bad in everyone. human and vampire alike.”

  A tic beat a steady staccato in Jake’s cheek. “I know that in here.” He pointed to his chest. “But up here” he pointed to his forehead. “I keep seeing Steve die and the rabid look in the vamp’s eyes as she tore his neck to pieces. I was paralyzed, frozen in that spot, just watching. I did nothing, Sher, and I swore I would never let that happen again.”

  Serenity shook her head. Listening to the two of them caused her anxiety to soar. Her mind was in a whirlwind with figuring out just how she could accomplish what her mother said they would do.

  Get Drakkar to trust her.

  Yeah, that’s a good one.

  In his eyes she was just like everyone else their age. They all called him psychotic. He even made her say it. He wanted her to believe it, too. However, she saw through the lie. It was a protective barrier her threw up to keep everyone out.

  But when they were alone, he let that barrier fall. She saw him for what he truly was.

  He was hurt. Somewhere deep inside, someone hurt him badly enough to make him believe he was this psychotic beast. In reality, he just didn’t know how to fit in. Not like she did either. Well, at least they had that in common. Maybe that was enough to get him to at least talk to her.

  Serenity stood in front of her bedroom window staring into the fading light of the sunset. She couldn’t believe she was actually considering this ridiculous plan. Could she pull it off? Could she get him to open up to her and expose his mother’s plan?

  Would he hater her afterwards?

  Well, duh. That one was a no brainer. There was no way when this was all over that Drakkar Dragoni would even look in her direction after her mother got what she needed out of him.

  Her chest ached.

  But it was all for the greater good, right?

  Her mother and uncle were still discussing his issues and what he needed to do to get over them behind her. She knew this discussion. It happened so many times before, she could probably recite it verbatim. Honestly though, she didn’t care about it at this moment. All she did care about was-

  “Okay. I’ll do it,” she said quietly.

  At first she wasn’t sure her mother or Uncle heard her. They were still going back and forth behind her. She glanced over her shoulder.

  “I said, I’ll do it. I’ll get Drakkar to talk to me again and see where it leads.”

  That time they both heard her.

  “Are you sure, Kiddo?” Jake’s concern made her smile.

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  Sheridan pulled her into a tight hug. “Serenity, you have to be completely, one hundred percent on board with this. Once we set it all in motion, there is no turning back. And you have to report everything to me.”

  Everything? Sorry, Mom, but there are some things even you aren’t going to get out of me.

  “Absolutely. I will relay everything pertaining to the Princess and her plans to you, if and when I learn anything,” she mumbled into her mother’s shoulder.


  “Sorry, Mom. That’s the best I can promise.”

  Her mother sighed. “Alright. I’ll take it. Now get dressed. We have some work to do tonight.”

  It was just after nine when Nick’s van pulled up the long, winding elm tree lined road to Drakkar’s home. The horn blared from below his bedroom window, and Drake was never so relieved to see the human as he was at that moment. For the last few hours he’d been on edge, waiting. Not just for the human. Waiting to see if his mother would return.

  Her return was not something he wanted to deal with. He never knew which personality she’d return with. Somedays it might be the heartless warden, others it might be the loving mother. Lately though the later was extremely rare. Absinthe’s obsession with being the heir to the Dark Order took over her whole existence, especially since her half-brother came into the picture.

  This was the thing she made his problem.

  Drake was content with his life before his mother announced they must kill Jared Bonatelli. Once upon a time, he was totally on board with it. After all, he saw first-hand what the man did to his mother when he burnt down her home. Of course Drakkar healed her with his emerging powers, powers he was still learning to control.

  But now, he wasn’t so sure if what she commanded him to do was right.

  At first it was little things, such as spying on Bonatelli’s household. Simple enough. He basically stayed under the radar and hung out in the woods playing games on his phone between school and dawn. Nothing exciting to report back to her.

  After a while, Absinthe started demanding he get closer, try to infiltrate the house. Given the security system installed on the place Drake tried to tell her there was no way. But every time he pleaded with her she would go from Dr. Jekyll to Ms. Hyde. The first time the change happened, Drakkar was taken by surprise.

  Up until his fifteenth birthday, when it was just the two of them, his mother doted on him. She made sure he was home schooled by the best tutors the Dark Order employed and his every desire was fulfilled. She called him her golden child, her ticket to securing the throne when her father became too old and feeble to lead their people anymore.

  Then something changed.

  He grew taller. His shoulders became broader. He cut his hair differently. Essentially he went through the transformation from child to young adult vampire. Nothing out of the ordinary from all other vamps his age. Yet is m
ade her see him in a new light, a light she loathed.

  With that loathing came the beatings and torture. Every time he failed her, she took it out on his skin, knowing full well there would never be a mark left. His healing powers were exceptional. Cuts and bruises faded within hours. Broken bones would be mended by the time he left for school. Periodically there were injuries which took longer, such as his now aching ribs. These he hid with carefully placed clothing and the occasional drugstore brace.

  Modern conveniences kept him presentable and didn’t bring unwanted attention to him in public. If that happened, Absinthe would then make sure the pain he endured was double for embarrassing her. The beatings, the pain, were something he convinced himself he deserved. If he could only stop failing, then maybe Absinthe would love him once more.

  Or maybe he could go to the King, his grandfather, and beg him to take him in. That would most likely go over like a lead balloon. The vampire probably didn’t even know he existed. Why else wouldn’t he have come to visit him? Then again, it could also mean the stories Absinthe told him were true, that his Majesty hid a cruel streak which made his mother look warm and fuzzy. Whatever the case, Drakkar was in no hurry to find out.

  He just wanted to complete the task she gave him and gain his freedom.

  Last night though, he failed her all the way around. He got himself dumped at the ball fields, spent the night at a Conservator’s house, nearly got himself killed by said conservator’s brother in-law, arrived home with the help of a human during the day, and failed to get her Bonatelli’s child. Hence the brutal attack she unleashed on him the moment the door closed behind them.

  Drakkar shook as a chill ran up his spine. The murderous look in her yellow diamond eyes scared him. She struck repeatedly with a force that could kill a human -part of the reason he made sure Nick escaped her wrath unscathed. His friend didn’t deserve it when all he did was help Drake get home.

  Nick lay on the horn again.

  Drake slung the black leather backpack over his shoulder. He picked up the note he wrote to Absinthe explaining he would be at a friend’s house till Sunday. By then he hoped to gain access to Bonatelli’s security system. They would be hacking into it. The tidbit would appease her for the time being. Anything related to computers and modern technology, other than her car, Absinthe retained no tolerance for. But knowing her son could manipulate these things, she would accept it at face value.

  Hell, she might not even try to contact him till then either.

  Blessing in disguise.

  Opening the door to his room, Drakkar paused. A sad, lonely melody drifted toward him from the locked room at the end of the hall. He couldn’t make out the words, but the woman’s voice drew him in. He took a few steps in her direction before shaking his head, clearing it. It would be a bad move to go near Absinthe’s pet. She warned him to stay away from her, though he never understood why. If this mystery woman served Absinthe, why did she have to remain in shadow around him?

  Just another one of the secrets his mother kept from him. It was right up there with the identity of his father. That was a subject he knew not to bring up, like, ever. His teeth were still loose from the backhand she gave him the last time he mentioned it.

  Drake turned on his heel and jogged down the wide staircase. He crossed the foyer in only a few paces, tossing the note for Absinthe on the side table where she left her keys. That she might actually see it.

  He pulled open the door and came face to face with Nick’s fist mid-knock.

  “Oh, hey.” Nick slowly lowered his arm. “Been out here honking the horn for a while. I thought you might have changed your mind.”

  “Not a chance in Hell. We ready to fly?”

  “Yup. Your bike is safe and sound in the back of the van, all tied down. We are all set to hit the road.” Nick descended the stone staircase to the driveway. “You sure Absinthe will be okay with this?”

  Drake shut the door and followed him down the steps.

  “My mother will only care that we are working on hacking into Bonatelli’s security system. Other than that, I suspect we won’t hear from her.”

  “Great. Wait, what did you just say? Hack into where?” Nick stared at him. “Are you out of your mind? Low on O positive or something? We are not hacking into the Prince’s security system.”

  Drakkar ignored Nick’s tirade and walked to the other side of the van. “Why not? We’ve hacked into harder things before. This should be a piece of cake.”

  “Um, because this is the Prince of the Dark Order, or have you forgotten that?”

  “No, I haven’t forgotten. He’s the whole reason I now have houseguests who won’t leave. It’s like the Hotel California in there.” Drake slipped into his seat and peered up through Nick’s open door.


  “Come on. Forget it for tonight. I just want to get out of here before that Mercedes shows up.”

  “Drake, this discussion is not over.” Nick got in, slamming the door behind him. His green eyes narrowed on Drakkar. “And for the record, that is possibly the stupidest idea I have ever heard come out of that fanged mouth of yours.”

  “This coming from the King of Stupid Ideas.”

  “Careful or you’ll hurt my feelings.” Nick put the van in gear and drove down the long, tree-lined driveway toward the main road.

  Drake snorted. “I didn’t think that was possible. I thought you cried your eyes out enough after that human female, what was her name?”

  “Her name was, is, Britt and she didn’t break up with me. It was a mutual separation.”

  “Yeah, keep telling yourself that. I was the one on the other end of that Playstation headset while you whined like a pig each time I killed your man. You’re an embarrassment to cattle everywhere”

  “Why do you have to be so hurtful? Seriously, though, enough about she-who-shall-not-be-named. Tonight it’s all about forgetting the women who bring us down. Tonight you’re going to learn how to live.” Nick smiled.

  “And what is that supposed to mean? I thought we were just going to hang out at your place.” Drakkar frowned.

  “Oh no, my blood sucking friend. We are heading someplace we can find a couple of pretty little things to keep us company, and get you some racing action on that motorcycle of yours. Have you even opened her up to see what she can do?”

  Drake shook his head. “The only time I even came close to it, I was running late and the sun peeked above the mountain. Other than that I’ve been the model rider.”

  Nick stopped short. Drakkar slammed forward against his seatbelt. Pain blossomed where it held him back. “You? I don’t believe it.” Nick scoffed.

  Drake rubbed his chest. “Believe it or not, I want to stay out of jail. Going a hundred miles an hour around town doesn’t seem like a way to do that.”

  “Yet you are asking me to help you hack into a security system tighter than a dolphin’s behind. How’s that gonna work to keep you out of jail?”

  “Obviously it’s not. Look, you have all weekend to convince me this is a bad idea. Let’s just agree to disagree for now and get to wherever it is we’re going.”

  “Okay. But I reserve the right to harass you fully about it later.”

  “Fine. But I’m not going to change my mind.” I have too much at stake.

  “We’ll see about that. I have been known to be very persuasive.” Nick grinned as he put the van back in gear and took off down the road.

  “Is that why Britt agreed to go out with you in the first place? She had to know she could do better. Was she rebelling against her parents? Oh I know, you were blackmailing her.”

  “Ouch. You know I still have feelings.” Nick frowned as he merged onto the highway. “It was none of the above, if you really need to know. We just weren’t compatible.”

  “If you say so.”

  Wearing only her undergarments and a fuzzy black robe, Serenity stared at the contents of her closet. Her friend Britt was due to arrive any minute, and s
he still hadn’t found anything to wear. It wasn’t as if there weren’t enough things to put on, it was more that the whole idea of the mission. Simply put, it scared her to death.

  She wasn’t ready for this. There was no way she could pull it off. At least that’s when she kept repeating to herself since she came up the stairs and hid behind the locked door.

  Her mother spent the last few hours giving her a crash course on being an undercover Conservator agent. In all honesty, she didn’t like deceiving Drakkar. She genuinely liked the vampire. She just thought he’d been dealt a crappy hand. Hopefully she and her mom could help him and make it right.

  Sure she led him to believe she’d never seen a vampire up close before when they met, but he didn’t seem bothered by that. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was amused by the fact she played dumb. Hers was a tiny white lie in comparison to the secret he kept from her.

  He was a prince.

  A prince to the whole Dark Order Kingdom.

  Why would he keep that a secret? He confided other things to her. Things he never told anyone else. Being a Prince was something he should be proud of. Instead he hid it from the world.

  Then again, maybe that wasn’t his choice.

  The only way to find out for sure was to get the ball rolling. As soon as Britt got there, she intended on doing just that. What her friend didn’t know was, that she learned where Nick and Drakkar would be tonight, and they were going to join them. Oh, Britt would most likely kill her for it, but she’d get over it.

  The doorbell rang downstairs, the sound of her mother’s voice talking to Britt drifted through the quiet house. A little bit of small talk, the “Hi, how are you doing,” and lastly sending her up the stairs to Nettie’s room. It all took less than ten minutes. But it was enough time for Serenity to finally choose a Jack Skellington tank, a black denim blazer and a simple pair of jeans. She dressed and was in the middle of pulling her black hair into a pair of pigtails and touching up her make-up as her friend opened the door.


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