Drakkar ~ Beyond the Lie (A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel Book 3)

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Drakkar ~ Beyond the Lie (A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel Book 3) Page 15

by Sandra Bischoff

  “Let me talk to him,” he reasoned with her.

  “Nick, you can’t reason with someone like him. He’s psychotic remember?”

  He blinked at her. “Pot meet the kettle. You’re just as psychotic as he is. I must attract that personality trait. Time for me to reconsider my friend choices.”

  “This isn’t funny.”

  “I’m not laughing, am I?”

  This time when she went to hit him, he caught her wrist and pulled her into the circle of his arms. “If you’re serious about us getting back together, there’s going to be a few ground rules. First one is, no more of this poking and hitting me crap. Second, leave your insanity and jealousy at the door. We clear?”

  She nodded slowly.

  “Now, you are going to let me handle this. No more butting in.” Again she nodded. “Good. Get to your class, we’re already late. I’ll talk to Drake.”

  “That’s the thing,” she said. “He’s not here. No one has seen him.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Drakkar stepped off the train at Grand Central Station into a throng of people headed for the main concourse. He wrinkled his nose at the stench engulfing him. He couldn’t figure out if it was garbage, urine, a dead body, or a combination of all three and possibly more.

  He didn’t try to stop. It would have been futile. The sea of humans shoved him from all sides, pushing him along, up the ramp, and out onto the street. He didn’t remember the inside of the building other than a brightly lit spacious hall, a few miscellaneous stores, and then huge doors that spit him onto 42nd Street.

  He thought getting out into the open he’d finally find fresh air.

  Unfortunately that wasn’t the case.

  Living all his life in the suburbs of New York, his senses were never thoroughly assaulted as they were now. The lights from the towering mountains of stone and steel around him were blinding. The blare of horns as cars rushed past deafening. And yeah, the smell outside was no better than inside.

  Drake pulled Giovanna’s note from his pocket. He scanned it for what must be the hundredth time for the address of the one man she said could help him. Looking up at the street sign, the rest of his confidence wavered. How the hell was he going to get all the way to the club? It was half-way across the city, which might as well be half-way around the world.

  He hadn’t thought out the plan very well. The only thing he could think of when he woke that evening was getting down there and convincing this Mikhail guy to help save his mother. Maybe he should have brought Serenity along with him.

  No, after what he did to her, she would be pissed. But, that was only if she found out, which she probably would. Or at least someone would figure it out. He wasn’t even sure messing with her memory would take. For all he knew she already remembered what happened the night before and was going to call him any minute to ream him out.

  “This better not backfire,” he mumbled.

  He folded the note and was returning it to his back pocket when someone shoved him from behind. The paper flew out of his hands and into the street. Drakkar ran after it. He just picked it up when a car with blinding headlights came barreling toward him. Just as it was about to hit him, he was pulled to safety.

  Drakkar’s heart rammed against his ribcage. He was lightheaded. He almost bit the big one. Trying to catch his breath, Drake turned to thank the man beside him.

  That was when the world around them skidded to a halt.

  A man much taller than Drake with shoulder length hair darker than night stood analyzing him, chin tilted upward slightly. His black, soulless eyes looked right through him. Ice ran up Drakkar’s spine. “Uh, thanks.”

  “Don’t mention it, kid. You should be more careful. This city is no place for a vampling who cannot take care of himself.” The man spoke with a strong Russian accent as he tapped a dragon claw cane on the wall of the station. “Maybe you should get back on that train. You don’t belong here.”

  “Can’t. I have something I have to take care of.” He closed his hand around the folded note protectively.

  The stranger nodded toward the note. “Whatever is in that note is not something you should risk your life for, boy. There are dangers here for vampires who venture out alone. The city is no longer safe for your kind.”

  “I’ll take it under advisement, but it doesn’t change the fact I need to find someone at The Final Resting Place.” Drake shoved the note in his pocket.

  “Why do you need to go there? For whom are you searching?” He leaned on the cane with a leather-gloved hand.

  Drakkar’s guard went up. “Look, I’ve told you enough. Thanks again for the assist. I’m really on a deadline here.” He turned to leave.

  The man grabbed him by the shoulder. One moment he was staring at the entrance of Grand Central Station, the next he was in a sleek modern office with windows looking out over a packed bar and dancefloor. The vice grip that held his shoulder was vanished and the man who owned it walked across the room to place his long leather coat on the rack by the door.

  “Wh -where am I ?”

  “You are where you need to be.” The man indicated the leather and steel chairs before the glass industrial desk. “Please, sit.”

  “I, -I really can’t stay. I have to find him before it’s too late.” Drake slowly lowered into one of the chairs.

  “Who? Who do you so desperately need to find?” Those dark eyes narrowed on him as the man sat on the edge of the desk.

  Drakkar rubbed his face with his hands. “I need to find-”

  The door opened behind them. A man with long, wavy blond hair and laughing blue eyes leaned in, interrupting what Drakkar was about to say. “Alexei? You have a phone call. It’s the Princess Absinthe.”

  “No! Don’t take that,” Drakkar begged. “I need to find Mikhail! Please. Where can I find Mikhail Lyoshka?”

  The man made a gesture with his gloved hand. “Jon, tell her I’ll call her back. I am in a meeting with someone looking for Mikhail.”

  Jon chuckled. “I’m sure that’ll go over well. If you need me. I’ll be behind the bar.” He slipped back out of the room. closing the door behind him.

  “So, you are looking for Mikhail. You have found him. What exactly can I do for you, Vampling?” He smirked.

  “You? You’re Mikhail?” What were the chances he would run into Mikhail? Slim to none.

  Mikhail held his arms out wide. “In the flesh. And you are?”

  “Drakkar,” Drake croaked.

  “Well, Drakkar, what has you searching out simple club owner in Manhattan?”

  “My mother told me you could help her. She said you were the only one to trust.”

  Mikhail laughed. “Then your mother was extremely misguided. I am the last person anyone should trust.”

  “No, really.” He withdrew the note from his pocket and held it out to Mikhail with a shaky hand.

  “What is this?” Mik unfolded the page and smoothed it out on the glass atop the desk. As he read the letter, Drakkar watched his jaw harden and tick. “Who wrote this?”

  Drake sat back. “I think you know.”

  “Don’t toy with me, kid.” Mikhail’s eyes flared red. “Who. Wrote. This.”

  Drakkar gulped. “My mother wrote it.”

  Mikhail curled his lip. “No shit, Sherlock. I got that much out of the note.” He clutched the letter in his fist. “What is her name?”

  “Giovanna. My mother is Giovanna.”

  “Giovanna.” Mikhail sighed. “I thought she perished in the fire at Absinthe’s mansion? All of this time she was kept a prisoner. I didn’t know.”

  “My mot- Absinthe kept both of us prisoner. Up until a few days ago, I didn’t even know who Giovanna was.” Drakkar stared past him. “She was just another of Absinthe’s pets. Now I know the truth. Giovanna is my mother and Jared Bonatelli-”

  “Is your father,” Mikhail finished his sentence and let out a whoosh of air. “I don’t know how I can help you. Why don’t you see him? He has
more power than I do. I’m nothing.”

  Drakkar got to his feet. “I can’t because he has enough to deal with.”

  “Like you trying to kidnap his daughter?” Mik shook his head. “Look, Drakkar, I don’t know how I can get her away from the Princess, let alone keep her safe. You have no idea the network of spies she has in place, which is why I told you the city isn’t safe anymore.”

  “Oh, I thought that was only a scare tactic.”

  “Did it work?” Mikhail smirked.

  “I’m here, aren’t I?”

  “Yes, that you are.” Mik drew silent, rubbing his chin with a gloved hand. “So, Absinthe basically told you to get her the child and she’d hand over Giovanna.”

  “That’s the plan. But I don’t trust her.”

  “And you shouldn’t. You have to come at her with the unexpected. Let me work on that.”

  Drakkar’s eyes grew wide. “So you’ll help me?”

  “Lucky for you, I have no love loss for Absinthe. Yes, I will find a way to help you get your mother to safety. But you have to do something for me.”

  “If it means my mother is out of Absinthe’s clutches, I’ll do anything.” Drakkar was so overwhelmed with relief, he would agree to sell his soul to the devil at that moment.

  “Someday, I will call in that favor. It could be tomorrow or it could be years from now, but when I do, you will help me no questions asked.”

  Mikhail held out his hand, Drakkar took it. “I will do anything you need me to do.”

  The demon grinned. “Be careful, vampling. You have no idea what you’re agreeing to.”

  The television channels flicked by as fast as she could change them. It was a wonder she couldn’t find a thing to watch given the sheer number of them Jake insisted on subscribing to. There were even some Serenity never knew existed and would have to bleach her eyes for finding.

  “Too bad whatever is clouding my memory isn’t erasing that. Eww.” She shivered just thinking about it. “Things like that definitely should remain hidden.”

  The doorbell rang. Nettie hung her head over the back of the couch. “Uncle Jake? Doorbell.” No answer. “Jake?” Still nothing.

  She pushed up off the couch and a wave of dizziness came over her. Nettie grabbed the arm of the chair, steadying herself. After a minute, the vertigo faded and she was able to make her way slowly down the hall toward the front door. At the staircase, she made one last ditch to call her uncle, still nothing.

  “The bum probably fell asleep, figures.”

  The doorbell went off again, followed by someone doing a good job of putting a fist through the wood. Serenity peered through the peephole. She rolled her eyes and flipped the deadbolt.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” she grumbled as she opened the door. “What are you two doing here?”

  “Love you too, sunshine.” Nick grinned. “You gonna invite us in?”

  Nick and Britt ducked into the house, followed by another girl who smiled shyly, baring a set of petite fangs. The vampire was slightly younger than she and her friends, with dark hair and gentle grey eyes. Serenity didn’t feel she was a threat, so instead of berating all three of them for showing up, she invited them inside. Closing the door and replacing the bolt, she led them all back to the family room.

  Nettie plopped on the couch and shut off the television. Nick and Britt joined her, but the vampire stayed by the doorway rubbing her arms. “It’s okay, you can sit down. You’re safe here. What’s your name?” Serenity smiled.

  The female was visibly relieved as she sat on the chair opposite her. “My name is Mina.”

  “Hi, Mina.” Serenity flashed a warm smile. “Now the more important question, why aren’t you guys in class? And why did you bring Mina here?”

  Britt jumped in feet first before Nick could open his mouth. “We’re here to undo what Psycho-” Nick shot her a warning glance. “Alright, what Drakkar did to you.”

  Serenity stared at her confused. “What he did to me? He didn’t do anything except kiss me last night.”

  “Yeah, and after that what happened?”

  Nettie’s brows drew together as she struggled to remember. “I felt dizzy and don’t remember anything else.”

  Britt got a dreamy look. “Must have been some kiss.”

  “You have no idea.” Nettie giggled.

  “That aside, Nettie, he used a little mojo on your noggin and scrambled the memories a bit. We want to make that right again so it doesn’t get worse,” Nick chimed in.

  She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Drakkar did this to her? He made her lose her memories. Not just recent ones, either. But she wasn’t about to tell them that.

  “So it doesn’t get worse? Are you kidding me? Why isn’t Drakkar here to do it himself,” she demanded.

  Nick winced and rubbed the back of his neck. “Because we can’t find him. He never came to school tonight.”

  “Couldn’t find him.” Serenity took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “So, you decide to get a random vampire to come here and try to reverse something he screwed up. Wonderful.”

  “If I may.” Mina raised her hand. “I overheard their conversation in the parking lot about your memory and I offered to help. They didn’t just pick up a random vampire.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just frustrated that I can’t retain my memory. My anger isn’t aimed at you.” She glared at Nick. “I think my boyfriend’s best friend has some explaining to do.”

  Again Nick winced. “Yeah, we can get to that after Mina unscrambles your brain.”

  “Well, it’s not exactly unscrambling. It’s more like unlocking a door Drakkar made in your subconscious. Vampires do this stuff all the time,” the girl explained.

  “You scramble human brains for fun. I really am not getting the warm and fuzzies about this whole thing. What does your kind do for an encore, turn us into lab rats,” Nettie griped.

  Mina bristled. “Maybe this was a bad idea. I only wanted to help. I should be going.” The vampire stood and left the room.

  “Serenity! What the hell is wrong with you,” Britt scolded as she ran down the hall to catch Mina before she left.

  “Nettie, we’re only trying to help. You don’t have to be a bitch,” Nick admonished. “You better hope Mina comes back, because whatever he did is completely changing you.”

  “Whatever.” Serenity picked up the remote and started flipping channels again, ignoring him.

  “I’m so sorry, Mina. Please don’t take anything she says seriously,” Britt apologized as the two of them came back into view.

  The vampire folded her arms across her chest. “I want you to know I’m only still here because I understand it’s not really her talking.” She tilted her head and observed Serenity in silence. “You know, I’ve heard of humans going through personality changes, but never actually witnessed one. Either Drakkar never did this before, or he’s way stronger than anyone I know.”

  “I’d opt for him being an idiot by doing it in the first place,” Nick joked.

  “Nick!” Britt pinched his arm.

  “Ow!” He rubbed the sore spot. “I thought we discussed this. You were supposed to quit this crap.”

  “No. You agreed on hitting and punching. Pinching never factored into it,” Britt said.

  “Just because you found a loophole, don’t think you’re off the hook for it.” He gritted his teeth. “I’m still on the fence about taking you back.”

  “You’re what? That’s not fair, Montgomery.”

  “It’s plenty fair. You can’t just go around-”

  The two of them started bickering back and forth. Serenity placed her fingers on her temples and rubbed them. All the noise in the house was giving her a migraine.

  “Hey! Can you just not do this right now?” Serenity scowled. “I thought you two hated each other, anyway.”

  Mina frowned at them. “If you want me to help Serenity, you have to stop all of this. It may make things harder to fix, especially if
she’s stressed out.”

  Nick and Britt looked ashamed. “Sorry,” they said in unison.

  “Mina, I really appreciate you doing this for me, and I can guarantee when I get my hands on Drakkar, he’s going to wish he never tried this,” Nettie told her.

  The vampire nodded. “As well you should. He’s playing with things he should not use till he understands it. Now if you’d like to get started-”

  “Yes.” Serenity patted the couch next to her. “I can’t stand this headache and my thoughts being all over the board anymore.”

  Mina sat down and cracked her knuckles, placing her fingers on Nettie’s temples. “Okay. This shouldn’t hurt, but I can’t promise you won’t be dizzy and nauseous.”

  “That’s okay. I’ve felt that way all day long. What’s another few minutes of it,” she quipped.

  The girl smiled and locked her gaze with Nettie’s. Mina’s eyes glowed as her mind invaded Serenity’s. At first there was a gentle push in her head and everything was going smoothly. Then, out of the blue, excruciating pain took over. Serenity cried. She attempted to close her eyes, but she had no control over them, or her body for that matter. She was paralyzed.

  “Nettie? Are you okay?” Britt reached out to touch her arm.

  “Stay back!” Mina’s voice a deep growl. Her hands shook on Nettie’s temples as she fought to manipulate the memories.

  Britt immediately pulled back her hand.

  Mina pulled away from Serenity, breaking the connection. Nettie collapsed on the couch, eyes closed.

  The vampire rubbed her hands, shaking her head. “I- I don’t know what happened.”

  “What do you mean, you don’t know?” Nick leaned forward. “You said you could help her. That’s the only reason I agreed to letting you come here.”

  Mina stood, wringing her hands. “I sifted through a few of her memories and put them back into place. When I tried to undo the block Drakkar created, it kicked me out completely.”

  “So you didn’t break the connection?”

  “No. Whatever he did, he protected it very well. Only he can undo this.” She looked between Nick and Britt. “I am sorry. I cannot help you anymore.” She touched Serenity’s cheek. “She will most likely sleep for a while. I suggest you find Drakkar as soon as possible and have him fix her memory. I only patched it as best I could.”


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