Drakkar ~ Beyond the Lie (A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel Book 3)

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Drakkar ~ Beyond the Lie (A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel Book 3) Page 25

by Sandra Bischoff

  Serenity laughed. “I would never.”

  Looking up at the moonless sky, Drakkar got an idea. “Want to see them fly?”

  She lifted her gaze to meet his, eyes sparkling. “Would I ever!”

  He patted the green one and stepped back a few paces, taking Serenity with him. “Alright, it’s a new moon, you know what that means,” he called to them.

  Both beasts rose to their full heights, outstretched wings easily spanning fifteen feet each. Their eyes glowed amber as they let out deep roars of excitement. They raced to the other end of the island and took flight. It was a complete marvel to see them against the star-filled night, swooping and gliding in and out of the clouds above. To anyone else they would appear only as shadows in the night.

  “They’re magnificent,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, they are.” Drake turned from watching the dragons play, focusing on Serenity. He turned her in his arms to face him.

  Drakkar cupped Serenity’s cheek. “Thank you for believing there was good in me. You saved me from myself and gave me back the family I lost so long ago.”

  Serenity lowered her eyes. “I didn’t do all of that, and you know it.”

  “No, you did. Because if you didn’t come into my life, I’d still be Absinthe’s pawn. I love you, Serenity Avery. Thank you for showing me how to live and to see beyond the lie that was my life.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Absinthe sat at the bar in The Final Resting Place Club. She ran her finger around the rim of her martini glass. There were more nights than less that she found herself there watching the cattle as they came and went around her. It amused her that they didn’t have a clue they were surrounded by beings like her. All of whom could snuff out their pathetic lives faster than they could blink.

  Once upon a time, she could come and go as a V.I.P. in the upstairs lounge. That was no more. Mikhail pulled her membership and banned her from going near the hidden stairway. He didn’t even give her a valid reason, just that he was down-sizing the list. Now, she was regulated to rubbing elbows with the rabble.

  She curled her lip at the human who sat down on her left. The drunken brunette was working too hard to convince the man with her that she was interested. Little did the bubble-head know, he was a vampire and didn’t care if she’d share his bed. Absinthe didn’t need to get inside his head. She could hear his thoughts loud and clear. He was only after a meal and then he’d wipe her mind clean.

  “Now, you don’t look like you belong here.” A familiar but different male voice murmured from her right shoulder.

  Absinthe turned her head, ready to give the man beside her the shove off, only to get the shock of her life. She thought she’d left him behind decades ago. But there was no mistaking the signature black-studded patch over his right eye. His dark hair fell across his face to disguise it, but Absinthe knew it was there. That wasn’t the thing that creeped her out. It was his left eye. The pure hatred that bled from it was chilling.

  It put her own hatred to shame.

  She scrambled to leave. His left hand shot out and closed like a vice around her right arm.

  “Now, Princess, it would be completely rude of you to run off without having a drink with an old friend.”

  Everything inside her said to run. Instead, she jerked her arm, inclining her chin. “We are not old friends, Rimmon. I gave you what you asked for years ago. Our business is done.”

  He snarled, pulling her closer. “You would do best to remember where you stand on the food chain. What would they think of you if they found out you’re the reason Zephyr lost the love of his life? My brother would gut you and feed it to your father’s precious dragons.”

  Absinthe swallowed. “You wouldn’t dare,” she hissed.

  He leaned in nose to nose with her. His foul breath turned her stomach. “Oh, poor little Absinthe. Try me. I know where you stand with your family. You are in no position to be giving orders to anyone. So from now on, I’ll be the one calling the shots and you, my dear, will do my bidding.”

  “And if I say no?”

  “Simple.” He licked his lips. “You will die.”

  Audioslave ~ Show me How to Live

  Avenged Sevenfold ~ Scream

  Device ~ Vilify

  Disturbed ~ Awaken

  Disturbed ~ Down With the Sickness

  Disturbed ~ Hell

  Disturbed ~ Land of Confusion

  Disturbed ~ Liberate

  Disturbed ~ Stupify

  Eagles ~ Hotel California

  Finger Eleven ~ Stay in Shadow

  Future Leaders of the World ~ Let Me Out

  Debbie Gibson ~ Lost in Your Eyes

  Hinder ~ Loaded and Alone

  Chase Holfelder ~ Kiss the Girl

  Korn ~ Freak on a Leash

  Limp Bizkit ~ Break Stuff

  Linkin Park ~ Bleed it Out

  Linkin Park ~ Leave Out All the Rest

  Linkin Park ~ Points of Authority

  Linkin Park ~ Runaway

  One Direction ~ Perfect

  Puddle of Mudd ~ Psycho

  Rev Theory ~ Something New

  Saliva ~ Your Disease

  Shinedown ~ Devour

  Shinedown ~ Diamond Eyes

  Shinedown ~ I Dare You

  Sixx A.M. ~ Smile

  Skillet ~ Last Night

  Slipknot ~ Before I Forget

  Slipknot ~ Dead Memories

  Slipknot ~ Psychosocial

  Slipknot ~ The Nameless

  Stone Sour ~ Bother

  Thirty Seconds to Mars ~ City of Angels

  Three Days Grace ~ Animal I Have Become

  Read on for a sneak peek of


  A Tale As Old As Time

  A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel

  Book 4

  She was dead.

  The moment the dagger pierced her skin, her wish had finally been granted. She was free. Free from her endless pain and suffering at Absinthe’s hands. Free from mourning the loss of her first love. But most of all, she was finally free from the prison within her own body.

  A prison of Absinthe’s making. She was a commodity, bartered at will. For the right price, her mistress allowed others to use her any way they wanted. Fortunately, that did not include sexual intimacy. She always retained the power to say no. It was the one thing Absinthe allowed her. But, if the bartering involved her voice, all bets were off.

  Her voice had the power to bring men to their knees. Even if she sang a simple scale, there was no way they could resist her.

  The first time she used her gift was as a child of five or six. She may have used it earlier; she just had no recollection of it.

  It was Christmas time and her father brought her to FAO Schwarz. He allowed her to lead him around the store from one display to another until she found what she wanted most of all. Most little girls her age asked Santa for dolls, crayons, or ribbons for their hair. Not Giovanna. She wanted a piano, of all things.

  Her parents explained to her that there was no way for the man in the red suit to carry it in his sleigh. She would have none of it. Giovanna insisted, saying she wanted to learn how to play. She wanted lessons, not only for the piano, but also singing, and she wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  They made a compromise. Her father would take her to the best toy store in the city. If she couldn’t find anything else she wanted in the whole place, they would consider the piano.

  Giovanna agreed, knowing she wouldn’t allow anything to change her mind.

  So, she and her father left on a pre-Christmas adventure.

  He tried like hell to point out different toys along the way. Giovanna made noncommittal noises or little nods, but never gave him the answer he wanted. After a few hours, he finally admitted defeat. They left the store empty-handed.

  Giovanna smiled to herself. She took her father’s large hand in hers as she skipped along the sidewalk dwarfed by the large high-rises and a multitude of stores. As they passed one particul
ar storefront with large glass windows, she pulled her father to a halt .

  The black baby grand piano was front and center in the window. It gleamed under the bright lights. Giovanna touched the glass with her mitten-covered hand.

  She looked at her father, batting her baby blues. “Can we go in? Please, Daddy?”

  He hesitated. “I don’t think that will fit in the house, Punkin.”

  “Daddy, they have smaller ones. Look.” She pointed past the beauty in the window. Sure enough they had upright wall models in the back of the store.

  “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to look. Only if you promise not to touch them,” he warned.

  “I promise, Daddy.”

  They entered the store and the melody from Silent Night greeted them. Giovanna let go of his hand and made a beeline for the salesman playing a maple colored upright piano in the rear of the store. Her father followed hot on her heels, not letting her out of his sight. She hummed along with the melody. The salesman nodded, encouraging her to sing.

  When the first notes left her mouth both men fell under a trance. The salesman continued to play. Her father stared at her blankly. Giovanna tilted her head. “Daddy?”

  “Hmm, Punkin?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Will you get me this piano?”

  “Anything you want, baby girl.”

  And that was the moment she realized she had a gift. A gift which could bend any man to her will.

  Giovanna stretched. The blankets covering her were heavy, yet softer than any cloth she’d ever felt against her skin. She ran her hand along one layer, and yes, there were many layers of blankets. Who knew heaven contained something so luxurious?

  It almost felt like fur. She was buried under layers of furs.

  She slowly opened her eyes. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the lighting in the room. No. Not a room. It was more of a cave. She was in a cave?

  Her gaze roamed over the walls and ceiling in the chamber. There were lit torches placed around the cave, giving it the illusion of warmth. Now I know why there are so many blankets on me.

  Giovanna pushed herself up.

  “I wouldn’t do that, my lady. The poultice that covers your wound needs to stay in place a few more days,” a deep voice said from the shadow on the far side of the cave.

  She squinted. “A poultice? My wound?” She shifted on the bed. She gasped for air as a sharp pain shot through her chest. “I’m not dead?”

  “No, Siren. You are very much alive, thanks to my Master.” The man behind the voice stayed just out of sight.

  “Your . . . Master?” She swallowed, panic rising. “Where am I?

  “After you went over the cliff, I rescued you. My master charged me with keeping you safe. I brought you here so that you may heal.”

  “Where is here?”

  “My home. My castle,” he responded.

  “Who -who are you?”

  “My name is Bastian Deveraux. I am the lord of this castle.”

  “Please, come into the light.” Her voice wavered.

  “I don’t think that would be wise, Siren.”


  He sighed and stepped forward. Giovanna’s eyes widened. Bastian stood well over six feet tall. His long black hair fell over one side of his face covering skin that had been severely burned once upon a time. He had broad shoulders which supported leathery, grey wings on his back. They opened slightly as he moved. Bastian watched her intensely with glowing lavender eyes.

  Giovanna scooted back on the bed with a gasp. “You’re . . . you’re a monster.”

  About the Author

  Sandi Bischoff lives in the historic town of Cornwall, NY with her extremely patient husband and teenage son, she affectionately calls the Demon. She is a Pharmacist by profession but found her true calling in a simple twist of fate. A friend approached her to write in a forum on a popular networking website. Over the next five years her passion had found its niche. She went on to compose a few poems and short stories which she would post on her homepage at the same networking site.

  Her debut novel, Beyond the Sun was first published April 2013 by Bayou Brew Publishing. Sandra's second book her Dark Order of the Dragon Series entitled Beyond Time was released in the spring of 2014 for the Romantic Times Convention in New Orleans where she was a featured author at the Book Fair.

  She has since left Bayou Brew Publishing to embark on the next chapter of her writing career, Independent Publishing. As of this time she has re-released both books in e-book and paperback formats. They can be found on Amazon.com. Sandra is currently working on the fourth installment of her Dark Order of the Dragon Series entitled Giovanna ~ A Tale As Old As Time. Her hope is to have it ready for publication in early 2017.

  Website ~ http://sandibischoff.webs.com/

  Blog ~ http://sbischoff.wordpress.com/

  Facebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/AuthorSandiBischoff

  Twitter ~ https://twitter.com/SandiBischoff

  Goodreads ~ https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7031254

  YouTube ~ https://www.youtube.com/user/rsb6494


  Where do I start?

  This year has been a tough one. It was filled with a boatload of firsts. Most importantly, it was the first full year without my mother in-law. Mary Bischoff, She lost her battle with cancer August 2015. She was one woman who never failed to amaze me. When all odds were stacked against her from her illness not once, 2008 with throat cancer, but twice in 2015 with pancreatic cancer, she never asked why this was happening to her. She never complained or cried over her diagnosis. She just continued to fight. I thank God every day that I was able to get to know her and have her in my life. Mary, you will forever be loved and missed. God bless and may you now be at peace.

  As always I have to thank my husband and son for putting up with my long hours staring at my computer screen willing my characters to speak. Most of the time they would come in the room to find me watching TV or wasting time on the ultimate time suck, Facebook. However, most often than not, I really was writing. I just took a break at that moment in time. (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.)

  Renee, what can I say? You are the bane of my existence. I’m only joking. I love you, woman. Thank you for your criticism and bloody manuscripts. One of these days, one of us will make that trek across country and many a drink will be shared. We have so much that must be shared in person.

  Christina and Quamaine, thank you for being honest and patient when you would find an excerpt waiting in your inbox out of the blue. I’m so grateful for having you in my writing group.

  I’d like to extend my thanks to Lola and my street team. Your help in getting the word out about my books is appreciated more than you know.

  Lastly, to my readers, you have stuck by me and I am eternally grateful for that. Knowing you are there craving the next novel in my series is what keeps me writing. Thank you so much. I love all of you.

  Novels by Sandra Bischoff

  The Dark Order of the Dragon Series

  Beyond the Sun

  Beyond Time

  Drakkar ~ Beyond the Lie




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