The product that really kept us afloat—and brought lucre to the publishers—was a book we had translated: Venus Cascabel. It was quite a small edition, twee. Felix, the layout designer, did his best to make them attractive, copying the original designs that were based on pulp fiction illustrations of the fifties. Felix’s skill was both a consequence of his extreme static perfectionism and his inability to draw dynamically (perhaps the two are one), which stood out in the first edition, but was enhanced with a vengeance after the success of the following three. Felix couldn’t have children, he always confused lemurs with [for] lemmings—thanks to which I won a bet: he had to buy us (Gustavo and me) a meal—[and he looked on with wistful resignation at the women’s butts, like one who is to be ordained to an abstinent office. NO]
The first volumes of Venus Rattlesnake were on a shelf next to Gustavo’s writing desk, each one with its corresponding translation. Gustavo was very organized. He read every copy in advance before sending them off to be translated. And he was a huge fan of Venus Rattlesnake, of Venus Cascabel …
Venus Rattlesnake—Venus Cascabel in the Spanish translation—an elegant woman and dedicated socialite, soon became the most important character in the everyday life of “the publishers.”
Under cover of daylight she was called Prunella Crane. She had a husband, two children, and a lapdog, Toon (Chasco, according to the local version). She was affiliated with many charitable organizations. She used to consult the tarot as well as dabbling in many other kinds of sortilege. She ran a small and exclusive cosmetics company, Liliata Rutilantium. The names of her husband—Adam Hapwood—and of her children—Silvia and Bruno—were irrelevant, [at the end of the day], but not Chasco’s, because, at the end of the day—literally, after nightfall—Chasco became Rascal (Rapáz, in our Spanish editions), and he ceased to be a mere lapdog, becoming instead a ferocious bandog, guarding her—Prunella, who at nightfall became Venus Cascabel—during her secret meetings at which someone’s execution was discussed, among other things; or accompanying her and her henchmen in taking part in “sanguinary orgies,” to quote our blurbs (the originals in English were anemic and overly descriptive). I transcribe the metaphorical enthusiasm of the early days: “As if it had been the sea, an orgy of sarcasm from which spawned two fish of human aspect.”
The first two episodes, Massacre in Hoboken and The Bullet in the Footprint, introduced Prunella’s ally and occasional enemy: the private detective, Tecumseh Talbot. Bearish and sullen in disposition, a womanizer by predilection, he was of Sioux or Shawnee extraction, and was plagued by odontological and intestinal problems. The masterful description of a toothache compares with that of the battle of the “serendips” [“sapajous” in the original] in The Clashing of Penknives in Brooklyn Heights, in which the Cascabel’s business affairs led to her arbitrating a dispute between gang members.
From the sixth or seventh issue, it was evident Venus had lost a lot of ground to Tecumseh. In the eight, Chicano Cocktail, a new character was introduced, Silveyra (thereafter called, without explanation, Silvero), who dominates most of the action in this most over-the-top and remiss of the novelettes. For this reason, it is said, Venus came to respect Silvero. Tecumseh, on the other hand, despised him “because he’d murdered two of the best.” In Orange Juice for One, my favorite, we discover that Venus’s apparent misgivings about Silvero were only a show. She’d been completely and unambiguously in love with him, “a gentleman of some fifty years, white-haired and elegant, a silver fox whose boundless gentility had been a flue for his criminal impulses.”
The original North American edition was published by Dout, a short-lived eighties version of Dell publishers (the eighties, decade of ephemera). Gustavo, editor of the local Spanish edition, had read the original English with gusto. But he noted one irregularity: The English series stops at issue sixteen, whereas our Spanish one keeps going, now with the garrulous tongue unrestrained. When I began working at Beehaitchhaitch, we were about to print issue twenty-one.
Sad Skin of the Universe:
I can’t use Tecumseh (whom I cribbed from Wilson’s Patriotic Gore), because Rex Stout (whom I know through Nero Wolfe) has a second investigator by the name of Tecumseh Fox. But the coincidence is worth the trouble, I so loved Nero.
And if the investigator was English? What would an Englishman be doing there? It is characteristic of the English, as Stevenson notes, to always be there. Verisimilitude (Brother Gerundio, Brother Gozne, Brother Alpe) …
Antagonist of the last chapter: Regina Constrictor.
On considering these variants: Prosan’s point of view, that of a woman who was in love with Nurlihrt (Prosan seems to have had the [good] fortune to know her), and from the point of view expressed by Nurlihrt himself—whom the woman in question, while seated in a canvas chair [taking in the sun], had interviewed the day before. From what I could gather, Lester wasn’t very impressed. But Prosan’s enthusiasm didn’t need encouraging. I recall meeting Nurlihrt about three months afterwards (the second-last time I saw him), before he’d closed down his office. He rejected the story, telling Lester it was “an incredibly banal version of Rashomon,” and invited the “wheedler” (Lester) to try dissuading the author, who was obsequiously willing to rewrite the whole thing. Although I can attest to Prosan’s scrupulous literality, it’s obvious he hadn’t detected in the writer’s monologue the same superabundant, highfalutin prose, the same tautologies, the same gimmicky hallmarks the senile founder of Agraphia exhibited to a journalist he was one day going to marry. There are so many errors, anachronisms, and stylistic defects in this bathetic rubbish, but I vow to shut up as long as it’s not included in the volume. It would save us having to waste the whole budget in bowing to your request for a “thorough edit and correction of the volume.”
People so complacent they haven’t prepared their spouses for the prospect of abandonment. Predominance of cruelty. Predominance of self-reproach.
The Myope’s Nightlife
In compensation for his lack of vigilance, the Myope’s nightlife should be exclusively oneiric. We grant that nightmares are members of that genus, but we must frequently remind ourselves that this is the case.
Discard Tecumseh and the imitation of James since the publication of Lodge and Tóibín books. Horrible incursion of reality when trying to write and organize a novel. O therapy.
Post Scriptum 2004 (summary)
NO to “Occupation” after Lodge and Tóibín. Penalty for taking so long. No to the title, too many people dislike it. They believe the word games are taken exclusively from titles published by Página / 12. I don’t like giving or receiving orders, but I’m no bastion of common sense, so I’ll acquiesce. Look for other titles then. No to “The Cult of St. Mawr,” which I wrote more quickly because I attributed it to the fake author, Eduardo Manjares, in an anthology of stories about London. No to the Tecumseh because there’s already a series of books by Rex Stout (which I haven’t read) with a protagonist called Tecumseh Fox. Change “The Old Bachelor” to “The Referent.” Exclude prologue and epistolary. Try telling the contextual story—the history of Agraphia—another way. Agraphia or Alusiva?
Great shipwreck.
Look for a sequence.
List of edits based on lexical and syntactical habits of Eiralis, who, as news spreads about him throughout Agraphia / Alusiva, will be known as the most exacting, the most forceful of redactors.
64 interventions / fragments in total. 41 before the anthology, 23 after.
41 fragments
8 stories Early / The Soup / The Bachelor / St. Mawr / The Visit / Semblance / Replicas / Xochimilco
23 fragments
Or no: 32 and 32 (Goldberg Variations) If the general title was “News from Agraphia,” replace News with Crossings
Departure and return
1 Precisions
2 News
3 Ceremonies
4 Issues
5 Concealments
6 Emphasis
7 Farewells
8 Repetitions
Pushkiniana suite dispersa
(scan and recite aloud)
It wasn’t good to know or to discover
(or to deceive ourselves into believing)
that yesterday’s most notable act
happened in our infancy (which I now evoke):
the Kirkcaldy tinkers kidnapped
Adam Smith, Adam Smith, Adam Smith
(a name that resonates with the dessert, Balcarce).
The Kirkcaldy tinkers (cry, little boy, cry)
(whose only currency were golden ballads
hid in romanes scrips) kidnapped him. In those
hours stiff
from seizure and delay
you will have experienced, dear beagle,
beloved storyteller
working fulltime
(not a moment of which you spend
fretting over the prodigal Icarus)
A ventriloqual distaste
(yours and/or mine)
for that source
Of wealth
That falls from the master’s table*:
a scattering of syllables (yours and/or mine).
It is a virtuous economy, so to speak.
*(Avaricious Scotsmen,
Oídos sordos; far-off militiamen,
sóngoro cosongo)
1 news
2 emphasis / anecdotes
3 liturgies
4 concealments / calumnies
5 precisions
6 issues / lots
7 preparations
8 farewells / positions
1 news
2 preparations
3 precisions
4 issues
5 emphasis
6 concealments
7 liturgies
8 farewells
1 precisions
2 emphasis
3 liturgies
4 concealments
5 issues
6 calumnies
7 preparations
8 farewells
sestina sequence [[x6]] reproduce scheme and simplify
specular soup
Sestina takes round trips between fictional and factual references to Agraphia
6 x 8 48 NO 6 x 9 54. 54 parts of six chapters each
Books from which the fragments that appear under the title “News from Agraphia / Alusiva” are taken
Hilarión Curtis: Bannerless Days, The Two Nations
Nicasio Urlihrt: A Nightcap with Death, The X-Positions, work in progress, far from complete
Elena Siesta: Final Drafts, The Place of Apparitions, Unedited Letters, Dead Aunt’s Diary
Oliverio Lester: Unimportant Details, Plan for a Plagiarism, Plan for a Preface
Felipe Luini: Diary of the Surrounding Area
Federico Prosan: Out of a Greek Gift, Mexican Journal
César Quaglia: Reflections from Afar, on the Effects of Distance
Emilio Duluoz: The Office Next Door
Eduardo Javier Manjares: Postcard from the Inquisitor, Burdensome Book, Maghrebi Agenda
Zi Benno: The Epsilom
Lalo Sabatani: The Mass in Tongues
Cristóbal Niaras: Agraphia: A Chance Laboratory
Eloy Armesto: Zero Vowel, A Round Number
Remo Scacchi: Age
Delfín Heredia: Touched by Evil Days (A Fictional Biography of Doctor Yturri Ipuche)
The Sycophant’s Soliloquy
Lord Swindon: A Bachelor in Bedlam
Adam Pause
Make sure the titles accord with the kinds of events narrated. Insert the fragment of St. Mawr which corresponds to the initiation ceremony.
I adore italics, don’t you? A. R. Firbank
“News from Agraphia / Alusiva”
Agraphia / Alusiva, a journal founded by Nicasio Urlihrt [(Emilio Teischer)] and his wife, Amanda Corelli Estrugamou [(Elena Siesta)], intended to be entirely anonymous. It was to publish only the best literature, at least according to the couple’s criteria. Their taste for pseudonyms, a legitimate reflection of their era’s zeitgeist (and the cause of wildfire gossip once word got out), yields to serious critical scrutiny today. The contributors were known for—or ignored thanks to—the heresy they’d committed, and of which they took every opportunity to boast, even calling themselves “the writers without stories.” They went around publishing books espousing the theory that it’s better to simply write stories than to write about the writing of stories, and to illustrate this, they simply wrote stories. Few readers remember those stories today, but many recall the anecdotes associated with [relating to?] them. [Such that] Forgetting is not so serious an affront as long as we remember what it is we’ve forgotten. If it were [it was?] ever to become necessary to exonerate [the coterie, the conspirators], Nurlihrt would just publish a series of [unsigned] editorials to adduce a controversial synthesis of two seemingly incompatible theses, and at the same time, [to] proclaim that generation and corruption are one and the same. From the middle of the last century to the beginning of this, Agraphia / Alusiva was the evangelizing force behind this and many other naïve generalizations.
Oliverio Lester, Plan for a Preface / / [without assistance] for a Plagiarism, draft agreement
Four days after the crime, Lalo arrived at the office on Basavilbaso Street, where Elena and Nicasio were waiting for him. He told them he’d spent the last four days not knowing what to do. On Tuesday, he shaved, called Elena and Nicasio from a public phone, and had a chance meeting with Belisario on the street. An hour later, he was at Elena and Nicasio’s place. What else could he do? Elena went to the kitchen to get some scones. Lalo said he had an argument with Spiro the previous Thursday. Spiro left, slamming the door behind him, but then came back the next day acting as if nothing had happened. They got into bed, spending some time in silence, looking out the window, watching the lights of a neighbor’s Christmas tree flashing intermittently. Eventually, said Lalo to the couple, Spiro got up to retrieve a pack of cigarettes but, when he returned, he had a knife in his hands. He exhibited, saying it was a trophy he stole from his brother’s house, although it was a house they both shared. But you’re not interested in knives, said Lalo to Spiro, you’ve never been interested in them, so why the hell are you showing off something you’re not interested in? Apparently it belonged to his father. Lalo went to the chair to heap his clothes and retrieve a cutthroat razor. Spiro said that that too once belonged to his father. He’d decided to bring these objects to Lalo’s house where they might prove more useful than in the house he shares with his brother. Lalo said—gesturing politely to refuse Elena’s offer of a scone—that he later learned Spiro was never quite right in the head, but that between the time he left and the time he came back, he seemed to have lost yet another marble. The whole time Lalo was speaking, Nicasio scrutinized him with a look of disgust, although he’d later say, in more distinguished company, that “Lalo never ceased to disgust me.”
Agraphia began publishing in the late fifties. The journal lasted until the mid-nineties. The content seems to suggest that every page was set aside for “a word-pimp’s larding-on of obscurities and contradictions, the better to obfuscate the plagiarism—and written in light tone to sugar over the gravity of the crime.” Inspired by the sequence of plagiarisms (“Misery of a Re
alist,” the novel Dreadmist, and the omitted story by Birt), one could either pursue the conventional path of reading by beginning with the prelims, or start with the appendices and work backwards.
Founded by Nicasio Urlihrt (Emilio Teischer) and his wife, Elena Siesta (née Cora Beatriz Estrugamou), Agraphia set a premium on anonymity and uniqueness of style. The plague of names that issued, interacting and contaminating one another in the journal, attest to the project’s total failure. In the years just after its foundation, Nicasio—in his early forties—had published (beginning in 1958) two books of poems and a book of short stories. He was a model of the elegant porteño—which became almost extinct by the following decade, all those peculiarities of habit and dress swept away like footprints in desert sand. Nicasio’s way of saying “hey”—very rioplatense to any educated ear in any of the districts on either side of the river—resounded in the memory of both his admirers and detractors. Elena Siesta was the author of A Night is the Lifetime of Stars, a title that, according to Urlihrt, incorporates her two main obsessions—stardom and aging—both of them entwined. Nicasio Urlihrt would often say that Elena was a little too Renaissant for a presbyobe, and a little too Pre-Raphaelite for a myope. And as for her nose, on a rounder face it might have looked aquiline, on a more angular face, it might have looked retroussé, but thanks to her ambiguous features, her nose had the better qualities of both. Nonetheless, men tended to fall in love with Elena’s back and nape so as not to commit the error of loving her face. Nicasio indiscriminately circulated his opinion of these paradoxical qualities: “Our first and only love is a vulgar woman,” he used to say, without finishing the quotation: “whose chastity is a myth, and that myth is our life.” Myth and biography never ceased their prolific interbreeding in the whole pitiful history of Agraphia / Alusiva.
—yours isn’t serious
but it is [an] illness.
It’s called kleptolalia
and it has more or less
the same symptomatology
and prognosis as gout,
although it hasn’t got
the stamp of aristocracy.
The reception for Nicasio Urlihrt’s journal, Agraphia, was held in office “A.” We were in the office next door, which Urlihrt leased to his nephew and associates at Agraphia. His nephew was called Alfredo Haedo. His associates: Sergio Blamires and Benjamin Haines: Beehaitchhaitch. And one of the three was the boss. How old was the boss? Same age as I am now. How old was I back then? Same age as my buddy, Gustavo. We’d left military service the year before: eighteen, nineteen. The days when we stayed up until ten, eleven, or even later if one of the employees lost track of the time. When we left, we used to turn off the machines—an Olivetti 24, and an old Remington typewriter with a wide-carriage for the dirty work—a habit the consul’s wife disapproved of, who, one morning or afternoon, passed a comment about her seeing them do the same thing [for those martinets] in police stations.
No Variations (Argentinian Literature Series) Page 16