The Cyrun

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The Cyrun Page 24

by Janilise Lloyd

  “Oh, Rose,” Violet stroked Rose’s sweaty hair.

  “Violet,” Rose’s voice dropped low and intense. She reached out and grabbed Violet’s hand. “You must take her. Take her to your home. Keep her hidden. I will come for her as soon as I can—as soon as I think of a better plan. Please do this for me.”

  Violet looked into Rose’s desperate eyes, considering. “You’re sure about this?”

  “It’s the only option. Please,” she begged.

  “Very well. But please, Rose, think of something quickly. I don’t know how long I can keep a newborn child without raising questions, and we both know we’ll end up dead if the king should ever find out we kept a secret of this magnitude from him.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  “Would you like to name her before I take her?” Violet asked.

  Rose smiled through her tears as she looked down at her new daughter’s face. “Her name is Avalon Rosaline. Ava for short.”

  The two women smiled at each other as the gory bathroom scene began to fade away. My own breathing came in shallow gasps as I attempted to comprehend the implications of what I’d just seen, but before I could fully understand, I was thrown into yet another memory.

  I immediately recognized this setting—I was on the light rail that went through downtown Denver. I’d ridden on it many times with Dad when we went into town. But Rose shouldn’t be here—she couldn’t be. Yet there she was, hidden on the last bench of the speeding car, clutching a small child to her chest. I noticed the other passengers watched her with curiosity. It was rather obvious from her posture and facial expressions that she was completely panicked.

  “Next stop: 204 North Church Street,” a voice announced over the intercom system. I watched Rose as she stiffly stood from her chair, holding the baby even more tightly as she wove through the crowd to the doors.

  “Are you okay, Miss?” A man had reached out and grabbed her, showing his concern.

  “I’m fine,” Rose mumbled as she pressed on toward the door.

  She exited the train, glancing around her before she took off at a brisk walk into the rainy night. Curiosity burning inside me, I followed.

  We arrived at a small park I didn’t recognize. Rose hid underneath the slide, bouncing her small child as she waited for something.

  “Rose?” a familiar voice asked from somewhere out of sight. “Is that you?” I instantly recognized it as the voice of my dad—or the man I had always thought was my dad.

  Rose let out a long breath before she stepped out from the cover of the slide. “Yes, it’s me,” she replied, her eyes raking over Mike hungrily. “Thank you for coming.”

  “You knew I would,” Mike said, shrugging.

  “I didn’t, actually. But I hoped.” Rose smiled at him through the rain.

  Mike seemed uncomfortable with the comment. “Is this the girl?” he asked. He approached Rose and pushed back the blanket to get a glimpse of my baby face. My heart nearly melted as I took in my dad’s soft expression. Despite what I may not have known about my past, this was the man who raised me, who loved me. This was my father.

  “Yes, this is Avalon,” Rose answered. “I don’t have much time. They could be on their way right now. Please tell me, Mike. Will you do it? Will you take her?”

  Mike looked back and forth between the baby and Rose. “I don’t know the first thing about kids, you know. But yes, of course. Anything for you.” He gave Rose a half smile. She cried harder in response.

  “Come here, Rose,” Mike said, grabbing the woman in an embrace with me cradled between their chests. “You can stay here with me. You don’t have to go back.” He hesitated. “Please don’t go back.” His voice broke as a tear cascaded down his cheek.

  Rose stepped back as she said, “You know as well as I do that isn’t an option. Please, just promise me that you’ll take care of her.”

  “I promise,” Mike said quietly, his voice pained.

  “And promise you won’t tell her where she comes from. She can’t know—for her own safety.”

  “I know. I promise.”

  Rose looked down at the baby. “I love you, Ava. Forever and always.” She kissed the baby on the head, then handed her over to Mike.

  The scene faded to black. I found myself sitting on the ledge of the fountain back in the palace gardens, the rose charm clutched in my hand.

  “What did you think?” a woman’s voice asked from somewhere in the distance.

  “Rose? Is that you?” I was fairly certain I recognized her voice, though it sounded older.

  I heard a rustling from behind me. I stood quickly and turned toward it. A woman, dressed in red, emerged from around a tall hedge. Her face was heavy with makeup and her blonde hair curled down to her waist.

  “Queen Isabella?” I asked, confused and afraid. So this had been a set up after all.

  “Rose is correct,” she said, edging toward me cautiously.

  I hesitated, half-way convinced it would be best to run. What did she mean, ‘Rose is correct’?

  “I go by Isabella because Tenebris wants me to,” the woman continued to explain. “I don’t think anyone in the entire kingdom remembers my real name. They forgot, you see, because he wanted them to. Praesidium is a powerful object. But not powerful enough to make me forget. Fortunately, I am surrounded by many memories, just like you, Ava, though he wants desperately for me to be a different woman.”

  I tried to process this. “You mean to say you are Rosaline, my mother? And also the previous queen of Cyrus? Everyone told me the queen died in the rebel attack, along with Trinnen and their son.”

  Instead of answering me, she reached into the pool of water and splashed her face several times. As she looked up at me without the makeup distorting her features, I finally recognized her. Though she was older and had blonde hair, she most certainly was Rose.

  Rose smiled. “That, again, is what Tenebris wanted everyone to believe. Instead, he married me. He always wanted everything that was his brother’s, including his wife. They hated each other. Passionately.”

  “Are Trinnen and… my brother… really dead? Or is that also a lie?”

  “I’m glad to hear you understand so well,” Rose smiled kindly. “Yes, your father and brother are dead.” Her face fell slightly with sadness.

  “Please don’t call that man my father,” I said coldly.

  Rose smiled sympathetically, then sat on the ledge of the pool, motioning for me to join her. I hesitated only momentarily before I sat next to my mother, marveling in that fact. I had long since given up hope of ever meeting her, yet here I was, staring into her eyes that matched mine so closely.

  “I’m sorry. And I understand completely. It’s very hard for me to have anything but bitter thoughts about him as well. As you’ve seen, he took everything from me. And Tenebris continues to do so. I do hope, though, that you can forgive me. And your brother.”

  “What was his name?” I asked softly.

  Rose smiled. “His name was Kevin—a name Trinnen loathed. It was much too common for his son,” Rose rolled her eyes. “But oddly, he let me have my way for once.”

  I smiled. I had a brother. A twin brother named Kevin. I was overwhelmed with regret that I’d never know him.

  “You really loved Dad, didn’t you?” I asked.

  Rose smiled, not needing to clarify to whom I was referring. “More than you know. I still love him. And I love him even more seeing how well he raised you. I knew he would.” She reached out and stroked my hair. I leaned into her soft hand slightly.

  I learned something new in that instance—the touch of a mother was magical. Far more than any magic Cyril could gift. It was a power I’d never known, and I reveled in it.

  “You deserve to be with him. And he with you,” I said.

  Rose smiled sadly. “That’s something I’ve only dreamed of for twenty long years. I’m afraid it’s not possible. Praesidium is too strong.”

  “It is strong. Most definitely. B
ut I happen to know how to defeat it. And with the information you just revealed to me, it’s suddenly become possible once more. I am the daughter of King Trinnen, after all.”

  Rose looked at me in confusion as my resolve to defeat my family’s birthright strengthened within me.

  King Trinnen was my father, which made me the rightful heir of Cyrus. The bloodline of Ganton ran through me. As such, I would be the one to destroy the long curse he’d placed on Cyrus those many years ago.

  -------- End of Book 1--------


  My family has been wonderful in their support of this project. My husband, Ryan, has been patient with me as I’ve spent many hours lost in my writing and imagination. His excitement for my story truly helped me feel like this was something others would enjoy reading.

  My parents, Kirk and Annalisa, were enthusiastic from the start, believing in my abilities even when I was unsure myself. I owe them more than can possibly be put in words.

  My siblings, Spencer, Kiranne, and Jessalyn, provided wonderful feedback as my test readers. I’m thankful for the hours they spent helping me improve my writing. And, as always, I’m grateful for my angel brother, McKay, who watches over me.

  My parents-in-law, Bill and Kathy, were also helpful readers, giving insight into parts they enjoyed and parts that could be improved. Their support means the world to me.

  A huge thank you to my readers who gave my work a chance! I cannot express how much it means to me. You’re the best!

  Most of all, I thank my Heavenly Father who has given me all I have.

  About the Author

  Janilise lives in Northern Utah with her husband, Ryan, and their many pets. She graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in health education and history teaching. She loves running, camping, hiking, and doing anything outdoors. Her favorite place to be is anywhere with family.

  To learn more about Janilise and to stay updated on her other writing projects, connect with her on her blog.




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