Claiming Addison: 69 Bottles #1

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Claiming Addison: 69 Bottles #1 Page 14

by Zoey Derrick

  I look down at my watch. Forty minutes late, praying there is little to no traffic so we can make our arrival on time. Hopefully.

  Kyle and I hang at the table in the galley after Talon grabs himself a bagel and disappears into his bunk, shutting the door. Both Kyle and I look at each other and shrug. “Dex pissed him off pretty bad,” Kyle whispers. “Just give him a minute.” I nod and we go back to discussing our travel schedule changes.

  “Phoenix is a short distance, but Atlanta to Orlando is a bit farther, especially after we’ve been there for a while, there needs to be a curfew in place for that night.”

  “I agree,” Kyle says.

  “We’ve added seven new shows to this tour because of their performance; I do not want to ruin that reputation by showing up late, which we’re coming close to doing today.”

  “Right, but we also have a two hour earlier show, so it wouldn’t have been as dire and likely won’t be in the future.”

  The conversation continues for some time until finally Talon emerges from his room wearing a pair of flannel pajama pants, flip flops and a t-shirt. He shuffles to the fridge for a bottle of Gatorade and turns to us. We’re both watching him and he smirks. “What?”

  “You’re just so…” I lose the words when his eyes narrow and he starts to seduce me with his gorgeous vibrant green eyes.

  “That’s what I thought,” he smirks. “What are you two talking about?”

  Kyle launches into my idea, giving me full credit for it, which I admire. He and Talon slip into discussion about what happened this morning with the guys, not with us, thank god. No need to air dirty laundry for the whole bus to hear, especially considering Rusty and Beck are dozing on the couch next to us.

  Talon grabs for my hand. “Come on, we need to talk.” He looks at Kyle. “You too.” I smile and I’m impressed that Talon is leading this charge. Impressed because he is the one I expected to run from this. In fact he kind of did when he disappeared into his room shortly after boarding the bus, but he’s owning up to it now as he leads me back to his room. Once we’re all inside, he closes the door.

  He turns to me, wrapping me in his arms and planting a beautiful kiss on my lips. There is no tongue involved, but the kiss is soft and sweet, and my pussy heats. Jesus, after this morning you’d think I’d be worn out, then again, I have nearly eight sexless years to make up for and who better to do it with than these two.

  With Talon’s lips still on mine, Kyle comes up behind me, wrapping me in his arms, holding me to him and pressing me into Talon’s hard chest. Passion ignites once again and I moan. This, right here, between these two men, is exactly where I need to be. Their loving embrace is heartwarming beyond anything I could have ever thought. But I can’t let this continue until I know where this is going. Yes, the sex is amazing, fucking A! I want to do it again and again, but I think some ground rules need to be set.

  “We need to talk,” I whisper between kisses and both men gradually pull back and I shiver at the cool air radiating around me at their loss.

  “Where to start?” Talon says looking into my eyes.

  “How about with how you two are feeling?”

  “And she successfully defers to us first,” Kyle teases. “Well, bottom line, this is new to me and I know it’s new to Talon.”

  I turn to look at him. “How do you know that?”

  He smiles. “Because, when Talon climbed into your bed last night, we talked about it.”

  “So I wasn’t dreaming, you guys really were talking?” They both stiffen. “Relax, I don’t know or remember what was said, it just seemed like it had a lot to do with me.”

  “It did,” Talon says and I turn toward him.

  “I’m gonna get whiplash if I keep turning between the two of you.” I grab their hands and pull them in the direction of the bed. As I climb up, I drop their hands and go up near the pillows and lean against the headboard. They follow my lead but sitting in front of me, cross-legged like little boys on a carpet waiting for the teacher to read a story. It makes me smile.

  “What was the conversation about?” I prompt.

  Kyle speaks first. “Us, trying to decide where we stood with each other. Before the show last night, while he was kissing you, I rubbed my hand along his, well, you know, anyway. I was concerned that I’d crossed a line or that he thought it was you. I quickly realized that he knew it was me and that he enjoyed it, but that neither one of us have ever done anything like this.”

  “You could have fooled me,” I say seriously. “You’ve never had a threesome before?” I’m honestly curious.

  “We have separately and together. But there has never been an attraction between us. Until you.” Talon is very serious when he talks. “I’m not sure what it means, and I certainly don’t know where it will lead between Kyle and me; but I know my attraction to him comes from being around you. There is nothing sexier in the world than seeing him kiss you and hold you.”

  His words strike me deep. When I first met Talon, I expected a complete hard ass, someone who didn’t give a shit about anyone or anything, and maybe that’s the case, outside of this room, but something has changed in him, with him, and it makes me want him that much more. “So in other words, you both want to ‘try’ to be with one another, with me?”

  Kyle and Talon both look at each other and then back at me. The answer is clear in their eyes and the answer is yes.

  “You both realize that I’ve never done anything like this before, right?” There is no shock, no malice, no nothing that crosses their features. “Kyle knows some of my story, but it’s been over seven years since I’ve been with someone, until this morning.” That gets Talon’s attention.

  “How is that possible, Addie?” That’s the first time Talon has used my nickname and my heart swells a little more. “You’re fucking gorgeous. You could have anyone you want. In fact, you should have anyone you want.”

  I smile sadly at him. “Talon, I think it’s time I tell you my story.”

  “Jesus, Addie,” he says when I finish telling him about Dan and what happened. Then launching into why I threw myself into work and then finally my difficulty with friendships and relationships in general.

  “The worst part of it all is that after the funeral, no one, besides my mother, cared about me. No one called to check on me, to see how I was holding up. It’s like I was lost in the wind.”

  “Damn it, Addison, I’m sorry,” Kyle cuts in. “I had no idea they’d done that.”

  “Kyle, it’s not your fault.”

  “Wait, why would it be Kyle’s fault?” Talon asks. I left out that part of the story, unsure of how to tell Talon.

  “Because Dan was my brother.” Kyle handles it for me.

  Talon is visibly shaken by Kyle’s admission. “I didn’t know, not until it hit me before the San Diego show. It hit me. I’d been trying to place Kyle, figure out how I knew him and it turns out that I didn’t know him, but he was familiar somehow.”

  “I was dealing with so much shit at the time when Dan died. I didn’t care about anyone but myself. Which is how I ended up in rehab and then finally at Penn State. I got my shit together and found myself in college, which is where I met Talon and this is where I’ve been ever since.”

  “So it comes full circle,” I say quietly. Talking about Dan to Talon has actually been a relief. Almost as if a weight has lifted from my shoulders. “By the time I realized what I was missing out on, I was so engrossed in work that I didn’t have time for anything or anyone and a part of me regrets it. Regrets that I let a dead man rule my life for so many years. But it all happened so fast, I never really gave myself time to forgive, to deal with it.” The tears streak down my cheeks. “And now I’ve gone from nothing to you and this and I’m so confused.”

  “Stop, Addie, please. We will figure this out. Some way, somehow. I don’t know where to begin with all of this either. I just know one thing. I want to be with you and oddly enough, I really want to be with Talon too.”

  I watch as gentle smiles spread across their faces. “I, damn it you guys, I don’t know what to say,” I mutter.

  “Don’t say anything, just let us hold you,” Talon says as he slides closer to me. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him to me. Kyle joins us and in an awkward shift we all manage to lie down. Me in the middle. Kyle spooning me and me spooning Talon.

  We don’t say anything for a long time. We all just lie there, soaking up each other. Kyle’s hand goes from my hip to Talon’s hip. Talon shifts, pushing back into me. I can feel Kyle’s erection pressing against my back and just like the strike of a match, I’m on fire. Burning for them, needing them as much as they seem to need me.

  “I have one request,” I whisper.

  “Anything,” they both say in unison.

  I smile. “Me and only me. No one else besides the three of us.” Talon turns in my arms so he can look at me.

  “This is new to me. I’ve never wanted a commitment, I’ve never longed for anything outside of the bedroom and more than anything, I’ve never had the same woman in my bed twice. I won’t lie. I am going to fuck this up. I just know I will.” His eyes are radiating sadness, I know how he feels and I want to cry.

  “Am I enough for you?”

  “I hope so, I think so. I just need time to know so.”

  “Talon, you’ve already started to prove that to yourself. Don’t put so much doubt in your own head,” Kyle says over my shoulder. “The woman Friday night? The fact that you came up to the suite instead of partying with the guys. Don’t be so hard on yourself. No one is asking for a commitment from you, but if she is really what you want, you won’t hesitate. It will be easier than you think.”

  “What happened Friday night?” I ask, honestly curious. He had a buffet lined up on the couch when I came back to the room.

  “I tried to kick them out and they refused. I had to call Mills in to get them out of my room. But the truth is, I wouldn’t have kicked them out if they hadn’t started talking about you.”

  “But you had the willpower to recognize that, and that Talon, is a step in the right direction,” I tell him, stroking his cheek. “This is going to take some getting used to for all of us. Believe me. I am a ridiculously independent woman and if the way you two took care of me this morning is any indication of how this is going to go moving forward, it is going to be a major adjustment for me too. So patience is a given. It has to be. But you also need to understand that if I leave a party, or backstage or anywhere that you are, it’s not always going to be because I’m pissed off or jealous, like Friday night, but sometimes I just need my alone time.”

  “We all do,” Kyle says. “It needs to be an unspoken term of this arrangement.”

  We all snuggle back into each other again. This time Talon stays facing me and they’re both stroking my hair softly. Comforting me, enveloping me in their warmth. A sensation I know will never get old. It will never fade away, at least not when it comes to these two. I’ve never felt safer than I do right now.

  My eyelids grow heavy and I fall asleep in their arms.

  When I wake up sometime later, I can tell that the bus has stopped, but I find that I’m all alone. My heart breaks just a little bit. I feel like I’ve inadvertently given them their chance to run. Until I look at the clock and see that it’s 4:30. I sit up quickly. Jesus, I have an hour and a half to get ready. Shit. I wanted some more time because, well, I have a plan for tonight.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Kyle asks me.

  “What choice do I have?”

  “A lot,” he says back.

  “No, I really don’t. From the moment she walked onto that bus, I knew there was something special about her. Something beyond anything I’ve ever known and felt.” God, I sound like a fucking sap. “But the point is that I knew I had to have her. Except at the time I thought I was content to stick it in her and be done, get it out of my system, but over the last couple of days I feel so much happiness when I’m around her. She makes it all go away. She makes the years of pain just disappear and it’s addicting and it makes me want to be a better person.”

  “Yeah, I know. Believe me, I feel it too.”

  “I can’t make her choose, Kyle. I can’t make her choose which one of us she wants to be with.”

  “Why not? It would be easier,” he says, and he’s dead serious, but in the same token, he doubts his words.

  “No, it wouldn’t. The way I see it is like this. If you get her, I’m left to be envious and jealous and perpetually horny because any woman I would try to hook up with wouldn’t be her. Instead I’ll have to watch my best friend with her. If she chooses me, I’ll feel bad for leaving you out, feel like I’ve stolen something from her and I will fuck it up. I know I will. I always do, Kyle. If we both have her, I don’t have to feel jealous because I’ll have her too and as a bonus, I get you.”

  He smirks. “Are you getting soft on me?”

  I roll my eyes. “No. But I meant what I said. I’ve seen your shit before, we’ve shared women in the past, but never have I ever been so turned on by seeing you two together. It’s strange and it’s fucking hot.”

  “I have to agree with that. But I’m not sure how far I’m willing to take it between you and me.” He gestures between us.

  “I’m not going to go kissing you, publicly, if that’s what you’re worried about. What happens behind closed doors is another story. I’ve always found other men attractive, but like you, I just never acted on it. I know that there are a couple of things that after this morning I’m itching to try,” I tell him. No need to go into detail about how I enjoyed his little tongue trick on my nuts this morning and how I have a deep craving to have his mouth wrapped around my tool. Those are fantasies that I’m desperate to turn into a reality, but I don’t want to push him too far, too fast.

  “I’m worried about our friendship,” Kyle says extremely serious.

  “How so?”

  “Well, you know what they say; sex between friends is usually the death of a friendship.”

  I try not to laugh because he has a point. “Look, I won’t let it come between us if you won’t. If we keep it the way it’s always been out of the bedroom, then there is nothing to worry about.” He nods.

  We hear a whistle and our heads whip around the second Dex spouts his shit. “Hot fucking momma, come here, let daddy show you a thing or two.” I look straight at Addison walking through the back door. Then I watch her shudder at Dex’s words and not in a good way. It makes me smile, but her outfit makes me hard.

  She’s wearing a corset tonight, a strapless black and purple number. Her tattoos on her shoulders pop with their bright colors and I realize now that this is the first time the fairy on her back has ever been exposed, except of course this morning when we stripped her. Her corset is matched with a very short leather skirt, fishnet stockings, a fucking garter belt holding them up and boots that go all the way to her knees and are at least four inches high.

  “Fuck,” Kyle growls next to me.

  “You took the words right out of my mouth.”

  “Dude, she’s fucking ours. You know that?”

  Kyle’s words hit me like a fucking freight train. She’s ours. She’s mine, she’s his. There is no jealousy, no envy, simply contentment and desire as she walks in perfectly measured strides toward us.

  Her hair is up, but it’s high on her head. Like they used to wear it back in the fifties or sixties and it folds nicely into the pony tail at the back of her head. Her make-up is dark, but bright red lipstick accents her features perfectly.

  “Hello, boys,” she says as she comes to stand in front of us.

  “Rusty’s on you tonight,” I growl.

  “No, he’s not. He was falling asleep on the bus, so I sent him to bed. Besides, I have you two to protect me now, don’t I?” She raises her eyebrows, but beneath the mask she’s wearing, I can tell she needs the reassurance.

  “Damn straight,” Kyle says sternly and
her face lights up into a bright smile.

  “I need to kiss you,” I groan.

  “Then kiss me.” Those three little words were all I needed to hear and I charge at her, hard and desperate, wrapping my arms around her, holding her to me while my lips crush into hers. Lightning ignites in my veins and I need her, right now.

  I push her backwards into an open door of a dressing room, the one I was given, not that I need it. As soon as we’re inside, I spin her around, pinning her to the wall next to the door. I take her hands and pin them over her head. “Fucking gorgeous,” I growl and look over at Kyle standing in the doorway. “Get in here,” I say and he obeys me, stepping into the room and shutting the door. His obedience sends a shock wave of desire through me. Dominant? No, but I love control, and I love it rough and right now, she’s giving me exactly what I need.

  My lips are hammering hers with hard kisses. I push off of her. “Kyle, take her,” I command and he takes her. Keeping her arms pressed above her head he grinds himself into her pelvis and she moans. “Fuck me,” I groan as I press into Kyle’s backside, my hands sliding along his shirt, pushing it up.

  He pulls back from kissing her long enough for me to pull his shirt over his head. His muscles are tight and I rub my hands down his back. He hisses a breath through his teeth when my nails scrape down his back and I slam into him with my body, holding both of them to the wall.

  Hot, passionate and rough. Addison moans as Kyle dips his head lower, along her shoulder, down her breasts. I feel him tug her corset down, freeing her breasts and she cries out in pleasure as he sucks a beautiful nipple into his mouth. I sink my teeth into Kyle’s shoulder, wrapping my arms around him, reaching for his fly. I pop the button and rip the zipper down.

  I slide my hands into the waistband of his pants and push them down to his thighs. I feel his cock bounce as I free it and I grip it in my hands. “Talon,” he moans against Addison’s chest. “Fuck, don’t stop.” And I can’t. I grip his cock and begin stroking it. He pulls back from holding Addison against the wall to push himself against me.


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