Ezra: Vampire Seeking Bride

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Ezra: Vampire Seeking Bride Page 8

by Anya Nowlan

  As he opened the up the laptop, he could hear Seth talking about making mistakes and whatnot, but he found it hard to focus on that conversation when he saw what popped up on Kayla’s screen.

  What is this… he wondered, his eyes quickly scanning the document in front of him. An exposé… on vampires?

  Ezra could hardly believe his eyes, but there it was, right in front of him, in black and white. A dark thought entered his mind, one that he hadn’t ever even considered just a moment before.

  Has Kayla been playing me this whole time?



  “And what about Amber?” Kayla asked, her hand on her hip, as she studied Seth, standing in front of him.

  The man looked a lot less confident than he had that night at the bar as he pleaded with her to give him another chance. He hadn’t seemed all that broken up when they’d run into each other, but now, he kept going on about what a mistake he had made letting Kayla go.

  I kind of like seeing him grovel, Kayla mused, surprised at herself for such a thought.

  Just days ago she would have leapt at the opportunity to have Seth back, it wouldn’t even have taken this extensive of an apology to do it. It only now hit her how big of a mistake that would have been.

  “Amber means nothing,” Seth replied, one hand on the doorframe as he gave her his best puppy-dog face. “Just a rebound. You’re the one I really want.”

  Seth’s expression looked sincere, but the words rang hollow. Had he ever put so much effort into rekindling their relationship before? Now that Kayla really thought about it, she had always been the one contacting him, willing to make things work. Yet now that Seth had seen her with Ezra, he was suddenly here at her door, asking to be given another shot.

  He only wants me when he can’t have me, Kayla thought, and the realization was both crushing and long overdue.

  It was time for her to realize she was worth more than a guy who stuck her with an apartment she couldn’t pay for so he could run around with other girls. How had she not seen how unhealthy their relationship was years ago?

  It didn’t matter. Things were more than clear to her now.

  “Why are you really here?” she asked with a sigh, and she could tell it was not the answer Seth had been expecting. “Is it because of Ezra?”

  “That guy you were making out with at the bar? No, I forgive you for that,” he replied, reaching out to take her hand.

  “I do not need your forgiveness,” Kayla scoffed, almost unable to believe how far up his own ass Seth’s head was. “And I won’t be anyone’s backup or safety net.”

  “Kay-Kay, you’ve got it all wrong. This time apart has really shown me what’s important. It’s you, babe. I love you,” he said, really laying it on thicker than she would have expected. “We can make it work. We have our dream apartment, the life we’ve always talked about. Let’s not throw that away.”

  For a moment, seeing Seth standing there, looking up at him with his blue eyes, and sandy hair in an unruly mess on top of his head, she could see the man she originally fell for. The trouble was, she wasn’t sure that man had ever existed.

  She had painted herself a fantasy around Seth that had little basis on reality, and it had brought her little happiness. It had taken a sexy vampire falling into her lap to make her realize what real desire and authentic interest and affection felt like. And now that she had tasted that, she could never go back to Seth.

  Despite her decision already being made, a small spiteful part of her couldn’t help wanting to cause Seth just a fraction of the pain he had put her through. So she looked at him, hard and long, pretending to think things over. His eyes were already starting to light up, as he guessed she would no doubt forgive him, as she had countless times before.

  “You know what, Seth? Let me think about it,” she said, a second before slamming the door shut in his face.

  An impish grin spread over her face as she pictured him still standing on the other side, stunned to be left out in the cold. Kaya didn’t think there was too much wrong in letting him marinate a little, waiting on her decision on whether she would take him back or not.

  But her smile vanished when she spotted Ezra, standing in the middle of the living room, tense as a coiled spring and staring daggers at her.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, starting to walk to his side but stopping when he held out a hand. “Seth’s gone…” she started, before Ezra interjected.

  “I told you what happened to humans who tried to reveal our secret, or did you not believe me? Was getting that breaking story more important than your life? How long were you going to string me along before you went back to your boyfriend?” he rattled off questions, leaving her little time to process what was going on.

  “What breaking…” she started to ask, before she realized what was going on. “You saw the article on my laptop,” she stated quietly.

  “Was it all pretend? Just a way to get more information out of me?” Ezra asked, making her eyes snap to him as her heart started beating out of her chest.

  “Of course not, how could you even say that?” she replied, taking a step closer to him. “I was going to delete that article, I swear, even before you warned me about what happens to humans who run their mouth. I realized how it would hurt you, and I would never want to hurt you,” she insisted, but her words did little to convince him.

  “Why should I even believe you?” he asked, and the hurt flashing across his face sent an ache through her entire body.

  Clearly he was feeling betrayed and used, and all because of her actions. Just when Kayla thought everything was starting to go her way, all she had ended up doing was hurting Ezra, the one person who had helped her break this cycle she had fallen into with Seth.

  “I started that article before I even really knew you. Things have changed since then. You have become so important to me,” Kayla said, feeling her eyes well up. “The fact that you would think I was pretending to have feelings for you is like a knife to the gut. Please, you have to believe me.”

  “I want to,” he replied, more quiet this time, his gray eyes a bit less stormy. “But even if I did, I just heard you tell Seth you would think about getting back together. If you still have feelings for him…” he started, but Kayla cut him off.

  “I don’t,” she quickly assured him. “Seth is my past. I want you to be my future,” she said, slipping her hand into his.

  Ezra gave it a quick squeeze as he looked down at her, his expression unreadable.

  “Then why didn’t you tell him that?” he asked.

  “I don’t even know…” she shook her head, her eyes on the ground. “It was stupid. I should have told him to fuck off.”

  “Maybe you are still harboring some love for him, or maybe you are unsure of how you feel about me. Whatever the case, I think we need to slow down. I know I was the one that put the pressure on in the first place, showing up, moving in, claiming you…

  “Now, things are different, and what I feel for you is more real than anything I’ve ever had. But I can’t stay here with you with these doubts in my head.

  “And I think you need some time to see how you really feel.”

  When Ezra let go of her hand, she could feel a tear rolling down her cheek. Just a moment ago, she had been so happy, so secure, despite the uncertainty of where a vampire-human relationship may lead her. Now, everything was crumbling down around her, and the man she had been falling in love with was pulling away.

  “I know how I feel,” she whispered, even though she knew Ezra was unlikely to change his mind.

  The way he was looking at her now, it was clear he needed some time away, and she couldn’t blame him. Maybe there was some truth to what he was saying. Kayla definitely didn’t want Seth back, but what did she expect to happen with Ezra?

  He was tasked with finding a bride, after all, and that entailed meeting a woman who wanted to become a vampire. Now that was a very permanent choice, and one not to be made ligh
tly. It was something that couldn’t be decided with emotion, but with a clear head.

  And with everything inside Kayla’s brain rushing along a mile a minute, she was having a hard time even getting out what she wanted to say.

  Before she could even try and come up with a way to make him believe her, he was already turning away and heading for the door. He had said he was giving her time, and all she could think was, how much time? Was he ever going to come back?

  A part of her wanted to run after him, to grab him and make him stay, so she could delete that stupid article in front of him and tell him she would never go back to Seth, even if the man got down on his knees and begged.

  But her legs were heavy and her throat dry, her doubts about their future together swirling in her mind as she just watched him disappear through the door and pull it shut after him.

  Why can’t I ever just go after what I want? Kayla thought to herself, sinking into the couch and burying her face in her hands.

  Now that he was really gone, the thought of spending even one night without Ezra suddenly seemed like the most daunting thing in the world.

  Tears started streaming down her face as she sat in her living room, going over all the things she wished she had said to him and hadn’t. Was it crazy to think she wanted to be his betrothed for real? Was it insane how she was considering starting a whole new life with a man she had only just met?

  Doing all she could to be completely honest with herself, she had to admit she didn’t care one bit how unbelievable and rushed everything was. There was a connection, a deep and true link between them, that ended up outweighing all the practical, real-life things she should be considering.

  Just as she was considering how far Ezra could have gotten by now with his superspeed and if calling him and telling him to come back would be a remotely good idea, a knock at the door made her lift her head up and get to her feet.

  Kayla knew Ezra couldn’t have possibly changed his mind so quickly, so she was more angry than relieved when she stomped toward the door.

  “Seth, I swear to god, if you…” she muttered under her breath as she pulled the door open, only to be faced with a tall, broad-shouldered, dark-haired and bearded man, staring at herwith narrowed eyes. “You’re not Seth,” Kayla said, giving him a quick once-over.

  “I am not,” he said lightly, before his hand shot out to wrap around her neck. “Now where’s that betrothed of yours?”



  Pacing around in the hotel room he had hastily gotten, Ezra was replaying that last conversation with Kayla in his mind. He wasn’t one to usually fidget or be restless, since years of being undead tended to make a person more still. When your muscles never got tired, stretching or moving around turned into useless gestures.

  But Kayla had him acting in all sorts of unexpected ways, and he found himself unable to just sit down and think things through. More than ever he needed to do something, to keep his body in motion to distract from the barrage of thoughts going through his head.

  Kayla had seemed sincere in her insistence that she had buried the article after things developed between them. How she felt about Seth, however, Ezra wasn’t so sure about. Maybe him pouncing on her so soon after her breakup hadn’t been such a good idea?

  Then again, neither of them had been able to keep their hands off each other that night, and Ezra couldn’t bring himself to regret anything that happened.

  Beyond their strong physical chemistry, however, there were feelings he was not used to feeling. Possessiveness, for one, and a desire to keep Kayla from any sort of harm. Then there was the way making her smile could make his entire day. That was new.

  I am so in over my head with this woman, Ezra sighed to himself.

  He wanted all of her, for forever, and he knew that was a tall order. She hadn’t even known vampires existed not that long ago, and now here they were, with him wanting to make her his bride for real.

  How can I even ask that of her?

  It wasn’t that he wouldn’t cherish every day, week, month or year of her time she chose to share with him, but he couldn’t imagine the heartbreak her humanity would end up bringing. What were mere years to him after living for so long? And what would he do for the centuries to come when she was no longer by his side?

  Ezra was surprised by how far ahead he was thinking, and how absolutely serious he was about Kayla after such a brief time with her, but it didn’t change the fact that he genuinely did want to share his life, or well, his death, with her.

  But he had promised Kayla time, so both of them could figure things out. He would keep that promise. It was important that when he spoke to Kayla next, she have a true understanding of her feelings for him.

  His phone was charging on the bedside table, and when it buzzed, Ezra snatched it up, sure it was Stephen calling. To his surprise, an unfamiliar number flashed on the screen. He didn’t give his number out to just anyone, so his brow was furrowed when he picked up.

  “Hello?” he said into the receiver, waiting for a response.

  “Hello. I see you’ve been busy since I saw you last,” a somewhat familiar voice said, and Ezra struggled to place it.

  “Robert?” Ezra asked, taken aback. “What do you want?”

  “I want my wife back, but I guess that’s not going to happen,” Robert replied, and the bitterness in his voice was clear.

  “I didn’t take your wife from you,” Ezra argued. “It was a fling, and one I thought you knew about,” he explained for what felt like the hundredth time, but Robert wasn’t having it.

  “She left me!” he snarled, before a couple seconds of silence, where he gathered himself enough to sound almost calm. “You came between us, and now I’m going to make you pay.”

  Ezra wasn’t one to back away from a challenge, and in his mind, Robert even deserved to have a face-to-face with him. Whether he had meant to or not, Ezra had wounded the man’s honor, and if a confrontation would make Robert feel better, who was he to deny him that.

  But there were other things to consider, like the fact Ezra definitely didn’t want to pull Stephen’s line into a war with Robert’s line. It was exactly the sort of thing he’d agreed to leave New York to avoid. Two old and respected Makers like Stephen and Robert going up against each other could end up severely disrupting more than just the lives of those in their lines.

  And Ezra was sure that even if Robert got his revenge on him, it wouldn’t stop there. Stephen would be duty-bound to avenge the death of a member of his line, and Robert would happily focus his anger on another target to distract from the embarrassment and pain he was feeling.

  “I had nothing to do with Lilith leaving you,” Ezra replied. “I haven’t even talked to her after…”

  “Shut your mouth,” Robert warned. “I should have known you would try to talk your way out of this, but that ship has sailed. I have something of yours, and if you want it back, you’re going to accept my challenge.”

  Cold dread crept up Ezra’s spine as he tried to decipher what exactly Robert was saying. What could the man possibly hold over him to make Ezra disobey his Maker and settle this with violence?

  Just as worst case scenarios were starting to run through his mind, there was rustling on the other side of the line, and when a female voice came on, Ezra recognized it immediately.

  “Ezra?” Kayla asked, her voice sounding shaky.

  “Kayla? Are you alright? Has he hurt you?” Ezra rattled off, stilling as he focused to catch her every word.

  “I’m okay,” she replied, but she sounded afraid.

  “Enough of that,” Robert’s voice said. “You know I have her, and you know what I want.”

  “What are you doing, Robert?” Ezra asked, working hard to keep himself from crushing the phone he was holding to his ear. “I have claimed her. You have no right to lay a hand on her.”

  “A desperate man uses desperate measures,” was all that Robert had to say in response to that. “Now, ar
e you going to give me my chance at tearing your head off, or am I going to have to sink my teeth into this pretty little bride of yours?”

  Ezra could already feel his fangs elongate. The thought of Kayla at Robert’s mercy, afraid and alone was almost too much to bear.

  I never should have left her alone.

  But Ezra couldn’t turn back time and change the past. All he could do now was get her back, safe and sound, and make Robert pay for even threatening to harm her.

  “Just give me the time and place,” Ezra ground out, imagining his hands around Robert’s throat.

  I’m coming for you, Kayla. Hang on.



  An air horn sounded in the distance as Kayla sat on an old crate in the corner of a shipping container. The man she now knew to be Robert, husband to the woman Ezra had had an affair with, was standing eerily still in the middle of the space, staring out through the open door.

  There wasn’t much to look at, except for a row of similar containers and water in the distance. The few people who had been milling around the remote part of the port they were now in had scattered at the sight of Robert. Maybe he did business here, or owned a part of the port, Kayla didn’t know.

  Ezra had described the man as powerful and wealthy, so she couldn’t rule anything out. She did know that no one was coming to her rescue. Everyone who had seen Robert drag her along had either given her a quick pitying glance or looked away altogether.

  All she had left to do was wait for Ezra to come, and trade himself for her.

  There was no use in trying to talk to Robert, he had made it very clear from the start he didn’t care much for what she had to say. And there was no way she could escape from a vampire. He would catch her before she even got to her feet.

  So now Kayla was left to sit idly by as Ezra was forced to risk his life for her, and she hated it. Being used as a pawn to lure Ezra here was bad enough, but what was even worse was the feeling of helplessness. This was a fight she couldn’t help Ezra with. She was way out of her league.


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