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Savage Secrets (Titan #6)

Page 9

by Harber, Cristin

  He double checked that their Audi was out of sight. It was. “Ready?”

  Caterina nodded and was already moving toward El Mateperros’s place. It took them five minutes to reach the outer perimeter. A stone fence. Good look, but poor defense. Give Rocco a charge and a few blocks of plastics, and he could make the fence fall like stacked dominoes. It’d be quite the show. Cat would like it, but impressing her wasn’t on the agenda. Nor was making a scene. But still… she’d like it.

  Really? He rolled his eyes at himself. Between wanting to impress her and wanting to have her tucked away safely, Rocco’s attention was distracted at best. He cleared his mind but still smelled her perfume. Shit. With her an arm’s length away, he considered recalibrating their plan. They had to slip in, scout the scene, plant a couple of bugs, and get back to the car. But the idea of separating from her didn’t sit well. He looked at his watch. Their goal was in and out in forty minutes, and they were already ahead of schedule. He frowned, mind clouding with thoughts of her. They could get in and out and home before—

  A hotel room isn’t a home.

  “I don’t see anyone,” Cat whispered over her shoulder as they slunk closer.

  She’d taken their forward position. A cutesy-fancy country house came into view. Couldn’t the ACG find a manlier place to call British HQ? This place looked like his grandma’s dream come true. It screamed doilies and banana bread, not international terrorist. But Rocco had to give credit where it was due. This was a great cover.

  Caterina looked equally unimpressed. “You sure this is the right place?”

  “Coordinates match.”

  “Maybe your boy Parker is wrong.”

  Rocco laughed. “Yeah, nope.” A smaller stone fence surrounded the two-level house. Ivy grew up the walls, and there were outbuildings behind—probably a barn, though it didn’t look in use.

  “Same plan?”

  Unless she decided to call the job off, his mouth was sealed, no suggestions for her to hike it back to the Audi. He nodded. “You take right, I’ll head left. Meet you in the back.”

  Caterina took off before he could tell her to be careful or watch her back. It would’ve made him an ass, but a little name-calling didn’t hurt. Besides, what would he say? I don’t like you running around with a couple guns and a knife the size of your forearm.

  The truth would earn him a piece of her mind, most likely in Spanish, which would get him all bothered and make him want to leave her someplace safe. Or someplace they could be alone. Their circle of banter would commence. But his reasoning was well thought out. Hand-to-hand battle wasn’t her specialty; breaking a man’s mental barriers was.

  Rocco continued to watch her instead of moving to his first location. Fuck, man. That Spanish beauty was giving him heartburn. She was out of sight in seconds, and he was still squatting behind the fence, wasting time. Ducking, he ran to the first of the three spots that he needed to check while dropping listening bugs and location trackers.

  First, he hit the Jaguar in the driveway. No cover, but it would only take him a hot second to stick the homing device in the wheel well. He activated it, sidled up to the exterior wall, and waited for Caterina to take her position opposite him. If she gave a thumbs up, he could plant the device. Thumbs down, he had to move on.

  What was taking her so long?

  Seconds ticked by. Anxiety built in his chest. Something had happened to her. Someone had seen her. Captured her. Hell, if someone hurt her, Rocco was going to go ballistic. Maim and kill. What the fuck? Where was—

  Dressed in all black, sexy and stealthy, she appeared in her designated spot, arm out and…thumbs up. He had a go. He dove to the Jaguar, slipped the tracker onto the dirty underbelly near the tire, and busted ass to his next location. Looking over his shoulder, he couldn’t see her anymore and decided he should’ve kept her with him. They could’ve swung through the property together. It’d take twice as long, but why did that matter?

  The next twenty minutes were a blur. One location to the next. He set the listening and tracking devices then hauled back toward their rendezvous spot. She was there waiting, and soon as he set eyes on her, he ran faster. His heart pounded, not from exertion but anticipation. A cherry-colored, megawatt smile and exertion-flushed cheeks painted her absolutely gorgeous. But that didn’t matter. Unneeded risk on her part jumbled his mind. Honestly, he didn’t need a thumbs up or down. He could get to that Jag without her help, and even if he couldn’t, they didn’t need to have a tracker on El Mateperros’s vehicle. They could survive without it.

  “Let’s go.” He moved past her, leading the way this time. If a threat was jumping out, he was taking it down.

  “Job well done to you, too.”

  Over his shoulder, he glanced at her pretty pout. “Come on.”

  “What’s your problem?”

  “Nothing.” Everything. If his freakin’ hallucinations weren’t a problem enough, now he had a chick messing things up in his head. He’d thought he left girl problems back in the States.

  She’s your partner. Act like it.

  She’s a woman you’re digging. Protect her.

  The two lines of thought battled, and he ignore Caterina’s barrage of questions as they jogged back to their hidden Audi. He opened the driver’s door and got in, turning over the ignition. They could disarm later. They were far too close to the ACG for comfort, and he wanted to hit the road. ASAP. Caterina stood outside his door, hands on hips. Not moving.

  “Come on.” He rolled his hand. “What’s up?”

  Her damp hair was smoothed back, and her skin glistened from the falling mist. “Out of the car, Rocco.”

  Dropping the name. She meant business. Too bad. “No time, Kitten. We gotta roll.” And I have to get your cute butt farther away in a hurry.

  “Get out of the car, Rocco Savage. Now.” Oh, first name, last name, she was pissed.

  He had zero idea what could’ve gone wrong or what he’d done, but an anxious pressure weighed on him. If he appeased her, they could leave sooner. Rocco got out. It’d only take a second. Maybe. “Cat—”

  “What the hell is your problem?”

  Maybe longer than a second…

  “Nothing. Let’s go.” He turned back to the door, but she snagged his arm and bent it back. The woman was a pro. Kind of made him proud of her. “Seriously, Kitten. What—”

  “You first. What’s your problem?”

  He could overpower her, break free. But—hell, that wasn’t the point. “I don’t have a problem. Cut it out.”

  She turned up the heat, wrenching his arm further up. “Spit it out, big boy.”

  “Okay already. Don’t make me drop you, Cat.”

  She let go, and he turned around to see her pace a tight, angry circle. “Rocco.”

  “I wasn’t thrilled you were out there. That’s all.”

  Her mouth gaped, and she stared at the sprinkling, spitting sky. When her gaze leveled back, her eyes were narrowed damn near to slits, and she was ready to kill. “You cannot be serious.”


  She rubbed her temples. “Tell me that you would’ve said that twenty-four hours ago. That you would’ve pulled this crap yesterday.”

  What was she talking about? “I don’t—”

  “Tell me that you didn’t conjure up this uber-protective junk because we had sex this morning.”

  Bull’s eye. She’d nailed it, and he hadn’t even known that was dead center of his issue. Kissing on her seemed a lot better than working with her.

  “I don’t know if I can, babe.”

  “Yesterday afternoon, you would’ve told me to go after El Mateperros.”

  He nodded “Yeah, well, that was yesterday. Life changes.”

  Fire exploded in her eyes. The browns went nearly black. Anger. Fury. Passion. They collided on her face. Her arm roared back, and her fist slammed into his jaw.

  “As you Americans say, this sucks.”

  She had a hell of a right hoo

  Working his jaw side to side, he had to give her credit. That surprise packed a wallop. He ran his tongue along his teeth and rubbed his cheek, tasting a hint of blood.

  “Fine. Sleeping with you was a game changer. Get over it.” Soon as it came out, he knew it was the wrong thing to say.

  “Get over it? No I will not.” She stormed to the rear car door, shucking off her weapons. Holding that blade in her mouth again, she opened the car. He watched as she stripped down to her bra and underwear. Mother of God, did that woman have a body he’d kill to touch. Lick. Kiss. Worship. She stood in the drizzle, wearing silky, lacy underthings that were perfectly see-through. “Too bad, girl.”

  “Too bad?” She growled at him, pulling her dress back on. “Too bad?” That time she screamed. “You sexist, chauvinist piece of—ugh!” She tore her hands into her wet hair. “You have no idea—no idea—the hell that bastard has caused me. And one time in bed with you? You’re all of a sudden going to try and change that? No. Hell no.”

  What? “El Mateperros is…what? Personal?”

  Red-faced and pacing, she blew out a breath. “It doesn’t matter if he is or if he isn’t.” Her hands went back into her hair. The light rain caused her hair to curl. She stared into the sad sky. He watched while she stood still, her dress beginning to soak and cling to her curves. “Why, Roc?”

  Now he was beyond confused. “Why, what?”

  Confusion, hope, anticipation—he didn’t know—crossed her gorgeous face. “Why’s it a game changer?”

  Well, shit. He asked for that one, didn’t he? “Come on now, Kitten. We’re married and all. I have to protect you. My role’s going to my head.”

  “No. Answer me.” Rounding the backside of the Audi, she wobbled in the gravel and mud until she hit pavement. It wasn’t nearly enough time for him to come up with an answer. “Sleeping with me was a game changer. Por que?”

  That Spanish of hers was like a truth serum. “Because you’re beautiful. And in my head.” The thick beat of his heart pounded. He craved her body against his. “I’m liking you a lot, and I never know what will come out of your mouth. Half the time I don’t understand it, but every time, I’m dying for it to happen again.”


  He grabbed her around the waist and pinned her against the Audi. She gasped, and he loved it. While he was still in camo and armed, she teetered on ridiculous heels and wore a fancy wife dress. Didn’t matter. He breathed her in. Spiciness wrapped around him, making the air hang heavy with a sensual aroma that he craved.

  Possessive need strangled him. “Tell me you want to be kissed.”

  She nodded, her eyes wide. “I do.”

  “By me. Say it.”

  “I want you to kiss me, Rocco.”

  He crashed his mouth against hers. Couldn’t taste her enough, couldn’t get as close as he needed to. On her, around her, in her. His mind rushed. His cock jumped. The world tilted, listing to a halt, waiting for him to sate an urge, a craving that he couldn’t describe, with only a simple kiss. He pulled back, and his heart pounded, punching his lungs, tightening his throat. There wasn’t enough oxygen, and he didn’t care about breathing, living, dying. He cared only for the woman whose sweet taste lingered on his lips.

  Caterina gasped, her breathing just as erratic as his. Rocco swallowed, trying to wrap his mind around the woman in his arms. That he could feel this way…

  That she could look at him like that…

  His mind was blown. The thick ridge of his pants-covered erection pressed against her. She had to be cold. Had to be turned on. Her nipples showed through the wet dress. Dark and erect, and Rocco would feast on them soon enough. His mouth brushed her neck. His tongue traced across her flesh, and she wilted in his embrace, still pinned against the car.

  “Tell me, Caterina Cruz, that this morning wasn’t a game changer.”

  She shook her head, and the delicious smell of her shampoo filled his nostrils.

  “Tell me,” he growled. “Damn it.”

  “We both had a crazy day yesterday. Blowing off steam. That was this morning. I swear.” She shook her head again. “But no game changer. Nothing can be different.”

  “Bull-freakin-shit, Kitten.” He kissed her neck, nuzzling his cock against her, drawing out a little moan. “Crazy doesn’t begin to describe my day yesterday. But I know how it ended, how I woke up, and so do you. Game changer. Now, tell me.”

  Her chin jutted up, and her gaze fell away. “I don’t want to lose El Mateperros.”

  “Forget that fuck. Forget that I’d rather stand between you and any enemy. Or hell, that I’d rather leave you home. Forget all that, then focus on me.”

  Her gaze was far away, but her eyelashes fluttered.

  “Look at me, Cat. Now.”

  Eyelids shutting. Caged against him, she softened and nodded, whispering, “Game changer.”

  The words were quiet, almost sad, which he could take a thousand different ways. But the only thing he would focus on was her and him and how a just-for-fun fuck had ended up far more than a hotel room romp.

  “Glad we agree.” He kissed her, ignoring the cold rain that fell harder. “And whatever your beef is with El Mateperros, we’ll deal.”


  The green countryside rushed by, and the songs playing on the radio were the only thing that kept Caterina’s mind from spiraling. She sat in the passenger seat, watching Rocco drive back to the bustling streets of London, his huge muscles in a tailored shirt. Business GQ wasn’t her thing, but Rocco made a compelling case for dress shirts. He had the cuff links off and the sleeves rolled up, baring thick forearms. And when he drove with a wrist tossed over the steering wheel, the man couldn’t look any more confident.

  Game changer.

  Too bad she couldn’t feel any less confident. Her body betrayed her life’s mission, leaving her turned on and quickly losing focus on her prize. A dead Dog Killer. She couldn’t shake her arousal. Vivid memories of Rocco pinning her to the cold, wet car door and nudging his hard-on between her legs all but made Caterina straddle him while they drove. She was far too obsessed with connecting to his touch again.

  Rocco’s phone buzzed in the center console. She grabbed it. “It says Jared.”

  His hard jaw sawed back and forth.

  “What? You don’t want me looking at who’s calling?”

  “No. I don’t know. Not used to it.”

  She wasn’t sure if she liked that response. He wouldn’t be talking about game changers if he had a girlfriend at home. Or would he? Was that what a game changer meant to him? Whatever. She did like the way his biceps bulged when he took the cell from her. His undone collar emphasized how thickly the man was built, and the fabric around his chest begged for mercy. She closed her eyes and felt the press of his chest, the kiss of his lips. Every time she spoke in her native tongue, his desire made her feel beautiful from the inside out. When his arms wrapped around her—even when he simply tossed an arm over her shoulder—she felt safe. Those were new feelings, and she wasn’t going to mess them up because he had a problem with her picking up his phone.

  Rocco had the phone perched on his shoulder. “All right. If there are any problems, have Parker let us know.”

  Her complete fixation on El Mateperros wasn’t as strong of a driving force as usual. Rocco had been talking about the trackers and bugs they’d just planted, and she was having fantasies about his body. A little guilty that she could focus on anything besides El Mateperros, she tried to ignore how sexy Rocco was. Not the easiest thing to do.

  He put his phone back in the console.

  “Careful. If it rings again, I might look.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t care. I don’t know why I did that.”

  “Because you don’t want me seeing who calls?”

  “Trust me, it’s not like that.”

  “If you say so.”

  He cleared his throat. “Previously, I had someone who wanted the title
of wife in a major way. She had something to say every time a job came up.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like, don’t go. Let Titan calls go to voicemail. Get a nine-to-fiver. Stuff like that.”

  “Sounds like she didn’t know you.”

  “Does, doesn’t it?” He looked over, almost smiling. His gaze set her insides on fire all over again, catapulting her stomach into cartwheels. He cocked half a grin, flashing that dimple. “You might be the hottest little thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. Even in that dress.”

  “What? You don’t like my dress?” Flirting was good. Flirting played down how she was unconsciously re-prioritizing major life goals, the fact that Rocco was, at the moment, far more interesting than El Mateperros and whatever started feeding from the bugs they’d just left.

  “I do. But, holy hell, woman. That black getup when you’re ready to get your badass on? Hot. Covers you head to toe, but leaves nothing to the imagination.”

  Sex. Completely superficial. She could handle that because it meant she wasn’t putting Rocco above El Mateperros—if she could just distract herself enough.

  She un-clicked her seatbelt. “That’s a pity. Surprises are fun.”

  “Didn’t say you—what are you doing?”

  She unclicked his seatbelt and ran her hand along the plain of his chest. Solid wall of brute force. It was a total turn-on. Her tongue ran across her bottom lip, and he was watching her instead of the road.

  “Tu me vuelves loca, Rocco.” And she would at least get some kind of fix now. Her hand ran over his cock, feeling it thicken through his pants. “And I want to drive you crazy too.”

  A deep groan vibrated through the Audi. They’d drifted hard to the shoulder, and he righted them on the road. “Yeah, that mission’s been accomplished, babe. But—”

  His eyelids sank shut as she rubbed his length. He forced one eye open, then the other, dropping his head back against the headrest but trying to watch the road. “Feel free to try any new torture moves you have up your sleeve.”

  She pulled at his zipper. So slowly. The teeth unhooked one by one and echoed around them like an erotic promise of what was to come.


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