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Run Page 4

by Mary Wasowski

  “Let him go, son. He will be fine,” my father said as he squeezed my shoulders.

  “Why don’t you go inside and take a shower. I’ll have lunch ready when you finish up.”

  “Thanks, Mom, I’ll do that. Will you check on him for me?”

  “We will, Devan. No worries, okay?”

  “Yeah, right! That’s all I do.”

  I grabbed my duffle from the car and went up to my parents’ guest bathroom. Thoughts of the handsome stranger popped into my brain as the need began to take shape once again down between my legs. Fuck my life! I thought as I took the coldest shower of my life to match the set of blue balls I was now sporting.

  “This looks delicious, mom. Thanks for cooking today.”

  “My pleasure, son. As soon as the gardens are in bloom, we will have plenty of tomatoes and herbs to make gallons of my sauce,” my mom proudly stated as I inhaled the rich aroma of her spaghetti and meatballs.

  Paxton was swirling the noodles around his fork but wasn’t eating. He was quiet and sulking. My parents wanted me to let it go, but this was not the lesson I wanted to teach him. He had to know he couldn’t always get his way in things.

  “Paxton, I want you to stop playing with your food and begin eating.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “Yes, you are. All that basketball playing outside with grandpa…I know you worked up an appetite.”

  “I guess I lost it when you said I couldn’t go to sleepaway basketball camp with my friends.”

  I sighed at his rude comment, and my father began to shake his head at me. Are our parenting skills that much different? My father never allowed me to get away with anything, but there he sat, taking a blind eye to his grandson.

  I dropped my fork and demanded my son to look at me. “Paxton, I never said you couldn’t play summer ball. You can, and you will. It just won’t be away at a camp. We have plenty of programs in town. I will find something that best suits you, okay?”

  My mom interrupted, “You know, son, while I was shopping downtown at the farmer’s market, I did see sign-up sheets over at the YMCA. They have a wide range of day camps they will be hosting. I believe it begins next week since the children just finished school a few days ago.”

  Thank you, mom, always the mediator.

  “Pax, would that be something you would be interested in doing?” I asked him. He gave up his fighting stance and finally showed me his bright smile.

  “Yes, I would love it. Can you sign me up today?” he excitedly asked.

  “Yes, we can stop by there on our way home if it doesn’t get too late. Now eat your lunch,” I said and then ran my hand through his shaggy hair.

  “Now that that’s settled, who wants brownies?” my mom happily said with Paxton and my father raising their hands.

  God! I love them all so much.

  I arrived in town a couple of nights ago, since I missed my morning flight. Marcy was a gem at securing my rental home and sent my padded file to the local YMCA to work as their summer basketball coordinator and coach. From what I gathered from the file I had on Devan, he was definitely a sports guy, which meant his son was too. It was just sheer luck that my first meet and greet with the sexy Devan Knight would be this morning in town.

  I had just finished up at the center and was driving back to my rental when I spotted him doing a full-body stretch outside the smoothie shop. I had a few of the surveillance photos of him on my phone, and sure enough, it was him. I quickly parked my truck and bypassed him before he could see me enter the shop. The shop was busy with several clerks working behind the counter. I was thankful that he wasn’t directly behind me but was on the other line. I clearly heard what he ordered, and then I followed suit when it was my turn and ordered the same drink. It was just by chance that our drinks were ready at the same time. I knew it was time to make my move.

  He appeared to be flustered when our hands touched. Of course, I had to be my usual wise-ass self and shoot back a sexual innuendo when I mentioned my shake. His cheeks actually reddened, and I knew a connection was made between us. Hope was shot to shit when he turned me down for a game, but I knew there was a spark of interest there. Oh yes, Devan Knight, I know I will be seeing you again.

  My dick was hard as a rock by the time I managed to pull one off. Yeah, the shower had become my favorite place to jack off while fantasizing about Devan. I knew I had to get my head in the game. I was on a job for fuck’s sake, but there was something about him that I just couldn’t shake. I couldn’t stop from looking over at the few photos that were taken of him. Every photo told a story of who the man might be. In one he looked serious. The other, he smiled as if someone just told him a joke. In both pictures, he was alone. One was taken outside of his gym. It was evident that he worked out and was in good physical shape.

  After I read what was compiled on Devan, it was obvious he lived a quiet life. He didn’t have an outside workspace and was home quite often. Judging by the direction he was running in, he must have been going back to his parents’ home that I knew from surveillance was outside of the town’s limits. They had a vast amount of property which was secure to my liking. I hadn’t had an opportunity to scout out the property as of yet, but I planned to do so soon.

  Before I left Seattle, I had Marcy get in touch with the Harpers. She told them that I would be in touch once I located Devan and their grandson. Although they knew he existed, they still didn’t know where he was. The picture that brought him into their lives was taken in the Bahamas. The family was on a cruise. Again, it wasn’t that hard finding him. He didn’t change his name nor was hiding under false identities. He was just living quietly. Although he worked with big-name companies producing software and was making tons of money off them, he was not mentioned much in the press.

  I wouldn’t lie and say that I wasn’t intrigued. I would have definitely made a move by now if this wasn’t a working case, but it was. That meant I had to be as professional as I could be. Fuck! How the hell am I going to do that when just the thought of him is making me hard again? Stop it, Jake! You have to be smart about this. Go into this case like all the others you have worked on. Get in, and get out…but can I? I may not have a choice with those alluring brown eyes dragging me under his spell.

  It had been two days since my encounter with Devan. I was hoping he would have taken the bait and stopped by to at least see if I was on the courts, but no such luck until today. It was the official sign-ups for basketball day camp, and the line of energetic boys was out the door. This was one perk of the job that I was actually looking forward to. I loved kids, having two nephews of my own. They lived on the other side of the country, and I didn’t get to see them as often as I liked, but when I did, we played nonstop.

  Miles, my assistant coach, told me that the first round was all signed up, and he expected the afternoon session to be just as busy. We took an hour break, and then once we were back from lunch, the long line began to form. It wasn’t just basketball; the Y offered so many activities for the kids to keep them busy all summer long. Most of the parents that were in line must have been working ones. When I glanced at some of the lists, most of the kids were full-time day campers, which meant anywhere from 7 am to 6 at night. That’s a long fucking day to be out playing in the sun, but that’s what kids do, right? I wouldn’t know anything about it since most of my life had been spent in the Navy and focusing on staying alive when I was on missions.

  “When is this going to be over?” I asked Miles.

  “One more group, and then we can go for a beer if you want?”

  When the words passed over his lips, I swear I caught a gleam in his eyes. Was that an invitation for more than just a beer? Not giving the suggestion any more attention than it deserved, I went back to do the job I was here for, and that’s where my eyes met his.

  He was here, the man who staked a claim in my dreams. Damn! He is fucking hot. My erection was beginning to take shape just at the sight of him standing there talking
as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  I excused myself for a minute and went back to the locker room to compose myself. I let out a few breaths and was ready to face the sexy Devan Knight.

  When I walked back out, Miles was having a conversation with him, and judging by the fucking look on Miles’ face, he was definitely sending a clear message to Devan that he was available. Hell-to-the-no! If anyone was going to get closer to Devan, it wasn’t going to be Miles. What the hell are you doing, Jake? Concentrate dammit!

  “Hey, Jake, come over here,” Miles called over to me as his connection with Devan was now broken and instead on me. He’s not even trying to be discreet with his flirtations.

  Damn, Devan was so gorgeous with his olive skin that practically was glowing the other day in the sunlight. My mind drifted to all the naughty things I wanted to do to his body—one part, in particular—his perfect, round ass. I so wanted to rim his hole that I actually found myself biting my lip before finally walking up to them. Breathe, Jake. Just breathe.

  Before Miles could introduce me to him, Devan spoke first. “It’s you.”

  “And? Whom would I be?” I answered in return.

  “We kind of met the other day. Wasn’t it you that tried to jack my chocolate chip mint shake?” he said while smiling.

  Yeah, that would be me, but that’s not all I wanted to jack! “Yes, I remember now, but wasn’t it you who grabbed my drink first?”

  “I guess I would have to check the cameras to prove who got to the counter first, but does it matter at this point?” he asked.

  “I guess not unless I ordered a double chocolate shake, then you better watch out.”

  He laughed out loud and then took a step back. He almost looked as if his guard was down for a minute there, but when I stepped forward to him, his walls were back up. I had to make the next move.

  “I’m Jake, and you’ve already met Miles over here. What can we help you with today?”

  “Hi, I’m Devan. I’m here to sign up my son for the afternoon basketball day camp. I meant to be here a few days ago, but my schedule would not allow. I’m hoping I am not too late.”

  Miles went to speak, but I cut him off. “We still have room. Why don’t you take a seat and fill out these forms? Um, is your son here with you?” I looked around trying to find the boy that resembled him.

  “No, he’s not, but he’s excited to get started.”

  “I’m sure he is. Most of the boys have boundless energy.”

  “That would be my son. He loves basketball, and I think it’s his favorite.”

  “Oh yeah? Not yours?”

  “I like it well enough, but baseball is my game.”

  “Don’t tell me: a Yankees fan?” I asked.

  “Okay, I won’t tell you.”

  “Ha! I knew it. You know, we do have other teams that play.”

  “Yeah, but there’s only one team like the Yankees. I’ve loved them since I was a kid.” He winked and went back to filling out his kid’s form.

  He winked at me. He actually fucking winked. Damn! If that doesn’t make me just lose my mind.

  While he was finishing up the paperwork, I noticed Miles lurking around him again. “Get the fuck back!” I wanted to say, but I’m sure that would turn some heads as I beat the hell out of Miles. I can’t say that I blame him. Devan was that good-looking, but, thank fuck, he didn’t look too interested in Miles.

  He looked all too serious at the moment. Yeah, I knew he was, just by his photos. And now I was seeing him up close and personal, but I knew I had to pull back and not show my hand just yet. He finished and handed me back the clipboard.

  “Here you go. I’m all set if there is nothing else you need from me,” he said.

  Nope, what I need is your hard body underneath mine, that’s what I need. “We’re all good. I look forward to meeting your son on Monday. And you’ll be here as well, I presume?” I was hoping I wasn’t pushing my luck.

  “Of course, I’ll be here. Where my son goes, I go. See you Monday, Jake.”

  Yup! And now the tables have turned, and sexy fucking Devan has just put me on notice. Monday needs to get here before I lose my ever-loving mind.

  What the hell did I think I was doing back there with that guy Miles? Clearly, he was gay and layering on the charm, but damn if I caught onto it until I saw the handsome stranger I had met a few days earlier. Jake’s eyes screamed jealousy when he saw me talking with his assistant coach. Why would he do that?

  What are the chances that he would be in charge of my son’s basketball camp? I was shocked to say the least, but happy nonetheless. I mostly smiled when he was talking and relieved that I didn’t have to come up with anything witty or even flirtatious to say back to him. Not that it mattered anyway. From what I got from Miles, the coaching position was temporary for the summer, and beginning something with some random guy was not in the cards for me.

  Back in the day, I would have jumped on this with balls out, ready to be taken, but I was not that guy anymore. I’m a dad, and I had responsibilities to my son first. What my father said weighed heavily on my mind. I knew I should be getting out more, but something always held me back from doing so. Is it the memory of Carrie? Fear that her parents will find us one day? Who knows? My thoughts ran rampant when I allowed them to do so. As far as I knew, the Harpers were still out in Portland, and I was here honoring my promise to my best friend.

  “Are you ready, buddy?” I asked Paxton, as he gathered his gear from the trunk.

  “More than ready! I can’t wait to meet the coach.”

  “I’m happy that you’re excited, just as long as you know that even though this is fun, you’re also going to be learning a lot too!”

  “Dad, everything I need to know, you show me. I just want to have fun.”

  “Okay, son, I can’t argue with that! And you’re right. I am pretty good.”

  “No one likes a bragger. Come on, dad!”

  I laughed as I followed him inside. Some of the boys were already here, and Pax got excited when he found out that a few of his friends didn’t go away like they originally told him and were here instead. I knew I wasn’t the only overprotective father out of the group.

  “I’ll see you later, dad,” Pax called out when he saw his friends.

  “Yeah, buddy, see you later.”

  My heart constricted in my chest. Why is it so hard to let him go? I knew it was just for the afternoon, but when you’re a tag team like we were, it’s difficult to separate that he’s growing up and was going to want to do things with his friends, like kids his own age. Damn! I really do need a life, I snickered to myself, but my self-deprecation episode was short because I was tapped on the shoulder by Jake.

  “Hey, I thought that was you. How are you doing today?”

  “I’m good. You?”

  “Fantastic. I’m excited to get started. Maybe I’ll see you around later?” he asked.

  “Count on it. I’m going to watch for a few minutes, and then I’ll be back to pick up my son.”

  “Oh yeah, I haven’t met him yet. Which one is yours?” I watched Jake look over to the boys, narrowing his eyes.

  “Over there in the red Nike shirt.”

  “What’s his name?”


  “That’s a cool name. Did the wife pick it? Women always like to be different.”

  “Um, I have to go. See you later, man.” An unsettled feeling suddenly came over me. I almost wanted to grab Paxton and leave, but I didn’t and just retreated as fast as I could.

  “Hey, Devan,” he called out to my retreating back. “Did I say something wrong?”

  “No, I just have to go.” I left without another word.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. What the fuck is wrong with you, Devan? He didn’t ask anything out of the norm, but you just go quiet and shut him out. I had this brooding routine down to a science. I felt like shit, because he seemed like someone I could actually be friends with, forget about me lust
ing after him. Even if he was interested, I probably shot that all to hell now. Might as well go home and do some work, since I have no other prospects for the day.

  I worked in my home office for a couple of hours with nothing really amounting to anything. My mind just drifted back to old memories of my past which was never good for me to do.

  “You’re quiet tonight, babe. What’s on your mind?” I asked Carrie as I rubbed her pregnant belly. We were days away to her due date and were so excited to meet our son.

  “If I start talking...” she said.

  “I wish you would. What’s on your mind?”

  “I guess my parents lately. Can you believe all these years have gone by, and still no word from them at all? Why, Devan? Why couldn’t they have just loved me as I am? I mean, I’m not a fucking cyborg.”

  “With this belly? You most certainly are.”

  “Shut up! You know you love it.”

  “I do, so much. And I love you for giving me the greatest gift in the world. I still can’t believe it could be any moment now.”

  “I know, right? Devan, I just want to thank you for doing this with me. You know when I first asked you, I didn’t think you would agree. I know it’s a huge commitment, but I just can’t imagine doing this without you.”

  “…and my sperm, right?”

  “Oh yes, your awesome boy-making sperm. Hope he looks just like you.”

  “Yeah, and I hope he has your heart because you know you are the greatest person I know. I love you, best friend. I don’t want you to worry about your parents. They made their choice, and we made ours. We’re going to be okay, trust me.”

  “I do. It’s the one thing I know with all my heart. I love you, Devan. I know you are going to be an amazing daddy.”

  “Do you want to go over the baby book again? I think we should pick a name before he’s born, so this way we’re not going crazy in the hospital trying to decide.”

  “Okay, don’t laugh, but I already have a name in mind? I went over our list and played around with some names, but since your name is unique, why not our son’s too?”


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