Duke: A Paranormal Scifi Alien Romance: Albaterra Mates Book 2

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Duke: A Paranormal Scifi Alien Romance: Albaterra Mates Book 2 Page 20

by Ashley L. Hunt

  The air though is sweet and cool. I can actually taste it. “Cotton candy.”

  “What is that?” Nar asks.

  “The air tastes like cotton candy,” I say as I breathe it in.

  “Don’t know what that is. It does taste sweet, doesn’t it?” She takes in a deep breath too.

  Now that we’re out of the ship, I can see the place we landed. The sky is pink with yellow hues. It’s near dark I assume. Then I see the tiny sun and think it might be midday on the planet.

  “Ulta Minor is a small planet used primarily as a charging station for space travelers.” Nar leads me towards what looks like a small café. “The girls and my husband said they’d meet us in this eating establishment. I’ve never had the food here. When we stopped here on the way to Earth my husband and I sent the girls with Kerr and took the time to be alone. We never left our room.”

  I grin as I can imagine what they were doing. The door to the café slides open and I see a man and two teenage girls sitting at a large table. Mountains of junk food cover the table and I may be in Heaven.

  “Yes, it looks like Earth food.” I know my face must be beaming with joy as my stomach has felt quite empty.

  The man stands up as we approach the table. He’s tall, dark, and extremely handsome. His deep green eyes peer at me from beneath lush, dark lashes.

  I’m pulled into his embrace as Nar lets me go. “It’s so nice to finally really meet you, Kataline. I’m Luthus, your new uncle.” He pulls back to look at me. “I’m sorry about all the crap you’re having to deal with. Just so you know, Nar is an excellent judge of character. I mean, she did pick me to be her husband after all.”

  I giggle as he’s incredibly charming and sweet. His strong arm wraps around me as he turns me, gesturing to the blond teen girl with blue-green eyes much like Kerr’s. “This beautiful young lady is our daughter and your new cousin, Latice.”

  The young girl smiles and gives me a little wave. “Hello, Kataline. We met at the wedding, but I don’t expect you to remember that.”

  I laugh. “Thank you. There were so many faces and truth be told, Kerr had me very distracted. It’s very nice to meet you again. I think we’ll get along well.”

  My shoulders are squeezed as Luthus points to the girl with dark hair, like his. It hangs in ringlets around her pretty face. Her eyes are blue, like her mother’s.

  “Lavine is our oldest.”

  “Nice to meet you too, Lavine,” I say.

  Luthus seats me next to her. They seem like a really happy family and it gives me hope for the first time. A fizzy drink is placed in front of me by what I think is a female as there’s a lump in front of her massive chest.

  Her voice comes out kind of high so I’m pretty sure I’m looking at a woman. She’s quite lumpy as are all the locals. So lumpy it’s hard to tell them apart.

  Their skin is blotchy and pale behind the red blotches. The ones I see in here all have thin, greasy hair, almost all of them keep short.

  I suppose it’s their uniforms they all have on. They all match in some type of overall which has more buttons on the sides I’m assuming is for more expansion space in them.

  “Anything else?” she asks with a high, gravelly voice.

  Luthus shakes his head, making the dark waves which fall to his shoulders bounce. “I think we’ve got a little of everything you make here. Thank you.”

  She moves away, her gait slow. Nar hands me a plate made of wood and a pointed little spear-like instrument I guess is what I’m supposed to eat with.

  Following the example of the rest of them, I stab at the items I want to try to place them on my plate. What looks like cheesy, chili fries, I load up on. And there’s flat bread with a red sauce which hopefully tastes like pizza.

  Placing a fry in my mouth, I groan as it seems to be a normal fry and normal cheese, with normal chili. “I miss my kind of food.”

  They all laugh. Lavine’s elbow pokes me in the ribs. “You’ll have to join us for meals sometimes. We eat Earth food once each week.”

  I clap my hands. “I will definitely be accepting that invitation!” Another bite I take of the thing which looks like pizza and am not disappointed. “Yum!”

  All smile and I get the impression all could go well in this new life of mine.

  With these people to help me, could this all go well after all? Do I dare to hope?



  “You have a tiger by the tail, Kerr,” the Duke of Stalwart tells me.

  He stands in the courtroom of our ship. The small sun on Ulta Minor is setting and one of the moons has risen already, its full and we have to get out of here before the batflies come out.

  They feed only on nights when the moon is full and they’ll feed on anything they can find, including humans.

  “It seems I do. But as long as I have all the royals support I can deal with what is mine to deal with. My father has become ill. He’s locked away in his room. His personal butler is looking after him and my wife gave him something for the fever he has.” I turn from the group of royals who came to my ship to discuss the situation.

  Nar and Luthus come in behind Kataline and all are smiling. I knew my aunt and uncle would love her.

  “We should get going, Kerr,” Uncle Luthus says as he comes and pats me on the back. “You have yourself a really sweet girl here. Take good care of her.”

  Kataline slips her hand into mine as she comes to me. I kiss the top of her head and give her a wide smile.

  Gesturing to the exit, I say, “We will meet again at the next stop and discuss how to handle the uprising. See you all in seventy-two hours.”

  All leave to get on their ships so we can get off this planet before it gets too late to, and we get trapped here as the batflies fly around in thick swarms and make taking off impossible.

  I settle on one of the large, cushioned chairs and pull Kataline down to sit on my lap. My hand wanders under her long hair and cradles the back of her neck.

  Her deep blue eyes look into mine. “Kerr, you have no reason to be afraid of me.”

  “Your powers are a thing I don’t understand. But I do trust you and I think they could be of use to us when we get back to Euthenia.” I press my lips to her cheek. “The rest of the royals are behind me. No matter what I decide. You are free to move about on your own.”

  Her eyebrows raise and the smile covering her face lets me know she’s happy with the news. “Thank goodness! I was afraid they’d have a problem with me. I promise to work to control this thing I have.”

  “I’m sure you will.” I look past her, out the large window and see we’ve taken off, and it looks like we did just in the nick of time. “Look out there, Kataline. The batflies are beginning to swarm out of the caves.”

  She turns and gasps at the frightening sight. “Oh my! Their numbers are countless.”

  The small creatures look like dark billows of smoke as they make their way out of their homes to feed. Thankfully we made it out and lost no time waiting for the sun’s light to send them back to their caves before we could leave the tiny planet.

  Getting up, I pick my wife up in my arms. “I think we should go to bed. What do you think?”

  She drops her head to rest on my chest. “I think that sounds like a great idea.”

  I had her things brought back to our larger suite and lie her on our bed. Her dark blue dress I push off her body and gaze at her.

  The creaminess of her skin amazes me. I run my hands over her arms and lie next to her. “You may well be Queen before we even arrive back home.”

  Her soft hand runs over my cheek. “Kerr, I will try my best to be what you need me to be. Whatever that is.”

  The way her red stained lips stay parted slightly has my mouth watering for her. With a soft kiss, I take them. My tongue slips into her mouth and I taste a sweetness in her warm mouth.

  Her hands travel to my shirt and she unbuttons it then runs her hands over my stomach. It tightens even more as he
r touch leaves sparks of energy in their path.

  This woman excites me so much more than I imagined she would. She pulls her mouth from mine and looks at me. “Kerr, I’d like to practice my powers on you.”

  My eyebrows raise. “What? On me?” A little ripple of nerves rushes over my body. But then I push them aside. “Okay.”

  A smile fills her face, and she stands up at the end of the bed. “You just lie right there.”

  My shirt is unbuttoned but still on as are my pants. I lie still and gaze at her naked body as she stands in front of me. She stares intensely at my chest and I feel a tingle deep in my stomach.

  My entire body leaves the bed, hovering inches over it. My arms move on their own out to the side and my shirt feels as if someone is pulling it off.

  I cut my eyes when I see it fly across the room and land on the floor. “Wow,” I say as I float and feel weightless.

  My pants move down my body as she stares at them. They fly away and land near the shirt. My cock is erect and my body is beginning to ache, I want her so badly.

  Her hands begin to move up and down and it feels as if they’re actually on me, stroking my hard cock. I groan. “That’s fucking amazing, Baby.”

  I close my eyes as I feel her hands going through my hair at the same time it still feels as if she’s stroking my cock. Then it feels as if she’s actually kissing me.

  My mouth opens as it feels as if her tongue is moving past my lips. She breaks into a fit of giggles and my body falls to the bed.

  I bounce and she’s on me, straddling me as she looks down at me, her face glowing. The golden flecks I saw in them earlier are back, but quickly diminishing. “Did you feel all that?”

  With a nod, I cup the back of her neck and pull her mouth to mine. She has me hot and crazy for her. Rolling over, I pin her body with mine. “You and I are going to have some fun learning about your powers, aren’t we?”

  “Did you like it?” Her teeth take her bottom lip and bite it.

  “It was beyond anything I’ve ever imagined.” I kiss her and press my throbbing cock into her hot, wet depths.

  Her body arches to meet mine and we both moan with the sensation of being connected. As I make deep, slow strokes I feel us moving up.

  Opening my eyes, I can see the bed under us getting further away. She has us floating above it. I cup her ass in my hands and continue to move in and out of her.

  She moves us to a standing position above the bed and I feel weightless. It’s the most remarkable thing I’ve ever felt. Slowly she takes us back to lie on the bed, her beneath me.

  I pull my mouth from hers and look into her eyes. Each stroke into her takes us closer to the place we both want to be. Her legs wrap around me and she arches up.

  Pounding into her harder, she rakes her nails over my back. A loud moan escapes her as her body goes into a climax.

  In no time, she’s pulled me along with her and I grit my teeth as I explode into her.

  I wonder what else she can do?



  Kerr holds me in his arms, his breathing is steady and little puffs of warm air fall against the nape of my neck with each one as he sleeps behind me.

  Gazing out the large window of our room, I look at the endless amount of stars against the blackness of space. My life has changed so quickly and it has the wheels spinning in my head.

  I’ve found it easy to use my mind to control movements. I wonder what other things I can do. If all the women created like me can do what I can, then we could easily take over the Earth.

  But that place is no longer my home. My new home is in a state of chaos I would assume with the uprising. It settles me some I can use my newfound powers to settle things once we get there.

  Kerr moans and tightens his arm around me. Most likely having a dream. His voice is quiet as he mutters, “Quick, get us out of here.”

  Then he suddenly thrashes and nearly knocks me off the bed. “Kerr, wake up!”

  He sits up, his hand pulled back in a fist. He blinks at me then looks around the room, wearing a confused expression. “Where’d they all go?”

  “Who?” I ask as I snuggle back under the blanket. “You were dreaming, Sweetheart.”

  “I could swear it was real, Kataline. There were men everywhere. The palace was full of them. Only it wasn’t the Earthlings. It was our own people. Someone else was taking over.” He lies back down and his arms cross over his chest.

  “It was only a dream. Go back to sleep. You have a lot of stress on you now that you’ve taken over for the King.” I turn on my side and run my hand over his tight chest.

  Outside the window, I see things moving. Blue lights and they’re coming at us fast. I gasp and point.

  Kerr sits up and turns to look out the window just as an alarm sounds throughout the ship. The captain’s voice fills the room. “Prepare for attack.”

  Kerr bounds out of bed and throws on his clothes. “Get dressed, Kataline. We have to prepare.”

  I rush out of bed and throw my dress back on. “Who are they?”

  “Not sure. But we need to get my father. I can’t leave him locked up with this going on.” He slips the pants on and runs a hand through his hair, instantly taming the long, blonde locks.

  “Kerr, are you sure that’s a good idea?” I pull my hair back into a ponytail then take his hand as he leads me out of our room.

  The corridor is full of guards making their way to wherever it is we all seem to be going. It’s a controlled chaos and my heart is pounding.

  Kerr has on a gold cloak he pulled from the closet just before we left. He places it around my shoulders. The guards all wear deep blue body suits and have put silver capes on over them. Something I haven’t seen them do.

  “Are the cloaks something to protect us, Kerr?”

  “Yes, they’re made of a material which resists many things. They help protect us,” he tells me as he leads me through the crowd of men.

  “Where’s Bet?” I ask.

  “She’ll stay in her room. Don’t worry. She knows what to do in a case like this.”

  We stop in front of a door and Kerr opens it. His father is sitting on the bed and another man is sitting in a chair near him.

  The King looks back and forth between us with a frown. “I saw them coming a while back. I can’t believe the captain just now sounded the alarm.”

  A beam of red light is coming towards us. I can see it out his window. “Look!” I point to the window.

  Kerr grabs me and pushes me against the wall, covering my body with his. The ship groans as the light hits us, pushing us, making the ship lurch.

  Thanks to Kerr’s strength neither of us fall, but the King lands on the floor with a thud.

  Kerr lets me go and rushes to his father. “Father, are you okay?” He helps him up and I see another red light coming towards us.

  This time, I hold my hand up and shout, “There’s another one!” They all turn to look and amazingly it deflects before hitting us.

  Then all of them turn to look at me. Stunned silence fills the room. The King looks at Kerr. “What all can she do?”

  “We don’t know yet,” Kerr answers.

  “Get her to the bridge,” the King says.

  Kerr rushes to me, taking my hand. He stops and looks back at his father. “Can you be trusted, Father?”

  He gives a nod and I find a chill running through me. I’m not entirely sure he can be trusted. But I’m not in charge.

  I go with Kerr to the bridge and find it’s at the top of the triangular shaped ship. It’s all enclosed in a see-through, glass-like material. From this point, I can see three smaller ships coming towards us.

  “Have the other ships in the armada line up behind us, Captain,” Kerr orders.

  The captain looks back at him. “Mind telling me why?”

  Kerr gives him a smile and points at another incoming red light. “Watch.”

  He pulls me to stand in front of him and I raise my
hand. Once the light is almost to us, it deflects and jets off into space.

  The captain and all the other men in the room look back at me in awe. Then the captain gets on his communication device and tells the other ships to get behind us.

  I watch as the other ships move into place. Kerr takes my hand and looks deep into my eyes. “I think you can turn the laser around and send it back to the ship that sent it. It might blow it up. Think you could give that a try?”

  I nod and we move closer to the edge of the room. The distance seems far by sight but I can make out the three ships. They come at us in a row. The middle ship pulses out another laser beam and I watch it speed towards us.

  This time, I focus on the middle ship, never letting my eyes move from it. When the red of the oncoming laser fills my vision, I hold up my hand and it bounces off some invisible wall and moves in the opposite direction.

  All are quiet as we wait to see what it will do to the ship which sent the destructive thing our way. A quick flash of light from the middle ship sends another red laser beam towards the one I sent back and they collide in a burst of red, flaming light.

  “Not what I intended but perhaps if you tried to deflect it from further away from us, giving them no time to get another laser ready to fire would be the key, Baby.” Kerr gives my shoulders a squeeze as he rubs them from behind me.

  “I can try.” I watch all three ships and find myself a little overwhelmed as they all three fire at the same time.

  “Kerr!” I look back at him frantically.

  His blue-green eyes level on mine. “Stay calm. You can do this. Turn and focus. I believe in you, Kataline.”

  My heart is pounding as I have the real fear if all three of those hit us it could blow us up. I turn and focus on the three beams rushing towards us.

  Both hands go up and I imagine all three beams turning back. Shouts and the sound of the men slapping each other’s hands fill the air as all three laser beams turn back.

  I can’t even take in a breath as I wait to see what happens. In a glorious explosion of color, all three ships are no longer a threat to us.


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