The Sword of Light: The Complete Trilogy

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The Sword of Light: The Complete Trilogy Page 55

by Aaron Hodges

  That was all well and good. As far as May was concerned, they could have their lawless civilisation. So long as they kept to the north. Far from the Three Nations, they could do whatever they wished.

  Unfortunately, she knew things would never be that simple. North of Fort Fall the land was a wasteland, barren of life. The people there craved something better, to escape the deathly plains of their existence. They wanted the land of the Three Nations for themselves.

  And it was her duty to stop them.

  At least with the massive walls of Fort Fall, that task had never been particularly difficult. Three walls stood between the towering citadel and the northern wasteland, each higher than the last. With the standing guard of five hundred men, few enemies had ever come close to mounting a successful attack. It would take an army ten times their number to breach those walls.

  Only once had the unthinkable happened – the last time Archon marched south.

  And now the whispers spoke of Archon’s return.

  May shuddered, struggling to find the courage that drove men like Alan to join such a war. She glanced at the big man, and found herself caught in his grey eyes.

  He smiled. “Is that the sword?”

  May’s eyes widened, her thoughts thrown off by the question. “What?”

  “The sword, missy. The one the king gave you. Is that it?”

  May looked down at the short sword sheathed at her side and nodded. “Yes, it’s the one King Fraser gave me when I was awarded this appointment,” she sighed. “The sword of the Commander. It seems so long ago now.”

  “Good,” she looked up at the tone in his voice. “A magic sword might be useful right about now.”

  May stared as he reached down and pulled the horn from his belt. Before she could speak he had lifted it to his lips. Three long, pealing blasts rang out through the night. Lowering it, he flashed her a grin.

  “Just doing my duty,” tossing aside the horn, he picked up his war hammer. “They’re coming, Commander. Best prepare yourself.”

  Even as Alan’s horn had sounded, May had caught the glint of metal below, reflecting from the light of the defenders’ torches. She nodded back at Alan, the hackles on her neck rising. Reaching down, she drew her blade as the first men below appeared in the light of their torches.

  Torchlight flickered on the grizzled faces of the enemy, revealing their matted beards and unkempt hair. Hard eyes stared up at them, alerted by the horn, their lips drawn back in scowls. Scar-crossed hands gripped hard around the hilts of swords and axes.

  The final ring of the horn faded away, returning the night to silence.

  Then, almost as one, the men below charged.

  Staring down at the enemy, May struggled to guess at their numbers. But in the darkness the task was impossible, the enemy beyond count. May sent a quick prayer for the Gods to grant her soldiers speed. Half the garrison slept below them at the foot of the wall. In her mind’s eye she pictured them leaping from their beds and sliding into their chainmail; sweeping up swords and helmets as they rushed for the door. With luck they would reach the battlements in minutes.

  In the meantime, it was up to the night guard of fifty to see off the first attack.

  Returning her attention to the invaders, May clenched her sword tight in her fist. She glanced at Alan, surprised to find his presence comforting.

  She smiled. “Are you ready, soldier?”

  Alan hefted his hammer. “Always.”

  Light burst across the plains below as the guards tossed bales of hay into their flaming barrels. The glow caught the shadows of the men below, revealing the stark truth of the challenge they faced. May forced herself to stand still as she heard whispers from the men around her.

  “Stand strong!” she called out over the thumping of the enemy’s boots.

  Turning her eyes back to the force below, May swallowed hard. This was no raiding party, that much was clear. They were too numerous and too well-equipped for that.

  Where did they get chainmail and steel weapons?

  Sharing a glance with the aging warrior beside her, she gave him a nod. She could trust him to hold the men together here. Her presence would be needed elsewhere though; to add steel to the backbone of the defenders. Turning, she strode along the battlements, shouting encouragement to her men as she went.

  Sixty feet down the line May found a space and stepped back up to the crenulations. Mouth dry, she cast a glance to her left and right. The fifty men of the guard lined up either side of her, their faces grim but determined. She felt a rush of pride when she saw their fear had retreated behind masks of courage. Whatever challenge they faced, these men and women would stand to the last against the enemy.

  Below, the enemy roared and rushed across the last patch of ground before the wall. Swords and axes crashed against shields and a wave of sound swept up over the defenders.

  May stepped up as a grappling hook clunked onto the stone battlements. Sword in hand, she waited until the rope went taut before slicing down. A shout rose up from below as the rope split on the second swing, sending the climber toppling back into his companions. All along the wall, the other guards did the same.

  Moments later, the first scream of a defender split the night. She looked up in time to watch two axemen dispatching the guard to her right. They had clambered up one rope while he sliced at another, taking him unawares before he could defend himself. Another foe had appeared at the top of the rope and more would no doubt be following behind him. If they were not stopped now, the wall would be lost long before the reinforcements arrived.

  Screaming a battle cry, May leapt at the nearest axeman. Grinning, he watched her come, the axe held loosely in his thick hands. May allowed herself a smile of her own, glad to be underestimated. But you did not become commander of Fort Fall without earning the position.

  As the man hefted his axe May moved to the side, ducking his first clumsy swing. Then she slid forward beneath the man’s guard and stabbed out with her short sword. The blade crunched through the gap in the chainmail beneath the man’s arm.

  The man swore and swung his gauntleted fist, but swift as a cat she moved back out of range. He tried to follow, but only managed two steps before he collapsed to the ground, blood bubbling from his lips.

  May sprang past the man, eyes already studying the second axeman. The man on the rope joined him and they eyed her warily, apparently realising now the threat she posed.

  Smiling, May beckoned them forward. Blood pounded in her head, adrenaline feeding strength to her limbs. In her three years as commander, she’d had little practice in real combat. She had almost forgotten the thrill that came with it.

  As the axeman stepped towards her, May danced sideways out of range, eager to engage the smaller swordsman first. The axeman made to follow her, but suddenly found himself tangling with his comrade. The swordsman stumbled, pushing back as he turned to swear at the larger man.

  May’s blade slammed into his exposed back and the words never left his mouth. He toppled without a sound.

  The remaining fighter roared and swung his double-headed axe, forcing May back a step. But the man was a novice and the force of the blow carried the blade past, burying it in the body of his fallen comrade. Another curse echoed through the cool night air, but he tore the blade free before May could close on him.

  The thug eyed her closely now, edging back to give himself room to swing. May laughed, hoping to ignite the rage she glimpsed behind the man’s eyes. She was not disappointed.

  In silent fury he stepped forward, axe raised in a two-handed grip. May almost laughed again, pleased by the man’s lack of skill. While someone had clearly taken great effort to arm these men, their preparations had obviously not extended to training. Stepping sideways to avoid the blow, she thrust out with her blade. The tip slipped beneath the man’s guard and sliced through his exposed throat.

  As she leapt past, the man gave a gurgling cry and staggered backwards. He managed a single step befor
e his feet gave way beneath him and he collapsed to the bloody ramparts.

  Looking up, May grinned as she saw another guard had reached the rope. Steel rang on steel as he fended off the next man attempting to reach the battlements. She moved towards him, eager to offer her aid, but the man suddenly reared backwards. He staggered, the sword slipping from his fingers as something pushed him back from the ramparts.

  May swore as he twisted, revealing the dagger buried in his throat. She reached out to catch him, but she was still too far away and he pitched to the ground before she could reach him. He gave one last gurgling cry, and lay still.

  Turning back to the rope, May felt an icy hand wrap about her heart. A figure clambered into view, pausing to straighten and survey the battlements. Black robes flapped in the wind, revealing the pale flesh of the creature beneath. Black eyes stared out from a deathly face and a host of shadows clung to the figure, rippling against the light of the torches.

  Demon, the word sent a tremor through May’s soul, but there was no denying the truth. The creature standing atop the wall wore the body of a human, but there was no humanity left in those eyes. Her mind reeled at the implications.

  The demon turned, its black eyes finding hers, and grinned. Its head tilted to the side in detached curiosity.

  “Commander,” its gravelly voice carried through the night. “What brings you here on a night like this?”

  May shuddered, and gripped the sword her king had given her tighter.

  The creature laughed, the sound sending dread down to the pit of her stomach. Her knees shook, but she stood her ground, determined to do her duty to the last.

  The thing cackled again and stepped towards her.

  With a roar of defiance, May shook herself free of her fear, and attacked. Silently she prayed whatever spells had been cast over her blade would be enough to combat the creature’s power.

  A blade slid into the demon’s hand and shot out to parry May’s attack. Steel screeched on steel and she felt a reverberation go through her arms, but the sword held firm. Surprise flashed in the demon’s eyes and it drew back, suddenly hesitant.

  Drawing courage from its surprise, May pressed the attack, unleashing a string of blows that drove the creature backwards across the wall. But its hesitation was short-lived, and with supernatural speed its blade moved to fend off her attacks. Then it spun, black cloak sweeping out around it, and its blade flashed for her stomach.

  Twisting, May threw herself sideways, but even her speed was not enough to avoid the blow. A sharp pain lanced from her side and then she was clear, dancing backward out of range. Instinctively, her hand dropped to her hip. It came away streaked with blood, but she was relieved to find the wound was not serious.

  Keeping her eyes on the dark creature, May began to circle. It smiled and mimicked her, wary too of the skill she had shown. Her eyes narrowed as she studied it, seeking a chink in its defence. She was confident now this was not one of Archon’s more powerful demons – she would be long dead if that were the case. Nevertheless, its skill with the sword was phenomenal, and who knew what other magic it might possess. She needed to finish it now, before it could work any further mischief.

  Sliding into a fighting stance, May beckoned the creature forward. It growled and leapt for her. She sprang to meet it and their blades rang as they came together, flashing in the firelight. Stepping to the side, she made to stab for the dark thing’s head.

  As the black sword swept up to parry her blow, May pulled back, then hurled herself at the demon’s legs. Her shoulder struck first, driving straight into the creature’s knee. She heard a satisfying crack as the joint shattered beneath her weight. Then her momentum carried her forward, sending the two of them toppling to the ground, limbs and weapons flailing.

  Gritting her teeth, May fought to free herself from the entanglement. A hand clawed at her neck and the demon’s iron fingers grasped at her wrist, but she refused to give in. The thing had not made a sound as its leg broke. The demon within was well beyond the realm of mortal pain, but the damage had still done its job, crippling the demon’s movement.

  Swinging her sword, the blade finally found flesh. Roaring, the demon released her and she broke free, rolling away and scrambling to her feet. She fumbled to bring her sword to bear as the demon writhed on the ground. It struggled to regain its feet, but the shattered knee would no longer take its weight and it collapsed back to the stone.

  Springing forward, May drove her blade down through its back. She felt a satisfying crunch as the tip slid home. Then a hideous cry shattered the night, ringing from the towers of the citadel behind them. May clapped her hands over her ears as pain sheared through her head, the high-pitch scream cutting to her very soul. Strength fled from her legs and she sank to her knees.

  When the noise finally ceased, a fragile silence fell over the ramparts. Across from her the demon had rolled onto its back, driving the blade through its chest. The black eyes found hers, its face twisted with hate. Its chest still rose and fell, but she could see it was finished, its energy spent.

  May edged closer, drawing the dagger at her side. It watched her come, breath still coming in ragged gasps.

  When she reached its side she raised the blade, ready to plunge it through the black skull. Before she could strike, a pale arm shot out to catch her by the shirt. She gasped at the icy touch, struggling to free herself, but even dying its grip was like iron. It pulled her closer, a deathly grin on its pale lips.

  Sucking in a breath, May ceased to resist the demon’s pull. She still had the dagger and she raised it to strike.

  The demon laughed and released her.

  May hesitated, the dagger hovering over the creature’s head.

  Their eyes locked and a shudder went through her soul. There was no fear in the depths of its black stare. Instead, she saw triumph.

  “Archon has come,” the words rose from its lips like death itself.

  Almost without thought, May plunged the blade into the demon’s skull. But she felt no joy at the victory now, no pleasure. Despair crept through her heart, the demon’s words hovering like a ghost in the air around her. She did not hear its last gurgling gasp. Her mind was already far away, lost on a tide of dread.

  The demon’s words meant the end of peace, the end of the Three Nations, the end of life as they knew it.

  The cries of the reinforcements as they finally reached the wall came from around her as the defenders swept the last of the enemy from the battlements. May hardly noticed, her mind consumed, lost in the grip of the demon’s final words.

  Archon has come.


  Eric staggered as a stray root caught his boot. Before he could right himself he found himself falling, toppling to the muddy ground. The breath whooshed from his lungs and he choked, thrashing in the puddle he’d landed in. When he finally managed to suck in a breath of air he swore, pulling himself to his knees.

  Climbing back to his feet, he tried to wipe the brown muck from his clothes. It coated him from head to toe now, the result of days spent trekking through the untamed wilderness. Looking around, he took stock of his progress up the steep hill.

  Thick forest rose all around him, making it difficult to determine how far he’d come. Lichen clung to the branches overhead, thriving in the cool damp climate of Witchcliffe Island. Dense ferns dominated the undergrowth and low-lying vines threaded their way through the mossy carpet, making movement anywhere within the forest a constant battle.

  If he’d had a choice, Eric would have been a long way from the cursed island by now. Yet over a week had passed since he’d slain the demon, the cool days giving way to freezing nights, and still he remained. His clothes were torn and filthy and he’d hardly eaten for days, but he refused to quit. He would not leave his friend, would not abandon Enala to the forces that had taken her.

  Of course, she was more than a friend now – though he doubted he would ever adjust to their true relationship.

er,” he whispered the word to himself. “Where are you?”

  Even now the revelation still shocked him, though there were more pressing concerns to distract him from that now.

  Despair clutched his heart. It had grown with each passing day, weighing on his soul as he marched through the dense forest, clambering up the muddy hills and searching the empty forest. In the week that had passed, he had not glimpsed a single sign of his sister, not a footprint or stray thread of clothing.


  He saw again the burning temple, his last glimpse of the girl as she disappeared into the trees. Earth magic had radiated out around her, surging from the Soul Blade clutched in her hand. Its power had taken her, and Eric had been powerless to stop it.

  Shuddering, he prayed for the thousandth time that he would find her in time. The longer the magic held her in its thrall, the less chance there was Enala could be saved.

  For all he knew, it might already be too late.

  Pushing down the thought, Eric sucked in a breath and started off again. The pommel of the sword strapped to his back struck him in the neck with his first step, forcing him to reach back and readjust it. As his fingers brushed across the leather grip he felt a crackling of power race down his arm.

  He flinched back, his chest constricting with fear. He’d almost forgotten it was the Sword of Light he carried, not some ordinary blade. The weapon possessed power far beyond his understanding, and was not to be taken lightly. Only members of the royal bloodline of Trola could touch the blade – though their direct line had now come to an end.

  Thankfully, Eric and Enala were distant relatives.


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