Awakening (A Dangerous Man, #1)

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Awakening (A Dangerous Man, #1) Page 3

by Serena Grey

  He bends over me and kisses me again. His lips make a trail down to my breasts. He presses my breasts together and sucks on both nipples at once.

  He moves lower, spreading my legs as his lips move over my belly, I know what he is going to do, but nothing prepares me for it.

  At the first touch of his tongue, my body almost vaults off the bed.

  “Stay still.” The words are a raspy command. He grips my thighs and holds me firmly, then he licks me again. My body is squirming against his tongue, I can’t stop moaning, or shaking. I lift my hips to his mouth. I feel like I am going to explode any moment. “Please,” I hear myself moan, “Please,” I hope he knows what I want, because I don’t.

  His tongue moves in circles, slow then fast, licking, then sucking. I dig my fingers into his hair. I am so hot, I can’t think anymore. “Please,” I cry out. He ignores me. His thumb joins his tongue, and he is licking and rubbing me at the same time. I lose control almost immediately. I groan, and my body starts to move on its own, bucking and jerking against his lips as waves and waves of pleasure sweep over me. I fall back on the bed, panting, my eyes wide.

  His tongue touches me again, and I can’t take it, I’m too sensitive. My body jerks away, and I watch him through glazed eyes as he rises up from between my legs.

  I have gone to heaven, I think. My heart is pounding so loudly, I’m sure he can hear it. My body feels unbearably sweet. I reach for him, and my fingers move shyly over his length, there is some moisture at the tip. I rub it and he groans loudly, stiffening. He pulls my hand away and spreads my legs wider, sliding a finger into me, then two. The feeling is strange, but I like it. I can feel my body begin to throb around his fingers. He pulls them out, and I moan in disappointment, which disappears when he presses his tip into me.

  “Are you ready?” His voice is rough.

  In reply, I press against him hungrily, letting him feel my eagerness for him to fill my throbbing need. He positions himself on his knees between my legs and grabs hold of my thighs. The tip of his erection digs deeper into me. I rotate my hips, and he groans and drives in, filling me completely. I moan in pain, clutching his arms as the burning sensation tears through me.

  He freezes, but the pain is already fading, I can feel a slow pleasure building at the strange sensation of him inside me, it is a different kind of pleasure. I move a little, and he groans.

  “Are you okay?” His voice is strange, harsh. I nod, “Please don’t stop.” I whisper.

  My words seem to do something to him. He leans forward on his elbow and starts to move, sliding in and out, slowly at first, and then as I start to moan, faster. I can feel a sweet sensation building up inside me again, growing with each stroke. I run my hands down his back, and over his hard buttocks, his body is slick with sweat, and so is mine. He picks up speed, lifting my leg and rotating his hips as he thrusts into me again and again. I match his movements, and hot pleasure floods my body spreading from between my legs, to my back, my thighs and my belly.

  I scream his name as my body explodes, he thrusts into me one more time, driving in deep as he groans his release. Then he sighs deeply and collapses on top of me, burying his face in my neck.

  “You’re beautiful,” He says, before pulling me closer as he turns to his side. “You’re so damn beautiful.”

  Chapter Four

  The next morning I wake up with a start, certain that I have had an erotic dream, but the warmth from the perfect masculine body wrapped around me on the bed tells me that I haven’t.

  He is lying behind me, his arm over my waist, my back perfectly curved into his body.

  We are spooning, I realize in wonder, and I revel in how delightful it feels.

  I move, turning around until I am facing him. His eyes open slowly, his hair is tousled, and his eyes are groggy, but he is still so hot I want to kiss him again. I stifle a giggle as I wonder what Aunt Josephine would say if she could see me now.

  “Good morning,” I say shyly. I can’t believe all the things I did with him last night. I stretch, reveling in the delicious soreness of my body.

  “Good morning,” He looks at me for a moment, “How are you feeling?”

  “Great.” I smile, suppressing the desire to break into song, or something equally ridiculous. “A little sore.”

  He nods. I reach out and touch his hair, letting my fingers play with the thick black silkiness. His lips curve a little.

  “When do you have to leave for work?”

  I frown, I have completely forgotten about work. “The shop opens at eleven,” I tell him, “I usually leave about twenty minutes before then.”

  He turns to look at the alarm by my bed, it’s only eight am.

  “When are you leaving?” I’m suddenly filled with dread. Yesterday, I thought I would be satisfied with one night, a first time I would not easily forget, but now, after last night, I know I am not.

  “At noon.” He shrugs and gets up.

  I want to beg him to take me with him, but I keep silent, I don’t want to sound like a child. I watch admiringly as he walks towards the bathroom. He has a beautiful body, tight, and firm in all the right places. I wonder if he works out.

  I stay in bed for a while, wondering if I have disappointed him in some way. I remember what he said last night, ‘You’re so damn beautiful.’ The words probably meant nothing.

  I get up, put on a robe, and go into the living room, our clothes are lying around on the floor in a mess. I blush when I see my blue dress crumpled near the door. I pick up all the clothes and place them on the couch.

  A weight of deep sadness descends on me. I try to imagine the next chapter of my life in Bellevue, and I keep seeing his face. I wonder if he cares what happens to me. Maybe he doesn’t, maybe he is eager to leave and forget the eighteen-year-old worst sex he’s ever had.

  Well I won’t forget, and I won’t regret anything either. It was the best night of my life, and whether he leaves or stays will not change that.

  I am still deep in thought when the doorbell rings, startling me. I wonder who it is. Nobody ever comes to my apartment. Aside from Stacey Carver, I may well be an island. It’s a good thing, I decide, there will be fewer people to miss when I’m gone.

  I walk to the door and peer through the peephole. Eddie Newton is standing there looking impatient. As I watch, he presses the bell again. What does he want?

  “Are you going to get that?” I turn around startled, and find that David has joined me in the living room. He is pulling on his clothes, in a few moments he is dressed.

  I realize that he’s not going to go back to my room, so I sigh in resignation and open the door just a crack.

  “Hey Sophie.” Eddie looks relieved to see me. His face relaxes from the frown it was wearing.

  “Hey Eddie.” I am frowning. I have no idea why he is here.

  “I hope I’m not intruding,” His words come out in a rush. “It’s just, with everything that’s happened, I’ve been a little worried about you, and my mom told me where live now. I just came by because I wanted to be sure you are all right.

  “I’m fine.” I tell him, certain that he is taking this worrying about me thing a little too far.

  He shifts from one foot to another, and I think for a moment that he still looks like a child, which is ridiculous, as he is older than I am. I wonder what he is waiting for, I start to say thank you and goodbye, but his eyes skip over my head to something behind me in the living room.

  His face hardens, “I see you have a guest.” His voice is suddenly bitter, making it sound like an accusation.

  I turn around, but I already know that David is behind me. His eyes are locked with Eddie’s over my head, and as I turn back towards Eddie, he looks away from David, his eyes skipping to mine, and then to the floor.

  “I’m all right, Eddie,” I say to him, pitying him, “You have no reason to be worried.”

  “Are you sure?” His jaw is working, and he keeps his eyes on my face, totally ignoring Davi
d’s presence. “Because if there’s anything you need you should know that I would help.”

  I frown, I’m not a charity case, but before I reply, David cuts in.

  “She says she’s fine,” His voice is clipped, and there’s a note of annoyance underneath. “She doesn’t need you to take care of her.”

  “And she needs you?” Eddie’s words come out in a sneer, and my face goes red with embarrassment. I want to tell them both to stop talking about me as if I’m not there. I don’t know what’s happening, but I want it to stop.

  “Eddie...” I start, but he doesn’t even seem to hear me.

  “Don’t pretend that you give a damn about her.” He challenges David. “We all know what happens now that you’ve had your fun, don’t we?” He gives a small laugh. “The rich playboy strikes again, too bad you couldn’t find someone your own age.”

  David smiles tightly. He is not looking at me, but his smile scares me. The smile freezes Eddie too, whose accusing words have now ceased. “You should go now,” David tells him. “And try to remember that from now on nothing about Sophie is any of your concern or your responsibility.”

  For a moment, I’m sure Eddie is going to cry. He gives me one last look, and then he turns and leaves. I shut the door quickly. As if by doing so, I can make it as if the last few minutes didn’t happen.

  I’m still trying to understand what has just happened. “I’ve never seen him like that before.”

  David’s eyes are on my face. “Really?”

  I stare at him, feeling uncertain, there is an edge to his voice that I don’t understand. “Really.” I reply.

  “Really?” He’s moving towards me, I move back, but with just one step I’m already backed up against the wall. He tips my chin up until I’m looking up into his eyes, “because anybody can see that he’s in love with you.”

  “Why would he be in love with me?”

  “You really have no idea, do you?” He sighs. “Somebody should have told you how beautiful you are.” He says. “I promise you that as soon as I’m gone he’ll be back to offer you his ‘help’ again.”

  “I don’t want his help.” I whisper.

  His eyes hold mine, and I can’t look away. As I watch him, his hand moves into my robe, parting the thick material. His fingers stroke my thighs, moving up between my legs, he massages me softly, and I part my legs, letting him touch me.

  I am so wet, his fingers stroke me easily, I moan softly, moving my hips to meet them. I grab hold of his shoulders, breathless. He doesn’t stop, a finger slides into me, slowly massaging me inside. He finds a spot and applies more pressure. I groan, and he puts another finger in my mouth. I start to suck on it, spreading my legs wider, opening myself to him. As he drives me crazy inside, his thumb plays with me outside. Finally, I can’t take it anymore. My body stiffens, and then I let out a thin scream as it shatters in different directions.

  His lips descend on mine, swallowing my scream. I gasp, because the kiss is almost painful. It’s possessive, as if he is stamping me with his ownership, but I don’t care, I want to be owned.

  He presses me against the wall, and I can feel the firm push of his arousal. I moan softly. His voice is harsh against my ear. “Don’t forget who made you feel like this.”

  I’ll never forget. “Take me with you.” I don’t consciously form the words, they just come out from somewhere deep within me. Somewhere where there is no shame, only desperation.

  He doesn’t reply. I wonder what he’s thinking. I feel a sense of shame at the thought of his rejection. His hands tighten around my waist, and he pulls me close. I relax against him as he kisses my hair. He is so tender, I brace myself for his refusal.

  He chuckles suddenly. I wonder why, but I don’t want to leave his embrace. “There’s one way you can come with me to Seattle.” He sounds amused.

  “How?” I’m ready to explore any options.

  He considers for a moment. “How long does it take to get a marriage license in the town of Ashford?”

  Chapter Five

  The next few hours pass in a blur. I am happy and excited, but I’m also afraid in a way that I cannot explain. Maybe I am afraid of change, or maybe I am afraid of David Preston. I don’t really know.

  First, he goes with me to the shop, where I haltingly tell Stacey that I’m getting married and going to Seattle with David. I ask her to witness the ceremony, and she agrees, even though I can see from her face that she is worried about me and sure that I am making a mistake.

  Am I making a mistake? I am happy, I always dreamed of falling in love, maybe this is it, but even if it is not, I am sure that if David leaves for Seattle without me, I would not be able to bear it.

  Back in my apartment, after his shocking proposal, he called his assistant in Seattle, Linda Mays. She arrives a few hours later, while we are at the shop, a glamorous looking black haired vision, in a pencil skirt and an incredibly tailored jacket. She takes one look at me and tries not to show her surprise. I try not to show how cowed I am by her obvious sophistication, as I give her the documents she needs to get us a marriage license from the courthouse.

  After she leaves, he seems reluctant to leave me alone with Stacey. After a while, he leaves for the Fairview, where he’s staying, and where I will join him for lunch.

  As soon as he’s gone, Stacey sits me down for a talk.

  “Are you sure of what you are doing?” Her face is a study in worry. In fact, she looks more worried than she did yesterday. “Marriage is not something to jump into, especially with someone you hardly know, you only met him yesterday you said.”

  I nod, how do I explain to her that I understand her fears, but I am more afraid of not leaving with him than of anything else?

  “You don’t have to do that, you know,” She says. “I spoke with Trevor Beak.” Trevor Beak is the manager at the local grocery store, and I wonder what this will have to do with me. “He says there may be a position for you as an assistant trainee manager,” She continues, “You may not have to leave town after all.”

  I smile and nod. “I’m glad you’re looking out for me,” I say, touched by her concern, “but I’ll be fine, I promise.”

  She nods, and there are tears in her eyes. She draws me into her arms and hugs me tightly, surprising me. I want to cry because for a moment I think I can feel what it may have been like to have a mother.

  At lunchtime, the black sedan comes for me. The driver, a strong looking but clean-cut man who tells me that his name is Steve, looks pleasant but barely says a word to me. At the Fairview, David is waiting for me in the restaurant. Even though in the morning I tried to make an effort with my clothes, wearing a gray skirt and a white blouse, I still feel out of place, like a schoolgirl.

  He is sitting alone at a table close to the windows, and when I enter he turns to look at me, and my stomach twists. The memories of last night engulf me and I want him in a way that surprises me.

  He smiles and stands, he is wearing a dark blue suit, and he looks so beautiful I can’t catch my breath. “Hello Sophie.” He says as he pulls the chair out for me.

  “Hello.” I reply, breathing in the scent of him. I can’t believe that he will soon be mine.

  The waiter comes, and he orders for both of us, looking at me for approval. I nod, I am not hungry at all, at least what I want cannot be served on a plate.

  When the waiter leaves, his eyes hold mine, and there is a teasing glint in their depths.

  “You have to stop looking at me like that.” He sounds amused, “or else I will have to take you up to my suite right now, and have you for lunch”

  I sigh at the image, “Why don’t you?” I whisper. It’s exactly what I want.

  He leans back in his chair and smiles. I stare at him, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to how incredible he is to look at. “Linda will be here to pick you up after lunch, to shop for a dress.” He shrugs. “We’ll be married by tonight.” His eyes are full of promise, “and then I’ll show you everythi
ng I’m thinking of doing to you right now.

  There is no way I’m going to be able to eat now, I think, trying and failing to stop the throbbing between my legs. I press my thighs together and sigh. I can’t wait for tonight.

  “So when did you two meet?” Linda asks me later, as we browse the racks for a good dress, me hesitantly, she, rapidly, as if she knows exactly what she is looking for. She ignored me throughout the drive in the car to dress shop, which she has picked out all by herself.

  “Yesterday.” I reply. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I try to say it as if it means nothing, as if people get married all the time a day after they meet.

  She snorts and continues browsing the rack. I prickle with irritation at the sound, but I don’t say anything. Suddenly I am determined to choose my own dress. I start to look for a dress too, determined not to wear anything she picks out.

  Luckily, I find an off-white dress, sleeveless with a wide neck. It’s the kind of dress I’ve always dreamed of wearing. I pick it off the rack and tell Linda that I’ve found what I want. She nods in approval when I try it on and that rankles too. I don’t need her to approve my choices.

  We buy other things, lingerie that makes me blush, while Linda looks at my reddening face as if she has never seen a blush before, shoes, a few other dresses, and then we go to a hair salon to fix up my hair and makeup. By the time I’m all dressed up, I don’t recognize myself. I don’t look my age, that’s for sure. I look grown-up and elegant.

  Stacey meets us at the courthouse with her Brett, her husband, who looks confused by the whole thing. They both witness the ceremony, which for me, is only a blur. All I can see is David looking perfect in the dark blue suit promising to love me forever. I know it’s probably silly to imagine that I love him, but as I watch his lips say my name, I’m very sure that I do.

  The official says something and David lifts my hand to slide the rings onto my finger, two rings, a sparking engagement ring, and a plain wedding band. I know his assistant has picked them out, but I don’t care, because I am happy and in love, and for the moment I know that everything is going to be all right.


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