The Playful Babysitter

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The Playful Babysitter Page 4

by Gray Fisher

  Unfortunately for Richard, one of Lauren’s friends volunteered in the hospital where Richard’s wife worked, and Becky soon was glaring at the image of her husband with a tent in his pants and a mouth stuffed full of toes that weren’t hers. It was a shocking and humiliating moment for her, but it was also the day the power in their relationship shifted. She’d made it clear that she couldn’t trust him when he wasn’t in her presence, and that the only way she wouldn’t divorce him and take him to the cleaners was if he’d submit to her way of doing things.

  And that’s how he found himself restrained on a late Saturday afternoon, as his wife and her conspiratorial friend tormented him both sexually and mentally. His secret fantasies having been laid bare, his wife had become quite adept at using them to maintain her control.

  Richard groaned as she slid her thumb and index finger back and forth around the circumference of his glans. Stephanie paused from her primping to watch.

  “You’ll be gone for hours...what...what will I do?” he sputtered.

  “Oh, don’t worry, honey. I’ve arranged for Amber to come by and keep an eye on you. She’s home from college for the break and said she’d be happy to check in. Such a sweet young girl. Consider her your...” A smirk crossed her face as she sought the right word, then a full-blown smile. “...your babysitter while we’re gone.”

  Richard was struck dumb with horror at the thought. “No, please, oh God, no, Becky. Don’t do this!” He sounded as if he was pleading for his life.

  “Shhh,’s okay dear. She needed to earn a few dollars, and I’ve told her exactly what to do. You’ll be fine.” Becky chuckled as she turned to her friend. Stephanie wasn’t quite so restrained, and virtually guffawed as they turned to leave.

  “Noooo,” he groaned. “You can’t.” But despite his verbal protest, his penis swelled more, as if revealing something in his subconscious. Simultaneously, a bead of sweat formed on his brow.

  “Oh, I can,” his wife countered.

  As the two women started toward the bedroom door, Stephanie glanced back at him, then, as if remembering something, whispered in Becky’s ear, smirking all the while.

  “Oh, right,” Becky said. Then, turning to Richard: “I don’t want you to be distressed when she gets here. Hopefully, this will calm you down.”

  She rifled through the closet and pulled something oblong out, though Richard couldn’t make it out. Grabbing another stocking from her dresser drawer, she leaned over his face. Richard’s eyes widened. No, it couldn’t be, he thought.

  Amber’s moccasin!

  Becky turned the delicate, well-worn leather shoe upside down over Richard’s nose and mouth, and held it in place as Stephanie threaded the beige stocking under his head. She quickly and efficiently tied the moccasin tightly in place.

  This shoe, the one that first caught his attention on the foyer floor so many months ago, and which became the root of all his troubles, was attached to his face, and Richard had no choice but to breathe in Amber’s lingering foot scent.

  “Have fun,” the women sang, as they walked out of the room. He heard them giggle.

  Richard’s breathing became shallow, as he was enveloped in a mix of leather, foot scent and a trace of Amber’s perfume. He tried to will his penis soft; it would be humiliating enough for their former babysitter to find him tied helplessly to the bed, with her shoe strapped to his face. There’s no way he could let this tease find him with a raging hard-on as well.

  Several minutes went by and his cock went to half-staff. Encouraged, he thought about the recently completed World Series, an upcoming dentist appoint. He was nearly soft when he heard the front door open, then the click of heels in the foyer. Unbidden, images of Amber suddenly flashed across his mind. Her taking his picture that night in the car. The purple thong underwear she’d made no effort to conceal. The embarrassing remarks she and her friend Lauren made about him.

  Then, of course, there was that dastardly shoe. The sound of her approaching was exacerbated by the scent emanating from the insole. It was downright heady, almost evil. His mind began playing tricks on him, attaching a malevolent bent to the smell. It was as if the shoe itself were urging him on...

  His cock was stirring, and in remarkably short order it was standing straight up once again, the good soldier ready for action that he had a feeling it wouldn’t get. A drop of pre-cum formed at the tip.

  The door opened, and his “babysitter” walked in. Out of the corner of his eye he could see she’d blossomed in her first semester at college. More womanly, and more self-assured. She was wearing tight jeans, a loose-fitting black button-down top, and black patent four-inch heels. He thought he could see some black nylon peeking between her cuffs and shoes. Her blonde hair, which last time he saw her was in a ponytail, hung down to her shoulders and was tightly crimped.

  She chuckled when she saw him, as though taken aback, then smiled at him. He could see her lips glisten with a shiny pink shade of freshly applied lip gloss. His breathing got faster as the humiliation of his predicament washed over him.

  “Is that my ratty moccasin?” No greeting, no “nice to see you.” “You just can’t get enough can you?”

  Richard had no idea what to say in response, so he remained silent.

  “Wifey wasn’t too happy when she found out you came on my foot, was she?”

  “I’m sorry it happened, Amber,” he offered through the shoe. “It was poor judgment.”

  “Don’t be silly! It gave me a great story to tell my sorority sisters at school. They didn’t believe me, but I showed them the photo. They warmed up to me after that.”

  He groaned as she edged closer to the bed, and it seemed as if she was admiring him. Or was she simply assessing a plaything? Her eyes lingered on his erection.

  “Ooh, I see you’re enjoying that shoe. I’ve mostly given up moccasins.” She planted her high heel next to his head. “In college, you need to wear heels if you want to get noticed.”

  He tried to avoid staring at the shoe, and her pretty foot, but that became impossible the moment she popped her heel out of the patent leather. Her foot smell was unavoidable.

  “I’m sure you get noticed, Amber,” Richard said, still muffled by the moccasin. “You’re a beautiful young woman.”

  “That’s so nice of you, Dicky. But you’d be surprised just how many hot looking women there are on campus. It’s very competitive, you know.”

  She continued talking to him in a conversational tone, though she had now shed her right shoe. At the same time, she pulled a feather from her purse, and mindlessly began dancing it around the head of his penis. She might as well have been filing her finger nail for all the attention she paid.

  “Take Lauren, for example,” she continued casually. “You remember her, don’t you?”

  Richard’s cock twitched. “Yes,” he gulped.

  “Now she’s beautiful...the envy of her sorority sisters. Oh, hey, here’s a picture of her.”

  Amber pulled out her cell phone with her right hand, flipped it open, and summoned up a picture of her friend.

  “Here, let’s get that moccasin off of you. That was pretty nasty of your wife to put that on you, knowing the effect it has.” She pulled the nylon stocking over his head, freeing his nose and mouth from their leather prison.

  It was replaced by the image of Lauren. Richard did a double take. The girl on the cell phone screen was gorgeous, as hauntingly beautiful as any teen vixen he’d seen on those TV shows that cater to the under 20 crowd.

  The feather continued stroking around his cock head and tip, and the sensation was driving him nuts.

  “Amber, please,” Richard moaned. “Make me cum.”

  “Dickey, your wife gave me strict instructions. But maybe I can do other things.” She slid her nylon-encased foot down to his groin. “Hey, remember this? Hee hee!”

  Richard was struck with the thought that she knew his weaknesses all too well. He’d been an idiot to bare himself
to her the way he did that night; this young girl whom he’d thought so innocent was actually a first-class cock tease.

  More pre-cum bubbled from his slit, and she grinned when she felt it on her foot. She took the feather and began tickling his left nipple. He threw his head back in response.

  “Anyway, Lauren and I were supposed to go out tonight, but then Becky called. I needed the money, so I canceled,” she said. “But, I’ve got an idea! Would it be OK if I invited Lauren over here?”

  “What? No! I don’t think that’s a good idea!” Richard shot back, suddenly startled from his rapture by the thought. He recalled how demeaning she’d been to him on the phone that night, and that was before she’d even seen or met him. Frankly, though he’d be hard pressed to admit it to anyone – possibly even himself – he found her terribly intimidating. Her beauty only added to that feeling.

  “Great!” Amber said perkily, as if she hadn’t heard a word he’d said. “But since you’re of the house, it would only be proper if you invited her.” She increased the pressure of her foot on his dick as she said it, coaxing him to see her point of view.

  “Nooo,” he breathed. “Please...”

  But his cock betrayed him. She could feel it get firmer under her toes, and see the desire behind the anxiety in his eyes.

  “Aww, Dickey, it’s okay. Lauren likes you, she really does.” She laughed. “I know you want to see her.”

  “Please, Amber,” he whimpered. “I can’t.”

  For extra motivation, she pulled out the cell phone photo once again, held it right in front of his face. At the same time she became firm at his insolence.

  “Here’s the deal, Dickey...the only way you can hope to get any relief today is with both of us in the room with you. So you can call Lauren and invite her over, or I can tease you all night and you’ll never get what you need.”

  Put that way, he couldn’t refuse. He let out a long moan, then motioned for Amber to bring the phone to his face. Picking up on the cue, she dialed the number from the phone’s address book.

  Two rings, then a voice. “Hi, Amber!”

  “Uh, Lauren, it’s Richard Landon, calling from Amber’s phone.”

  ‘What the – ? Hey, I remember’re the guy who likes Amber’s feet!”

  The words stung Richard. He began to stutter.

  “Ummm, I’m with Amber right now, and she’d like to see you.” He gulped. This was so far beyond the pale, and Amber had resumed circling the head of his cock with that insidious feather. “Ohhh. Uh, would you like to come over to, uh, my house?”

  “Ohhh, uh, uh, I don’t think I can,” she mimicked. “I’m supposed to go to my cousin’s birthday party.”

  Thinking back to what Amber had told him, he began to panic. “Lauren, uh, please? For just a little while? For Amber?”

  “For Amber, or for you, footsucker?”

  “Uh, for me...please?”

  “Say ‘I’m a little footsucker,’ and beg some more, and I’ll consider dropping by.”

  Richard felt he had little dignity left to lose, and his bloated balls urged him on, as did the feather that Amber was expertly twirling. He noticed she was stifling laughter.

  “Uh, I’m a little footsucker. Would you please, please come over, Lauren?”

  “Well, since you put it that way, ha ha! Give the phone to Amber.”

  Overhearing, Amber pulled the phone away from Richard’s face. He listened to her side of the conversation, with a mixture of relief and dread that Lauren would soon be there.

  “Yes, he’s in quite a bind. But when you get here maybe we can put him out of his misery. Oh, no, don’t worry...he really likes you. He invited you over, didn’t he?” She continued to play the feather over his balls as she talked, causing him to emit a groan.

  “Shh, quiet! I’m on the phone!” Then, to Lauren, “Okay, I’ll see you later then. It’ll be a blast.”

  It was an excruciating hour of the feather and Amber’s parading of her lithe body before the doorbell rang. When the two women entered the bedroom, Richard’s head was turned to the side against the pillow. His shame wouldn’t permit him to even look at the newcomer. But a slap by Amber against his penis got his attention.

  “So, we finally get to meet, Dickey,” Lauren purred. “I’ve heard – and seen – so much about you, hee hee.”

  Richard became flustered at the sight of this gorgeous co-ed, who was even better looking in person. Dressed in a tight black, one-piece dress that cut off well above the knees, nude stockings and scallop-edged four-inch pumps, with a wave of chestnut hair that flowed just past her shoulders, and tasteful makeup that included a fresh coat of lipstick, Lauren was breathtaking. His cock quivered.

  “Ohh, I hear my friend Amber has been mean to you, you poor thing. Well I guess that’s what happens when you decide to kiss and suck toes. For some reason, we just lose all respect for men who do that.” She giggled, a sexy, impetuous, girlish melody.

  “You know...he mentioned before you got here that he wanted to kiss your feet too,” Amber said helpfully.

  Richard turned his head toward Amber, his eyes wide open. He was aghast at what he’d heard, and his face reddened. “Amber, please,” he begged.

  “Is that so?” Lauren slipped her delightfully arched foot out of the pump, and sat on the foot of the bed. “That might be nice.”

  Richard’s eyes couldn’t help but follow the path Lauren’s lovely foot took toward his face. Within seconds, before he could utter another word of protest, the nylon-covered beauty came to rest on his mouth and nose. He was momentarily conflicted. This humiliation under the foot of the woman who’d been so demeaning toward him on the phone – and who had circulated that photo of him in the first place – made his blood run cold. Yet he also felt that this was the single most intensely erotic experience of his life. He began doing what came naturally.

  “Ooh, feels good,” Lauren cooed. To Amber, “I see what you mean.”

  As Richard slurped and sucked Lauren’s fragrant toes, he felt that feather begin circling the head of his cock once again. The sensation caused him to arch his back, his manhood seeking enough pressure to cum. But neither the feather, nor the woman twirling it, would grant it, not even close.

  “I’m glad you invited me over, Dickey,” Lauren said, smiling. “We’re going to have so much fun babysitting you.”

  Amber aimed her cell phone camera at the scene before her. “Like my new cell phone, Dickey? This one shoots video.”

  All Richard Landon could do was moan around the toes in his mouth. The sun was just setting outside, and he knew his wife wouldn’t be home for many hours.

  Foot Worship Scrabble

  I will never think of the game Scrabble the same way again.

  I stared out my third floor apartment window at the two shapely young women getting out of their gray Honda in the parking lot, each carrying a large bag. By turns I wondered what I’d gotten myself into and desperately anticipated what the afternoon would bring.

  Finally, after a seemingly interminable wait, the doorbell rang. I found myself looking at two very attractive girls. With wide smiles, they introduced themselves as Daisy and Sam. Of course, they admitted, those weren’t their real names.

  Daisy was just plain gorgeous – dark straight hair, nice complexion and pretty eyes, with a knowing, slightly haughty look to them. Sam’s hair was light brown and while not as much of a stunner as Daisy, was also very cute. She had a fun-loving look to her, and her eyes seemed to be able to look straight into you. She reminded me very much of an actress who’d appeared regularly on the HBO series Six Feet Under.

  I’d first heard from Daisy about three weeks earlier, when she’d replied to my ad on Craigslist. “Ladies, take a load off your feet,” I’d implored, seeking an open-minded woman to help me indulge my intense foot fetish. My goal was to simply help an overworked woman “destress” with a relaxing foot rub. If it happened to lead to something more, that’d be a b

  Her response read, in part, “I have a huge desire to have my feet rubbed by a man (and sucked, etc.).” We exchanged a few e-mails, and she insisted she was for real. She had a friend, she said, who also liked having her feet played with, and she sent two pictures of her feet, one of which showed a hint of her face. She’d said they were 26 and 27, and that she’d bring along her favorite foot lotion.

  After a last-minute cancellation, we finally arranged to meet early this afternoon, and my stomach was in knots all day. I wondered if they’d really show up, if they were reasonably attractive, and whether they had ulterior motives or were even planning to rob me. I took the precaution of hiding my wallet before their arrival just in case.

  So it was with much relief I saw two rather innocent looking, attractive women in my doorway. Interestingly, Daisy was carrying Scrabble. I immediately recalled one of her e-mails in which she said she and Sam loved the game and had discussed my ad over a rather intense match. I thought the game tucker under her arm simply meant they planned to stay awhile. Then Daisy said, “If you want us to really humiliate you, we could just play Scrabble all afternoon with you at our feet while we completely ignore you.” They chuckled, as a lump formed in my throat.


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