Executive Enslavement

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Executive Enslavement Page 23

by Bruce McLachlan

  The reins steered her one way then another. She felt rivulets of sweat gather and run down her skin. Sweaty pearls stung her eyes as they ran down beneath the smothering animal countenance that was buckled so intractably to her true face.

  Flicks and brief tastes of the lash brought her to a run then to a pell-mell gallop. Her lungs were arctic cold, her skin felt clammy and her chest heaved with deep snatches of breath. Her heartbeats echoed around her head with throbbing rapid pulses. The wetness of her perspiration was now an all-enveloping layer that fell free with her charging steps. All she wanted to do was stop, but when she started to give in to fatigue the whip returned to apply severe consequences. The shocks of cursing pain pushed back the lethargy and had her redouble her efforts. The scorching touch of the whip eclipsed the distress of her exhaustion and made her choose the weariness rather than another lesson in obedience. Talon continued to ensure she stayed at her mad dash, using the whip with an increasingly heavy hand to ensure its effects defeated the increasing strain of her fatigue.

  The reins pulled back and made her release a whimper of strain.

  “Whoa there, pony,” he ordered.

  Talon flicked the traces and Samantha slowed her run to a trot, then to a walk, and then to a brief halt.

  “No, not yet, pony. Come on,” he said and added a gentle swing of the dressage whip across her rear to restore her to a phlegmatic walk.

  Gasping for breath, she was turned around and back toward the stable. Samantha was parched. Every swallow made it feel like her throat was made of sandpaper. Her body trembled from the rigours of the run, her sight wavered a little, and her mind was giddy. Her legs were weak and quivered beneath her, the muscles taking a long time to gather a semblance of stability. Even so, Talon was not yet of a disposition to grant her respite from the demands of her performance. The whip and reins were used as the instruments to get her knees up and to have her once more staring blankly at the sky. With her thoughts in disarray she could not revile the extreme treatment, only obey the simple sensations that ruled her actions. The whip added harsh exclamation points to Talon’s commands, and the reins steered her more effectively than her own thoughts, indeed, her own opinions and desires had been neatly removed from her field of influence and replaced by a simple series of tugs and swats.

  The vehicle was taken to one of the long outer walls and Talon brought her to a halt. Samantha sagged a little, almost succumbing to the temptation to drop to her knees.

  Talon left the seat and approached her side. Setting the whip aside he removed the clips at her flanks and drew her out of the grasping arms of the gig.

  Samantha was granted slack and she accepted the invitation. Settling down onto her knees she leaned over and stared at the grass. A steady rain of drips fell from her animal features onto the soft carpet of green. All she wanted to do was drop onto her side and go to sleep, to lounge in the warm afternoon sun and let her perspiration evaporate and her body and mind recover.

  All weariness fled like scattered clouds against a gale when a blast of cold water washed across her back. Samantha arched up and threw her head back with a cry of delight and shock.

  Master Talon gave a pleased chuckle at her vibrant response. Leaning against the stable wall he held the nozzle of the hose and continued to spray her with a chill and refreshing cascade. The cooling wash poured over her raised front, stripping away the fires of her racing introduction to being a cart pony. Samantha shook and draped herself backward even further. The waters flowed over her and started to sneak through her muzzle and straps to reach her face. Jerking forward, she leapt back up onto her feet and shook with delight as Talon continued to hose her down. She turned around under the stream and dipped her head down into it to soak her sweat-wetted hair. Jolting upright, she flung the sodden locks back and jiggled from hoof-to-hoof with excited merriment. She wiggled her hindquarters at Talon and he drenched them. The plexus of angry weals had their heat stolen away in an instant and Samantha tottered forward to reach the end of her reins as she continued to shake and cavort under the chill drenching.

  “Good pony, that’s it,” he commented then began to tow her in.

  With her wits revived, Samantha gave false struggles against his influence. Talon moved the hose in steady sweeps from left to right and panned it up and down her body. Samantha continued to resist and with a little more strength, Talon successfully reeled her in.

  Releasing the trigger, Talon stopped the flow and reached into his pouch. With a grin he produced a few more grapes and lifted his hand high.

  Samantha shuffled forward and strained upward to reach the tempting treats. One at a time he fed them through the holes at the end of her muzzle. Samantha threw them back and hungrily ate them. The waters and the grapes eased her stress and were greatly refreshing. The drought in her throat was banished and she was fed some more fruit.

  “Good, pony. You ran well today. In fact, you ran very well, considering that it was your first time. I’m most impressed,” he said and his hand joined in to reward her with strokes and gentle caresses. Samantha leaned up against him and luxuriated in the dutiful groping attention of her Master.

  “Come on, pony, let’s get you stabled for the night. I think you’ve been run enough for today,” he stated.

  Samantha was taken back around to the interior, her wet tail brushing her damp legs with every step. They passed Daemon and her Master again on the way and the two dominant males paused to exchange a few words.

  “How did you rate her?” asked Daemon’s owner.

  “Pretty good. You saw?” said Master Talon.

  “Little choice. Daemon here wouldn’t keep her eyes off her. She kept tripping over her own feet on the obstacle course because she wouldn’t pay attention to where they were supposed to be.”

  Samantha looked up and saw the myriad flushed stripes covering Daemon’s rear and thighs. She looked up higher and met the ravenous lustful stare of the ponygirl. Abashed by such an intense regard, Samantha darted her stare back down to the grass.

  “Maybe I’ll see how she handles that course tomorrow,” pondered Talon.

  “We’ve a few hours of sunlight left,” offered Daemon’s owner.

  “No, I don’t want to wear her out too much.”

  “So a little romp with Daemon’s out?”

  “Hmmmm,” said Talon, rubbing his chin.

  “Easy girl,” sternly stated Daemon’s Master and slammed his short crop across her rear before tugging on her nipple chains. Daemon was quivering with desire and only through another few slaps of the crop was she brought back to a more docile front. Talon suppressed his smile after having teased her for a long period.

  “Okay, just for a little while. But I’m keeping her as is. Tomorrow I’ll remove some of it so they can have some real frolics,” he said while unfastening Samantha’s reins.

  Daemon was freed of her nipple leashes and she gave Samantha a coy look before bolting off toward the trees. Samantha looked around to Talon to seek approval. She had spent so much of this day obeying his every command that it felt strange to have a little free will restored to her.

  “Off you go then, pony. You earned a little recreational galloping.”

  Samantha questioned whether her weary legs were up for more exercise but one look at Daemon’s luscious rear dancing away gave her new vigour. With a sudden sprint, she chased after the ponygirl.

  They ran around each other for a short time, assessing the body of the other. Samantha envied the girl her freedom, and although she was not sure, she could swear that Daemon was looking at Samantha’s bonds with an equal level of jealousy.

  Nervous as to how to proceed, Samantha stood still as Daemon closed in and again sniffed at her sides. The girl then nuzzled in closer and applied gentle kisses to the bared regions of her skin. A tongue ran up her side across leather and flesh.

  Daemon moved back and smiled broadly before skipping away. Intrigued, Samantha followed. I
t was so strange to be gaining such fulfilment without any actual physical contact. She felt carefree and wild despite her bondage. Running around with a blasé indifference to the world, the two women frolicked and played. On occasion, Daemon moved in to kiss and lap at Samantha, an action that she delighted in every time Daemon chose to do it. Sometimes she allowed Daemon to come in close and Samantha scraped her hooves into the grass and shook her head. Just as Daemon was about to reach her, she scampered away with speed, coercing Daemon into chasing her before allowing her the kisses she sought. Even though Daemon bore no bit, she did not speak one single word, only whinnied, snorted, and brayed.

  “Daemon! Here!” yelled her distant Master.

  Daemon stamped her hooves and gave a wonderfully contrary whinny.

  “Daemon!” he snapped. “Don’t make me put you in your punishment outfit again!”

  This mysterious threat had its desired effect and Daemon turned on her heels, gave one final licentious look to Samantha, then started to jog back to accept her reins. Samantha followed her at a more leisurely pace.

  Daemon was already being led back into her stall, gaining numerous swipes with the crop because of her disobedience when Samantha reached Master Talon.

  “Did you have fun, pony?” he asked.

  Samantha gave a snort and waggled happily as a response. Her dry tail flicked around her sides and she tensed against her tack to remind herself of its strictures.

  “Good, pony. Okay, let’s get you stabled for the night,” he said and started to tow her back toward the building.

  “But how shall we do it? What stall shall we have you in? There’s a few vacancies, all with varying degrees of bondage. I could just tether you in one and let you curl up on the straw, but a wanton pony like you probably needs a stall that’s a little more strict.”

  Talon opened a gate and revealed a basic metal frame with leather straps riveted to the polished silver surfaces. It was formed around a single upright pole that reached from floor to ceiling. It looked like some twisted blending of chair and crucifix. The contraption was bolted to the ground and the roof and looked very threatening in the late afternoon light.

  Samantha backed up a little and Talon stopped her from escaping by grabbing the reins close to her muzzle.

  “Don’t be afraid, pony. You’ll be okay,” he said reassuringly and took a moment to stroke her snout before drawing her in.

  Using her reins to hold her, he removed her tail then pulled her back into the engine. Talon unfastened her gloved arms from their post on her back. The leather snared limbs flopped weakly at her side, their long containment having stripped them of vitality. As Samantha stood and looked across the site of her constraint, Talon started to remove the sheaths.

  A plain and innocuous leather bag near to the site of her installation drew Samantha’s attention and she wondered what might lie within. Samantha pictured the devices she had come to expect, dread, and love from her time with Lady Morgana.

  Cool air washed over her bare arms and he drew her back into the steel limbs of the device. Talon lifted her arms out so that they ran along a horizontal steel bar then turned his attention to the application of the bonds. He tightened the wrist cuffs into place to keep her arms spread out then began to apply the others. The thick hide closed above and below each elbow then to her upper biceps. Her legs were drawn up and spread exceedingly wide, creating a disturbing sense of exposure and vulnerability. The splayed V of metal still supported her thighs then ran down her calves to the floor. Straps fell across her thighs, just below her knees, and to her ankles to ensure she could not defeat the splayed position.

  With her back against the upright steel pole, Talon slowly removed her corset and harness. The wet interior was taken off her torso and she breathed deeply as her flesh seemed to expand with the loss of the crushing corset. Her bared loins quivered with new hunger when they were finally set loose.

  Cross straps reached around her chest and hugged her to the pole. A set also ran along her inner thighs to draw them in. The slow cinching of her form made Samantha pant and sigh with rhapsody. After all the running and exertion of the day it was reassuring to surrender to the fond companionship of total bodily restraint. She started to give soft lustful hums as she was inexorably pulled into the steel.

  “So I take it that my pony is happy with tonight’s bedding?” said Talon with a light tone.

  He pulled the inner thigh straps a little tighter to lift her reply into a long purr of satisfied contentment.

  “I think another little treat is in order while we wait,” he said, and drew the bag over.

  Pulling the zip aside he reached in and kept the item that he retrieved out of her vision. Samantha pulled at her bonds and sought to discern what he intended. Her fears that pain was about to envelop her were groundless. The shivering hum of a magic wand reached her covered ears and the smooth plastic head of the cordless toy sent exquisite bliss through her pussy.

  Talon looked up into her eyes from his crouching position and smiled broadly. Samantha shook with the stern pleasure that spread through her sex and made her muscles clench and her tendons rise against her skin from her innate response.

  Talon slowly rocked the shuddering device against her, trailing against her exposed lips and focusing his primary attention on her clitoris. When he devoted the vibrations to the engorged morsel, croaking moans poured from her throat and her head pressed back into the upright pole. Her hands clenched into fists as orgasm rapidly started to well.

  Readying for the climactic culmination, Samantha’s breath grew more rapid and her eyes drifted closed.

  “Ah, dinner is served,” he said, and switched off the toy.

  Samantha’s eyes jerked wide and she yanked against the imprisoning straps, their pleasure now becoming an infuriating bane as they stopped her from finishing the task. She glared at Talon but he was looking elsewhere.

  Samantha followed his gaze to a smartly dressed maid. Her outfit was comprised of vinyl and fishnet and she carried a silver tray. Upon it lay what appeared to be an oversized baby bottle.

  Talon lifted himself back onto his feet and stretched before accepting the offered device.

  “Thank you. Now off you go,” he said.

  The maid bowed respectfully and turned to depart.

  “Wait,” he said, looking back to Samantha with a malicious smirk. “Come here and spread your legs for me.”

  The maid maintained a blank face and moved to put down the tray.

  “No, keep hold of that. I won’t be keeping you long.”

  The woman approached and set her legs apart. Talon moved over and balanced the whip on Samantha’s snout. After moving it one way then the other, he finally set it straight then paused to ensure stability.

  “Keep hold of this. If you let it fall... well, I’d advise against it, pony,” he warned.

  Moving back to the loitering maid, he activated the wand and reached up beneath the shimmering black layer of her poppy skirt. The woman stiffened and her lips formed into a sultry o of reply.

  “Thank you, Master,” she stammered.

  “That’s quite alright. Now keep that tray up,” he said as her arms started to wilt due to the fierce bliss crafted by the wand.

  Samantha shook and attacked her bondage with new vigour. Her snout wavered under the whip and she stared at the maid with a jealous rage. The whip started to tilt and she regrettably had to train her attention on keeping it balanced.

  The maid’s breathing became faster and faster then dropped into long deep gasps. Her chest rose and fell, her ample breasts making the PVC shimmer and stretch across her cleavage. Talon assailed her with the sweet delight for some prolonged moments then switched off the massager. The woman settled down and recovered her breath.

  “Okay, off you go,” he finally said.

  Almost with a sense of relief the maid wheeled and scurried away with the empty tray.

  “Cute maid,
” commented Talon as he watched her depart. “Anyway, back to my pony.”

  Taking up the bottle, he approached her and removed the precariously supported whip.

  “Feeding time for ponies,” he said softly.

  Lifting up the bottle, Samantha was surprised to see that the end was no normal rubber teat but was formed like a pliant phallus. To feed she would have to diligently suck her nourishment from it.

  Talon unbuckled her muzzle and removed the leather snout. With the snout gone it was a simple matter to take the two steel rings and draw the bit from her lips.

  “Come on, pony, you need to eat if you’re to keep up your strength for tomorrow.”

  Samantha parted her jaws and accepted the phallus. Talon pushed it in then held it still as she locked her lips to it and began to suck. A warm slightly viscous fluid entered her mouth. She expected some sort of stomach churning fare and was surprised to find the sludge very tasty and highly palatable. She swallowed the small amount and instantly increased her rate as she found that it had been no delusion.

  “Wow, now that looks tasty,” he commented as she hauled at the replica cock with obsessive haste.

  Gulping the sustenance down, she watched the level in the bottle drain away until she was dragging the last of her meal out. Her oral attack grew more fanatic and she hauled to try and gain the last few stubborn droplets. Talon’s eyes were glittering with intrigue as he watched this final part of her performance.

  “Good pony,” said Talon and took the bottle from her lips.

  Samantha rolled her tongue around her mouth to spread the lingering residue and savour the overall taste.

  Talon removed the rest of her bridle then reached down. He arose with a ball gag that he presented to her mouth. Samantha willingly spread her jaws while looking up at him with adoration. The ball entered her maw and he pulled the straps back and around the rear of the pole. Tightening it into place, he brought the straps that were already riveted to the pole into play. One was pulled over her forehead and the other loosely embraced her throat.


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