Werewolf Cinderella

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Werewolf Cinderella Page 10

by Amanda Milo

A fun side project *Not* related to the Stolen series:

  Valos of Sonhadra Series

  Alluvial, Book 1: https://amzn.to/2OhfX33

  Tempest, Book 2, written by Poppy Rhys: https://amzn.to/2uPfihv

  Galvanizing Sol, Book 3, by Amanda Milo & Poppy Rhys: https://amzn.to/2AgxDZE

  About the Author

  Amanda Milo is a collector of the randomest trivia. Did you know that Kiwi fruit plants have separate genders? You need both in order to make Kiwi fruits happen. Isn’t that cool??

  She’s concerned about river otter bite pressure—she hasn’t had a chance to test this out, but frankly, this is the part that’s holding her back from appropriating and testing the relocation (aka wildlife theft) of a small family of adorable river otters.

  ...To the bathtub. (They’re basically like slick-furred rubber duckies, but with lots of teeth, right? Right.)

  Extended contemplation of this plan has led to the permission to adopt more ferrets, which makes her very happy. So does her extensive, wacky-patterned, thigh-high sock collection—though ferrets, it must be noted, do not play well with pretty socks. The crazy, clawed thieves!

  She invites you to hang out with her in the Amanda Milo’s Minions Facebook group. (She didn’t name the group! XD Readers have great senses of humor!)

  And thanks for spending time with her story. She hopes you had a lovely time. ♥


  So, so many beautiful souls have shared their thoughts, their enthusiasm, and their hearts. I wouldn’t want to do this without you.

  I’m kicking this off to all the women who shared that they “got” Beth’s sneeze-n-pee attacks XD. Thank You for commenting on this. You ladies cracked me up!!!!

  Thank You to each and every one of you who pause their children/pets/husband (heh! ;D Some might say the last one is all three of these things)—their LIFE—to tell someone else that you think they should read my story. It’s crazy, how much it matters. But it’s true—how many times have you found yourself checking out books because of something someone said? YOUR VOICE MATTERS. *Thank You* for sharing your opinion with others on my stories’ behalf.

  And to learn that there are elements of the stories that are bleeding into Real Life is both awesome and humbling. It’s also hilarious. To Karen Douglas who informed her family that they were celebrating her Spawning Day… and for shouting TEVEK! XD—this was so cool!!!

  To Megan Chandler, Heather North, Melissa Taylor, and Melissa Martinez-Miraglia, who revealed they’ve cussed using tevek too, BAH HA HA!!! <3 This is breathtakingly fabulous!!!! ♥♥♥

  To Susan Deahl who shared: “I find myself thinking "now that's just moonringed cute" at times!”

  To Roslyn Stuart who seconded this, and said: “Amanda Milo, You're pulling a Joss [Whedon] on us :D”, to which Susan Deahl replied: “Yes she is, isn't she! And that's one of the best compliments in the 'verse, huh!”

  Guys: #ISwearByMyPrettyFloralBonnetThatILOVEYou #FIREFLYFansForever

  To Pam Gardner, who is one talented crafter, is one of the coolest people, and has excellent taste in hats. (I am now the proud owner of a llama hat. =:D YES!! A Jayne Cobb quote here, of course—and you bet your dinosaur toys I wear it when it’s sixty degrees in the house. Along with my fingerless typing gloves. I am so damn comfy.)

  To Andrea Bergman, who loves my stories and purrs with me when we hear pretty voices. Ronika Williams, who is a fellow Robert Petkoff fan. #MacRieve #ImmortalsAfterDarkAudios.

  To Victoria Galyon and Lizandra Navarro, who wants Baskian to get his book and makes me excited to jump into his too ♥.

  To Tammy Simmons, for everything. <3 And to you and Candice Cartwright and Susan Hudson and Allison Barnes for championing “#ShortStoryCollectionAlienStyle” =D! (April Harding, you are absolutely remembering Llywelyn right. Yep. O_O Tragic ending all the way before, but I’ve got a fix!) I LOVE YOU GUYS! =D

  To Petra Ruck, for stalking me and sharing that she whispers, "Come to me my Precious!” XD <3 <3

  To Jen Winters for loving Bash and wanting to have his story!

  To Dawn Poole, who has seen all the best movies and who always hits me with conversationally-appropriate GIFs that have me in stitches XD.

  Niki Boyle, for her reaction: “Shut. Up.” XD!!

  To Brandie DeRosia-Zuber for the Ekan-love!!!! <3 And Beth Parrish Read, for your kind words ♥. HEARTS for Luella David, Tamara Schudar Mangahas, Mercedes Ingram, for the audiobook love!

  Amy Mathis Green, who loves the audiobooks!! <3 And Jennifer Elaine who gets no sleep and is happy about this, because BOOKS XD

  Brenna Ford, who is one sweet cheerleader with a heart of gold. KrisAnn Barnes, who patiently waited for the Stable to arrive, and shared her excitement with me when the guys finally showed up :D Rachel Ric, who says the sweetest things, and asks great questions!

  Rebecca Wheeler who goes without sleep for the good cause of BOOKS <3

  Brittany Jobe a cheerReader who forgoes that sleeping thing in order to get her reading fix.

  To Esther Zeigler Burns for many things and for being with me from Arokh & on—and for showing me Flying Dragon thorns. That HAS to go into a book somewhere. That’s wild!

  Linda Russell, for sharing, for cheering, and for teaching me that penis trees are all over the globe, not just South America. We have to visit Australia!

  Victoria Kubasta, for laughs, love, and otter posts <3

  Dana Chapman Wood, if we get to DragonCon this next year, I hope we get to meet up with you!!! (We’re huge Saga comic fans so costumes will include wings and horns :D)

  Massive hugs to Julie Bailey who says she’s still dying for Baskian’s story (awww! I LOVE you and I hope to get him to you sooon). Jennifer Ballam who is willing to fight to keep Tiernan, and wants more Qolt, bless her! Melissa McGuire who said the nicest, nicest things <3, Lori Bibliolatry for being amazing and doing the same!!, and Dear_Lizzy who made me grin in total agreement when she said this for one of the audiobooks: “and this sexy beast of a voice (Nick Cracknell), who can make you melt in a puddle with the first sentence...” ♥. To Melody Diaz who goes to work on zero sleep for the sake of stories, and who’d sacrifice shut-eye again for Pasutha’s story. To the incredible Melody Brown Steeger, who owns THE BEST dogs. Your pups are as close to owning Frenchies as we’ve ever gotten (and with our (read: *my*) predilection for breeds that aren’t friendly with other dogs, your happy-go-lucky cuties are as close as we’ll ever get, oi vey. Thank you for giving me my Frenchie-fix!! =D To Janet Seavey who is a wonder-champion for books!!! ...And who takes time to be a special champion for mine. *HEART EYES*. To Caitlyn Carraher, Serena Buffaloe, Kaila Brieann, Elizabeth Zafiris, Christiane Gordon, Melissa Smith, Janete Lawson, Della Bankert, Cassandra Neves, Jeannie Berry Harwell, who made me bashful while making me feel ten feet tall (no small feat when I’m like half that and a couple penny-widths in change) as they horsed around discussing characters they care about as much as I do. It was AWESOME ♥.

  And SUE HANDSHOE BEC!!!! You don’t know how many of your posts have brightened my nights. And days. And stressful afternoons. You have a keen eye for beautiful, beautiful things, and I love that you share your wealth of treasure with others. A giving spirit is such a lovely quality. *bouncy eyebrows* :D

  To Rachel Selby, for asking after Crispin <3 I love you.

  To Kathryn Schilling and Lori Baker Swenson who want Bash to get his book! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!! =D

  Deborah Marble, Sammie Jarrell, DeAnn Holt Gurley, Becly, Kat Quinn, Amber Burns, Catherine Woodgate, Sue Mitchell, Elizabeth Nitzsche, Lindsey McBride, Sammie Jarrell, Katje, Shana Smith, Andrie Michael, Katie Spence, Christina Miles, Julie Desormeaux, Karen O’Connor, Becky Snaith, Jenn Freeman, Marlena O, Kelly Clark-Huey, Michaela Osei, Hayley Benitez, Kitty Smart, Marissa, Katie P, Christine Chomout, Karen O'Connor, Becky Matthews-Pease, Twilla Love-Thiam, and because I could not ask for kinder cheerleaders. You’re always ready for more of my stories, and you rope others into th
e series like freakin’ top-winning rodeo queens! (What DreamHorses do you ride?? And don’t feel limited to a Quarter horse, this is our rodeo. I’ve got one of every color and several (dream-)Friesians and (dream-)Gyspy Vanners, because horse feathers <3.)

  To Kelly Barber McCormack who couldn’t stop laughing when she got to poor Beth’s “sneeze and pee” scene!! HA HA! I’m still cracking up!!

  To Lyda Eagle, who can spot everything from homonym hiccups to Styrofoam issues to anatomical impossibilities. YOU ARE A PRETTY, PRETTY TREASURE.

  To Jane Loyless, who would love to see Pasutha have his book <3 Thank You.

  To Lori Sophia Ann, because you’re fabulous. ALL THE HUGS for your words on Crispin. And for championing the audios <3.

  To Samantha K Bookey!!! You are a book-lover badass!!! <3 <3 <3 THANK YOU.

  To Ellen Gibson Morris, Amanda Heroman (the shirt idea!! You’re a genius! I WANT ONE =D), to Nicole Upshaw (I seriously adore YOU too ♥), to Georgia Milionis-Peets for your sweet enthusiasm. To Barbie Hamilton—THANK YOU <3! To Sharon Marshall, who—after cats & bearded dragons, after propping me up encouragingly when I fall down, after Jason Momoa ab-licking, and “I’ve spent my whole adult life chasing the high of a Scholastic Book Fair...” (XD)—you wonder why? Because you’re awesome, you’re just freaking awesome, THAT’S WHY.

  To Morgan Hatfield-Tafoya, who really, *really* got Beth’s predicament ;D LOL! Oh my goodness, CONGRATS on bringing Baby Hatfield-Tafoya into the world <3!

  To Jo-Anne Granger-Murray! You’re beautiful. To Ann Barrington, who is searching the galaxies for Ekan with the intent to steal him. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m grabbing popcorn for this.

  To Diana Jerkins, and Elizabeth Greene Boros, and Sara Pearson, Courtney Green, Sara Vermillion (my red-headed Queen of Hearts :D), Julia Wright, Christina Ihara, Amor Pagsanjan, Emily McKay, Yashika Bailey, Jamie Torbert (Happy Late Birthday!), Joy Starr. To Tera Griffin, Åimee Graham, Ellen Gibson Morris, Randi Canter, Susan Graham, Jo-Anne Granger-Murray, Iolanda Toyne, Gerri McCann (I think of you whenever I see a Basenji <3), Becky Cannon Snaith!, Katherine Rose Spence!!, APRIL HARDING, who can cheer the house down when my heart’s needed it and DOES <3 <3, Linda Russell, Laura Gail Walker, Lisa MarieTree, Vicky Moya, Nienna Weeper, Chloe Gross, Gaby McQuillan, Tasha DiCoio (who says I’m pretty when I fetch things on Home Improvement Days, Bless You) and Deborah Elliston! Kelsey Nicole Price because you’re just so freaking awesome! Same to you Poppy Rhys, Naomi Lucas, Marina, Bex, Honey, Regine and team Tiffany Roberts!

  To Audrey Sellers—you brightened my day HUGE ♥, to Ann Hupe, to Lisa Peterson and your request for Pasutha: thank you <3, to Clare McGauran, to Tracy Madden-Nichols. To Susan Deahl, Amy Wright, Theresa Lewis, Stephanie Baum, Kayla Lopez Stone (and our adopted-from-here Baby Milo Lopez Stone!♥), and Eileen Mary La Chaussee! To Jessica Dawn Stevens, who asked what I was working on, and let me tease her and STILL cheered me on because she’s fabulous <3

  To Nancy Van Winkle Palmer at VanSpunky Reads! (*salacious grin* Thank you for sharing your state’s HotCop, RAWR) To Jo Bubbles, whom I think of whenever I see bats and Ace Ventura XD. To Kate Botting, Garrus-keeper and Intergalactic Public Relations Commission Leader. To the super-kind, funny, pretty-German-shepherd-keeping Ripley Proserpina and Reviews After Dark! To Under the Covers Book Blog for grabbing my books! And Award-Nomination Love for everyone who nominated my stories in book award groups this year, WOW!!! (Made me smile HUGE to see Craved at The Jealous/Possessive Hero Book Group Awards, awww!!!)

  To Kitsune aka Deb for the crossbow-for-women weapon’s discussion, and for the warm welcome whenever we play at your place!!! ♥

  To Deron and Marna Kazmaier, same to you, you wonderful couple, you! :D

  (Marna and Deb: you ladies kick ass!)

  To Lee Allen Was Kimber who said she’d read my shopping list at this point—Bless you!! My handwriting it something between scribbles and hieroglyphics—if you can decipher my shopping lists, we’re probably going to abduct you and make you our shopping slave XD.

  Back-pats and there, there hugs to Ana Paula Fernandes, who I ended up torturing by accident. I’m so sorry! If I get to torture someone I love, believe me—I prefer to be there to enjoy it!! I’ll make it up to you (and to me) by torturing you the *right* way (that is to say: ON PURPOSE ;D)

  Here’s an intentional teaser from my next story:


  “LEHT MEE GOH!” she howls.

  “Unholy hells. Do you think it talks?” asks Simmi.

  I turn her until she and I are face to face, and she goes quiet, even cringing. “Could be random vocalizations, I suppose,” I offer, “But why not? I was thinking that it’s unlikely that an animal would have tools.”

  “Yes, I noticed those,” Simmi says, wiping his mouth against the back of his wrist, which produces a rasping sound that makes the creature’s eyelid twitch.

  “Eeen-spayce-noh-won-kahn-heer-yoo-skreem, ALE-EE-ENS,” she breathes with a concerning shudder.

  Being that much of my work revolves around individuals with motor tics, I study her even more closely.

  I move to take the Morsuflos bloom out of her hands before she can crush it, but she adjusts her hold, still careful to keep her fist between the thorns, and with her other hand, she blocks me, bleeting, “Noh! Pleees!”

  My gaze cuts to Simmi. “These definitely sound like words to me.”

  His gaze rakes up and down her odd form. “It’s still an alien, whatever it is.”


  *Villain laugh here* Ana, I’m not sure if you feel less tortured now or not, but you’re such a good sport!!! <3 *HUGS!!!* ♥

  Until next time, my friends. *SQUEEZE-HUGS* May your next read be wonderful!




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