Billionaire Romance Boxed Set (9 Book Bundle)

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Billionaire Romance Boxed Set (9 Book Bundle) Page 112

by Julia Kent


  “Have you thought about becoming a writer?” Asher asked me.

  “Asher, please,” I whined. “Not now.”

  He grinned and looked me in the eyes. Leaning above me on the bed, he hovered over my face and kissed me delicately on the nose. “I’m going to wait until you answer me.”

  Why? Why was he doing this? Or, perhaps a better question, why had I agreed to this? We were at the Solage Calistoga, back at our room, taking a break from our morning fun. For whatever reason(it hadn’t seemed terrible at the time), I’d agreed to allow Asher to tie me to the bed. And not with something simple like a silken shirt binding my hands to the headboard, oh no. He’d gone all out, apparently having purchased high quality silk rope from a specialty store. I remember laughing at that, and then laying on the bed, dutiful. I spread my arms up and to my sides, then did the same with my legs, and Asher tied each of my limbs to the bed, leaving me spread eagled with my arms in the shape of a “Y.”

  It had seemed amusing at the time. Exciting! Interesting and fun. And it was all of that up until Asher joined me on the bed, kneeling between my open thighs with his cock poised and ready to enter me. But, no, he didn’t. He built me up, and then he waited there, just barely pressing the head of his member into my waiting slit. I wanted him to push inside me, but instead he asked me if I ever thought about becoming a writer.

  I pouted at him, my face twisting into something akin to annoyance and desire. “Please, Asher?” I asked. “Just a little? I can’t answer you right now. It’s so hard to think.”

  He kissed my neck and my breasts, teasing my hardened nipples with the tip of his tongue. His cock never moved, though, not an inch. It remained tightly tucked between my labia, ready to please me but refusing to do so until I submitted to him. Up, he kissed, back to my neck, my lips. I kissed him back in a fever of lust, hoping he’d feel my need and give in to me. He didn’t.

  “Just a quick answer,” he said. He kissed my nose, then each of my eyelids; I kissed his chin and his cheeks. “Yes or no, that’s all.”

  I couldn’t just answer yes or no. The question required more. “Yes,” I said softly, fully intending on continuing to say more.

  He immediately pushed inside of me, but only a few inches. I bucked against his obtrusion and gasped.

  “Yes yes yes, Asher.” I let out a lusty sigh and pulled against the rope binding my wrists to the bed. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and pull him deeper into me, but with my current restraints it was impossible.

  “And?” he asked.

  “Are you really doing this?” I asked. “Are you really going to do this? I don’t know how you can. You have far more willpower than me.”

  “That’s a lie,” he said. “I just get a lot of pleasure from watching you squirm on the bed. It’s beautiful.” He leaned down and kissed my ear. “You’re beautiful, and if you tell me more I’ll go all the way in. That’s all you have to do. I love you, Jessika.”

  “I love you, too,” I murmured. Steeling myself, I tried to fight against my inherent need. Granted, it was very difficult, what with about a third of Asher’s cock pressing into me. I felt it, a warmth, a promise of more. His heat mixed with my arousal and, to tease me, every so often he flexed his cock, sending a surge of pleasure and promise through me. If I just stayed still and didn’t say anything, maybe I could find a way to get myself off. This was exciting, but different. If I edged my hips just so, barely moved, wiggled my lower body up so that my clit barely brushed against his stomach(though this was far more difficult than it first seemed), and…

  “If you don’t answer me soon, I’m going to pull back out,” Asher said.

  “No no no,” I said. “Yes, I’ve thought about it, but I’m not good enough, Asher. I do like to write, but I don’t know what I would write. How would I do it? There’s a lot to it, you know? It’s not just writing, but editing and then do I send letters to an agent, or directly to publishing houses? Do I want a big publisher or a smaller one, or do I self-publish, or…”

  Asher thrust into me. My lower lips kissed around the shaft of his cock like a lost lover. He was so close, yet had seemed so far away—if only for a moment—and now he was back again. Home. With me. Inside me, where I never wanted him to leave. He pressed deep into me, slow and relaxed. I savored it, biting my lower lip. Asher tried to kiss me, to distract me, but I whimpered and refused him, never stopped biting my lip. He kissed me anyways, on my nose and my eyelids, my forehead and my cheeks. He kissed me until he was all the way inside me, settled deep and fully, and then he stopped and watched me.

  “Will you go out?” I asked. “Just once. Out and in. Slow. I answered your question. Please?”

  “Yes,” he said.

  Out. What was out? I didn’t even know, but it was wonderful. Asher pulled out of me with a slowness I didn’t think any other man could possibly possess. So very very slow, the shaft of his cock dragging against my inner walls, teasing and tantalizing me in wonderful ways. The head of his cock flared as he flexed it, pounding inside my pussy like a steady heartbeat. I felt every minuscule piece of his sexual flesh inching out of me.

  Then back in. I quivered beneath him, resisting against my natural inclination to grind my hips up and against him. Instead, I squirmed. I squirmed because it felt nice and fun, and I squirmed because Asher enjoyed watching it. I loved the idea of him finding me sexier from something as small and inconsequential as that.

  “Very good,” he said when he was fully back inside of me. It wasn’t nearly enough, but I felt satisfied for the moment.

  “Are you going to ask me another question?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he said, but then he kissed me. I kissed him back, relishing the touch of his lips, reveling in the feeling of fullness brought about by his cock.

  And then someone knocked on the door.

  “I’ll be right back,” Asher said.

  “No no no no,” I begged. “Don’t, don’t.”

  But he did. He left me as easily as that, leaving me laying on the bed, naked and bound. Asher stepped over to the bathroom and grabbed a bathrobe from a hook hanging on the wall, then draped it over his nude form. He tied the cloth belt loose around his waist and fixed himself so that his erection wasn’t too obvious.

  “It’s just room service,” he said. “I’ll only be a moment.”

  I wanted to scream at him, and possibly yell at the man at the door to go away and leave us alone, but I was still naked in the bed and if I made too much of a fuss I thought the room service man might get nervous and poke his head in a little too far and see me. I didn’t want him to see me, I wanted Asher to see me. And Asher didn’t want to see me, he wanted to answer the door for whatever room service he’d ordered.

  I listened from the bedroom, but I couldn’t hear much. Some exchange of words, a hasty thank you, and then the door closed and Asher wheeled in a cart of some sort. On top of the cart was a platter, and on the platter was an assortment of fruits, with a fondue bowl in a wire holder in the center, and a lit tealight candle beneath the bowl. Asher pushed the cart to the side of the bed, untied his robe and shrugged it off, then hopped back between my legs.

  “In,” I said. “Please?”

  As if this were nothing, not even batting an eye, Asher positioned his hard erection towards my slick folds and pushed inside of me. Not slow this time, but steady, moving back where he belonged.

  “Mmmmhh,” I uttered.

  “Tell me if this is too hot,” Asher said.

  He tested it first, dipping his finger into the melted chocolate in the fondue bowl, then, satisfied, dragged his fingertip from between my breasts to my chin to my lips. I licked the chocolate from his finger, sucking and teasing at it, trying to tempt him to stop these games and ravish me.

  “It tastes good,” I said. “Not too hot, but a little. I can feel it, but it cools down quickly.”

  Asher nodded. Going back for more, he swirled his finger into the liquid chocolate, then pic
ked it up and plopped it onto my nipple. With long, gentle strokes from his tongue, he lapped up his chocolate treat. I arched my back. The flash of heat on my nipple, then the subsequent twirl of his tongue cleaning it up sent spasms through my body. To make it worse, Asher angled his lower body in such a way that he could grind against my pelvis and torment my clit at the same time.

  Then, more. Picking up the fondue bowl, he lifted it above my chest and dribbled it onto my breasts. Hotter coming straight from the source, the molten chocolate dripped onto my body and flowed across my sensuous curves. It formed a river between my breasts. Part of it snaked its way towards my neck, forming a pool at the bottom of my throat. The rest of the chocolate drifted down my stomach towards the center of my body. Myriad little streams of gooey delight cascaded along the side of my body, while most of the remainder settled into my belly button. A very small amount continued on, stretching across the hood of my clit, to my labia, to the base of Asher’s cock.

  Wherever the chocolate touched, it felt like the warmth of a kiss across my body, but without the pressure of lips behind it. Tiny, swift kisses, moving, liquid, over my soft skin, tempting me. Asher replaced the fondue bowl onto its stand. He pulled out of me, then thrust back in. Out and in again, then out and in once more. I felt it, intensified, and wanted him to continue, to smear chocolate all over my body and kiss me and make love to me.

  He only thrust into me three times, though.

  “Asher,” I screamed. “My God! I’m going to die if you don’t stop doing this!”

  He stared at me, blinking, and laughed. “You’re going to die if I don’t give in and bring you to climax?” he asked.

  When he said it like that, it sounded dumb, but yes, yes, I was. And I told him that. “Yes. I think so.”

  “Fine,” he said. Leaning in close, he gave me a peck on the lips, then gazed into my eyes. “It’s time, right?” he asked.

  For a baby, he meant. It wasn’t like we ever stopped having sex, but today and these few upcoming days fit my monthly schedule for becoming pregnant. Asher said he didn’t want to plan it out and have sex because of a requirement, but I didn’t expect him to tease me to the point of wanting him to make love to me multiple times over, either. I kind of liked the latter idea, though. If—was this the beginning? The thought churned in my mind, We made love this morning before we left, and then he’d teased me all the while on our tour of the petrified forest nearby. It was his suggestion to come back to the room for a light snack, too. We had a hike planned for later, but after that the rest of our day was free.

  That must be it, I decided. He wanted to torment me into desiring him so badly that I gave in to him and allowed him to make love to me so much that we couldn’t help but plant a seed for the future. Not that he needed to do the tormenting, nor did my desire really ever wane, but Asher had a horribly twisted idea of fun in these regards.

  He licked my nose, snapping me out of my daydream.

  “Ew!” I said, laughing. I squirmed, entirely meaning to. “Yes,” I added. “It’s time.”

  “One more question, then,” he said. “Will you think about it? If you want, you can write in my office and when I have free time we can go to lunch together. Or do book reviews, if you’d like. I’ll help you find a paper for a column. I’ll do anything you need me to. I just want you to be happy. I don’t want you to do it as a job, I want you to do it because you love it. I want to help you find your passion, because you’ve helped me find mine. I feel so alive now, Jessika, so much more than I ever was. I…”

  I stared lovingly into his eyes at his admission. Asher was never guarded with me, but sometimes I knew he didn’t know what to say or how to say it. I understood because I felt the same way at times. The two of us, together, was something that neither of us would ever fully be able to understand. We would try, though.

  “Will you marry me?” he blurted out.

  I laughed. “Asher, you already asked me that before we left for this trip. I said yes.”

  “I know.” He grinned. “I wanted to ask again.”

  “I will,” I said; he looked at me for a moment, confused. “I’d like to write, I mean. I think… I think that would be nice, you know? I did some writing in college and I enjoyed it, but it always seemed like a long shot, you know? Like, maybe doing book reviews would be better, and I know you can’t make much money from that, but…”

  As I talked to him, opened myself more to him, he slipped his cock out of me and then back in. Slow and steady, smooth, nodding to me and urging me on. Not just three thrusts this time, but more. I knew he wouldn’t stop again.

  “I…” I bit my lip, split between focusing on our bodies coming together and telling him my true feelings. “Reading seems safer, and book reviews are kind of like writing and reading together~oh!”

  Asher picked up the pace. He reached beneath me and grabbed my butt, lifting me in the air slightly. When he thrust into me, he brushed inside of me at a new angle, distracting me even further.

  “I love you,” I said. “I love you, Asher. I’m just, I’m scared. What if I’m not good enough? I don’t know how to do it.”

  “I’ll be here,” he said. “You can only do your best, but I’ll be here to help you if you need it. I’ll always be here for you, Jessika.”

  No more talk now. Everything we needed to say we said. It helped that Asher had teased me so much that I really couldn’t take too much more of his temptation. I wasn’t about to die like I’d said, but I was swiftly coming towards climax.

  Asher thrust into me and I strained against my bindings. The silk rope around my ankles dug into my skin, soft and determined. My thighs and calves flexed and my knees found a spot by his waist to press in and pull him closer to me. Asher pressed tight against me, chest to chest, the chocolate mess mixing with our love and sweat and smelling amazing. He kissed me hard, not holding back any longer. I tried to pull my hands away from the rope around my wrists, to hold him tight, but they didn’t budge.

  I squirmed—oh, I squirmed! For Asher, for me. He pounded into me, hard, close, rough. I convulsed around his cock, my orgasm a constant, heady pulse thrashing through my body. He was fast, faster now, but I could still feel every part of him in me, every flex and pull. He kissed me and devoured the chocolate from the curve of my neck.

  “Inside me,” I said. “Please. I need you so much.”

  I twisted and writhed. Asher went over the edge. He forced himself deep inside of me before he came, and I felt the warmth and thickness of his fertile seed rushing into me. We were one, together. We were going to be married, we were going to have children. I would be there for Asher, always, and he would be there for me. I loved him so very much, and the pleasure soaring through me, sending me high up and making me feel delirious and dizzy, was only a small part of that.

  He stayed inside of me even after he finished. It felt like so much more this time, like he’d tapped into a previously reserved portion of his male potency and let it all out just for me, just for this. The bed was probably a mess underneath us, covered in chocolate and his cream and my arousal, but I doubted either of us cared.

  “We should take a shower,” I said, giggling and grinning at him.

  “What are you laughing about?” he asked. He laughed, too.

  “You can’t keep me tied up in the shower,” I said, “and I’m thinking of what I want to do with you there.”

  “Are you?” he asked, coy, lifting one brow.

  I nodded.

  “Let’s untie you then,” he said. “I want to see how creative you can be. It’s good practice for writing, isn’t it?”

  “Mmh,” I muttered. “Yes. Maybe.”

  I smiled at him, watching him with the utmost affection, while he untied the rope around my wrists. As he did it, he never once moved so as to remove his manhood from inside of me.

  “I love you,” I said, kissing his cheek as he worked at one of the knots.

  “I love you, too,” he said. He paused for a m
oment to kiss me. “I don’t know if we’re going to make it into the shower.”

  I could feel him coming back to life inside me. “That’s alright,” I said.


  About the Author

  Cerys has charted on numerous best sellers and hot new release lists internationally with multiple books.

  She lives in the Greater Boston area in a small town in New Hampshire. She spends her days writing, reading, learning, and working. And maybe sometimes she flirts with the mailman. Some of her most favorite activities involve understanding and learning about emotions and relationships.

  She adores pondering sexuality and sensualness. Most of her writing delves into this in some way, exploring reactions and relationships between different people. While she enjoys writing erotica and erotic romance, her goal is to also keep a certain literary appeal to the writing instead of something purely pornographic. Every story she writes has a delightful plot along with the more devious and delicious scenes we all want to read.

  She prefers romance settings, with the occasional monster or fairytale. Her secret kinks include reluctance, interesting paranormal creatures, romance(even with monsters), and fun. She loves writing about all of these things, though very strongly acknowledges that fantasies are fiction and nothing more.

  If you have any questions about this story, or requests for a future addition, feel free to email them to [email protected] . I can’t promise a response to every single one, nor can I say that requests will be fulfilled, but everything will be read.

  If you liked this story, you might also enjoy the sequel

  His Absolute Obsession (The Billionaire’s Paradigm #1)

  When Elise Tanner finds herself trapped with Lucent Storme in a library during a record-breaking blizzard, she panics. How did -he-get here? He doesn’t know her, but she knows him. Lucent is the newly appointed Director of Public Relations for Landseer Enterprises and an influential business magnate; who wouldn’t know him?


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