Retaliation (The Assassins Book 1)

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Retaliation (The Assassins Book 1) Page 17

by Unknown

  “Well, I wish I could say the same for you. Why are you keeping her from me?”

  “It’s only temporary. I need her for another mission. In the meantime, I have a mission for you and your assassin’s. I think you’re going to like it.”

  “I would like it more, if Clara were here with me. I see you’re making it clear that she won’t be. I will do this next mission, then I’m coming for her.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.”

  “So tell me. Whose our next target?”

  “Two targets actually. It’s time General. It’s time to take out Justice and Jules Valence.”

  “Now that, is the best news I’ve heard all night.”

  “I thought it would be.”

  I’m still pissed that he’s keeping Clara from me, but with this mission, it’s better that she’s not here. I know how much she wants revenge on both Justice and Jules, but I want her out of harm’s way. I can see now that her father and I have at least that in common.

  I’m in the middle of discussing tactics with Trent, when I see Clara walk in the room behind him. I hear her calling my name. I only get her name out once, before the screen goes blank. I know any attempt at calling Trent back will be made in vain. At least I know she’s safe.

  I turn away from the screen thinking that the brief moment I saw her would have to be enough. That was until I hear the sound of her voice behind me on the screen. I turn in time to witness my reason for living slamming the door in her father’s face. I smile to myself. I really love that woman.



  When I wake up, it takes me a minute to remember where I am. I can hear voices coming from another room. I recognize Jackson’s voice immediately. Is it possible that he’s here? When I walk in the room, my heart falls. He isn’t here, but I can see him on the screen talking to my father. I yell his name, but before I can get to the screen, my father cuts us off.

  “What the hell did you do that for? You could have let me talk to him for just a moment. What do you have against him anyway?”

  “It will do you both no good to drag out your goodbyes.”

  “What are you talking about? I’ll see him again.”

  “Perhaps. In these dangerous times you never know what can happen.”

  “What have you done?”

  He ignores my question. “We’ll talk after you’ve called him back. You have five minutes, and not a minute more. We have much to discuss.”

  I watch my father leave the room. I know it’s childish, but I slam the door in his face.

  “Feel better?”

  Hearing his voice behind me, scares the crap out of me. I didn’t realize that my father had already connected our video call. I smile at him, happy to see his face.

  “A little. I would feel much better if it was his face.”

  “Now, you shouldn’t say such things, he is after all your father.”

  “Yeah, but it doesn’t give him the right to hold me hostage. Enough about that. I want to talk about you. How are you? I was so scared I was going to lose you.”

  “That my love, is never going to happen. I’m fine. I will live to kill another day.”

  “I should have never left you. If I hadn’t gone to the church, Braden would still be alive, and we would still be together.”

  “Don’t blame yourself, especially for Braden’s death. He knew the risk when he signed on the dotted line. Any day could be our last.”

  “Yes, but I should’ve been there when you woke up.”

  “Clara, stop. You couldn’t have known when I would wake, or even if I would. You couldn’t live your life sitting here staring at me. Being underground for too long messes with your mind. I don’t blame you, and you shouldn’t blame yourself either. I am however pissed that I don’t get to hold you tonight. On second thought, please go and punch your father in the face for me.”

  I laugh so hard that I snort.

  “It’s so good to hear you laugh. Was that a snort I heard?”

  “Shut up.”

  Our conversation grows quiet. There is so much hanging in the air between us.

  I watch him place his hand on the screen. I match it with my own. We stare into one another’s eyes, knowing this really could be the last time we see each another. I don’t know what my father has planned for either of us. I want to know what my father meant by not dragging out our goodbyes.

  “My father gives me the impression that your next mission could be the most dangerous of all. He wouldn’t tell me what it is. Please tell me Jackson. I need to know.”

  I see him hesitate, but I know he won’t lie to me.

  “It’s the one we’ve been waiting for. It’s a suicide mission. Our targets are Justice and Jules.”

  I close my eyes. I have so many emotions right now. I should have killed the bastard when I had the chance. Now, Jackson was going to walk right into a death trap.

  “I know you want revenge on them. I know you want to kill them yourself. I won’t kill them if you don’t want me to. I will save them for you to kill. Just say the word.”

  “I used to want that. Now, I don’t care who kills them, so long as they’re dead. Kill them Jackson. Kill them both. But, do me one huge favor.”

  “Anything love.”

  “Don’t get yourself killed in the process.”

  “I won’t.”

  “I mean it. I love you.”

  “I love you too. More than you will ever know.”

  I don’t get to say another word, as the screen goes black. I put on my game face. I can’t let my father see my emotions. It’s time for him to give me some answers.


  Caesar Valence – Thirty Years Ago

  “Caesar, it’s time. The troops are in place, and ready for you to give the command for the takeover.”

  “It’s almost too easy John.”

  “Yes sir, it seems that way, doesn’t it. The American people have been speculating about the troops occupying their areas, but we have played it off as a military exercise. When you give the word, our troops will take over so fast, they won’t even know what hit them.”

  “Tell me John. When we started this, we felt it was the right thing to do in order to save the people of the United States from themselves. Do you still feel that way now? Do you truly believe that we’re still doing the right thing?”

  “As opposed to what sir? Letting them continue to kill one another over race, religion, sexual preference, and any other difference they can find to use as an excuse for murder. Not to mention the terrorist attacks we’ve been getting from other countries. This country has been spiraling out of control for a long time. Even the President couldn’t take our money and escape this place fast enough.”

  “I know, but we’ll be killing thousands, if not millions, of innocent people.”

  “A necessary evil in order to make this work. You knew going into this, that sacrifices would have to be made. Besides, the people will turn to us to save them. This is the only way. We’ve come too far to back out now. You will be their supreme ruler. You’ll have the chance to choose others who can help rule this country and bring it back to its former glory. Letting Russia bomb New York and California will send the American people into a panic. It’s just the kind of panic we need to enforce martial law and send in the troops. So, what do you say Caesar? Are you ready for me to make the call?”

  “You’re right John. Without us, The Vadiare Legem, this country will continue its corrupt ways until if finally destroys itself. I can’t sit by and let that happen. Make the call.”


  Clara – Present Day

  After saying goodbye to Jackson, I went in search of my father. The smell of whatever Brina is cooking stops me in my tracks. My stomach grumbles in response.

  “Brina, where’s my father?”

  “He wanted to do another parameter check of the area to make sure we weren’t followed. He should be back soon.”

>   Figures. I might as well take a shower and eat while I wait. The shower feels so good, I never want to leave it. My stomach grumbles to tell me that it has other ideas.

  I quickly dry off and find that Brina had brought me a change of clothes while I was in the shower. I didn’t even think about clothes, but it seems her and my father have everything planned out.

  When I walk into the kitchen, Brina has set a plate of pasta out for me. I don’t even stop to breathe it in. I inhale the food like it’s my last meal. Brina pours me a glass of red wine. It really seems to hit the spot.

  I’m pouring a second glass of wine when my father returns. I notice a look pass between him and Brina. I’m not stupid or born yesterday, something is going on between them. Yet, another freaking mystery to unravel.

  My father motions for me and Brina to follow him into the living room. I grab the bottle of wine along with my glass. Something tells me I’m going to need it.

  My father is pacing. I can’t stand the wait anymore.

  “Spit it out Trent. All of it.”

  He runs his hands through his thick silver and black hair.

  “I just don’t know where to begin.”

  “Start from the beginning. Why is my mother working for Justice? Why did you turn your back on me? Why am I here now? Are you the Leader?”

  He takes a deep breath and begins. “I still remember the day your mother came to live with Caesar Valence. Your grandfather John Reynolds was Caesar’s best friend and right hand man. On John’s death bed, Caesar promised to take his daughter in and raise her as his own. My father worked for Caesar, so I was always in their offices, and in Caesar’s home. Your mother had a wild spirit about her. She preferred to wrestle with the boys than to play dress up with the other girls. It made her an outcast. While other girls were learning to cook, your mother was learning to fight. Over time, we became best friends. We were as thick as thieves. She called me the brains of our silly adventures and she joked that she was the muscles behind them. As we got older, she became the best fighter, even among the capital’s soldiers. It’s her gift. Caesar saw in her the makings of a leader. Justice however, had different ideas for her. He wanted her for his own. Even though they were raised together, he wanted to make Aspen his. He wanted to tame her. Caesar wouldn’t allow it. He knew how close we were, so he decreed that we would marry. He wanted me to take her away from Justice. On the eve of our marriage, Justice told her that it didn’t matter that we were getting married, when he was ready, he would come for her. We thought if she got pregnant, then Justice would finally leave her alone. It worked for a few years, until the night of your casting ceremony.”

  I have to stop him for a moment. “I don’t understand. Why did he wait until then to make his move?”

  “It appears that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. When Jules saw you for the first time, he told his father he had

  to have you. When your mother and I refused, Justice threatened us. He gave your mother an ultimatum, she could either promise you to Jules or return home with him. Of course your mother refused to hand you over. On the night of your casting ceremony, your mother knew what was going to happen.”

  “So she went with him willingly?”

  “Sort of. It was all part of her plan.”

  “What plan?”

  “You see, your mother was selected to be the Secretary of Defense long before we wed. She was privy to a lot of top secret information, including how Caesar had taken over the United States. She confronted him about it. In his mind, he had rationalized that he had been doing the right thing, but he was afraid of what Justice would turn all of America into when he died. He wanted your mother to take over as President. When Justice found out, he went into a rage. Before the legal documentation could be changed, Caesar was found dead in his bedroom. Soon after, Justice was declared President, and things have taken a turn for the worse since then.”

  “You still haven’t told me why my mother is now working with them or is that all supposed to be an act?”

  “I can promise you that it’s all an act. After she had confronted Caesar, she was determined to right the wrong done to the American people thirty years ago. She recruited a small band of rebels who felt the same way she did, and it continued to grow over the years. None of us could have imagined what it would eventually turn into. With her in the capital, she supplies us with money, weapons, medicine, and anything we need in order to take back over the government.”

  I put up my hand to stop him again. “So you’re telling me that my mother started this revolution. But, I thought you were the Leader. Aren’t you the one always calling Jackson?”

  “Yes, it’s me who makes the calls, but it’s your mother who is the Leader behind all of this. I’m merely a pawn in her quest to take over the government.”


  Jackson – Present Day

  I call for all my men to gather together in the command center. It’s time they hear the truth about who we really work for, and our next mission. This mission will require all of us, and there is a chance some of us won’t make it out alive.

  With all eyes on me, I don’t waste another minute of precious time.

  “I’ve called you all in here, because I want you to meet someone. All this time, we thought the Leader was a man. Gentlemen, and Sgt. Shade, meet our real leader, Aspen Mitchell. Clara Mitchell’s mother.”

  I turn on the screen and hear the murmurs in the room, but they stop as soon as they start.

  Aspen addresses us. “Thank you General. I don’t have much time. I just wanted to come clean about who it is you’re working for. I’m sorry for all of the deception, but it was necessary. I’ve been working undercover in the capital, and I don’t want to blow my cover. I’m already being accused of letting Clara escape. I’ll have to answer to Justice today for that, and try to convince him of my innocence. It won’t be easy. That’s where you come in. This will be part one of the attack.”

  I look around the room at my men. They all give me an approving nod, and I know we’re all in this no matter what. I turn back to address her.

  “Just tell us what do you need us to do.”


  Clara – Present Day

  I have to admit, two days ago it would have shocked me to hear my mom was the Leader, but now it really doesn’t shock me as much as it probably should. After seeing her in action, it makes more sense than it being my father.

  “So that answers a couple of my questions. Now, why did you turn me away after Jonathan was killed, and I was attacked? You can’t possibly imagine how bad that hurt me. After Jonathan died in my arms, I couldn’t breathe. I wanted to curl up and die. I never thought I would find someone to love again.”

  My father looks at me with remorse. I don’t know if it’s for real or if he is just putting on a show. I can’t promise to understand his reasoning’s for what he did, but I need to hear them.

  “Your mother and I never wanted you to be a part of this. We had to keep up the appearance of one big happy family. Don’t get me wrong, your mother and I loved one another, just not in the way a husband and wife should love one another.”

  I see my father glance over at Brina. In that moment, I know without question that she means something to him, and he to her.

  He looks back at me, and continues his story.

  “When Jonathan came into your life, we felt like a weight had been lifted off our shoulders. He would not only take you away from Jules, he would take you away from this rebellion. After your wedding, he was supposed to take you to South American, Texas to be exact. I will elaborate more about Texas later. Your mother and I didn’t foresee what Jules had planned. She tried to keep an eye on you from the capital, but she was burdened with other responsibilities of running a defense program for the capital, and a rebellion against it. When Justice refused to let you and Jonathan marry, I promised your mother that I would take care of it, but I was too late. When I saw you in that hospital bed hear
tbroken, and only a shell of my daughter, your mother and I decided that we were stupid to think we could shield you from this. We then devised a plan. You can’t imagine how it broke my heart to turn you away.”

  “No, you can’t imagine what your dismissal of me did to me. I almost killed myself. Why not just tell me the truth then?”

  “I wanted to, but in order for you to become what you are today, we had to break you to the point of no return. Can you truly tell me that you would’ve been able to kill someone in the condition you were in?”

  “You didn’t even give me a chance to find out. Instead, you sent Brina to turn me into a killing machine. Tell me, how would you have felt if Brina hadn’t found me in time, and I would’ve jumped off that ledge?”

  “I would have never let that happen. Brina was always in the shadows watching over you.”

  Brina steps up next to me. “I’m sorry about the deception. In the time we spent together, I’ve come to care about you a great deal.”

  “You have a funny way of showing it. Tell me, did you do this for me, or for him?”

  My father speaks up for her. “Clara don’t…”

  “Don’t sit here and tell me that nothing is going on between the two of you.”

  Brina starts to speak, but my father stops her again.

  “I won’t explain my private life to you. Your mother knows, and she approves. I told you, your mother and I were only putting on a show. She wants me to be happy. She loves being who she is and she loves you. There’s no room for anything else. She’s given us her blessing to be together. She only wants my happiness.”

  “And what about my happiness? You won’t even let me see Jackson, and yet you get to have your lover here with you, how convenient.”

  “We need to work together. Things are escalating at a fast pace. I promise you will see him again.”

  I don’t trust his promises.

  “So, last question, for now. What am I doing here?”

  “I’m taking you to Texas with me. I want you to see where this all began. I want you to understand what really happened thirty years ago. If you can understand exactly what we’re up against, then perhaps you’ll understand why your mother and I need to see this rebellion through.”


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