Bad Impressions (Revive Me #1)

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Bad Impressions (Revive Me #1) Page 4

by Franca Storm

  My other hand squeezed her left tit. They were fake and hard, but I was beyond caring. Her pussy was warm, slick and tight enough. Not as tight as Soph’s. Hell, no woman could compare to her.

  Just the thought of her sent an additional jolt of pleasure to my dick. I went with it, holding on to the memory of sinking into her sweet pussy. Her eyes wide with spellbound awe as I took her. The little whimpers she made. The sexy-as-sin way she moaned my name.

  “Fuck!” I ground out as I lost control and shot my load into the brunette.

  She whimpered in protest. I wasn’t surprised. That was way too fast by my standards. I was known for my control; for going all damn night. But I’d just lost it big time.

  I dropped my hand to her pussy, working my magic. I couldn’t leave her unsatisfied. I had a reputation to uphold for Christ’s sake. Coming so quickly because of those thoughts of Soph popping into my head had already jeopardized that.

  “Yes. Yes!” she screamed as she came apart around me, drenching my fingers.

  I pulled out and she collapsed onto my bed. I rolled off her and laid on my back, staring up at the ceiling and not saying a word.

  Suddenly, I felt her hand rubbing my arm. “I love your magic fingers, Brad.”

  Hearing her say my name, now we weren’t fucking, made me sick to my stomach. I couldn’t stand it. I couldn’t stand her hands on me.

  I flashed her a half-hearted smile and broke away, climbing off the bed. “Condom,” I said.

  Fortunately, she accepted that. I could feel her eyes on me as I strode out of the bedroom and made my way down the hall to the bathroom.

  As soon as I got inside, I locked the door and leaned against it, blowing out a breath.

  Well, this is a first. Normally, I was on a high after fucking, especially with a chick as hot as…What’s-Her-Name.

  But I just felt sick. Disgusted with myself. Something inside me felt wrong. Twisted.

  What the hell was it? Guilt? Was that it? Did I feel guilty about Soph?

  We weren’t together. What did I have to feel guilty about? I’d wanted it, hadn’t I? To shake her. To put some much-needed distance between us.

  So, what the hell was the bullshit I was feeling?

  I took care of the condom, washed my hands, and headed back into the bedroom.

  The chick was sprawled out on my bed, apparently asleep. Fuck. Women did not sleep over. I called them a cab and that was it. Was she faking it so she could stay the night?

  Screw it. I didn’t have the energy in me to do shit about it. It was better that she was asleep. I couldn’t bear the idea of getting pulled into some sort of small talk, or the possibility of her wanting to go round two with me. They always did after the first fuck. Once was never enough. But just the thought of it turned me the fuck off. It wasn’t her fault. It was all me. I didn’t get it. What was happening to me? I didn’t know.

  What I did know was that I couldn’t climb into bed with her.

  I couldn’t sleep next to her or wake up with her all over me.

  I didn’t want her to touch me again.

  I had to get away.

  And so, I grabbed my robe off the back of the door and headed downstairs.

  The couch it was.

  Chapter 5


  I shut the front door and headed down the porch steps.

  As I neared Ollie’s truck, I was surprised to find him leaning against it and staring up the street.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, amused.

  “Waiting,” he said, not breaking his stare.

  I followed his line of sight. A pretty brunette was walking self-consciously down the street. Her hair was wild and disheveled and her dress was wrinkled. It was clear she was doing the walk of shame.

  “I think she’s embarrassed enough without you staring at her and making it worse.”

  I felt bad for the girl. I’d never done the walk of shame myself. I’d only been with two men in my life and it had never ended like that. I guess I was a good girl by some standards. But still, I felt for her. It wasn’t fair. If she had been a guy, it would have been completely different. But she was embarrassed because of societal expectations. Poor woman.

  “I’m just waiting for her to pass by before I head up there,” Ollie said, finally breaking his stare and looking at me.

  “Head up there?”

  “Yeah. The last house on the street?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “What about it?”

  He looked at me like I was stupid. “Brad’s place, Soph.”


  Ollie seemed surprised that I clearly had no idea. “You didn’t know? He moved in there about a year ago. He’s renting the place. You thought he still lived on the outskirts of town in his mom’s house?” He laughed. “Really, Soph. You think he would’ve come all the way down here to help you out the other night? Come on. He lives right there.”

  Oh my God. I’d just assumed. So then…the brunette…she was…his?

  He’d been with her? She was doing the walk of shame from him? After we’d…? After the other night?

  I felt sick.

  “What’s wrong, Soph?” Ollie asked, obviously seeing the hurt all over my face.

  “Uh…nothing. Nothing.” I looked back up the street. The brunette was gone now. She must’ve turned onto the adjacent street. “She’s gone. You’re clear. Hurry up. I’m gonna be late for work otherwise.”

  “Relax. I won’t be long. I promised you a ride so you wouldn’t have to walk this morning and that includes me getting you there on time.” He ruffled my hair and said with a smile, “Seriously, you worry too much, sis.”

  And with that, he hurried up the street to Brad’s house. Asshole’s house.

  My mind was still whirring with thoughts of Brad and that woman. I couldn’t believe it. I’d thought the other night had…meant something to him, like it had to me.

  What the hell was wrong with me?

  Of course it didn’t mean shit to him. Just like the last time.

  I was such an idiot.

  He was a guy. Seeing me naked had just activated a normal guy response. That was all. He’d just been thinking with his dick. Like he always did with every other woman he fucked. He was a well-known womanizer in our town. Why the hell had I thought he’d be different with me?

  I was living in a dream world.

  Well, no more.

  I was sick of feeling like crap when it came to him. The mixed signals. The ups and downs. The gut-wrenching disappointment.

  Without saying a word, by him screwing that woman last night, he’d made something very clear to me.

  There was nothing between us—not on his end. He didn’t want me.

  And I was better than that.

  I wouldn’t let him do it to me again. I wouldn’t let him hurt me.

  I was done.

  I was so done!

  Chapter 6


  “Finally, you’re looking like your old self. Smoking hot, babe,” Tiff said, eyeing me over her martini glass.

  She was right. Now that my bruises had finally faded away, I didn’t need to cover up anymore.

  “I know,” I said. I had never been one for modesty. I called things as they were and I knew I looked really good.

  I was wearing a black mini-skirt with a pair of thigh-high boots, along with my favorite silver corset top that gave me an actual cleavage. I needed all the help I could get in that area with my petite B-cups. My blonde hair was down and curled ever so slightly, hanging loosely about my face.

  Tiff always looked her best. No matter where I saw her, or what time of day it was, she was always doled up. Tonight she was wearing a scarlet strapless dress that barely covered her ass. Her silky black hair was bound loosely in a side ponytail.

  “Although, you’re not acting like your old self, Soph.”

  I took a sip of my beer. “What?”

  “You seem kind of on edge; not your usual lively se

  It was because of where we were.

  I’d wanted a break from Marsden, so we’d headed out to the City of Ellswood. The only problem was that Tiff had insisted that we went to my old college hangout. It was where I’d taken her whenever she’d visited me. Tiff was a small-town girl through and through. New places unnerved her. And tonight, she wouldn’t go anywhere else. It had to be here.

  It was just steps from my old apartment, the apartment that I’d shared with my ex, Jake. He liked to hang out at the club, too, and I was shit-scared he would show up. It was a frigging Saturday night after all. The one night of the week reserved for partying and getting shit-faced.

  But I was probably just being paranoid. There were also a dozen other clubs within walking distance. And, in all likelihood, he wasn’t even around. I knew the lease was up on our apartment, so he’d probably moved elsewhere by now. Far, far away.

  “You’re worried about Jake showing up, aren’t you?” Tiff asked.

  “A little,” I admitted, chugging the rest of my beer, just from the mere thought of that piece of shit.

  “You said the breakup was amicable, so relax, babe. Just enjoy the night,” she said, laying a comforting hand on mine.

  That was the lie I’d told her. If she’d known the truth, she would’ve gone straight to Ollie with it. And I didn’t want that headache. Ollie was insanely overprotective. If he knew that some guy had laid his hands on me, he would have freaked and done something stupid. I didn’t want him risking himself for me.

  Aside from that, I was also embarrassed about the whole thing. Ashamed that I’d let it happen.

  It was bad enough that Brad knew about it. But that asshole was too preoccupied with making his way through every woman in town to do anything about it, like my brother would. Brad was also more levelheaded when it came to stuff like that. Brad was the voice of reason when it came to me. Unlike Ollie, he actually listened to what I wanted. He always had. Well, accept when it came to…us.

  I managed a smile and gave Tiff’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “Yeah, you’re right. We’re here to enjoy ourselves. We’re young, hot and on the market.”

  Tiff hesitated.


  “I’m actually on good behavior tonight.”

  “Oh my God! Did you just say those words? You, Tiffany Baxter, are on good behavior in a club full of hot, attainable men?”

  She grinned like an excited school girl. “I have a date coming up.”

  I shot forward in my seat. “How come you didn’t tell me? With who?”

  Again, she hesitated and a sheepish look appeared on her face.

  “Tiff!” I pressed.

  “I need you to promise me you won’t be mad.”

  “Why would I be mad?”

  She drew in a breath and leaned across the table, lowering her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “It’s Ollie.”

  I jerked back. “Ollie? My brother, Ollie?”

  She nodded, biting her lip nervously.

  “Wow, okay, I—”

  “I’ve had a thing for him for a while.”

  She had? She’d never told me that. Wait! Hold up. So, he could date my best friend, but I couldn’t date his? Unbelievable. Who the hell did he think he was? What a hypocrite!

  But as I looked at Tiff and saw how tense she was, waiting on my approval, I quickly reminded myself that it wasn’t her fault. I sure as hell was going to have words with Ollie about it though.

  “Where are you guys gonna go?” I asked in an upbeat tone.

  Confusion flickered in her eyes. “You’re not mad?”

  “Nope. Give it your best shot. My brother is a good guy. He won’t treat you like the assholes you usually hook up with do. Just…spare me the gory details, okay?”

  She laughed. “You got it, babe.”

  I grabbed my empty beer bottle and stood up. “Well, I need another drink. You?”

  She blew out a breath. “Hell, yeah.”


  I made my way outside the club, enjoying the invigorating feel of the cool night air on my overheated skin. I’d needed a breather from a preppy dickhead who I’d made the mistake of dancing with. Tiff had befriended a group of women who were celebrating their bachelorette night and they were living it up on the dance floor. Preppy Boy had been far too grabby and really didn’t understand the concept of the word ‘no’ very well. And I wasn’t in the mood to educate him. I was done dealing with guys who didn’t get the damn message, whether it be ‘no’ or the opposite.

  Speaking of, I hadn’t seen Brad for close to two weeks and I was enjoying the peace and quiet that came with that. Sure, he was on my mind, but as soon as I started to think about him, I pushed it down. I didn’t want to think about him. He didn’t deserve any of my thoughts. Nothing. He was just another asshole.

  I pulled a cigarette pack out of my purse and quickly lit up. It’d been a couple of years since I’d quit, but being back in Marsden had shot all that to hell. Back then I’d started the nasty habit in high school. Boredom. I’d been bored out of my mind in that little town.

  And I was bored as hell again.

  Working for Kate at the bookstore was a bit of a reprieve, but that was about it. Every other minute of the day, I was losing my mind.

  But something was stopping me from making a move, from picking up the pieces and getting back to my life. I just couldn’t move.

  I was too gun-shy.

  The thing with Jake had shaken me up more that I’d let myself admit.

  I’d felt like I’d lost my power that night. My strength. My confidence.

  And it hadn’t just been that night.

  It’d been getting worse over the last year that he and I were together. He just…the way he was…so controlling in such a manipulative way, where you didn’t even realize you were actually being controlled. By the time I’d wised up, it’d been too late. It’d stripped me down. He’d sucked the life out of me.

  I wasn’t the girl that I had been. The carefree, no-nonsense thing that was excited about life and all the possibilities of the future that lay ahead of her. I’d lost that.

  And I didn’t know how to get it back.

  Maybe that was why I’d let myself get swept up in the whole Brad drama so easily again.

  He knew me. Really knew me. Better than anyone else. He always brought out the best in me. He made me feel…invincible. I always felt like my true self with him more than I ever had with anyone else.

  I shook my head and forced all thoughts of him out of my mind. That way only led to badness.

  Dragging on my smoke as I leaned against the wall, I finally felt some of the tension leave my body.

  And then my heart stopped beating as a familiar voice called my name.

  Oh my God. No, no, no. Please be imagining it. Please.

  I forced myself to turn in the direction of the voice.

  And no…I hadn’t been imagining it.

  There he was. Jake Sheffield. Standing there in his designer shirt and khakis. Asshole frat boy.

  He stared at me for a long while, running his hand through his black spiky gelled hair, as if he couldn’t quite believe I was real and not just some mirage.

  And then he started to walk towards me.

  I tensed with his every confident, self-assured step.

  When he finally reached me, his eyes swept over me, making no pretense of the fact that he was eye-fucking me on the spot. I felt sick just from having his eyes on me.

  “You finally came to your senses,” he said in that arrogant way of his. “I knew you’d see the error of your ways soon enough, Sophie.”

  His condescending tone sparked something to life inside of me and my fear left me.

  I was pissed as hell. How dare he?

  “I’m here with a friend. That’s all,” I seethed. Did he really think I was back for him? “She likes this club.”



  His nostrils flared. �
�That slut always was a bad influence on you.”

  He’d never liked her even though she’d been nothing but nice to him the entire time we’d dated. “Don’t talk about her like that.”

  He scoffed. “Whatever. I don’t care about her.” He nodded in the direction of the club. “Let’s get a drink and talk.”

  “I have nothing to say to you.”

  “We were together for a long time, Sophie. You don’t just walk away from that.”

  “You hit me!”

  “It was an accident. I told you that a million times. You need to get over it.”

  “Get over it?” I fumed. “You. Hit. Me.” I growled every word for emphasis.

  I could see him mulling them over. But there was no remorse in his eyes. No regret whatsoever. He shifted his weight suddenly and demanded, “Is this about him? That fucking bartender?”

  I couldn’t believe it. Not this again. “No.”

  But as usual he didn’t listen.

  “Ever since you let that trash fuck you, you’ve been different. Even after I forgave your little indiscretion.”

  “Forgave me? You were sleeping around behind my back that summer!” Oh my God. How messed up was our relationship? Saying those words just really brought it home to me.

  “Because you wouldn’t put out! You did for him though. One night, Sophie. One. That was all it was, but you’ve never been able to let it go. That fucking guy is always in your head. Nothing is ever good enough for you, because of it.”


  “He can’t take you anywhere. He’s trash. He is that little hick town of yours. It’s all he’ll ever be. I can take you places. I’m gonna be a lawyer, baby. My dad owns the biggest publishing house in this damn city. You’d be all set. As soon as you graduated, I had a job interview lined up for you, just like you wanted. A Junior Editor where you could put your English degree to good use.”

  “You never told me about that interview.” I didn’t give a crap about it, but I wanted to know if he was playing me. I just needed to know how far he’d go in his manipulations.

  “It was gonna be a surprise that night we got into that stupid fight and you took off.”


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