Destroying the Soul (Destroyed Book 2)

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Destroying the Soul (Destroyed Book 2) Page 7

by L. Grubb

  Touch down onto the tarmac of LA International Airport was bumpy and extremely painful. I’m sure the air hostesses were wondering what the hell was dying in here that’s for sure. We didn’t hang around though. And as embarrassing as it was, being carried down the stairs had its perks; Jays musky aftershave and full on male scent. Luscious. Yeah, I actually may have whispered that when I buried my face in his neck, feigning pain and tiredness when really, I was just getting a whiff of his aftershave before I’m whisked away with Callie and Dante.

  Callie’s squeal is what I heard before anything and Jay had to turn me a little in his arms. I could feel him glaring at her as he said, “Careful, Callie, she’s not in the best of shape right now.”

  “Oh, shut up, you fucking moron. I wasn’t going to charge her like a demented bull, I was going to stop before I got to her.” She narrows her eyes at Jay before turning her head, her eyes locking with mine. “How are you, babe? Sorry… Stupid fucking question.”

  “Now you’re about, I feel much better.” I smile, as much as my broken jaw would let me, as I’m lowered into another wheelchair. Callie slaps Jay’s hands away and she wheels me off like we’re on a super-fast rollercoaster. I squeal with delight and laugh with my mouth half open. This is what I need. My best friend. My nutter of a best friend, I amend. Her attitude and humor is all I need right now to heal from my horrific ordeal. I wave at Jay over my head and then hold on for dear life as Dante’s silhouette gets closer and closer. Now it’s time to rest, heal and get better. I need to get back to University and study my butt off.

  Callie and Jas talk non-stop all the way home, though I can’t really hear what they’re saying because of the hushed tones that they’re using. Dante tried to talk to me as soon as we got in the car but with one look and a shake of my head, I mouthed later and he dropped it. I know I’ll have to fill him in with what I can, but I’ll leave out what happened to Jas. That isn’t my story to tell and if she wants Dante to know, then she’ll tell him herself.

  I catch Ryan’s eye as I pull my cell out and he asks, “Where to?”

  “The apartment,” I say at the same time Callie says, “To the dorms.”

  I spin around in my seat and squint my eyes at her. There’s no way that I’m gonna let Jas out of my sight now, I’ve only just got her back and she’s already trying to escape me. That shit ain’t happening. I need to keep her safe and I can’t do that if she’s over the other side of town.

  The atmosphere becomes thick the longer we stare at each other and I can feel my own temper rising as well as hers.

  Dante clears his throat, placing his hand on her arm and she turns her screwed up face to him.

  “What?” she seethes.

  “Babe, you’re not even at the dorms half the time anyway, wouldn’t it be better for Jas to stay with Jay?”

  “The fuck it will, she needs to stay with me!”

  He stares at her for several seconds before blowing out an audible breath and looking to me with a raised brow. “Soz, bro. I tried.”

  I throw my head back and laugh so hard that I almost have tears rolling down my face. This shit is ridiculous and I’m losing my ever-loving mind.

  “You know what?” I ask when I’ve got myself under control and facing towards the front again, scrubbing my hands down my face. Not waiting for an answer, I continue, “Jas has been controlled enough, it’s her decision. If she wants to be back at the dorms then fine, if she wants to come home with me then that’s great-”

  “She’s not coming home with you!” Callie shouts, her hands clenching into fists.

  I spin around in my seat, moving closer to where Callie sits in the middle. “I’m gonna say this once and once only…” I hold her eyes, making sure that she knows what I’m about to say is important. “You do not get to tell Jas what she does and doesn’t do. She’s a grown ass woman, she can do what the hell she likes.”

  “Fuck you,” she spits.

  “Nah, you’re not my type.”

  I move my eyes to Jas and she looks from me to Callie, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she worries it. I know all she wants to do is please everyone but she needs to stop thinking of everyone else and put herself first for once.

  “You do whatever you want,” I tell her softly.

  She nods her head slowly and looks out of the window, watching as we pass by all the buildings on the highway. “I’ll stay at the dorm half the week and yours the other half,” she says.


  “Jas, what the fuck?” Callie shouts.

  Jas huffs and turns to Callie, a small smile on her face. “I need you, Callie. I need my best friend, but I don’t want to be smothered.” She looks back at me and then continues, “By either one of you.” She closes her eyes, her chest heaving and then opens them again. “I just want to get back to normal, and besides, you and Dante will want alone time.”

  Callie’s eyes flit between Jas’ then she crosses her arms over her chest. “Fine.”

  I shake my head at her dramatics. “The dorm now then?” I ask.

  “Please,” Jas whispers.

  I shoot off some emails and reply to the ones that are sat in my inbox and then turn to Ryan. “Are we ready?” He knows what I mean without me having to say fully. He knows I mean Louis. If Jas is going to be back at the dorm all night, then I’m gonna get the revenge I’ve been waiting so patiently for. I’ve been itching for days, imagining all the ways I can make him squeal like a pig. Just the thought of it has a grin spreading across my face.

  “All ready, Boss.”

  “Good,” I practically growl, clenching my jaw and gritting my teeth to the point of breaking.

  It doesn’t take long for us to pull up to the dorm building and we all file out, Callie and Dante leading the way as Jas trails behind them.

  “Jas,” I call, resting my hand on her upper arm. I stop us just before we go up the stairs, looking around to make sure we can’t be overheard. “If you need me. even if it’s the middle of the night, you call and I’ll be here.”


  “I mean it, sweetheart.”

  “I know.” She smiles as she lifts her hand to cup my cheek. “I’ll be fine, I promise.”

  I wrap my arms around her, breathing her in and then placing a kiss on the top of her head. “I’m here for you, always.”

  She nods but there’s something in her eyes that questions what I’ve just said. She doubts me and I can’t blame her. I know she needs to know the truth about what happened back then but now isn’t the right time for that. Soon, she’ll know soon.

  “I’ll walk you up,” I tell her.

  “No.” She stops me with her hand on my arm. “I need to do this on my own.”

  I hesitate a second before I pull back and watch as she walks up the stairs.

  Ryan pulls up to the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town and kills the engine. At one point, this whole industrial area was full of working warehouses but now it’s just a handful of emptiness thanks to the recession. Perfect for what I have in mind. No one close by to hear his screams of pain.

  I jump out of the SUV and yank the warehouse door open, the warped metal creaking and showing its age. I step into the darkened warehouse, my shoes tapping against the concrete floor. I greet the couple of guys standing watch with a chin lift and head straight to the back of the vast space.

  Louis lifts his face slowly, a smirk pulling at his lips as I walk toward him. “Wondered how long it would take before you showed up.” He chuckles.

  I come to a stop ten-feet away from him and tilt my head, widening my stance as I watch him.

  “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue.”

  My eyes rove up his legs that barely touch the floor and over his torso to his arms that are spread wide and chained at the wrists, secured to two metal poles that cut through the warehouse roof and into the floor.

  He’s been in that position for at least twelve hours now so he’s got to already be in
a world of pain. I imagine his muscles are screaming for relief and the thought satisfies me.

  “You comfy?” I ask, pulling a lone chair in front of him and spinning it around as I sit down.


  I smirk. “Good.”

  We stare at each other for what feels like hours but is only minutes. His evil eyes squinting at me and I don’t miss the questions in them. However much he puts on a front, he fails to guard his emotions. He knows he isn’t gonna make it out of here alive, that’s a certainty.

  “So, what’s the plan here then, huh?” he asks, looking around at the empty warehouse and to the two guys that are still standing guard.

  “Well,” I say, looking down at my hands like I’m bored. “I’m gonna kill you.” I shrug like it’s no big deal. “But first, I’m gonna rip you limb from limb and wish you were never born. I’m going to make you beg for me to end your life.”

  He snorts and squirms, trying to get out of the hold he’s in. I watch in amusement as the metal chains cut into his wrists even more. He looks back at me, his eyes meeting mine and what he sees must scare him because his moves become more erratic.

  “Jas wouldn’t want this!” he screams.

  I jump up at the sound of her name coming out of his mouth, kicking my chair to the side. The sound of the clanking metal echoing throughout the large empty space before taking two giant leaps for steps and grabbing his jaw, squeezing.

  “You don’t say her name ever again!”

  He murmurs something but I can’t make out what he says, so I let go. “Jas,” he spits, taunting me.

  I raise my fist and punch him once, twice, then a third time for good measure in his jaw before pulling out my pocket knife.

  “That was your one and only warning, asshole.”

  He laughs again, the sound grating on my last nerve.

  “Ryan?” I call, not turning my face from Louis. “Come and hold his head.”

  My heartbeat slows and a calm washes over me as I listen to each of his footsteps. My breaths come easier and I know then that I’m heading to that place again.

  Ryan steps into my line of sight and walks behind him, holding his head in a vice grip so that he can’t move. My eyes flick to Ryan’s. “This may get messy,” I tell him.

  “It’s all good,” he replies. “I’m wearing my torture clothes.”

  I snort and then grab Louis’ face again and squeeze, making his mouth pop open. I reach in and grab his tongue with my finger and thumb, pulling it as far out of his mouth as I can and place the cold metal of the knife against it.

  “Like I said,” I smirk. “You’ll never say her name again.”

  He grunts and, I’m guessing, pleads from the noises coming from his throat but I don’t give a shit. My eyes focus on the knife as I press harder, watching as blood coats his tongue and runs down my hand. A gargled scream comes from his throat and it makes my heart beat faster with adrenaline and I press harder, slicing the knife back and forth.

  I get halfway through the tough muscle before he goes limp, passing out from the pain. I grit my teeth and slice harder, faster until it comes away and then I drop it to the floor and stare at my handy work.

  I look back up to Ryan, our eyes connecting. Something passes between us and I know that he’s with me all the way.

  My arms are covered in blood, the red flowing to my elbows and I relish in the sight of it, knowing that I’ll be covered in a lot more of his blood before all of this is over. I take a couple of steps back, picking the chair back up and sitting down while I wait for him to wake up.

  That was just the start, I’m gonna make this fucker wish I would have killed him outright.

  Jay, are you okay? Jas x

  I sent that text over an hour ago and I have yet to receive a reply. I furrow my brows as I look down at my phone’s black screen. He used to be quick with replying, especially to me.

  “Earth to Jas!” Callie’s clicking fingers in my face brings me out of my thoughts.

  “Sorry, did you say something?” I look at Callie’s face. I know she’s worried about me, I keep drifting off into my own head instead of paying attention to what she’s saying. Seeing the frustration in her eyes, I sigh. “Look, after everything I’ve had to go through, can you at least have a bit of patience?”

  Letting out a long breath, she replies, “I’m sorry, babe. I just hate seeing you so… forlorn? Is that the right word? Fuck knows, but I’ll go with it.” Shrugging a shoulder, she continues, “It’s weird not being able to hold a conversation with you when you haven’t got your head stuck in a book. I want to help but I have no fucking clue how. That’s why I’m frustrated.”

  “Look, Callie, all I need right now is normalcy. I would say you’re normal but your kinda the complete opposite.” I chuckle at myself because, well, it’s true. She smacks me on the arm and laughs. “I can’t help my mind floating away sometimes. I wish I could though.”

  “I totally understand.” Rubbing a hand up and down my arm, she smiles at me kindly, no sign of pity in her eyes which I’m grateful of. “When are you starting your classes back up?”

  “As soon as possible.” I don’t even hesitate in answering. It’s not like people will know about what went on with my brother, the monster. All they would have heard about is a nasty crash. “People won’t be talking about anything other than the accident. I don’t mind that.”

  “You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for, Jas.” Callie’s voice has hardened. That’s the girl I know. Hard as rocks, doesn’t take peoples shit and that’s why I need her. “Stop fucking around and get your shit together. You’ve got this, girl.”

  Straightening my spine and holding my head up high, I look Callie square in the eye and say, “You’re absolutely right. But I can’t always be strong, I need someone there for when I break, I need someone that I trust, who knows the details, to be there when I fall.”

  “I’m with you one-hundred percent of the way, Jas. You know that. Obviously, we’re in different classes but we’ll meet after each one.”

  I nod, agreeing. “So… classes start tomorrow, right?” I stand and go to my desk and rummage through my books for my schedule. “Ah, here it is.” I run a finger down the page. “Three classes. Two in the morning and one after lunch. Sounds good.” On the outside, I’m fine. One the inside I’m still hurting. The pain from the crash has eased, my ribs now just a dull ache but my mind is ruined, my heart mashed up and my stomach rolls with thoughts of Louis and what he had done to me.

  A shiver runs down my spine and I grip the edge of the desk. “Jas?” Callie’s voice is right behind me and it makes me jump, my hip bumping against the edge of the table, making me hiss through my teeth.

  “Shit. Sorry, chick.” Callie jumps back when I turn around, one hand gripping my hip and the other wrapping around my ribs. She eyes my hands and grimaces. “I’m so totally fucking sorry.”

  That makes me chuckle. One thing about Callie is that she curses at every opportunity, even though I hate swearing. “Seriously, it’s cool.”

  She sits on the edge of the bed, scrubbing her hands down her face. “I need to be more fucking careful.”

  “No, Cal, just be yourself. It’s more amusing now than it has ever been.” I give her a wide smile, even if the edges don’t touch my eyes. I don’t think they ever will again.

  “You serious?” Her wide-eyed look makes me snort and I cover my mouth with a hand. “Okay, I’m guessing you are. You’re still fucking weird as shit, Jas.”

  “I guess I am, but I’d have to be to be friends with you, right?” I don’t know why but I wink at her. I don’t think I’ve ever winked at someone before.

  “Did you just fucking wink at me? No offense, girl, but I’m not into muff diving. I’m all about the sausage.” She licks her lips and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Instead I opt for screwing my face up in disgust.

  “That’s gross, Cal. I don’t need to know that. And if you must know,
I don’t even know why I winked. I’ve never done that before. Did it make me look creepy?”

  “Just a bit.” She laughs and tosses her blonde locks over her shoulder. Callie is what guys call stunning, girls call her beautiful, and me? She’s both but she’s a wild child. Not so long ago, her and Dante Frazier hated each other with a vengeance, now they can’t seem to get enough of each other.

  “Where’s Dante?” I ask, only just realizing that we’ve been back for hours and there’s been no word from either of the guys.

  “I have no fucking clue. He won’t tell me and I have no idea why. It’s actually pissing me the fuck off,” she says, fire lighting in her eyes.

  “Maybe it’s a surprise? Jeez, you need to calm down before you scare him away.” I shake my head and turn back to my desk to sort my books out for tomorrow’s classes. “Can you put some music on? The last thing I want right now is quiet.”

  “Sure. Anything in particular?” She knows what I’m going to say but asks anyway.

  “The Chainsmokers. I have it on my iPod if you could locate that.” I smile over my shoulder in gratification at her.

  “It’s okay, I have them on mine. You got me fucking hooked and that is not my sort of shit either.” Callie throws a glare at me for good measure before putting her iPod on the docking station. After fiddling around with looking for the album, Closer screams out from the speakers and she starts shaking her butt to the music. I can’t hold back my laughter because no matter the situation, she still finds a way to have fun and make me laugh… even if that’s the last thing I feel like doing.

  Thinking about going back to class tomorrow has my stomach tensing. I know no-one knows what happened, but they’ll still be looking at me, the accident is still fresh on everyone’s mind. Sighing, I pack the books in my backpack and stare at Callie who is doing some weird dance move, resulting in grinding her hips into thin air. She looks ridiculous and I smile. It’s good to be home.


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